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What to Post on LinkedIn: Examples & Prompts to Inspire You

What to Post on LinkedIn


What to Post on LinkedIn: Examples & Prompts to Inspire You

Looking to boost engagement and generate leads on LinkedIn? We’ve got you covered! Discover examples and prompts in this post to inspire your content and achieve your marketing goals.

Lead generation is crucial for content marketers, including you. Surprisingly, only 10% of marketers are investing in LinkedIn, even though it has the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate among social channels.

With over 740 million users on LinkedIn, the potential for lead generation is enormous. Plus, you can expand your brand’s reach, grow your network, and achieve various other business objectives.

But to reap these benefits, you need to be active and strategic on LinkedIn. Today, we’ll show you what to post on LinkedIn, what constitutes high-quality content, and how to create engaging posts.

So, what makes a post captivating on LinkedIn?

Posting on LinkedIn alone won’t guarantee views, engagement, or leads. You need engaging content to achieve those goals. Before diving into content types, here are some general rules to remember.

First, choose topics that resonate with your specific LinkedIn audience. What interests them within your industry? What would benefit them? Stick to these main topics.

Consistency is key. You don’t have to post multiple times a day, every day of the week. But showing up sporadically won’t help you gain traction. Plan a publishing schedule you can stick to.

Visuals matter. Text-only updates are fine, but images and videos can grab more attention. If you’re struggling to get engagement, try incorporating visuals and see the difference it makes.

Avoid simply sharing links. Provide immediate value or context that makes people eager to click on your links.

By following these basic guidelines, your content will perform better, regardless of its type.

Wondering what to post on LinkedIn? Let’s explore popular content types and learn from successful examples. What types of content perform well?

1. Tips, advice, and how-tos


What to Post on LinkedIn


Want to establish trust and become an authority in your industry? Share quick tips, helpful tricks, and informative how-tos related to your field. Aim for a mix of advice that your audience can implement themselves and that they’d want expert help for. This builds trust and positions you as the go-to service provider. Check out marketing agency owner Dan Ritzke’s post for inspiration.

2. Blog posts


What to Post on LinkedIn


Are you publishing articles or blogs? Don’t rely solely on Google for traffic. Distribute and repost your content on LinkedIn and social media platforms. This expands your reach and reduces the need for constant content creation. Google has found success with this approach, and you can too. Follow their formula for engagement and leads.

3. Industry Insights


What to Post on LinkedIn


Stay up-to-date with the latest industry news, trends, and research. Share valuable findings and data to inform and engage your audience. Use an eye-catching image and engaging language to stand out. Take inspiration from Semrush’s Content Lead for Marketplace.

4. Company News

Share updates about your company with your professional network. Announce events, achievements, job postings, and introduce new team members. Use vibrant visuals, informative content, and an engaging tone. ClickUp has had success with this approach, as seen in the launch announcement for ClickUp University.

5. Other LinkedIn post ideas

Consider case studies/customer success stories, curated content from thought leaders, engaging questions, fill in the blank posts, or content from influencers. The possibilities are endless for growing your following and building brand awareness on LinkedIn.

So, don’t wonder anymore. Start posting valuable and engaging content to make an impact on LinkedIn.

Looking for LinkedIn post ideas? We’ve got you covered! πŸš€

Let’s face it, figuring out what to write in a LinkedIn post can be a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got some prompts to help you get started. Plus, with our Jasper templates, creating engaging content for LinkedIn (and other social networks) has never been easier.

Share tips and advice with these prompts:

βœ… What valuable lessons have you learned in your industry?
βœ… What misconceptions do people have about your industry or the solutions your company offers?

And if you need some inspiration to answer the prompts, check out our AIDA Framework template in Jasper. It will help you create a compelling post that clears up misconceptions and promotes your company. Just enter a description, your company/product name, and tone of voice to get started.

Looking to share your blog content? Try these prompts:

βœ… Do you have a unique perspective on a topic that will grab attention?
βœ… What topics are your competitors missing out on that you cover in your content?
βœ… What questions do your ideal customers have about a topic you’ve written about on your blog?

To make your blog post stand out, use our PAS Framework template in Jasper. It’s designed to introduce emotionally-charged topics and encourage readers to take action. Simply input your topic description, desired tone, and let Jasper do the rest!

Stay up to date with industry news using these prompts:

βœ… What recent events matter to your audience?
βœ… What trends are on the horizon and how will they impact your company and consumers? And the data that supports this?

For sharing news, our Before-After-Bridge template in Jasper is perfect. You can use it to share surprising statistics or insights that will grab attention. Just enter a name, tone, and a description of the content you want to share, and voila! You’ve got ready-to-use content ideas.

For company updates, try these prompts:

βœ… Highlight a personal brand of someone at your company.
βœ… Showcase how your company’s actions embody your core values.
βœ… Share any recent job listings you’ve created.

One of our templates, Engaging Questions, is great for company updates. It can give you a starting point for inviting potential candidates to take the next step in their career. Just input a topic, audience, and tone, and watch as Jasper creates engaging content for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Jasper today and take your LinkedIn game to the next level! It’s easy to use and will help you create amazing posts that will grab attention and engage your audience. Let’s get started! πŸ’ͺ

What to Post on LinkedIn

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