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Boost Your Sales with These 15 Effective Follow-Up Email Templates

Sales Follow Up Email Templates


Boost Your Sales with These 15 Effective Follow-Up Email Templates

So, you’ve already sent out your sales introduction emails. Now it’s time for the real work: the sales follow-up email templates. Did you know that only 2% of people make a purchase after the initial contact? That’s why follow-up emails are crucial for turning cold leads into warm, ready-to-buy customers.

But how do you write a compelling sales follow-up email that actually gets people talking? How can you convince prospects to convert?

We’ve got you covered! We’re sharing 15 top-notch sales follow-up email templates, along with tips for writing email subject lines that will improve your conversion rates. Plus, find out how Jasper can take your sales copy to the next level and boost your response rates.

And if you need help writing full emails, don’t worry! Try our Email Generator.

Unlock the Power of Email Subject Lines with These 5 Tips

Your sales follow-up emails won’t even get opened, let alone convert, if your subject lines are dull. Your subject lines need to grab attention right away because they’re the first thing your leads see in their crowded inboxes. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you craft your subject lines:

1. Personalize:

Make your subject line feel like it was written specifically for the recipient. This grabs attention and makes your email stand out.

2. Spark curiosity:

Ask a question, share an interesting industry fact or statistic, or tease an idea or tip that you’ll reveal in your email. Remember, don’t give away everything in the subject line – leave them wanting more!

3. Offer value:

Highlight discounts, coupon codes, or tips that will improve your lead’s processes. You can even mention a valuable article or case study that will build your credibility with prospects.

4. Keep it short and sweet:

Mailchimp recommends using no more than nine words and 60 characters in your subject line. The last few keywords should still be visible to have maximum impact.

5. No clickbait:

Don’t promise something in your subject line that you can’t deliver in your email. Be honest and trustworthy to maintain your readers’ trust.

Increase Your Open Rates with These 15 Sales Follow-Up Email Subject Lines

Now that you know how to craft attention-grabbing subject lines, here are 15 examples that you can use to improve your open rates. Feel free to copy these subject lines or share them with your sales team. Don’t forget to A/B test them to find the best-performing subject lines for your prospects.

– Can you spare 10 mins to talk about [Benefit]?
– Feeling [Pain Point]? Let’s help you [Benefit].
– [Lead’s name], What did you think about [Event]?
– [Date and time], you coming?
– [Lead’s name], are you ready for a follow-up?
– Want to learn more about [Benefit]?
– Sorted! Here’s what you wanted to know about [Company name].
– There’s no easy way to do [Pain Point], but we have 3 tips.
– 10 ways [Company’s name] can [Benefit].
– A gift for you: Try [Product name] free for 30 days.
– We don’t share this with everyone…
– We see you like [Feature]. Here’s how it works.
– Improve your team’s [Benefit].
– Quick Question
– Still interested in getting help with [Pain Point]?

Get ready to warm up your prospects with these 15 successful sales follow-up email templates! We’ve done the hard work for you and created templates that you can simply copy and paste. And here’s a little secret: we got some help from our incredible AI copywriting assistant, Jasper.


Email Templates


Jasper has over 52 writing templates for emails, scripts, e-commerce, and more. We used the Personalized Cold Emails template to generate these 15 templates specifically for you. We’ll even show you some screenshots so you can see the process. But don’t worry, we’ll provide mostly text so it’s easy for you to copy and paste these templates!

Before we dive in, here’s a valuable sales tip: follow-up emails are a game of persistence. It often takes multiple follow-ups before you can close a sale. In fact, Brevet conducted a study revealing that 80% of sales require five follow-ups. So, if one template doesn’t work, don’t give up! Try another.

Let’s explore some scenarios and templates:

1. The classic follow up:

Subject line: Ready for a follow-up?
Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on our previous conversation about [their pain point]. Are you ready to discuss the challenges you’re facing in this area?

I’ve also created a helpful video that explains how [Product] can benefit your team. Feel free to watch it at [link]. Afterwards, I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you have!

[Your Name]

2. Asking for feedback:

Subject line: Quick Question
Hey [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you’ve been enjoying your trial of [Product]. I wanted to check in and see if you have any feedback for us.

Please let me know what type of [product category] would best suit your needs. What do you value more in software: functionality or user-friendliness?

[Your Name]

3. Following up after a networking event:

Subject line: Want to learn more about [Benefit]?
Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Since our meeting last week at [event], I wanted to share the benefits of [Product] with you. We understand the importance of [prospect’s pain point] and our product enables managers and employees to [main benefits of Product]!

We’re excited to work with you in the future. If you’re interested in learning more about [Product], please let me know!

[Your Name]

4. Proposing a solution:


Email Templates


Subject line: Feeling frazzled? Let’s help you make the most of your time.
Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. We understand how overwhelming [prospect’s pain point] can be.

That’s why we created [Product] – the ultimate solution to [what your product does]. You can even try it out with our 14-day free trial before making a decision.

If you have any questions about how [Product] can improve your daily life, feel free to ask!

[Your Name]

5. Subject line:

Hey [Lead’s name], we value your feedback on [Event]!


I hope you had a great time at our webinar! I wanted to reach out and ask for your thoughts on the product we discussed during the presentation. If it aligns with your needs, we’d love for you to give [PRODUCT] a try and see how it can benefit your company. If there’s anything else that caught your interest or any questions I can answer, please let me know.

Thank you again for joining us at our webinar! Feel free to reach out to us anytime at if you have any further inquiries or concerns.

Best regards,


6. Subject line:

Remember our phone call? Let’s keep the conversation going!


Just wanted to touch base after our recent phone call. I hope you’re doing well! We discussed your business and your search for [your product’s category] software.

If you think your team would be interested in [what your product does], we’d love to schedule a call to discuss it further. How does [date] work for you? Let me know the best time or shoot me an email if it doesn’t fit your schedule. You can also learn more about [PRODUCT] on our website: [WEBSITE]



7. Subject line:

Need help with time-tracking? Let’s chat!


I hope you had a great week. Just wanted to follow up on our previous conversation and see if we could find a time for you to try out a demo of [PRODUCT]. I’d love to accommodate your schedule. How about [Time]?

If this time doesn’t work for you, please let me know what days/times suit you best, and I’ll follow up with the next steps from there!



8. Subject line:

Streamline your team’s time tracking process


I noticed that you’re using [highlight an ineffective method] for [what your product does]. While it gets the job done, I wanted to show you how our software at [COMPANY] can do it better. Would you like me to send you an introduction email with key details?



9. Subject line:

Here’s the information you requested about [Product]


I hope you had a fantastic week! I just wanted to follow up on your inquiry about [PRODUCT].

Here’s how [PRODUCT] solves the problem: [Details of solution]. Is there anything specific you need assistance with? Let me know, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, here’s a quick link with more answers to your questions.

Take care,


10. Subject line:

Get a free trial of Tommy Track for 30 days!


Email Templates



I wanted to follow up on our previous emails regarding [PRODUCT]. We’re currently running a special promotion, giving you the opportunity to try out the product for free for 30 days! We’re offering 10 free licenses to those interested in giving it a go. Simply enter your details here [link] to join the contest.



11. Subject line:

We have something exclusive just for you…


I hope you’re doing well!

Following up on my previous email, I have an exciting offer to share with you. We’re providing a free 14-day trial of our product, available only to a select few. If you’d like to see if it’s the right fit for your business, give it a try! Just imagine the possibilities…

Best regards,


Boost Your Follow-Up Emails with Irresistible Copy!

Feeling inspired after seeing all those examples? We know you’ve got what it takes to craft the perfect sales follow-up email. But let us introduce you to a game-changer: Jasper.

Say goodbye to the struggle of coming up with engaging copy for your follow-ups. With Jasper, you’ll have the perfect mix of strategy, empathy, and persuasion at your fingertips. Plus, nothing beats the power of personalization when it comes to closing deals.

Don’t let the monotony of writing multiple follow-up emails drag you down. Join Jasper today and start writing emails that capture leads and seal the deal. Let’s get started!

Email Templates

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