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How to Learn Copywriting from Scratch

Learn Copywriting from Scratch


How to Learn Copywriting from Scratch

Want to become a successful copywriter? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll share 10 essential tips and 6 crucial skills you need to master to kickstart your copywriting journey.

Copywriting is an ancient marketing technique that is still thriving today. In fact, the demand for web copywriters is skyrocketing! According to LinkedIn, digital marketing roles in copywriting grew by 33% in 2020.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn copywriting or an experienced content marketer wanting to strengthen your skills, this article is for you. We’ll provide valuable tips for beginners and explore the exciting job opportunities available for copywriters today.

So, let’s start by understanding what exactly a copywriter does.

A copywriter specializes in crafting persuasive content for websites, emails, ads, and more. Their words are designed to prompt readers to take specific actions, such as engaging with a brand or making a purchase.

Unlike content writing, copywriting requires impactful messaging with fewer words. It’s about capturing attention and driving action. Now, let’s dive into how you can become a copywriter from scratch, even if you have zero experience.

Don’t worry if you’re starting from scratch! Everyone begins somewhere, and with dedication and a fast learning mindset, you can excel as a copywriter. Here are three key steps to get started:

1. Learn about copywriting


Learn Copywriting from Scratch

Start by immersing yourself in the world of copywriting. Follow influential copywriting blogs like Copyhackers and Copyblogger. Dive into copywriting books, such as Ann Handley’s “Everybody Writes,” which comes highly recommended by many professionals. You can also find valuable insights from experienced copywriters on YouTube, like Ashlyn Carter and Alex Cattoni.

2. Study successful copywriters

Unlock the secrets of successful copywriters by reverse-engineering their work. Analyze web pages from various industries, especially the ones you personally admire. Ask yourself why their copy is effective and how it resonates with you. By combining your learnings from blogs and books, you’ll develop the skills to break down great copy and create your own.

3. Practice makes perfect

Put your skills to the test by writing fictional web copy. Imagine you’re running your own business and create a website for it. Build essential pages like “About Us,” “Services,” and sales pages entirely on your own. If you need a little extra boost, try these copywriting exercises: rewrite a famous ad, create a landing page for a pretend business, come up with three headlines every day, write an ad for the movie you just watched, rewrite a sales email from your favorite brand, or write a sales email to a friend convincing them to buy your favorite brand of sneakers.

Now that you know how to get started, let’s explore the essential skills you need to thrive as a copywriter.

1. Strong writing

As a copywriter, you must possess excellent writing skills. Your sentences should be captivating, concise, and grammatically correct. Since web copywriters often work with limited words, being able to convey a message effectively is crucial. Whether you’re creating persuasive sales copy or explaining complex concepts in product descriptions, your words must leave a lasting impression.

2. Customer insight

As a copywriter, you serve as the voice of your clients. It’s your job to understand their business, target audience, unique value proposition, and how they outperform their competition. By having a deep understanding of your clients’ customers, you can create copy that resonates with their needs and highlights the benefits of the product or service. Stay curious and develop good listening skills to take your copy to the next level.

3. Marketing and sales understanding

Copywriting is all about driving sales. To excel in this field, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of marketing and sales techniques, including AI marketing. Familiarize yourself with sales funnels and how different stages of the customer journey require tailored messaging. By grasping the bigger picture of your role in the marketing team, you’ll be able to provide targeted support through your copy.

4. Turn Features into Benefits: The Secret to Compelling Copywriting

When it comes to copywriting, it’s all about the audience. We want to convince others by highlighting the best features of a product or service. But as a copywriter, you’ll discover the power of transforming those features into irresistible benefits for your readers.

Take for example a band-aid designed for all skin tones. Instead of simply stating it as a “first-ever” feature, imagine capturing your reader’s attention with a benefit-focused tagline like “a band-aid that matches your skin perfectly.” By personalizing the message and showing how this revolutionary feature benefits them, you’ll captivate their attention and ultimately win them over.

5. Adaptability is Key

As a copywriter, you have the amazing ability to shape-shift your voice. One day you may be promoting smartwatches, and the next, software. Even if you choose a specific niche, every product and brand has its own unique voice, so you’ll need to adapt and learn to speak that language.

Depending on your niche, you’ll find yourself writing various types of copy. Along the way, you’ll also need to acquire new skills, such as SEO, to stay relevant and competitive in the industry.

6. Unleash Your Creativity with Headlines

Headlines are an integral part of any copywriter’s craft. Unlike other writers, you’ll be constantly creating headlines for landing pages, emails, product descriptions, and more. It’s essential to tap into your creative side, understand what makes a headline impactful, and even consider using helpful headline generator tools to take some of the pressure off your creativity.

Diverse Copywriting Jobs to Choose From

As a copywriter, you have two promising career paths: becoming an in-house copywriter for a company or embarking on the adventure of being a freelance copywriter. The options for choosing a niche are endless, and as you explore different industries, you’ll discover the ones that truly resonate with you. Whether it’s technology, health, SaaS, or something else, there’s a world of opportunities waiting for you.

Master Different Types of Copywriting

Regardless of the industry, you’ll find various types of copywriting that you can excel in. Here are some examples:

1. Direct response copywriting:

Craft compelling copy that prompts readers to take immediate action. Just like Shopify’s landing page that entices sign-ups for their free trial.

2. Social media copywriting:

Write engaging copy with a clear call-to-action for social media platforms, like Wendy’s witty posts that tempt customers to make a purchase.

3. Technical copywriting:

Create marketing materials, such as instruction manuals and product descriptions, tailored for technical industries like IT or construction. Take inspiration from Sense’s easy-to-understand installation guide.

4. Public relations:

Write impactful copy to shape and maintain a brand’s image and reputation.

5. SEO copywriting:

Optimize your copy with strategic keywords to improve ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

6. Email copywriting:

Write persuasive sales copy that convinces customers to purchase products and services through email. Check out AppSumo’s exceptional email copy for inspiration.

Practical Tips for Mastering Copywriting

1. Dive into research: Familiarize yourself with your client’s competition to help highlight their unique value proposition.

2. Infuse personality: Give your copy a voice by understanding your client’s brand or helping them establish one.

3. Speak your audience’s language: Use the right language and emphasize the benefits of your products or services.

4. Embrace storytelling: Engage your readers by taking them on a narrative journey, allowing them to see the bigger picture of your company and its offerings.

5. Appeal to emotions ethically: Avoid manipulative tactics and instead showcase the benefits your audience is missing out on, while focusing on the demographic your product serves best.

6. Choose your words wisely: Show, don’t tell. Use visuals, evocative language, and edit ruthlessly to craft concise and impactful copy.

7. Experiment with proven formulas: Leverage popular copywriting formulas like AIDA and PAS to simplify and enhance your writing process.

8. Boost your copywriting with ready-made templates


Learn Copywriting from Scratch

Are you tired of starting from scratch every time you write copy? Say goodbye to blank pages and unleash the power of templates. Meet Jasper, your AI copywriting assistant with over 52 templates designed to make your life easier. Whether you need to implement the AIDA marketing formula, create catchy headlines, or draft personalized cold emails, Jasper has got you covered. Save time and write like a pro with our favorite Jasper copywriting templates.

9. Embrace the quirks and win customers
Have a unique selling point that might scare off potential buyers? Don’t shy away from it. Address the elephant in the room and show why your brand is worth it. Whether it’s higher prices or unconventional features, transparency builds trust and attracts the right customers.

10. Never run out of inspiration with a swipe file
Ready to master the art of copywriting? Save your best writing gems in a swipe file. That way, when you’re lacking inspiration, you can turn to your collection of well-crafted phrases, powerful statistics, and clever CTAs. Editing becomes a breeze when you have a swipe file full of ideas at your fingertips.

Keep improving your copywriting skills

Copywriting is an ongoing journey of growth. As you continue to learn and refine your writing skills, remember to leverage copywriting tools that can help you take your business to the next level. With Jasper by your side, trained by expert copywriters and armed with powerful templates, you’ll be unstoppable. Say hello to more gigs and success in your copywriting career.

Learn Copywriting from Scratch

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