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Get High-Quality Email Subscribers with a Fishbowl Funnel!

Fishbowl Funnel


Get High-Quality Email Subscribers with a Fishbowl Funnel!

Looking to expand your email list? The fishbowl funnel is the key to not only gaining high-quality subscribers, but also reaching a wider audience and potentially making your content go viral.

It’s not just about the numbers – it’s about quality on a large scale.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make the most of the fishbowl funnel to grow your email list. Let’s dive in!

What exactly is a Fishbowl Funnel?

A fishbowl funnel involves offering a valuable incentive, like a giveaway or contest, to collect email addresses. Participants provide their contact information in exchange for the incentive.

Here’s an example from Disney…

Fishbowl Funnel

And here’s an example from Muddy Bites…

Fishbowl Funnel

Interesting name, isn’t it? The fishbowl funnel is a modern twist on the traditional practice of dropping business cards into a physical fishbowl in hopes of winning a prize. It’s a digital version with even more possibilities.

The main goal of the fishbowl funnel is to build a targeted email list efficiently. This list isn’t just for show. Once you have a participant’s attention and they’ve opted into your offer, it’s the perfect opportunity to nurture that lead.

This is where the magic happens. You can create tailored marketing campaigns to engage these new leads and guide them towards conversion.

And to make the conversion process even faster, it’s common to offer these leads a special deal or exclusive bonus. This approach reduces the time it takes to turn a lead into a loyal customer.

Fishbowl Funnel

3 Key Principles for an Effective Fishbowl Funnel

Not all fishbowl funnels are created equal. Here are three essential elements every successful fishbowl funnel needs from the start:

Attractive Prize: The heart of your fishbowl funnel is the incentive you offer. It needs to be compelling and resonate deeply with your target audience. Make sure the prize aligns with your brand as well, to attract quality subscribers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

For example, a bridal company giving away a $200 gift card to their store every month appeals directly to their target market.

Minimal Friction: Remember the simplicity of dropping a business card into a fishbowl? Your digital fishbowl funnel should recreate that ease. Keep the entry process streamlined and intuitive, avoiding long forms or complicated steps. The easier it is to participate, the more entries you’ll receive and the more willing people will be to join.

Targeted Promotion: While it may be tempting to promote your giveaway to a wide audience, it’s vital to focus your marketing efforts. You want to attract individuals who will genuinely value your prize and what your brand offers. This targeted approach ensures that your email list consists of people who have a real interest in what comes next from your brand.

By following these key principles, you can create a fishbowl funnel that successfully grows your email list with high-quality subscribers.

Fishbowl Funnel Example #1: Notebook Therapy’s Clever Strategy

Learning a new skill is all about finding great examples to follow. And Notebook Therapy’s fishbowl funnel is a prime example of how to do it right. Just by offering a $50 gift card, they managed to attract hundreds, even thousands, of subscribers. That’s what I call a cost-effective strategy!

But it doesn’t stop there. After subscribing, they keep you engaged by inviting you to browse their store, even before the giveaway results are announced. Who says you can’t have some fun while waiting?

Fishbowl Funnel Example #2: Hiut Denim’s Smart Move

You don’t have to be a big company to create an effective fishbowl funnel, just like Hiut Denim. They send out an irresistible email to their current subscribers, inviting them to sign up for their newsletter. Trust me, it’s worth a read.

And the best part? By signing up, not only do you get a chance to win a $500 gift card, but every friend you refer earns you three bonus entries. It’s like a viral giveaway that keeps on giving!

Fishbowl Funnel Example #3: Biltong’s Social Media Success

Even on social media, Biltong knows how to capture their audience’s attention. Their clever tactic? Encouraging people to sign up for their newsletter. This way, they can nurture their followers and turn them into loyal customers.

Learn how to build your own fishbowl funnel for maximum success, step by step! Plus, grab a free trial of ClickFunnels to make it even easier.

Step 1: Decide What to Give Away. Find something that’s appealing to your target market and affordable. Make sure it aligns with your brand and consider offering multiple prizes for more entries.

Step 2: Think About Your Upsell. Don’t just focus on email subscribers. Plan what you’ll offer to turn them into paying customers. Make it feel special and unique to them.

Step 3: Add Urgency. Create a sense of urgency to get people to act now. Use limited time offers, countdown timers, scarcity tactics, early bird bonuses, and reminder emails to motivate participation.

Step 4: Create Your Soap Opera Sequence to Captivate Your Audience

Once you’ve got people hooked into your fishbowl funnel, it’s time to turn them into paying customers. That’s where the soap opera sequence comes in.

Think of it like a soap opera that keeps viewers hooked episode after episode. This email sequence aims to captivate your audience and draw them deeper into your brand’s story.

Here’s how it works:

Set the stage: Introduce yourself, tease what’s coming next, and keep them interested.

High drama, backstory, and the wall: Share a catchy story, give some background, and talk about a big problem you faced.

Epiphany and the one thing: Share your ‘aha!’ moment and what you learned from it.

Hidden benefits: Highlight the lesser-known benefits of your product.

Urgency CTA: Create a sense of urgency and encourage them to act fast.

We’ve even got a video breakdown to show you how it all comes together.

So why does the soap opera sequence work so well?

Humans love stories, and this sequence creates anticipation. It taps into psychology by building an emotional investment in your brand’s story.

If you want to see a great example of the soap opera sequence in action, check out copywriter Alex Cattoni’s emails. You can also learn more about writing effective emails in Russell Brunson’s bestseller, DotCom Secrets.

Step 5: Build It & Launch!

Now it’s time to bring everything together, launch your fishbowl funnel, and track your results. And don’t worry, we’ve got all the tools you need in one place with ClickFunnels.

With ClickFunnels, you can:

Create landing pages, set up email marketing, and track your results easily.

Customize a squeeze magnet funnel or start from scratch.

Split-test your upsell pages effortlessly.

Make changes to your pages without any coding knowledge.

Once you’ve built your funnel and gathered email subscribers, you can run your email sequences and edit them using our drag-and-drop email editor.

You’ll have your fishbowl funnel up and running in no time. So why wait? Click the button below to get started!

Final Thoughts on Fishbowl Funnels

Fishbowl funnels are more than just a marketing strategy – they represent a shift in audience engagement. Here are some key takeaways:

Value alignment: Offer tangible value to your audience throughout their entire journey with you.

Quality over quantity: Focus on engaging individuals who are genuinely interested in your offerings.

Consistent engagement: Keep your subscribers engaged through well-crafted email sequences and exclusive offers.

Adaptability: Stay flexible and adjust your strategy based on feedback and metrics.

The fishbowl funnel is a powerful tool for modern marketers. When executed with authenticity and precision, it can turn casual observers into loyal brand advocates. So take the time to understand your audience, provide genuine value, and nurture the relationship every step of the way.

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<

fishbowl funnel

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