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FB Group Convert Tutorial: The Easiest Way To Collect Your FB Group Emails

FB Group Convert Tutorial

Email Marketing

FB Group Convert Tutorial: The Easiest Way To Collect Your FB Group Emails

FB Group Convert Tutorial: The Easiest Way To Collect Your FB Group Emails. Facebook groups are a great way to develop your own community. But in case you have a successful group, then you know that Facebook doesn’t let you easily email your band members directly.

Sure there are some hacky ways to incorporate your group members to your email list, but it is a manual process and quite time-consuming.

It’s called Group Convert and I’ve been testing it out with my Facebook group, Affiliate Profits Mastermind.

There is a little bit of setup involved, but once it’s done, the extension deals with everything else automatically.

It’s really cool, and in the current tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use Group Convert to collect leads from your own Facebook group.


What is Group Convert? FB Group Convert Tutorial

If you run your own Facebook group then you know that you could ask up to 3 questions for people asking to join your group to answer.

This enables you to screen your potential members to make sure they are the right match for your group.

But the problem with this approach is that you then have to manually add each email into your own autoresponder. While this might be ok if your group is small, as your Facebook group grows, this process doesn’t scale well at all.

Group Convert solves this problem. It is a handy Google Chrome extension that was recently launched by Kim Dang. Whenever you approve a member to your group, it saves their information (username, first name, last name) plus their answers to your Group’s screening questions.

From there you to can have it push that saved data into a Google sheet and then use Zapier to hook it up with your existing email service.

So whenever members get added to your Google Sheet, Zapier will automatically add them to your email list.

FB Group Convert Tutorial

What’s great about Group Convert is that it is very reasonably priced. It’s only $7 a month to use it with a single FB group. Compare that to a similar product named Group Funnels that prices $297.

This is why Group Convert in my opinion is a better Group Funnels alternative.

Let me show you how to set it up.


Setting up Group Convert: FB Group Convert Tutorial

There are a couple of setup steps you need to complete, to begin with, Group Convert.

First, once you’ve bought it, you will find a link to install the Chrome extension. This will add a little icon in Your Chrome browser like this:

Next, you’ll want to grab the Google sheet template that you’ll also receive a link to after you purchase. This is where your FB group member’s email address along with other answers will ultimately be saved.

I like to name it the title of my group.

Then go to your actual Facebook group page. Go to Moderate Group > Member Requests.

You’ll see that Group Convert has added a little text area where you can enter on your google sheet URL.

Copy and paste in the URL from your recently created Google sheet and you’re ready to go!

Lastly, ensure that you’ve set up your FB group questions. You can do this by going to your group page and going to Edit Group Settings. Scroll down till you see Membership Requests and click on the Ask Questions link.

You may ask up to 3 questions. The first two questions can be whatever you want, but ensure that the previous question asks for their email address.

Not everyone will want to try it, so you will need to give them an incentive to do so. This can be done through some sort of simple lead magnets, such as a simple manual, checklist, tutorial, or video. Just make certain that it’s highly related to your group’s topic.


Using Group Convert: FB Group Convert Tutorial

After you have a Group Convert setup, using it is fairly straightforward.

You can view it by clicking on the extension and clicking View Data.

Then you can either download the data directly to CSV or push it to your Google Sheet using the buttons in the toolbar.

Downloading the data directly to CSV is useful if you don’t need to do the Zapier integration step. So, whenever you want to add your members to your email list you’d take the CSV file from here and manually import it into your chosen autoresponder.

But that is still a manual process, and the better (and automatic way) is to use Zapier.

How to Use Group Convert with Zapier

the actual power of Group Convert is automatically pushing all your FB group member email addresses to your preferred email service.

For this, you will want a Zapier account and obviously an account with your favorite email autoresponder.

In my case, I use ActiveCampaign, so I will show you how to use it.

What we’re going to do is produce a Zap that will create a new ActiveCampaign contact whenever a new row gets added to our Group Convert Google Sheet.

Inside ActiveCampaign, you will first have to create an email list where all of your Group Convert leads will enter. Notice your email list name as you will need this later.

Now visit Zapier and click the Make a Zap button.

For the Trigger, we’ll be choosing the Google Sheets program and New Spreadsheet Row as the Google Sheets trigger.

  • Pick your Group Convert Google sheet from the dropdown
  • Choose the special Worksheet that has the Group Convert column headers
  • Zapier Google Sheets Row

Then go through the Test step to make sure everything is hooked up correctly.

Next, you’ll have to add your Action. In my case, I’d choose the ActiveCampaign program, but select whatever email service you’re currently using.

I want to create a new Contact, so select the Create/Update Touch option.

You’ll then be asked to connect to an ActiveCampaign account, which you can do by catching your ActiveCampaign API URL and API key.

In the Set up ActiveCampaign Contact measure, first select the email list you created for the group.

For the contact fields, you will just want the email address, first name, last name that you’ll be grabbing from your Google Sheet.

To do that, click on the + icon on the right side of each dropdown. This will let you pick from the columns on your Google sheet.

First name and Last name are straightforward since we have columns from the google sheet with the identical name.

For Email Address, you want to pick the column that matches your query which asks for their email address.

Click continue, test out the zap if you wish, and click on Finish. You’re all set!

Group Convert Pricing

As I mentioned above, Group Convert has a fairly reasonable pricing structure. If you just need it for 1 Facebook group then it will only cost you $10 a month. If you would like to use it for up to 3 Facebook groups you’d pay $17 per month.

And if you want to use it across infinite FB groups, then you can just pay a $197 one-time payment.

FB Group Convert Tutorial

Compare that to Group Funnels that’s a $297 one time payment, whether or not you are running on Facebook Group or ten.

Also nice is that Group Convert has a 14-day free trial. This should give you plenty of time to test it out to make sure it works well for your own group.


Closing Thoughts

While the steps to set up Team Convert might appear a bit long, it’s actually not that bad. And you only have to do it after.

Now that Group Convert is all set up, you now have the ability to automatically collect the email addresses of your FB group members. This is super powerful!

Typically these people are some of the most loyal followers. And with Group Convert, you may now have the capacity to reach them via email. This can help you build your list and make more sales.

So if you are running a FB group or thinking about running a FB group, then Group Convert ought to be the first tool you want to get your hands on.

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