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Why Email Marketing Still Rules and How to Do It Effectively

Email Marketing


Why Email Marketing Still Rules and How to Do It Effectively

Think email marketing is outdated? Think again! We’ve got the stats to prove that it’s still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Plus, we’ll show you six simple steps to get started and start seeing real results from your marketing emails.

Did you know that over 4 billion people worldwide use email? That’s more than half of the entire global population! And email isn’t just for personal communication anymore. It’s a powerful tool for marketing your products, services, and brand to people who are interested and eager to hear from you.

If you’ve ever made a purchase, signed up for an event, or taken any action after receiving a marketing email, you’ve experienced firsthand just how effective these emails can be. But is email marketing worth investing in on a broader scale? And what does it take to get results? Let’s dive in and find out.

Is email marketing still important in 2022? Absolutely.

Despite the occasional claim that “email is dead,” the numbers tell a different story. In fact, in 2020, a whopping 78% of marketers agreed that email is not only important for reaching marketing goals but also crucial for overall company success. And the ROI speaks for itself. For every dollar invested in email marketing, marketers make an impressive $42 in return. Talk about a high return on investment!

So how can you make email marketing work for you without breaking the bank on expensive email marketing services? It’s all about having a solid strategy and knowing the ropes. Here’s how to make it happen.

Step 1: Develop a thoughtful, goal-oriented email marketing strategy.

You can’t expect success without a clear goal in mind. And without a well-defined strategy, your goals will remain nothing more than wishes. So start by answering these essential questions:

– Who is your target audience? Knowing who you want to reach is crucial for building an email list filled with subscribers who are genuinely interested in your company or brand.
– How will you grow your email list? Think about the different sources you can use to reach your target audience, such as your website, social media profiles, or online store. Consider how each source may impact the type of content your subscribers are most likely to engage with.
– What is your big-picture goal? While nurturing qualified leads and driving purchases is a common email marketing goal, you may have other objectives, such as increasing brand awareness or building a community.
– How often and what types of content should you send? Set a frequency and schedule that aligns with your desired outcomes and determine what kind of content will resonate with your subscribers.

Speaking of content, let’s explore some popular types of email marketing campaigns.

Introducing Four Winning Email Campaigns

1. Event Promos:


Email Marketing


Whether you’re hosting a webinar, workshop, or industry event, email is an effective way to spread the word, boost attendance, and forge stronger connections with your audience.

2. Special Offer Announcements:

Everybody loves a good deal! While advertising special offers on your website and social media can help generate interest, email reaches interested people right in their personal inboxes, leading to more conversions.

3. Cart Abandonment Campaigns:

If you run an e-commerce business, you’ll want to have a campaign that reminds customers about items left in their shopping carts. These emails can recover lost revenue and encourage shoppers to complete their purchases.

4. Email Newsletters:

Don’t overlook the power of educational marketing emails like newsletters. In fact, many experts advise focusing 80% of your content on informative and valuable information, with only 20% dedicated to promotions. By providing more value than your competitors, you’ll become the go-to source when it comes time to make a purchase.

Step 2: Supercharge your email list

Now that you have a solid strategy and some awesome campaigns in mind, it’s time to amp up your email list and get more subscribers. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Website signup forms:

Get those visitors to your website to join your email list by adding a signup form or pop-up. It’s a great way to capture the attention of your target market.

2. Social media promotion:

Your social media followers are already interested in your brand, so why not invite them to subscribe to your emails? Share teasers and get them excited about the exclusive content you’ll be sending out.

3. Lead magnet promotion:

Offer something valuable in exchange for email addresses. Whether it’s an email series, eBook, checklist, or exclusive video content, this can be a powerful way to attract new subscribers.

4. Encourage sharing:

Add social share buttons in your emails and consider using SparkLoop to incentivize referrals. Reach more people and gain more subscribers who can become loyal customers and supporters.

But remember, never buy contact lists. Stick to methods that allow people to opt-in and unsubscribe if they want. Buying lists can harm your reputation and deliverability rate.

Step 3: Target the right audience

Even within a narrow target market, there are different groups of people with distinct characteristics and interests. Instead of sending the same content to everyone on your list, segment your email list. Here’s how:

1. Location
2. Age
3. Job title
4. Purchase history
5. Interests and preferred topics
6. Preferred frequency

By sending relevant content to each group, you can maximize the impact of your emails and see a significant increase in revenue. In fact, you could see up to a 760% increase!

Step 4: Set goals for your email campaigns

To have effective email marketing campaigns, it’s important to set specific goals. Whether you’re promoting a product, growing your Youtube following, or achieving other objectives like eBook downloads or boosting customer loyalty, make sure you have clear metrics to track success.

Step 5: Make your life easier with email templates


Email Marketing


Creating compelling email content doesn’t have to be a challenge. Use Jasper templates to streamline the process and get the results you want. Even if you’re not a skilled copywriter, these templates can help you craft engaging and valuable emails.

Immediate Attention-Grabbers: Use the Engaging Questions template to captivate readers and make them curious about your thoughts on a topic.

Valuable Content: The Problem Agitate Solution (PAS) Framework template can help you hook readers by presenting a problem and offering a solution. Customize the outputs from Jasper to fit your brand and message.

Create a killer call-to-action (CTA)

Every email needs a strong CTA. Use our Jarvis AIDA Template to create an irresistible invitation for your subscribers to take action. It’s quick and easy!

Craft captivating subject lines

Don’t settle for boring subject lines. Use our Email Subject Lines template to generate options that will make your subscribers open your emails. Experiment with different tones of voice to really grab their attention.

Write your entire email effortlessly

Struggling to write the whole email? No worries! Our Email Generator has got your back. Access it and over 50 other templates through our web app or Chrome extension. It’s a game-changer!

Step 6: Start sending out emails

You’re all set! Now it’s time to start sending those emails. Choose an email marketing platform like Constant Contact or Mailchimp to streamline your workflow. Don’t forget to automate your emails for maximum efficiency.

Test, test, test!

Don’t underestimate the power of A/B testing. Experiment with different subject lines and email copy to optimize your results. Keep evolving and improving for long-term success.

Email marketing is key

Email marketing is a reliable way to connect with your target audience and maintain control over your content. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make it a core part of your digital marketing strategy.


Email Marketing


Get started today! Try Jasper for free and see how our templates can revolutionize your email marketing campaigns. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed!

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