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Creative Copywriting: 15 Great Examples

Creative Copywriting


Creative Copywriting: 15 Great Examples

Want to stand out from the competition? Creative copywriting is the secret sauce. Discover 10 effective tips for crafting copy that breaks through the noise and converts.

As a marketer or copywriter, you know that creativity is key. Creative copywriting takes your marketing materials, whether it’s landing pages, social media posts, or ads, to new heights. But how do you actually do it? We’ll not only tell you, but we’ll also show you with 15 examples from top brands.

So, what exactly is creative copywriting?

It’s not just about choosing powerful words. It’s about thinking outside the box, understanding your audience’s pain points, and presenting unique perspectives in your copy. Creative copywriting goes beyond the basics to excite, persuade, and inspire action.

How can you spot creative copy?

Think about those moments when you were convinced to make a purchase. Whether it was a captivating landing page, a persuasive pop-up, or an irresistible product description, creative copywriting got you hooked. It’s all about capturing your audience’s attention and igniting their desire to take action.

What’s the difference between creative copywriting and SEO copywriting?

While SEO copywriting focuses on search engine optimization, creative copywriting is all about captivating readers. But that doesn’t mean SEO copywriting can’t be creative too. The best approach is to combine both strategies to create compelling copy that appeals to search engines and people.

Mastering creative copywriting doesn’t have to be a challenge. We’ve gathered the top 10 tips to help you take your copy to the next level.

1. Start with research:

Before you dive into writing creatively, make sure you have a solid understanding of your subject matter. Know your target audience, their needs, and your product’s unique selling point. This will help you create persuasive copy that resonates with your audience.

2. Craft a captivating headline:

Your headline is your first chance to grab readers’ attention. Don’t underestimate its power. Use numbers, power words, and thought-provoking questions to make your headline irresistible. Need help? Try our Perfect Headline template.

3. Build credibility:

Creative Copywriting

Building trust with your readers is crucial. Use facts, figures, and testimonials to show your expertise and establish credibility. Highlight any awards or industry recognition you’ve received. And don’t forget to provide valuable industry information or a freebie in your copy to add even more value.

4. Be specific:

Creative Copywriting

Don’t be afraid to make specific claims or promises in your copy. Being specific shows confidence and adds a level of trust for customers. For Google or Facebook ads, use our ad templates to create targeted and specific copy.

5. Tell a story:

Creative Copywriting

Storytelling is a powerful tool in copywriting. Share personal anecdotes or the backstory of your product to engage readers and make them see themselves in your story. The goal is to connect with your audience and make your copy more relatable, leading to conversions.

6. Keep it simple and conversational!

The key to reaching your readers is to use simple and concise language. Opt for shorter and more straightforward words whenever possible. By keeping your copy easily understandable, you’ll have the maximum impact on your audience.

For example, take a look at Shopify’s landing page. Their message of “Sell online with Shopify” leaves no room for confusion and can be easily understood by most fifth-graders in America. Now imagine if they had said: “Establish your business online with Shopify.” Not as impactful, right?

7. Tap into emotions for effective copywriting.

Ever heard of the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework? It’s a powerful copywriting formula that works wonders. But with creative copywriting, you need to go beyond the formula. You need to empathize with your readers.

For instance, a simple sentence like “Why do the prettiest shoes give the worst blisters?” can open the door to highly converting copy for blister cushions. It gets your readers nodding empathetically, just like they would with a understanding friend, and keeps them engaged till checkout.

Still unsure how to make the most of the PAS Framework? Let Jasper take care of that for you. Check out Jasper’s PAS Framework template in action!

8. Design is just as important as copy.

Here’s the hard truth: design is just as crucial as your copy. Even if your copy is top-notch and you’ve followed all the copywriting tips out there, poor brand colors and fonts could sabotage your sales.

Creative copywriters know that they need to see the bigger picture, including design. Use a design that complements your copy. Don’t overpower your hard-hitting words with overpowering design elements, and don’t settle for an underwhelming design that won’t stand out.

9. Anticipate questions and provide answers in advance.

Headline? Check. Trust and credibility? Check. You’ve got your reader hooked and convinced. They believe your copy and they’re ready to take the plunge. But there’s one nagging question they have before making a decision, and it’s not addressed on your landing page.

We’ve all been there as customers, hesitant to make a purchase because we lack certain information. Sometimes, the information is available, but it’s hidden on another page that requires extra effort to access.

Save potential customers the hassle and include relevant information on your landing page. This can include frequently asked questions (FAQs), pricing (with a free trial if applicable), geographic limitations, additional features and integrations, and more. Don’t make your potential customers work too hard to find the information that could sway them towards a purchase.

10. Craft a compelling call to action (CTA).

The ultimate goal of your copywriting is to get readers to respond positively to your call to action (CTA). So, make sure your CTA is all about them. It should be focused on solving their problem because they’re actively seeking a solution.

Avoid using generic CTAs like “Buy now” or “Click here.” These make it feel like the reader is giving something to you rather than receiving something in return. Your CTA should be your final punch that reminds the reader of the core benefit you’re offering. Here are some examples to try:

– “Start your free trial”
– “Start saving now”
– “Get $10 off”
– “Start earning now”
– “Get your free guide”

When someone clicks on your CTA, it’s a conversion for you. But remember, your customer is also gaining something valuable. We believe that’s a win-win situation—a great start to a successful relationship.

Get Inspired by These 10 Creative Copywriting Examples

Looking to unleash your writing genius? We’ve got the perfect inspiration for you. Check out these ingenious brand pages and advertisements that put our tips into action. Get ready to ignite your creativity and craft compelling copy of your own!

Lyft: Making Driving Irresistible

Discover how Lyft’s homepage hooks you in with a headline that speaks to your desires for freedom and money. Their conversational copy spells out the benefits of driving for Lyft, and they’re not shy about their hard-to-miss call-to-action. Still have questions? Find out how driver pay works.

Trello: Making Teamwork Simple and Fun

Trello’s homepage is a design marvel, but their copy is just as impressive. It clearly states who Trello is for and how it can help teams collaborate and manage projects. They’ve done their research to pinpoint exactly what users need. Plus, they cleverly answer your questions in advance, addressing price concerns by emphasizing that signup is free!

Bombas: More Than Just Socks

Prepare to be charmed by Bombas. Their witty homepage highlights their philanthropic achievements with an emotional appeal. And with a tempting 20% off deal and an exclusive vibe, it’s hard to resist their headline and subheadline.

Innocent Smoothies: A Refreshing Blend of Entertainment and Impact

Innocent Smoothies knows how to captivate their audience. Their homepage starts with a playful twist on the horoscope, luring you to explore further. And as you scroll down, their copy strikes a balance between personal desires and shared values, inviting you into their brand’s story.

PayPal: Earn While You Share

PayPal cuts to the chase with a simple offer. Invite a friend, and you both get $10. It’s a reminder that concise copy can be powerful. Their minimalist design and complementary visuals ensure that the call-to-action shines.

AppSumo: Emotion and Humor Sealed with FOMO

AppSumo’s marketing email pulls at your heartstrings with the PAS Framework and a touch of dry humor. They seal the deal with an urgent final line and an irresistible call-to-action. FOMO kicks in, and you definitely don’t want to miss out.

Netflix: Unlimited Access to Pure Joy

Netflix’s sign-up page is a thing of beauty. With a simple headline that speaks to our love for unlimited access, and a subheadline that addresses important questions, it’s hard not to sign up. The background showcases the incredible movies and shows you’ll be missing out on if you don’t join.

Quip: An Entertaining Email Experience

Quip’s email sign-up form is a delightful read and a prime example of good copywriting. Their witty wordplay in the header brings back fond memories, and their body copy sets clear expectations while answering FAQs about email topics and frequency. It’s like chatting with a friend.

Brooklinen: Freebies Galore

Prepare to be amazed by Brooklinen. They’re not hiding their generosity with that enticing CTA button. And their headline piques your curiosity, making you wonder what amazing offer awaits.

Our Place: Let Our Customers Speak for Us

Our Place knows the power of social proof. Instead of a typical call-to-action, they showcase overwhelmingly positive feedback from Always Pan users. It’s far more compelling and builds credibility instantly.

Get ready to be inspired and start writing copy that captivates and converts. These examples prove that creativity and impact go hand in hand. So go ahead, unleash your copywriting genius!

Discover 5 awe-inspiring ads with brilliant copywriting that will leave you wanting more. From thought-provoking messages to clever wordplay, these ads are sure to make you do a double take.

Saatchi and Saatchi: This ad will make dog lovers reconsider adopting, without even saying it outright. It’s a powerful example of how what a headline or copy doesn’t say can be more impactful.

Band-Aid: With minimal copy, this ad relies on striking imagery to convey its message, showcasing the effectiveness and trustworthiness of Band-Aid.

Heinz Ketchup: This cheeky ad reminds you of what Ketchup is made from in a clever and attention-grabbing way. It’s the perfect blend of wordplay and visual storytelling.

McDonald’s: In just three words, this ad will have you laughing out loud. While clarity is important in copywriting, sometimes a clever approach can make people stop and think, as long as the message is clear.

Calm: This Facebook ad not only provides value but also takes you through a quick meditation without you even realizing it. It showcases social proof and includes a clear call-to-action.

Ready to take your copywriting to the next level? Creative copywriting requires imagination and a solution-oriented approach. If you need assistance, our AI writing assistant, Jasper, is here to help. With a wide range of templates and frameworks, Jasper can tackle any creative challenge. Plus, he never gets tired!

For even better results, check out Jasper Jumpstart. It’s a comprehensive guide on how to think like Jasper and use templates, commands, and recipes to enhance your writing. Let’s elevate your copywriting game together!

Creative Copywriting

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