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How to Really Nail Your Brand Voice

Brand Voice


How to Really Nail Your Brand Voice

Finding and maintaining your brand voice is essential for success in today’s competitive business landscape. In a world where everyone has access to technology and can start a business, it’s harder than ever to stand out from the crowd.

Your brand voice is the unique personality and tone that you use in all of your communications, from marketing messages to social media posts and customer service interactions. It’s what sets you apart and helps you connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.

But developing a brand voice isn’t something you can do overnight. It takes time, research, and a clear understanding of your company’s values and mission. This guide will help you navigate the process and create a strong and consistent brand voice for your business.

Why does your brand voice matter?

In a world where anyone can create content and communicate information, having a distinct brand voice is crucial. It helps you differentiate yourself from the competition and quickly communicate what your business stands for. It also builds trust and familiarity with your customers, making them more likely to choose your products or services.

To see the power of a strong brand voice in action, let’s take a look at a few examples:



Brand Voice


Known for its simplicity and minimalism, Apple has maintained a consistent brand voice since its inception. Its messaging is professional yet playful, using both technical precision and creative flair.



Brand Voice


With its Real Beauty campaign, Dove has developed a brand voice that promotes inclusivity and self-love. Its messaging is optimistic and body positive, emphasizing beauty in all forms.



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As a new entrant in the airline industry, JetBlue needed to stand out. Its brand voice is marked by a playful, witty, and approachable tone that reflects its innovative and adventurous nature. JetBlue’s exceptional customer service is a key part of its brand messaging.

Check out these examples of B2B companies with a captivating brand voice:

1. Maximum Effort:

Founded by Ryan Reynolds, this advertising agency’s brand voice is all about wit, humor, and self-deprecation. They connect with their audience on a personal level, emphasizing creativity and boldness.

2. Boston Dynamics:

Known for their advanced robots, Boston Dynamics maintains a brand voice that is scientific, innovative, and professional. They highlight their expertise in robotics and engineering.

3. Mailchimp:


mailchimp banner


If you’re into email marketing, you’ve probably heard of Mailchimp. Their brand voice is creative, inviting, and fun, which aligns perfectly with their colorful design. They focus on simplicity and ease-of-use to appeal to small businesses and creative professionals.

When developing your own brand voice, follow these steps:

1. Start by clearly defining your company’s brand positioning and differentiation. Think about your target audience, their problems, and how your solution is better than competitors’.

2. Take a look at your existing content and identify any underlying brand voice. Use tools like to help pinpoint your starting point.

3. Choose a brand voice that reinforces your audience’s needs and your unique selling points. Consider adopting a range of tones to add depth and versatility to your brand voice.

4. Communicate your brand positioning and voice internally. Share it with your team, incorporate it into onboarding materials, and create a central style guide for reference.

5. Gradually update your existing content to reflect your new brand voice. Start with key pages and work at a pace that suits your company and audience.

Discovering Your Brand Voice: Jasper

Welcome to the inner workings of Jasper, our groundbreaking AI platform designed to empower marketing teams while maintaining their unique brand voice. Let’s delve into our own brand voice journey and uncover how it came to be.

Why is Pioneering Important?

Jasper has been at the forefront of generative AI applications, tailoring our technology specifically for marketing purposes. We take pride in our pioneering roots and embrace the ever-evolving nature of our field. It’s essential for us to capture that sense of awe and early adoption in both our product development and communication style.

Why Practicality Matters?

While being a pioneer is exciting, it’s crucial to stay grounded and relatable to our audience. At Jasper, we have always prioritized practicality, ensuring that our product is genuinely useful for businesses. We infuse our pioneering spirit with practicality, making complex concepts more accessible and demystifying AI-related terms.

Why Playfulness?

To effectively connect with people, we believe in speaking to them as fellow humans. AI may be a sophisticated technology, but it still requires the touch of humanity. We infuse playfulness into our content, reflecting the creative wonders of our realm and the inherent human elements that should accompany it.

Adapting to Different Scenarios

Our diverse range of tones allows us to adapt to various contexts. We can be more playful in our social content, visionary in keynote speeches, and pragmatic in our customer communications. Often, we blend two of these tones to find our perfect brand voice for each scenario.

Bringing Brand Voice to Life

Our brand voice is more than just words. We’ve integrated it into our AI platform, ensuring that our entire team is well-versed in speaking as one cohesive brand, regardless of the content creation process.

Building an Unforgettable Brand Voice

Developing a strong and distinctive brand voice is vital to stand out in a competitive landscape. It requires research, planning, and unwavering dedication to encapsulate your company’s values and resonate with your target audience. With clear direction, internal alignment, and thoughtful execution across channels, you can create an authentic and memorable identity that sets your business apart.

Continuous Refinement for Consistency

Once your brand voice is established, it’s important to regularly measure, audit, and refine it. This ensures that your message remains consistent and effective across all platforms, building trust with customers, fostering loyalty, and forging a lasting connection with them.

Embark on a brand voice journey that showcases the essence of your business while captivating your audience. With Jasper, you have the power to articulate your unique voice with confidence and create an indelible impression on those who encounter your brand.

Brand Voice

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