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How to Title YouTube Videos: 15 Tips (With Real Examples)

Title YouTube Videos


How to Title YouTube Videos: 15 Tips (With Real Examples)

Increase your views and engagement with these top tips for optimizing your video titles on YouTube. Plus, see real examples of successful titles in action.

You put so much effort into your video content, but are your titles compelling enough to attract viewers? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with 15 expert tips and a handy tool to make your titles impossible to resist.

Boost Your Views: Master the Art of YouTube Video Titles

When brainstorming title ideas, remember these proven strategies for grabbing attention and driving more views.

1. Keep it short and sweet

No matter how catchy your title is, it won’t make an impact if it’s too long. To be safe, aim for titles that are 70 characters or less. That way, viewers won’t miss out on your message.

2. Give a sneak peek

Just like with written content, your video title should capture the essence of what viewers can expect. Highlight the key takeaway or benefit they’ll gain from watching your video. Don’t get sidetracked by subtopics; focus on what matters most to your audience.

Take a cue from MicroAcquire, who nailed this strategy in their interview with Sujan Patel.

3. Use keywords effectively

YouTube is a search engine in itself, so optimize your titles for maximum visibility. Research relevant keywords and include them near the beginning of your title. This helps YouTube understand your content and connects with potential viewers searching for those terms.

4. Harness the power of “how to”

In today’s digital age, people turn to YouTube to learn new skills. Using a “how to” title signals that your video offers practical guidance and solutions. This clarity reduces any hesitation or uncertainty, making viewers more likely to click and learn.

The Jeff Bullas Show has mastered this approach with their tutorial videos.

5. Make important words stand out

Shouting in all caps is a no-go, but you can still emphasize specific words to grab attention. Capitalize important words to make them pop and draw the eye. This will help your video stand out amongst the competition.

HubSpot uses this technique brilliantly in their title “Do This ONE Process to Get Paying Customers.”

6. Numbers add value and credibility

Numbers are a surefire way to capture interest and show the value of your content. Include a number in your title to indicate a listicle format or quantify the benefits viewers can expect. Additionally, specific numbers can boost credibility and pique curiosity.

For instance, “How [Your Company] Increased Sales By 47% in 2 Weeks” immediately grabs attention.

7. Use brackets for bonus content

Brackets and parentheses suggest additional context or bonus content, making your video more appealing. Viewers are more likely to choose titles that imply they’ll receive actionable tips or extra value.

Compare these two titles: “The 5 Biggest YouTube Video Mistakes” vs. “The 5 Biggest YouTube Video Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them).” Which one would you choose?

To see this strategy in action, check out Behind the Brand’s video titles. The use of parentheses challenges viewers to test their marketing knowledge.

8. Grab Attention with Powerful Titles


Video Titles


Want to boost views and engagement on your videos? Tap into your audience’s pain points and create titles that speak directly to their challenges. For example, “How to Quit Your Awful Day Job.”

9. Paint a Picture with Words

Make your titles interesting and evoke strong emotions to entice viewers. Use vivid language and power words that create a mental image or trigger emotions like fear of missing out.

10. Captivate with Thought-Provoking Questions

Questions are a proven way to capture attention. Use them in your video titles to get viewers thinking or remind them of a pressing problem or goal they have.

11. Create Urgency for Action

If your audience stands to miss out on something valuable or will suffer consequences by not acting soon, create urgency in your titles. Show them the importance of addressing the issues discussed in your video.

12. Stay Up-to-Date with the Year

Include the current year in your title to signal that your content is relevant and useful. Examples from GaryVee and GaryVee Video Experience show how this simple addition can attract tens of thousands of views.

13. Avoid Clickbait Titles

While clickbait might get you more views initially, it leads to disappointed viewers and negative consequences like high drop-off rates and bad reviews. Build a reliable reputation by delivering what you promise in your titles.

14. Encourage Action with a Call-to-Action

Don’t just state the topic of your video, invite viewers to do something. Using phrases like “Learn How to [Do X]” or “Watch For # Tips on [Y]” can make a big difference in getting people to click on your video.

15. Get Ideas with a YouTube Video Title Generator


Video Titles


If you’re struggling to come up with catchy titles, try using a YouTube video title generator like Jasper. It’s a highly-rated tool that offers a Chrome extension, making it convenient for generating title ideas on the go.

Writing Attention-Grabbing YouTube Titles with Jasper

Jasper, the leading AI writing assistant, is here to help video creators like you. It can assist with generating interesting video ideas, writing engaging scripts, creating video descriptions, and even summarizing videos. Simply give a short description of your topic, enter your keyword, choose the tone of voice, and let Jasper generate title options for you.

Video Titles

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