5 Steps To Creating An Insanely Profitable Youtube Ads Funnel
YouTube has over 2.2 billion users from all over the world.
Almost 30% of the people on Earth are your target customers. So it’s likely that you can find them on YouTube. The best way to reach them on this platform is with paid ads. Want to learn how to create a funnel that gets your ads in front of these people and converts them into customers?
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What Is the Value Ladder Sales Funnel?
There is a proven way to sell anything online, and that is through the Value Ladder sales funnel.
Russell Brunson, our co-founder, created this strategy. He used it to make ClickFunnels’ annual revenue go from $0 to $10M in just one year. It is now at over $100M.
This sales funnel has four stages:
- Bait. You offer the potential customer your lead magnet in exchange for their email address.
- Frontend. You offer the potential customer your least expensive and least valuable product or service.
- Middle. You offer the customer a more expensive and valuable product or service.
- Backend. You offer the customer your most expensive and most valuable product or service.
Ideally, you also offer a continuity program of some sort, meaning, a subscription product that generates recurring revenue.
We also recommend adding downsells, upsells, and cross-sells to these core offers in order to maximize your revenue.

The reason why this sales funnel works so well is that it allows you to:
- Start the relationship with that person by offering free value.
- Nurture that relationship by continuing to provide free value via email.
- Build trust by providing progressively more paid value at each stage.
Here’s how Russell explains it:
What Is a Webinar Funnel?
A webinar funnel is a variation of the Value Ladder sales funnel where you use a free webinar as your lead magnet.
Here’s the main idea:
You send people to a webinar registration page in order to get them to sign up for the webinar. Once they sign up, you host the webinar and provide free value as promised. Then, at the end of the webinar, you pitch your frontend product.
If someone registered for a webinar but didn’t attend it, you can send them a link to a webinar replay. Russell used webinars to grow our company quickly in the first year. He would do 5-7 webinars a week, sometimes even 2-3 webinars a day!
This sales funnel is probably best suited for YouTube ads, which is why we are going to focus on it in this article.
How To Build a YouTube Ads Funnel
Now it is time to get to the details. How can you create a funnel for a webinar about YouTube Ads?
Here’s a simple six-step process that you can follow:
Step #1: Create a Super Informative Webinar
The word “webinar” stands for “web seminar”.
It’s a 45-60 minute presentation on a specific topic.
So how can you structure it in a way that helps you generate sales?
Provide a Ton of Free Value!
Your presentation should be valuable in and of itself. You want people to leave feeling like they have learned something, even if they do not buy your product.
In other words, your web seminar should teach your ideal customer useful things, not just a long pitch for your frontend product.
Otherwise, it will look like you tricked them into coming.
Make Sure That Your Presentation Is Engaging
Keeping someone’s attention for an hour can be quite a challenge – especially online when there are so many distractions just one click away.
That’s why you need to make your presentation as engaging as possible:
- Create an emotional connection via empathy. You want to show your audience that you understand what they are going through. Make sure to do that before getting into the main topic.
- Use the power of storytelling. One of the best ways to show empathy is to tell your own story. What struggles have you overcome that are similar to those that your ideal customers are dealing with right now? You also want to use captivating stories to illustrate the points you are making- your webinar shouldn’t be just dry information.
- Stay upbeat! Your emotional state will affect the emotional state of the attendees. If you are bored yourself and read the script in a monotonous voice, they will also start feeling bored. But if you are enthusiastic about the topic, they will be more likely to be interested as well.Obviously, staying upbeat means something different for every person, so make sure that you remain true to your personality. Otherwise, you might come off as fake… And no one trusts fake people!
Be Confident When It Comes To Pitching Your Product
Transitioning into your sales pitch can be challenging.
This is where people start mumbling, stuttering, and just generally being awkward. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to avoid all that.
Use this script:
“So now I’d like to offer you guys something that I’m really excited about. It’s something that I think is going to change tons of lives and businesses for the better. But I don’t want to do it without your permission. If you guys want to learn more about [PRODUCT/SERVICE] then just type “Yes” in the chat bar.”
And if no one says yes, you can give it one more try:
“Okay. Well I don’t want to take up too much of your time. But I really think this is going to be a game-changer for you. Is it okay if I just spend 10 minutes showing you this offer I put together?”
If people feel like they have learned a lot from you, they will probably want to hear about your offer.
And what if they don’t?
Well, that’s going to be awkward, no doubt about that… But you’ll survive.
Simply thank everyone for their time, end the webinar, then go back to the drawing board, figure out what went wrong, and create a better presentation.
Hire a Graphic Designer To Help Create Your Presentation
A webinar is a slideshow presentation with someone talking over it.
The images you use in your slideshow will affect how people see you. Professional graphics aren’t necessary, but it is important to use good images that make a good impression.
People might not trust you if your website looks like it was made with Microsoft Paint by a toddler. That’s why you might want to consider hiring a graphic designer on UpWork if you aren’t confident in your own graphic design skills.
Be Upfront About Pre-Recorded Webinars!
You don’t need to do a live webinar every time. In fact, you don’t even have to do it live. You can use a pre-recorded presentation instead. However, if you choose to do a pre-recorded webinar, make sure that you tell people ahead of time that it will be pre-recorded.
This means that you might need to come up with a different transition for your product pitch than the one provided above.
The reason why it’s so important to make it clear that it’s a pre-recorded webinar is that people will trust you more if they know it’s not live.
It’s not a good idea to lie to people who are attending your webinar. If they realize you are lying, they will lose trust in you. There are also ethical issues with lying, but even from a business perspective, it is not a good idea.
So don’t do it.
Want to learn more about creating webinars that sell?
Check out “Perfect Webinar Secrets” where Russell shares his approach to creating high-converting webinars!
Step #2: Create a Registration Page For Your Webinar
Now that you have your webinar ready, it’s time to create a registration page for it.
We recommend going with a simple squeeze page that has these three key elements:
- A headline that conveys what your webinar is all about. We recommend avoiding the word “webinar” – use words like “web class”, “masterclass”, etc. instead. Also, your headline is supposed to pique curiosity, so make sure that it’s intriguing but doesn’t give too much away.
- An opt-in form where the potential customer can type in their email address. It can be either displayed immediately or shown after they click the call-to-action button.
- A call-to-action button that encourages the potential customer to register for the webinar.
You might also want to experiment with elements that add scarcity such as countdown timers.
Here’s an example of a registration page that we are using for one of our webinars:
Step #3: Create an Irresistible Frontend Offer
The purpose of the frontend offer isn’t to make you loads of money, it’s to convert leads into paying customers.
That’s why we recommend creating a product that is designed specifically for that purpose.
Follow this formula:
Low Price + High Value = Irresistible Offer
The ideal price point for a frontend offer is $7 because it’s a price that:
- Isn’t low enough to make the potential customer question the value of that product.
- Isn’t high enough to make the potential customer stop and think twice before buying it.
Once you have converted that lead into a paying customer, then you can start offering them more expensive products by following the Value Ladder sales funnel structure.
Step #4: Create a Sales Page for That Frontend Offer
You also need a sales page for your front-end offer.
Here are the three key things to keep in mind when writing sales copy:
Emphasize Benefits
The distinction between features and benefits is one of the most important copywriting principles:
- A feature is a quality or a function of a product (e.g. “These shoes are waterproof”).
- A benefit is a value that the customer will derive from that product (e.g. “These shoes will keep your feet dry”).
People buy because of the benefits – we don’t buy waterproof shoes just to have waterproof shoes, we buy them because we want to keep our feet dry.
That’s why your sales page copy needs to be focused on the benefits. What do people hope to achieve by buying your product? Emphasize that.
Provide Social Proof
Social proof is a persuasion principle.
It says that when we are unsure of what to do, we look at what others do in order to make a decision.
Here’s what that means in the context of sales page copywriting:
Everyone knows that you are biased when it comes to your own product. Of course, you claim that it’s amazing. You stand to profit from the sale.
That’s why potential customers are more interested in what other people have to say about you, your company, and your product.
You want to provide as much social proof as you can to help them make a decision:
- Showcase customer testimonials.
- Display “As Seen On” media badges.
- Mention relevant credentials, accomplishments, numbers, etc.
There’s no such thing as too much social proof as long as it doesn’t distract the potential customer from buying your product – if you’ve got it, flaunt it!
And if you don’t have any social proof yet, then go out there and get it!
Provide a 30-Day or a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
You want to remove all financial risk from the buying decision by providing a 30-day or a 60-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
It’s best to display it next to the “Buy” button so that it would be impossible to miss.
For example:
Dating coach Matthew Hussey provides a 60-day money-back guarantee for his product “The Momentum Texts”.
He displays it right under the “Get My Download” button:

Step #5: Create Your YouTube Ad
We all hate YouTube ads and hit that “Skip Ad” button the moment it appears. So how can you get your ideal customers to watch your ad?
We recommend using the Hook, Story, Offer framework:
- Hook: Grab the potential customer’s attention.
- Story: Tell them a captivating story.
- Offer: Present your offer.
Here’s how Russell explains it:
The most important part of your ad is the hook. How will you grab the potential customer’s attention before that “Skip Ad” button appears?
Your hook needs to be a “pattern interrupt” – it needs to stop the viewer in their tracks and make them pay attention.
You can achieve that in various ways:
- Going for shock value – using shocking images, controversial statements, scary statistics, etc.
- Demonstrating your skills – this works well if you are teaching skills that look impressive on camera (calisthenics tricks, cooking, etc).
- Using humor – a well-crafted joke can work well here, especially if it’s accompanied by relevant visuals.
- Challenging conventional wisdom – making a controversial statement that goes against the consensus in your niche.
- Creating an emotional connection via empathy – demonstrating that you understand the potential customer by invoking the pain they feel and empathizing with that pain.
- Targeting people’s fears – mentioning something that your potential customers are afraid of.
- Targeting people’s dreams – mention something that your potential customers dream about.
There’s no one-size-fits-all hook recipe, it all depends on your target audience.
Of course, you also need to keep your brand image in mind – you don’t want to go overboard with shock value, etc. just to get people’s attention.
The most popular YouTube video ad ever is probably Tai Lopez’ “Here In My Garage (Official): Lamborghini, Knowledge, And Books With Tai Lopez” which has 71M views.
It starts with this hook:
“Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini here…”
Tai’s target audience is aspiring entrepreneurs so the opening line is sure to get their attention.
Then he starts telling a story about how he used to live in a little town, sleep on a couch in a mobile home, had only $47 in his bank account, no college degree, no opportunities…
And then he pitches his lead magnet which is a video with three lessons that helped him get to where he is today.
Meanwhile, our most popular video ad that has 2M views is called “ClickFunnels – This Gold Digger Got Rich Painting Nude Squirrels”.
Here’s its opening line:
“Meet Steve, an office worker who is about to get his first gold digger..”
And the whole ad is so whacko that you can’t help yourself but watch it until the end.
Keep in mind that people go to YouTube to seek entertainment – so your video ad has to be entertaining if you want to get them to watch the whole thing!
Continue Providing Free Value!
Some people who attend your webinar will not want to buy from you. That’s okay. What is important now is that you have their email addresses. This way, you can continue providing them with free value. They might not be ready to buy today, this month, or even this year…
But if you stay in touch with them, you will be the first person they think of when they are ready to invest in a solution to a problem that your product addresses.
Keep providing valuable content for free even after your webinar. Keep in touch with people who attended and built trust. Play the long game, and you will be successful in the end.
Want Russell To Show You How To Build Your First Sales Funnel?
Let’s keep it real:
Building a sales funnel from scratch can seem like a daunting task.
That’s why we created our 5-Day Challenge where Russell walks you through it step-by-step.
You will learn how to:
- Generate unlimited leads.
- Create your first lead magnet.
- Build your first sales funnel.
- Create a simple 6-email follow-up sequence.
- And launch your funnel
…in just five days.
So don’t hesitate.
Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!
>>>Launch Your First (Or Next) 7 Figure Funnel In 10 Minutes Or less!
>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<