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10 Best Affiliate Marketing Books in 2022: Master These Key Skills!


10 Best Affiliate Marketing Books in 2022: Master These Key Skills!

The decision to start an affiliate marketing career has never been easier! In fact, the number of affiliates is increasing every day, with eight out of ten companies having an affiliate marketing program. Unfortunately, many newcomers are perplexed by the intricacies of this sector and fail to develop effective tactics that work!

The good news is that you don’t have to build the wheel from scratch; others already know what works, and they’ll charge you less than $30 for it. In this article, I’m going to share 15 of the greatest affiliate marketing books with you so that you may expand your key skills.

5 General Marketing Books You Must Read

The first stage toward comprehending affiliate marketing is to learn more about the channels through which it occurs! nnThe majority of affiliate marketing takes place online in this era of the internet. This simply implies that to be a competent affiliate marketer, you must first be an excellent online marketer!

In fact, I consider affiliate marketing to be the use of internet marketing principles and tactics to advertise other people’s items and services! So, in order for you to utilize these first five books on our list to explode your affiliate business, you’ll need a firm grasp on fundamental marketing ideas that are both general and specialist.

1) The Secrets Trilogy by Russell Brunson

The Secrets Trilogy - Russell Brunson
The Secrets Trilogy

It’s a massive book packed with insights written by our friend and ClickFunnels creator, Russell Brunson. This trilogy set includes Russell’s three books from the ‘Secrets’ series, including DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets. This book reveals affiliate marketing secrets used by Russell to go from $0 to $100 million in less than 4 years; without any venture capital or bank loans.

This one is a great read to better understand online marketing, funnel building, and generating quality traffic for your affiliate business. If you buy the box set, you also get a FREE workbook to go through and apply everything in a step-by-step manner! We recommend you get the box set so that you can simultaneously test and track which ideas work for your business.

Verified Review of The Secrets Trilogy: 

“Russell makes it so clear and easy to understand the basic marketing processes that will get your message out to the world. His series of books should be required reading for anyone trying to build a tribe and/or sell a product online. I will be returning to this book again and again.”

2) $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi

$100M Offers - Alex Hormozi
$100M Offers

This book helps you to understand what good offers look like. You will learn about the importance of good copy, how to craft an offer, understand customer psychology, and more. This information is helpful if you want to be an affiliate and make commissions.

This book is a great resource for beginners. It provides distilled information that will help you start your business off on the right foot. Additionally, the book includes exercises to help you apply what you learn.

Verified Review of $100M Offers:

“Completely changed my view on pricing and building offers. This book and the advice in it are absolute gold. Recommend highly!”

3) From Nothing by Ian Pribyl

From Nothing - Ian Pribyl
From Nothing

“From Nothing” is a beginner-friendly book about affiliate marketing. It explains the basics concepts in a way that helps you understand online marketing. The book gives you a step-by-step guide to making your affiliate marketing business successful.

This book is so popular because it offers a list of low-cost methods to start an online business. At the same time, it does not make any unreasonable claims. So, affiliate marketers, especially those who are just getting started, can expect real results from their affiliate program management.

The only downside with this book is that some of the tactics can be a little outdated, as it tends to happen with print-published books, in a highly digital world.

Verified Review of From Nothing:

“Life-changing. This book is just incredible and goes with Ian’s online course. It has a range of topics – how to register a domain, host a website, make a website, keyword research, how to write high-quality content, and more. No experience needed. An essential item for any online business.”

4) Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Purple Cow - Seth Godin
Purple Cow

Yeah, it’s a little old school, but “Purple Cow” is also a classic!

This Business Week and Wall Street Journal bestselling book is a must-have for all marketers. One of the OG marketing books for a modern age, this classic teaches you how to stand out from the crowd.

In this book, Seth Godin teaches you a counter-intuitive approach to marketing, and changes your entire outlook on business building! As the name suggests, this book helps you create a ‘purple cow’ in a world full of brown ones. It is filled with real-life examples that support all his ideas.

This book is a best buy for marketers who want to take a courageous approach, learn, and make money online through business in a short period of time!

Verified Review of Purple Cow:

“I liked the sheer number of examples covered by Seth. He supported every thought with a real-life instance. I completely connected with his views on how established companies have become boringly safe. The traditional Ps of marketing should be looked at through the lens of this new remarkable P. A must-read for everyone. It will make you question the marketeer inside you.”

5) The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

The 1-Page Marketing Plan - Allan Dib
The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Allan Dib, a serial entrepreneur, and a rebellious marketer, has laid down simple, actionable steps to leverage the underlying potential of a well-designed marketing plan. This book is primarily aimed at small business owners so, it can be a perfect read for you if you’re trying to take it to the next level.

Allan has tackled one of the biggest challenges of a small entrepreneur fluently – how to market without being stretched too thin. He has emphasized must-have skills like copywriting, and has taken a consumer-centric approach to devise a simple marketing plan that works!

Not only that, the book forces marketers and business owners to answer important questions that steadily clarify each step. It also sheds light on the importance of specialization, email marketing vs. social media marketing, among other interesting things!

Verified Review of The 1-Page Marketing Plan:

“Do not let the low cost of this book fool you into taking it lightly. If you really, really want to grow your business without wasting time and scarce money on marketing, buy this book and complete the exercises inside. You will not be disappointed.”

Our Top Picks for the 5 Types of Affiliate Marketers

Once you’ve gotten a good overview of marketing, you’ll have to decide which TYPE of affiliate you want to be!

So, we’ve written our next picks based on the 5 most common types of affiliates we see in the direct response space. If you’re aspiring to build a thriving affiliate marketing business, understanding the direction you want to go will help you decide which books you should read!

Here are the book suggestions for each affiliate type below. Enjoy!

1) Content Publisher

The content publisher is primarily an SEO blogger, building an affiliate website that can point readers to a third-party company’s product or service in exchange for a commission.

Many content publishers sign up with an affiliate network – such as Amazon Associates or ClickBank – and add their unique tracking links to their blog posts to grow an affiliate income.

If you want to sell by blogging, the following two books are a MUST-READ for you!

SEO 2022 by Adam Clarke

SEO 2022 - Adam Clarke
SEO 2022

2) PPC/Media Buyer

A PPC affiliate is a media buyer on platforms like Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, native ads, and more.

The area of expertise for a PPC buyer is understanding advertising platforms and analyzing data on these different paid traffic sources. Here are a few marketing books you need to read, to get your paid advertising dialed in.

Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising by Perry Marshall, et al

Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising - Perry Marshall
Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising

3) Email Marketer

Email marketers grow massive email lists of specific targeted audiences or niche, such as a list of women over the age of 50 or a list of woodworking enthusiasts. These affiliates have the power to promote their affiliate links in suitable niches and make money in commissions!

But readers’ attention spans are lower than ever, so to truly succeed as an email affiliate, you need to master copywriting.

These resources can help you step up your game!

Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards

Copywriting Secrets - Jim Edwards
Copywriting Secrets

Jim Edwards is one of the most famous examples of an author who writes his own copy to sell his own stuff. He is the perfect person to guide you in your copywriting journey.

His “Copywriting Secrets” book details the various features of copywriting and helps you understand the degree of influence that words can have over a sale’s success!


4) Social Influencer

Social influencers are similar to affiliate marketers in a lot of ways, but the main difference is that they have to build an audience to make money.

Social influencers post on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, SnapChat, or even Medium or Quora to build their following. You can read more on influencer marketing vs affiliate marketing here to better understand the difference.

Historically, influencers haven’t been our bread-and-butter at ClickBank, but it IS possible to promote ClickBank products to an audience you’ve built on social media. Here are some book ideas you should explore!

How to Be Internet Famous by Brendan A. Cox

How to Be Internet Famous - Brendan Cox
How to Be Internet Famous

“How to Be Internet Famous” is a great read for affiliate marketers who want to grow their online business through social media.

You will learn all things social media, including building a brand, curating viral content, and monetizing your brand effectively.


5) Community Manager

A lot of the best affiliate marketers are turning to communities to grow their business now. Marketers can directly meet potential customers on these communities instead of investing time in building such a massive following from scratch.

These communities can be grown and accessed on Slack, Facebook Groups, Discord servers, subreddits, website forums, etc. You might also include group threads in messaging apps like WhatsApp, membership sites with included Zoom calls, and much more.

If you want to leverage a community to promote products as an affiliate, then these must-reads are for you.

The Business of Belonging by David Spinks

The Business of Belonging - David Spinks
The Business of Belonging

“The Business of Belonging” is a definitive guide that helps you grasp the money-making potential of communities, how to unleash such potential, and how to maximize it.

David Spinks also shares a step-by-step approach to building out your own community strategy, aligning it with business goals, managing a community, and much more in this insightful read.

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

>>>Ready To Build Your 7 figure Funnel…Let Us Do It For You & Launch Your Business In 10 Minutes Or less!

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