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The Lead Generation Funnel – How To Build It


The Lead Generation Funnel – How To Build It

In order to maximize your lead generation funnel, you need a system in place for collecting the contact information of potential customers. The good news is that there are lots of options out there for setting up an effective system and deciding on the best one is just a matter of research and trial and error.

The first thing you’ll want to do is put together a list of what type of information you’d like each person’s contact details to include (home address, email address, phone number). Then compile all the sources where this data can be collected from social media profiles, physical mailings lead sent by competitors or partners, etc. Now it’s time to test these options! Go ahead and set up some accounts with the websites/platforms.

That’s precisely what we are going to talk about now:

  • What is a lead generation sales funnel?
  • How to construct a direct generation funnel?
    So the question is…

Are you ready to begin generating more leads?

What’s a Sales Funnel?

Okay, so before we get into lead generation funnels, let’s be sure we know what a sales funnel is.

It’s the route that the customer takes from hearing about your product or service to purchasing that service or product.

At its most basic level, it consists of these three components:

  1. Top of the sales funnel (ToFu): Target audience
  2. Center of the sales funnel (MoFu): Potential customers
  3. Bottom of the sales funnel (BoFu): New and present clients

Lead Generation Funnel

Every online business has a sales funnel through which they convert people in their target market to potential customers (prospects ) and then to present clients.

However, these sales funnels often are not well-thought-out, which explains why they’re usually ineffective.

Here at ClickFunnels, we promote a specific sales funnel template called The Value Ladder that was generated by the company’s co-founder Russel Brunson.

Lead Generation Funnel

The main idea is that:

  • Then you present them with your middle offer which is both more expensive and more valuable.
  • Finally, you present them with your backend offer, which is your most expensive and most valuable product.

This sales funnel template works so well is because you’ve got the customer to create increasingly serious commitments by providing them more value at each stage of the funnel.

What is a Lead Generation Sales Funnel?

But what is a lead generation funnel?

A lead generation funnel is the top of your sales funnel where you:

  • Grab the attention of people in your target audience.
  • Give them a super valuable lead magnet that they can’t resist.
  • Once you have their contact info, they turned into a lead. Your job then is to make them move through the remainder of your sales funnel.

B2B vs. B2C Lead Generation Funnel

What matters isn’t so much whether you are selling to businesses or to consumers, however much your product price.

Here is a really helpful rule of thumb: the higher the price of your merchandise, the greater value you need to supply in your lead generation funnel.

That is because supplying value is how you establish trust. And the more expensive your product is, the more the possible customer needs to expect you to make the purchase.

How To Build a Lead Generation Funnel

To build your own lead generation funnel, you can follow this seven-step process:

Step #1: Define Your Target Audience

You will have to know who your ideal customers are if you want to generate quality leads.

It’s important to not forget that if you make an effort to appeal to everybody, you’re going to end up appealing to no one.

When you have an established business, you can simply look at the customer information to figure out this. Who’s buying your products? Do not assume anything. Look at the data.

Once you know who your current customers are, you can then start considering how to bring in more people like them.

Of course, if you haven’t launched your business yet, then you need to make an educated guess. Who is likely to reap the most from your products?

Step #2: Identify a Problem That Your Target Audience Is Struggling With

Once you understand who your ideal customers are, it’s time to do some client research.

This can mean:

  • Subscribing to relevant subreddits on Reddit.
  • Joining relevant Facebook groups.
    . . .etc. .

Your aim must be to find a debilitating problem your perfect customers are struggling with this is either the same or connected to the problem that your frontend offer surpasses.

Step #3: Create a Lead Magnet That provides a remedy To That Problem

Once you found a painful problem, it is time to create an immediate magnet that provides an answer to it.

Your guide magnet can be anything Your perfect customers can download directly to their devices or access online:

  • An eBook
  • A video program.
  • An email program.
  • A cheat sheet.
  • A step-by-step plan.
    . . .etc. .

That you want to select a format that is most appropriate for conveying your message. If you were in your ideal client’s shoes, in what form would you prefer to receive that content?

You desire your ideal client to come away feeling they have learned something valuable from your lead magnet.

For example:

Lead Generation Funnel

He gives new email readers a quiz to ascertain their goals and personalize the email course accordingly.

Step #4: Create a Landing Page for Your Lead Magnet

Once you have your lead magnet, you want to create a landing page for this.

Think of it as a sales page but rather than asking for money you are asking for the prospective customer’s email address.

Since lead magnets are free,” selling” them does not require much persuasion, so their landing pages are normally short. They’re called squeeze pages.

For example:

Lead Generation Funnel

As you can see, this squeeze page is extremely straightforward but it’s probably safe to assume that it converts well given that Jon Morrow has kept it up for several years now.

Lead Generation Funnel

However, whilst squeeze pages are the most popular choice, you may even produce a proper”sales” page for your lead magnet.

For instance:

Nick Stephenson, a bestselling author who teaches writers how to promote their work, has put a good deal of effort into his direct magnet landing page.

On the fold you can see:

  • Title
  • Social proof.
  • Sales Copy
  • Revenue movie.
  • Call-to-action button

This would make an exceptional squeeze page. But Nick did not stop there.

As you scroll down, there is more social evidence:

Then there’s more information about the guide magnet:

call-to-action button

You might think that it’s crazy to put this much effort into forcing people to download your freebie. But it’s not.

Consider it:

  • The more attractive your guide magnet landing page, the more people will download that lead magnet.
  • The more people download the lead magnet, the more prospects you have you could sell to.
  • The more prospects you have that you can sell to, the more sales you’re going to make.
  • Thus treating your manual magnet landing page as a proper sales page is logical. Consider doing it yourself.

This implies a series of emails that are automatically sent to everyone who downloads your manual magnet.

Step #5: Create a Lead Nurturing Email Autoresponder Sequence

  • Provide value to the potential customer.
  • Warm the possible customer to the concept of buying your frontend offer.
  • Make the sales pitch to your own refundable offer.

What is important here is to strike the perfect balance between providing value and promoting your product.

Step #6: Start Driving Traffic To the Lead Magnet Landing Page

When You have:

  • A lead magnet.
  • A direct magnet landing page.
  • Email autoresponder sequence

It’s time to start driving traffic to that landing page.

It’s probably safe to say that the quickest way to do that is via paid advertising. You will soon learn if your lead generation funnel functions.

That having been said, you may want to focus on SEO as your long-term traffic generation strategy, so you could eventually quit relying on paid advertisements to generate leads.

Measure #7: Analyze the Data and Correct Accordingly

Once you’ve got sufficient data, analyze it to see what could be improved.

Make Certain to examine:

  • Ad conversion prices.
  • Landing page conversion speed.
  • Lead to customer conversion rate.

Also, if you get any feedback from people who have downloaded your lead magnet, pay special attention to it. What did they believe about it?

As soon as you know your conversion rates, you can start experimenting with a variety of methods to improve them.

Never Loss Big Picture

It’s important to realize a lead generation funnel is a system. Each stage is present in connection with different stages.

Don’t make the mistake of myopically assessing the funnel elements in isolation from one another. You’ll need to get to the system as a whole to know why it is working the way it does.

Moreover, you need to see a lead generation funnel exists within your overall sales funnel. It is a system within a system.

Bear in mind that everything that happens at every stage of your sales funnel affects the potential or existing client’s behavior in the subsequent stages of the sales funnel.

This implies that sometimes what seems to be a problem at a particular stage is truly a result of something going wrong in one of the last stages.

For instance:

Let us say that your landing page doesn’t convert well. What could be the matter?

  • The landing page itself.
  • The ads that you use to increase traffic to that landing page.
  • The people who you target with those advertisements.

In this circumstance, it may be tempting to obsess over the landing page, but you need to resist that temptation.

You should instead examine your lead generation funnel as a whole if you want to correctly identify the issue and then find an appropriate solution.

But you can’t make enough sales if you are not generating enough qualified leads.

That is why you will want to put up a suitable lead generation system. It is just too important to leave to chance.

So take the time to build a direct generation funnel. It may take a while to get it right. But once you do, you’ll have the ability to put lead generation on autopilot. And you will never look back.

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

>>>Ready To Build Your 7 figure Funnel…Let Us Do It For You & Launch Your Business In 10 Minutes Or less!

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