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Discover 9 Tips for Writing Irresistible Website Copy

Website Copy


Discover 9 Tips for Writing Irresistible Website Copy

Writing effective website copy can be a challenge. But with the right framework, it becomes faster and easier than ever.

As a content marketer, you understand that your website copy holds tremendous power. It’s often the first impression your readers have of your business. Whether it’s your landing page, sales page, or about us page, compelling web copy plays a vital role in converting visitors into customers.

In this article, we’ll share a foolproof framework for writing persuasive website copy. Plus, we’ll give you nine actionable tips to help you craft copy that gets results.

Ready to create captivating website copy? Let’s get started with these steps:

Step 1: Define your page goal

To create a meaningful connection with your audience, you need to know the goal of each page on your website. For instance, your About Us page should tell your brand story and establish a connection with potential customers. On the other hand, your product page or landing page may have a different objective. By understanding the purpose of each page, you can tailor your copy accordingly.

Step 2: Understand your target audience

Unlock the power of your audience by diving deep into market research. Create a buyer persona—a detailed profile of your ideal customer. Gather information about their interests, preferences, location, and more. Stay up-to-date by running surveys, monitoring social media conversations, and keeping an eye on industry trends. When you truly know your audience, you can speak their language and address their unique challenges.

Step 3: Follow the PAS formula

Grab your readers’ attention with the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) formula. Start by identifying a problem your customers are struggling with. Then, agitate their frustration by emphasizing the pain points. Finally, provide them with a clear solution that alleviates their concerns. By using this formula, you can speak directly to your target audience and position yourself as the answer to their needs.

Looking for inspiration on how to write website copy that converts? Check out these 5 businesses who are nailing it:


1. MailChimp:

Website Copy

They speak directly to small business owners on their homepage, highlighting their solution to help them grow sales.


2. Canva:

Website Copy

Canva uses the PAS copywriting formula on their Features page, showing potential customers how their platform fits into their personal lives.


3. HelloFresh:

Website Copy

HelloFresh knows how to grab attention on their homepage with the phrase “Take the stress out of mealtime,” which is exactly what a frazzled customer needs to hear.


4. WordPress:

Website Copy

In a competitive market, WordPress sets themselves apart as the world’s most popular website builder, backed up by impressive stats. They know their market and audience well.


5. Wave Invoicing:

Website Copy

Wave makes it crystal clear that their software is free, catering to freelancers on a budget. They even include a call-to-action to create a new account, boosting conversion rates.

9 Tips for Writing Website Copy that Connects with Customers

Ready to take your website copy to the next level? We’ve got you covered with these nine quick tips that will help you engage your audience and make your brand stand out.

1. Catch their attention with a powerful headline

The headline is the first thing people see, so make it count! Craft a concise and purpose-driven headline that grabs attention and clearly conveys your brand’s purpose. Need inspiration? Check out HelloSign’s homepage.

2. Let customer reviews do the talking

Struggling to describe the benefits of your product? Look no further than your customer reviews. These can provide valuable insights and help you write compelling and descriptive copy.

3. Speak directly to your audience

Create a sense of connection by using language that speaks directly to your audience. Refer to your brand using first-person pronouns like “we,” “our,” and “us,” and address the user as “you.” Instacart does a great job of this.

4. Be specific and focused

Avoid vague descriptions and focus on the specific issues your customers face. Clearly explain how your product or service can address their needs. Take a cue from Ilia’s About Us page, where they vividly describe their brand’s philosophy.

5. Optimize for search engines

Don’t neglect search engine optimization! Incorporate relevant keywords into your website copy to improve your rankings and attract more organic traffic.

6. Highlight the benefits for customers

Customers want to know what they’ll gain from your product or service. Make sure to clearly highlight the benefits they can expect. Take a look at Kloudio’s homepage for a great example.

7. Back it up with data

Numbers don’t lie! Showcase your impact with case studies, testimonials, and statistics to build credibility and trust. DepositPhotos does this effectively by emphasizing the size of their content library.

8. Optimize your call-to-action buttons

Make your call-to-action (CTA) buttons more effective by clearly stating where they will take users. Make it easy for everyone to understand, including visually impaired and non-tech savvy individuals. For a great example, think of a CTA button that says “Start my free trial” instead of “I’m ready to go.”

9. Keep it simple and clear

Simplicity is key when it comes to website copy. Use straightforward language, short sentences, and clear messaging. Blue Apron’s homepage is a prime example of how to communicate your offerings with simplicity and clarity.

Looking to write website copy faster and more effectively? We’ve got you covered. Check out these five game-changing tools that will make your life easier.

1. Meet Jasper

Jasper is an AI marketing platform that’s trained by real-life experts. With over 52 writing templates, including marketing frameworks like PAS and AIDA, Jasper can help you create high-quality website copy in no time. It’s especially useful for high-volume projects where you need extra support. Take a look at Jasper’s PAS template in action!

2. Keyword research made easy

Optimize your website copy for search engines with a keyword research tool. Ahrefs, Semrush, and Yoast SEO’s WordPress plugin are popular options that help you hit the right targets and improve your content’s performance.

3. Readability matters

Simplicity is key when it comes to persuasive website copy. Make sure your content is easy to read with Readable. This handy online tool calculates a readability score using the Flesch-Kincaid formula, ensuring that even weaker readers can understand your message. It also doubles as a spell-check and grammar checker.

4. Eye-catching visuals

Need high-quality images for your website? If you don’t have your own, check out Jasper Art, Depositphotos, Pixabay, or Shutterstock. Whether you prefer real photos or vector illustrations, these sources will deliver the visuals you need.

5. Expand your vocabulary

When words fail you, turn to an online thesaurus. Find synonyms and related words to make your website copy even more compelling and engaging.

Writing A+ copy for websites doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Remember to set goals for each web page, conduct buyer persona research, and use the powerful PAS framework. And when you need a little extra assistance, Jasper is here to help. This AI writer is trained to support copywriters and content marketers, offering valuable training and guidance along the way. Start creating better content in less time with Jasper by your side.

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