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How to Write a Marketing Emails: 15 Powerful Tips

Write a Marketing Email


How to Write a Marketing Emails: 15 Powerful Tips

Discover the secrets to writing effective marketing emails with these 15 powerful tips. Master the art of crafting emails that get high open rates and generate lots of clicks.

You put in hours of work to create the perfect email. You even spent extra time brainstorming a clever subject line. Now, you’re ready to hit send. You’re hoping for a flood of responses, impressive conversion rates, and sky-high open rates. But instead, all you hear is silence.

Writing a compelling marketing email that gets real results is challenging, but it’s a crucial part of successful content marketing. In a world where people are bombarded with countless emails, it’s tough to stand out. That’s why you need to know the key ingredients of a winning email marketing strategy. Luckily, we’ve got just the tips you need.

Want more than just tips? Give our AI email generator a try.

Boost your email marketing game with these 15 powerful tips that will increase your open rates and click-throughs.

1. Grab attention with an irresistible subject line

Your subject line is the first thing subscribers see. If it’s not captivating enough, they’ll simply ignore your email, rendering all your hard work futile.

Your subject line needs to accomplish several things at once:

– Describe the content of the email
– Entice subscribers to click and open the email

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for creating the perfect subject line. It depends on your audience and the purpose of your email. However, it’s worth brainstorming multiple subject lines before choosing one.

Here are some quick tips for crafting compelling subject lines:

– Personalize the subject line
– Use numbers
– Ask a question
– Be clear and specific about the topic
– Keep it short
– Avoid spammy techniques, like adding “Re:” at the beginning
– Consider the preview text as well

Take a look at this subject line example from Stitch Fix. It’s personalized and includes a question.

2. Make it personal


Marketing Email


Consumers crave personalization. They want to feel like a brand understands their unique interests. The easiest way to achieve this is by personalizing your email messages. Use the recipient’s name and communicate about topics they have shown interest in or that relate to their past interactions with your brand.

This is where list segmentation comes into play. For example, a manager using your product to organize their team has slightly different needs compared to someone who is using it for personal use.

Check out how CoSchedule sends personalized emails to users who haven’t logged in for a while.

3. Keep it simple

Simplicity is key when it comes to marketing emails. The average person sends and receives 121 business emails per day, making it challenging to stand out in a crowded inbox. The last thing you want to do is confuse subscribers with lengthy emails filled with industry jargon that will only turn them off.

Instead, be direct in your marketing efforts. Clearly state your intentions, keep it concise, and avoid using complicated terms that not everyone will understand.

Social Video Plaza excels at keeping their emails short and sweet, with just a couple of lines of text. The use of second person pronouns also adds a personal touch.

4. Harness the power of your call-to-action




Every email in your digital marketing strategy should have a clear goal. It’s crucial that you outline what you want recipients to do next. Do you want them to click through to a blog post? Check out an upcoming sale? Reply and share their stories?

Your call-to-action (CTA) will prompt them to take the next step, so it’s important to get it right. Ideally, have just one CTA in the email to avoid confusion. And don’t be afraid to experiment with:

– Using action words like “download” or “sign up”
– Keeping it short and concise
– Changing the color or making the CTA button stand out with a colored background or bolded text

Look at how Shopify’s CTA stands out with a dark background and simple, action-focused words, leading to higher click-through rates.

5. Have a clear end goal

For optimal results, your marketing emails should have a clear end goal. Without a goal, it’s easy to lose direction and struggle to connect with readers and motivate them to take the next step.

Before you start writing a marketing email, consider what you want to achieve with it. Do you want to sell a product? Start a conversation about a trending topic? Share an email newsletter? Drive traffic to your latest blog post?

When you know the purpose of your email, you can ensure that your email copy and CTAs align with your intended outcome.

The Washington Post demonstrates a simple goal with this email: to get people to subscribe.

6. Test, Test, Test!

Discover what works best for your email list by A/B testing different versions of your emails. Find out which subject lines, opening paragraphs, CTAs, and visuals get the most opens and click-throughs. Start by tweaking one element at a time for accurate results.

7. Write for Your Audience

Avoid confusing your subscribers with industry jargon. Write your emails as if you’re having a casual conversation with them. Keep it simple, use short sentences, and ask questions. For an even more personal touch, dictate and transcribe your emails.

8. Create FOMO: Marketing Email

Tap into the Fear Of Missing Out by creating a sense of urgency. Let your subscribers know when limited spots are available or when others have already taken advantage of a special offer. Don’t miss out on leveraging FOMO to boost sales and encourage action.

9. Provide Social Proof

Build trust and credibility by showcasing reviews, user-generated content, and testimonials from satisfied customers. This sense of community will sway on-the-fence subscribers in the right direction. Include reviews, case studies, user-generated photos and videos, and testimonials in your emails.

10. Understand Your Audience

Tailor your emails to specific demographics and customer needs. Knowing your audience will help you choose the right words and highlight key pain points to make a lasting impact. Get to know your audience through surveys, interviews, social media listening, and forum research.

11. Focus on Benefits: Marketing Email

Highlight how your product or service solves prominent pain points for your audience, instead of just listing features. Show them how it will improve their lives and save them time or money. More benefits, less features.

12. Tell a Captivating Story




Capture your subscribers’ attention by weaving a narrative that has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Paint a picture of life before and after using your product or service. Help them envision the transformation your offering can provide.

13. Address Objections: Marketing Email

Deal with potential objections head-on in your marketing emails. Address any concerns or doubts your customers may have about pricing, effectiveness, or other factors. Remove any friction that may prevent them from making a purchase.

14. Answer the Important Questions

Make sure to cover the who, what, why, and how of your product or brand in your emails. Answer the common questions that your subscribers may have. Who are you? What are you selling? Why should they choose you? How will you help them?

15. Create Emails That Are Easy to Read

When writing emails, it’s important to make them scannable. This means organizing the content in a way that allows busy subscribers to quickly grasp the main points without having to read everything word by word.

To achieve this, you can use techniques like bullet points, headers, and short paragraphs. Make sure to highlight important text by bolding it and ensure that your call-to-action (CTA) stands out and is easily readable on mobile devices.

Take a look at this scannable email example from Framebridge. They use bold text and short paragraphs to make the content easy to digest.

Level up your marketing emails with Jasper!

Jasper offers a variety of powerful, ready-to-use email templates that can take your marketing emails to the next level. With the Email Subject Line template, you can generate creative ideas by simply inputting your company name, desired tone of voice, and a brief description of the email.

But that’s not all! You can also use Jasper to plan the rest of your marketing emails. Just provide the title, a brief description, desired tone, and any keywords you’d like to include. Let Jasper work its magic and create engaging content for you.

The best part is, you can access these templates directly from your email client, whether it’s Gmail or any other platform. This is just one of the many reasons why we believe Jasper has one of the best email extensions available.

Write a Marketing Email

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