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Why Your Business Should be Using a Value Ladder

In any business that sets a price ladder for success and massive growth like the below is the first marketing genius, I heard from Russell Brunson myself. I used to apply this strategy for BOOMED for every single business. It wants to scale for any modern business and should not avoid it. Take it from me; it’s the secret sauce behind many success stories, including my own.

Russell has documented the standard ladder in his book, DotCom Secrets, which is full free at this point if you pay for shipping and handling. It is one of the best marketing books I have read so far, so if he still has some stock, I suggest you secure his stock before it expires.

The price ladder is what guides your customers through the sales funnel that generates the most revenue while delivering value from each of them at the same time. As you can see from the diagram, users enter the sales funnel by tapping into a free product, where you get their email address. Using an automated mailing system like ClickFunnels, you can quickly get ahead of them and further up your value ladder. The higher your customers are on the price tag, the more you are going for ticket items.

value ladder business
The Value Ladder from The Dot Com Secrets book by Russell Brunson

Always Have Continuity: Business

Business, Yes, business – many of the rich people say that “it is not a business at all” without continuity. I have to say that in most pieces, they are correct. You can only win if you place a customer on a regular (monthly / yearly, etc.) charge for a product that they rely on. If someone relies on pricing from subscription products, the pressure to cancel their subscription is high. Some examples of subscription products may be access to the software or exclusive membership of a community. Nowadays, you can find software designed online for a few hundred bucks through the many outsourcing sites available. Suppose you’ve adopted an outsourcing approach and launched a software product that handles web statistics on a customer’s website. When the product gets traction, and your customer base grows, you can always have the money earned to hire an unit of developers to renew your product. If that is how you like your code, then do it. There is no need to understand this, but rather just an idea and a desire to be effective. I have seen it many times with great success. Lock these customers.

High Ticket Items

When you increase your price ladder for your users, you should always keep a high-value item in mind, as there will be a subset of customers who are willing to pay a lot for the right price. An example of this might be an event or one-on-one training with you. Using this exact method, I had to pay clients as much as $ 5000 + for three days of training with me. Not every customer has this budget, and this is great. But throughout your sales funnel sales funnel, take advantage of the fact that you will have disposable income in a subset of these customers and make sure you provide value. Give them money.

Give Yourself The Best Chance of Succeeding

The easiest way to create a high-profit quality ladder is – when you have the time-saving equipment. I recommend a product called ClickFunnels to create sales funnels and make money to create valuable ladders. The development of this product is evolving; I genuinely believe it is changing the business forever.

The Dotcom Secrets book goes into great depth on how free and value ladder can improve your business. It is the single most extensive book I have ever written, and for me it says something.

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