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User Spotlight: Interview with Jonhny Homelus


User Spotlight: Interview with Jonhny Homelus

Hey there, Funnel Hackers! We’re so excited to introduce you to our special guest, Jonhny Homelus. Jonhny is an incredible business coach with a mission to build a thriving community of individuals who have made a huge impact on the lives of others and earned the coveted 2CC award.

Jonhny Homelus

Believe it or not, Jonhny’s journey began at just 16 years old in Haiti, where he landed his very first job. Little did he know that this opportunity would lead him to a life-changing business meeting that ignited his passion for marketing and entrepreneurship. In 2017, Jonhny faced some tough personal challenges that pushed him to embark on a journey of self-education and personal development.

Along the way, Jonhny crossed paths with Russell Brunson and discovered the One Funnel Away Challenge and Russell’s incredible library of books. The support and community he found with ClickFunnels became an integral part of his transformation.

According to Jonhny, the One Funnel Away Challenge was the best $100 he ever spent. He connected with amazing people, including Russell himself, and found inspiration in the smartly designed training and powerful ClickFunnels software.

Jonhny’s favorite funnel strategies are the challenge funnel and masterclasses, which have taken his community to new heights. These innovative approaches have allowed him to deeply engage with his audience and make a bigger impact.

Jonhny’s journey is truly inspiring, and we were honored to feature him in our User Spotlight at ClickFunnels. His incredible achievements and humble nature left a lasting impression on all of us.

You absolutely can’t miss this episode! It’s packed with insights and motivation that will leave you feeling inspired. Click here to check it out and get ready for an incredible experience!

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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