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Unlock the Power of Landing Pages: The Ultimate Size Guide

Landing Page


Unlock the Power of Landing Pages: The Ultimate Size Guide

Want more leads that actually convert? It all starts with the perfect landing page design. But here’s the thing: to get it right, you need to nail the size and dimensions. That’s why we’re here with our ultimate guide to landing page dimensions.

Before we dive in, let’s quickly define what a landing page actually is:

Simply put, it’s a web page with one primary goal – either to gather contact details or sell a product.

Most of the time, when marketers talk about landing pages, they’re referring to lead generation pages. So that’s what we’ll focus on too.

Now, let’s explore the three types of landing pages:

Short-Form Landing Pages

Also known as squeeze pages, these are the simplest and most effective type of landing pages. They fit on one screen and deliver maximum impact.

Here’s what you need:

  • A catchy headline that highlights the value of your offer
  • An email opt-in form for capturing leads
  • A compelling call-to-action button

You can also sprinkle in some extras like a sub-headline, social proof, or a striking image.

Just take a look at our high-converting squeeze page for inspiration:

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Landing Page

Medium-Length Landing Pages

When you have more to say, go for a medium-length landing page. These span multiple screens and allow for more content.

In addition to the essentials mentioned above, you can add:

  • More copy to really sell your offer
  • More social proof to build trust
  • More images to grab attention

Long-Form Landing Pages

Finally, we have long-form landing pages – the heavyweight champions of sales pages.

They’re often used for selling products and require persuasive content that keeps the reader engaged.

However, they can also be used for lead generation when offering a physical product for free, with the customer covering shipping costs.

For this approach, treat your lead generation landing page like a sales page and use the long-form format.

Need an example? Check out our “DotCom Secrets” lead magnet landing page for inspiration.

So there you have it: everything you need to know about landing page dimensions. Now it’s your turn to create landing pages that convert like crazy!

Landing Page

Are you ready to create a landing page that captures attention and converts visitors into customers? One key aspect to consider is the dimensions of your landing page. Let’s dive into the details.

Landing Page Width

For desktop landing pages, the recommended width is between 940 pixels and 960 pixels.
For mobile landing pages, aim for a width of 320 pixels.

These guidelines are a great starting point, but keep in mind that some devices may have unique screen sizes.

Landing Page Height

The height of your landing page will depend on its format.

For short-form desktop landing pages, go for a height of 720 pixels.
If you’re working on a short-form mobile landing page, aim for a height of 480 pixels.

Remember, these are general recommendations and may not cover all devices. Medium-length and long-form landing pages have no set height guidelines due to their varying content.

Static Web Pages vs. Responsive Web Pages
Let’s clarify the difference between static web pages and responsive web pages:

Static web pages display the same way across all devices.

Responsive web pages automatically adapt to the dimensions of the visitor’s device.

It’s no surprise that the vast majority of websites are responsive, considering that most web traffic comes from mobile devices. However, lack of responsiveness is a major reason why visitors leave websites.

In today’s attention economy, static web pages just won’t cut it. If your page looks odd on a smartphone or tablet, visitors will quickly move on. Make sure your landing page is responsive!

Use a Proven Landing Page Template!: Power of Landing Pages

Landing Page

We understand that you have a business to run and may not want to spend time fussing over landing page dimensions or responsive design. Don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you!

Our software, ClickFunnels 2.0, offers a template library with high-converting landing page templates for various use cases. These templates are responsive and look fantastic on all devices.

Create Landing Pages That CONVERT With ClickFunnels 2.0!

With ClickFunnels 2.0, you have everything you need to build landing pages that deliver results:

  • Proven landing page templates
  • Visual editor for customization
  • A/B testing functionality for optimization

The best part? You can try our software for free, with no risk involved.

Get started today and create landing pages that wow your audience and drive conversions!

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