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Traffic Secrets: Is Russell Brunson’s New Book & Course Worth It?



Traffic Secrets: Is Russell Brunson’s New Book & Course Worth It?

 (Plus Insane Bonuses)


Russell Brunson’s brand-new Traffic Secrets book and the course is the fastest method to get up to speed on all the various techniques and tools for driving traffic to your funnel.

In this thorough Traffic Secrets review, I will go into full detail on exactly what it is, how it works, success stories, my special reward experience and far more.


Get the Traffic Secrets book when it comes out via my affiliate link + unique bonus offers!

What if you might take simply ONE course, or readjust ONE book, that taught you everything about driving traffic to your funnel.

Well, you’re in luck …

Traffic Secrets is that course AND that book.

The course isn’t best by any means, but it’s one of the best out there on how to drive traffic.

This is the most total and in-depth evaluation of Russell Brunson’s brand-new Traffic Secrets book and course (I ensured of it).

Plus I have a unique Traffic Secrets Bonus Experience just for you if you choose to get the book through my affiliate link when it comes out.

By the time you’re done with the reading, my goal is to respond to all of your concerns about Traffic Secrets so that you understand whether it’s best for you.

One small (but crucial) information: The book hasn’t come out yet, but when it does, Russell will probably give it away with his normal FREE + shipping and dealing with the funnel.

Before we get any, even more, a full disclaimer: I’m an affiliate for Traffic Secrets and other ClickFunnels items, which means that if you purchase through my link, I’ll make a commission. However, this in no way impacts my decision to recommend Russell’s items.

I only advise items that I’m prepared to stake my track record on, and Traffic Secrets definitely falls into this classification.


On top of that, when you purchase Traffic Secrets through my link, you’ll get access to my EPIC Traffic Secrets Bonus Experience.

I currently own the majority of Russell’s courses and items for two factors:

REASON # 1: They assist me to grow my organization.

REASON # 2: Russell is a great guy who truly appreciates the success of his trainees.

For me, this is all I require to go ALL IN with ClickFunnels.

Does this mean that you should go buy all of Russell’s items too?

Absolutely not, lol.

However, there’s a good chance that Traffic Secrets can help you grow your organization like it’s helped me grow mine (and I’m currently in the process of implementing more of the tested traffic strategies).

As of right now, the most convenient (and most inexpensive) method to get Traffic Secrets is as part of an upsell with among these books or with The One Funnel Away Challenge (only $100 + an additional $297 for Traffic Secrets) … bearing in mind that it concerns some quite cool rewards also.

You’ll discover a table of contents listed below so that you can easily browse to the parts of this review that may interest you.

Let’s get to it!


Part 1: What Is Traffic Secrets?

Part 2: Is Traffic Secrets Right For Me?

Part 3: Why You Need To Get The Traffic Secrets Book & Course

Part 4: An In-Depth Look Inside Traffic Secrets

Part 5: Traffic Secrets Pricing

Part 6: Traffic Secrets Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs).

Part 7: Traffic Secrets Reviews & Testimonials.

Part 8: My Epic Traffic Secrets Bonus Experience.

Part 9: Traffic Secrets Review Conclusion: Would I Buy Russell’s Book & Course Again?


Part 1: What Are Traffic Secrets?

Traffic Secrets What is traffic secrets


Traffic Secrets is a comprehensive course for driving traffic to your sales funnel. and it really has a quite impressive backstory …

Unlike the majority of Russell’s courses, which he created himself, Traffic Secrets is initially the brainchild of John Reese, a legendary online marketer who as soon as made $1 million in 18 hours …

And the course that he did it with?

Traffic Secrets.

When Russell was still cutting his teeth as a funnel home builder, John was currently setting mammoth records.

In such a way, John’s million-dollar task was a lot like the very first time somebody broke the 4-minute mile.

It was a significant moment and it changed how online marketers thought about making money online.

Russell appreciated John at the time (still does) and designed him as best he could.

Then … everything came full circle when Russell paid John a cool $1 million for his Traffic Secrets course (the very same quantity that John made in a single day years ago).

The craziest part is, Russell doesn’t even sell Traffic Secrets a la carte … you can only get it as part of Funnel Builder Secrets, or as an upsell with DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, The One Funnel Away Challenge, or among his other items … usually for a $297 additional charge (John utilized to charge $1,000 for the course).

And now, Russell is coming out with his Traffic Secrets book, which will be Russell’s take on the course, plus his own individual insights …


Traffic Secrets Book

Traffic Secrets Book Coming Soon

Traffic Secrets will complete Russell’s epic trilogy of books:

BOOK #1: DotCom Secrets

BOOK #2: Expert Secrets

BOOK #3: Traffic Secrets

DotCom Secrets breaks down the SCIENCE of sales funnels, Expert Secrets breaks down the ART of sales funnels, and Traffic Secrets will dive deep into the FUEL of sales funnels: traffic.

In Russell’s own words:

“This book shows the simple process that we have used to get TENS OF MILLIONS of people to come to our sites every month.”

That’s a pretty amazing statement, and if Russell delivers (which he usually does) it’s going to be worth reading not to mention you’ll probably be able to get it for FREE when you pay for shipping and handling.

Traffic Secrets Book You're In!

f you wish to get on the waiting list, all you need to do is register here and Russell will let you know as soon as he releases the book.

Traffic Secrets Course Overview

Here’s a fast rundown of what’s inside the Traffic Secrets course:

1. The Foundation ($ 47 Value).

2. Market Discovery ($ 97 Value).

3. Copywriting Secrets ($ 197 Value).

4. Keyword Science ($ 97 Value).

5. Email Marketing Tactics ($ 147 Value).

6. Borrowing Traffic ($ 147 Value).

7. Shopping Engines & Amazon ($ 97 Value).

8. Traffic Formulas ($ 97 Value).

9. Purchasing Media & Sponsorships ($ 97 Value).

10. Google Adwords ($ 247 Value).

11. Podcasts & Broadcasts ($ 197 Value).

12. Mobile App Marketing ($ 197 Value).

13. Software & Widgets ($ 47 Value).

14. Facebook Ads ($ 247 Value).

15. Traffic Retargeting ($ 147 Value).

16. International Opportunities ($ 97 Value).

17. Social Media Strategy ($ 197 Value).

18. Traffic Recycling ($ 147 Value).

19. Google SEO ($ 197 Value).

20. Building A Content Factory ($ 97 Value).

21. Content Curation Methods ($ 97 Value).

22. YouTube Marketing ($ 197 Value).

23. Expansion & Scalability ($ 47 Value).

24. The Master Plan ($ 97 Value).

A few of the highlights consist of.

How to morally “obtain” your rivals’ finest traffic-getting methods.
Targeting long-tail keywords.
How to automate e-mail marketing and drive traffic.
The most reliable method to get brand-new affiliates to promote your items.
Mastering Google Adwords.
Why traffic retargeting can get 3x-5x the returns of brand-new consumers.

It also consists of a remarkably comprehensive area on Google SEO (one of the most affordable long-lasting traffic sources).

The Standout Pros And Con’s Of Traffic Secrets.



Explore the entire world of traffic choices with ONE course.
Gain from one of the most notorious marketers of our time.
Get detailed, actionable advice about technical stuff like setting up FB pixels and leveraging Google Analytics.

The entire course is well-structured and constructs as it goes.
Get valuable insights about high-converting ads and discover what errors to prevent.
Russell purchased Traffic Secrets for $1 million, and he either offers it away totally free or only asks you to cover a little percentage of the expenses.


Some of the details in the course could be a bit updated, like the keyword research study tools that John suggests.
The module on copywriting could be a bit much better and more in-depth. I’d recommend glancing at it at most, then go get your real copywriting education through Funnel Scripts or Neville Medhora’s subscription website.
The Traffic Secrets course sort of difficult to buy. It only comes as a free perk or as a budget-friendly upsell with other products. When the book comes out, you ought to get a few of the exact same (but upgraded) info from Russell himself in written kind though.

Part 2: Is Traffic Secrets Right For Me?

Traffic Secrets is for any business that wants to increase its traffic.

It’s an extensive, well-rounded course and the worst-case situation is that a few of the material won’t apply to your business.

In Russell’s own words…

” It’s a basic method that any business might implement, even if they do not comprehend what traffic is.”.

You can’t get a lot more universal than that.

Here’s a fast video of Russell discussing how to get more FREE traffic with a few of the methods in Traffic Secrets…


Traffic Tricks Is Right For You If:

You’re brand-new to traffic acquisition and you want to begin with the basics, then construct from there.
You’re a business owner who’s struck a rough spot and needs to revitalize their company with fresh leads.

You do not even know what traffic is however you’ve heard that it’s important to your service.
You sell a physical product online and want to find out how to leverage Amazon and other shopping platforms to secure free traffic and increased authority.

You don’t have a product however you wish to discover how to drive traffic and make affiliate sales.
You currently utilize a few core traffic techniques, but you wish to diversify, expand, and scale (perhaps it’s time you attempted Pinterest?).

Traffic Secrets Is NOT Right For You If:

You do not have the time to sift through a LONG course and pick out the pieces that are most pertinent to your business.
You can’t pay for among the package deals that Traffic Secrets is typically bundled with (between $297 and $1,997). When the book comes out, it will be free + shipping provider to get access to this info in written type though.

You’re happy with your existing traffic and don’t wish to grow.

Part 3: Why You Required To Get Traffic Tricks Book & Course

Most businesses don’t have a tested “master plan” for driving traffic.

This isn’t good, due to the fact that traffic is the life source of business.

If traffic isn’t streaming through your sales funnel on a regular basis, then your funnel has to do with as helpful as Halloween decor on Easter early morning.

Without a constant source of traffic, it’s difficult to have a reputable business plan.

That’s why you need to get the brand-new Traffic Tricks course and book since they give you an effective system for connecting with your audience and sending them directly to where you desire: the checkout cart.


Why You Need the Course

The Traffic Secrets course will reveal to you step-by-step how to take advantage of all the various traffic sources.

It also gives you a foundational understanding of the underlying concepts.

The book will probably cover much of the very same stuff, however when it comes to the technical side of execution, video material can be a substantial assistance.

Prior to Russell purchased the course, he and his group were loyal Traffic Secrets students.

Whenever Russell required a brand-new staff member to head out and bring him some traffic, he’d send them to Traffic Secrets initially.

Now that Russell owns Traffic Secrets, you can study the same product for a fraction of John’s original cost.

Why You Need the Book

I own almost every product that Russell has ever produced, and do you understand which ones have one of the most value?

His FREE books like Expert Secrets and DotCom Secrets …

I’m sure the Traffic Secrets Book will be no various.

Traffic Secrets Book More traffic easily

But like I said earlier, this won’t just be a written version of the course…

It’s going to be Russell’s own unique take on the material…plus a little extra.

So you better get on the waiting list for the Traffic Secrets book…otherwise, you’re going to suffer from a pretty awful case of FOMO.

Part 4: An In-Depth Look Inside Traffic Secrets

Traffic Secrets What is traffic secrets

Instead of having a clearly-outlined traffic strategy, a lot of companies dabble aimlessly in a few traffic sources.

A few e-mail series here …

A couple of FB advertisements there …

And when it’s all stated and done, there’s NO steady circulation and NO scalable system.

That’s since traffic resembles water … and your funnels are the pipes.

If you wish to turn on the client circulation, you require to have an organized piping system and after that understand how to turn on the tap.

Getting in front of your target audience is now much easier than ever, you simply need the right tools and techniques and after that, you make as much money as you desire.

This thorough 24-module course (and book) will reveal to you how.


Traffic Secrets Book

It’s tough to understand precisely what the book is going to be like up until it comes out, but if it’s similar to the course, it will most likely be developed around the 3 various kinds of traffic and how to leverage them.

*COLD Traffic
*WARM Traffic
*HOT Traffic

COLD traffic consists of people who have a problem that requires solving, however they aren’t yet familiar with the various product or services that can help them.

They may look for something like “how to develop a chicken coop,” since they still don’t know what types of resources are out there.

Cold traffic is generally the cheapest to target with paid traffic.

WARM traffic includes individuals who understand the types of services out there however have not yet become aware of your product.

A warm customer may search for something like” best chicken cage strategies.”

HOT traffic is the creme-de-la traffic.

These individuals are aware of the specific products that can solve their issues and are more or less all set to buy.

A hot client is the most expensive to target with paid ads, however, they also have the highest conversions.

As I said, we will not know for sure till the book comes out, but the possibilities are that it’ll be based upon these 3 kinds of traffic and then will construct from there.


Module 1: The Foundation

Traffic Secrets Module 1 core theory

Module 1 is the foundation for the rest of the course.

You’re going to have a lot to cover over the next 24 modules, so it’s important to get your brain warmed up and familiar with its new surroundings.

Don’t skip this lesson — it’s going to set you up for success.

This introductory part of the course covers core concepts like:

  • Domain names
  • Branding
  • Investing early
  • Target markets

Are you brand new to techie stuff like tracking pixels and Google Analytics?

Don’t worry, John’s got you covered.

He actually walks you through the Google Analytics dashboard.

Traffic Secrets Module 1 Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an incredible free tool, but it can also be overkill for beginners.

In Module 1, John just gives a quick intro to Google Analytics, but he shows you how to leverage it in more specific ways throughout the course.

FB pixels allow you to track user behavior as they flow to your site.

Traffic Secrets Module 1 FB pixel tracking

For the tech-ignorant among us, pixels can seem complicated, but John shows you click-by-click how to set them up on your site.

One odd thing I have to point out however is that on the Traffic Secrets sales letter, it says that Module 1 includes …

” 14 traffic tools that every online marketer must be using if they wish to have success (and scale rewarding traffic) in 2016.”.

Huh? … what year is it? LOL …

Hopefully, it’s just the sales letter that’s dated and not the course itself (this seems to be the case the majority of the time) however it’s still a warning.

Module 2: Market Discovery

Traffic Secrets Module 2 Market Discovery overview

Module 2: Market Discovery goes into everything you need to know about researching your market.

This includes stuff like…

  • Where your audience hangs out online
  • Upcoming keywords
  • How to keep up with trends
  • What the market cares about
  • What ad copy they’ll respond to

My favorite part of Module 2 is that John gets technical again and shows you how to use Google Trends to find patterns in the market.

Traffic Secrets Module 2 Google Trends

In a nutshell, this module teaches you how to become actually good at spying on the competition.

Monitor their advertising
Join their e-mails lists
Participate in their forums

… and typically end up being a king of espionage.

In fact, these same techniques are perfect for confirming virtual summit concepts.

For example, among my Virtual Summit Mastery students was considering doing a top about an unknown illness called Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Initially glimpse, it looked like it could be a solid niche, but after poking around in forums and FB groups he didn’t like what he saw.

After subscribing to a few email lists, he discovered even more stuff he didn’t like … so he decided to pivot to various industries.

Cases like this program why it’s crucial to utilize John’s market research methods early on: so that you do not lose time on dead-end specific niches.


Module 3: Copywriting Secrets

Traffic Secrets Module 3 Copywriting Secrets

It doesn’t matter how structured your funnel is … if your sales copy is dreadful, it’s not going to work.

Sadly, Module 3 isn’t Traffics Secret’s strongest module.

Although it covers a couple of essential ideas, you’re going to wish to check out some of Russell’s other courses if you want to truly learn about excellent copy.

Funnel Scripts is an epic piece of software that composes fantastic copy for you, plus it includes incredible benefits like Jim Edwards’ Copywriting Secrets Masterclass.

Russel’s DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets books likewise have some terrific copywriting scripts to go into.

Nevertheless, there are still a couple of useful takeaways, like spying on your competitor’s copy using word counting tools and modeling Google ads.

Module 4: Keyword Science

Traffic Secrets Module 4 Keywords

Module 4: Keyword Science covers the basics of keyword targeting, like recognizing the buying intent behind words.

It also discusses keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Keyword Spy, and Ubersuggest.

Unfortunately, this module actually made me cringe a little bit with how outdated some of the info is.

For example, Google Keyword Planner is no longer as accessible as it once was. It used to be easy to use it for free, but things have changed…

Nowadays, you have to jump through a few extra hoops to use Keyword Planner without running ads.

It’s doable, but if you want a free tool I’d recommend using Ubersuggest instead….

Traffic Secrets Ubersuggest

On a similar note, Ubersuggest is no longer an independent entity like John’s Traffic Secrets video makes you believe — Neil Patel actually owns it now and offers it for free on his website.

Honestly, if you want to get serious about keyword research, you should get Ahrefs.

They have the most active crawlers and therefore the most up-to-date, accurate results (SEMRush is a respectable keyword research tool as well).

Module 5: Email Tactics

Traffic Secrets Module 5 Your most valuable asset

Module 5 reveals you how to benefit from your most valuable possession: your e-mail list.

You’ll discover how to automate email marketing so that it continually drives traffic back to your website.

Neville Medhora is a world-class copywriter who does this actually well, and if you want to develop the art of copywriting he’s a fantastic man to follow.

Russell’s Funnel Scripts is likewise loaded with a few great autoresponder series, including one that’s 11 e-mails long.

Hosting a virtual conference is among the best methods to quickly grow an e-mail list.

For example, Shade Adu (one of my VSM students) tripled her e-mail list with her first top, and the email methods in Traffic Secrets are ideal for assisting her to utilize those brand-new subscribers

In Module 5, you’ll also discover …

5 ways to turn your e-mail list into devoted customers.

The very best times to send your e-mails
7 little-known techniques to increase opt-in rates


Module 6: Borrowing Traffic

Traffic Secrets Module 6 Borrowing traffic

Excuse me…you don’t mind if I borrow some traffic, do you?

In Module 6, you’ll learn how to get websites and influencers all over the internet to send you traffic…and you won’t have to pay for it until AFTER it converts.

I’m talking about starting an affiliate program, and it’s an incredibly powerful, low-risk way to generate traffic.

In Virtual Summit Mastery, I teach my students how to use affiliates to promote their online summitand how to make extra money by selling other people’s products of the back end.

In fact, I made roughly $40K off the back end of my very first summit by selling Ramit Sethi’s online course.

When leveraged correctly, the concepts in Module 6 can be powerful, including…

  • 3 ways to get your affiliates to grow your list for you
  • The #1 most effective way to get new affiliates
  • How to use contests to motivate your affiliates
  • …and more…

Module 7: Shopping Engines and Amazon

Traffic Secrets Module 7 ecommerce

Module 7 is one of my favorite modules of the whole course due to the fact that the tactics are exceptionally creative.

For instance, John shows you how to use Amazon’s product advertising API to increase the credibility of your own e-commerce website.

When you sign up with Amazon’s affiliate program, you can embed their product listings onto your site. If you only have a couple of items for sale, this can make your shop look less like a ghost town and earn you some side earnings as their affiliate.

John likewise shows you …

Why rate comparisons can send countless clicks to your online store
How to utilize Amazon Kindle books to create free opt-in leads on autopilot
How to get e-commerce products listed on shopping sites

Module 8: Traffic Formulas

Traffic Secrets Module 8 Traffic Formula

According to Russell, this may be the most important module in the entire course, and that’s because it teaches you the driving theories behind all the other strategies.

You’ll explore the 3 core ways to grow a business:

  1. Lower your cost per visitor
  2. Increase traffic volume
  3. Raise your average visitor value.

Plus John gives advice on how to split tests and how to “mine” for traffic inside your individual ad campaigns.

Module 9: Buying Media and Sponsorships

Traffic Secrets Module 9 Buying Media

In Module 9 John shows you how to get your ads running across major sites like ESPN, Fox News, and CNN.

You’ll learn techniques for running all sorts of ads like…

  • Banner ads
  • Sponsorships
  • Text ads
  • Buttons
  • Interstitials
  • …and more…

You’ll also further perfect your spying skills by learning how to find the best-performing media creatives in your market.

Module 10: Google Adwords Mastery

Traffic Secrets Module 10 Google Adwords

Module 10 is definitely the deepest module in the course, with over two dozen individual lessons about how to leverage the world’s largest PPC ad platform: Google Adwords.

You’ll learn how to…

  • Earn a high-quality score for your landing pages
  • Drive tons of laser-targeted traffic
  • Strategically use different keywords

On top of that, John has tips for optimizing ad copy for maximum clicks and a bunch of other gems. If you’ve ever wondered what the science of “dayparting” meant, you’re going to find out here.

Module 11: Podcasts and Broadcasts

Traffic Secrets Module 11 Podcasts and Broadcasts

Have you ever wanted to learn how to start a podcast and use it to drive traffic to your site?

Well, you’re in luck, because Module 11 shows you how to hack the Apple iTunes podcast directory and rank at the top.

But what if you don’t have time to run your own podcast?

No worries… John teaches you how to outsource the whole podcasting process and repurpose the content you already have. Then you can also focus more on how to make money podcasting.


Module 12: Mobile App Marketing

Traffic Secrets Module 12 Mobile App Marketing

Mobile apps are huuuuuuuuuge, and in Module 12 you learn how to use them to drive traffic to your landing pages.

Billions of eyes are glued to mobile apps every day.

John teaches you how to get your app made, then how to use it to grow your email list and generate more buyers.

Plus you’ll learn how to get your apps to rank at the top of the app store.

Module 13: Software and Widgets

Traffic Secrets Module 13 Software


Have you ever heard of the Facebook game Farmville?

It’s another piece of software that’s coded specifically for the Facebook platform. The general marketing idea behind it is that if you give away software and attract eyeballs, you can ultimately generate leads.

But honestly, this module was a disappointment for me because it just revisits the same concepts from Module 12 (send customers from the app to your funnel).

Plus a few of the lessons are pretty much just advertisements for specific tools.

Module 14: Facebook Ads

Traffic Secrets Module 14 Facebook ads

Getting good at Facebook ads can be extremely tough.

In fact, to actually crush it with FB ads you’ll most likely need to take another course on top of Traffic Secrets.

With that said, Module 14 is one of the longer modules and John does a solid job of balancing theories/concepts with the technical aspects of running ads.

You’ll discover …

Facebook retargeting techniques
How to develop advertisements by market group
How to track which advertisements are increasing conversions
How to develop high-converting advertisements

Module 15: Traffic Retargeting

Traffic Secrets Module 15 Traffic Retargeting

If you aren’t retargeting… you’re losing money.

Every time someone visits your funnel and doesn’t buy, that’s valuable information you can use to retarget them.

For instance, you can set your FB ads so that they only get served to people who previously watched at least 30% of your video.

Retargeting ads like these keep customer acquisition costs low, and in this module, John shows you how to use them.

Module 16: International Opportunities

Traffic Secrets Module 16 International Opportunities

In Module 16, John teaches you how to expand into other countries and plug into untapped markets, including how to find cheap language translation services.

Learn how to target foreign languages and English speakers around the world.

Module 17: Social Media Strategy

Traffic Secrets Module 17 Social Media

Social media can be a major source of lead generation, but different platforms work better in certain niches.

In Module 17, John covers all the major platforms, including their advantages and how to use them to drive qualified leads.

You’ll learn about…

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram

Plus John shows you how to use Buzzsumo to find high-converting content and headlines.

Module 18: Traffic Recycling

Traffic Secrets Module 18 Traffic Recycling

Just because someone visits your site and doesn’t buy, doesn’t mean they’re useless.

In Module 18, John teaches you how to turn these visitors into lead magnets that will deliver warm customers to your front door.

A lot of John’s strategies are pretty crafty, including…

  • How to integrate different social media accounts to create a promotional powerhouse
  • How to amplify your Facebook likes and shares
  • Turning your email into a traffic-generating machine

He also shows you how to use a tool called Rafflecopter to host promotional contests across social media platforms.

Module 19: Google SEO

Traffic Secrets Module 19 Google SEO

I have to admit that I held my breath for the SEO module because I thought for sure it would be outdated.

SEO moves pretty fast, and the tactics that worked a year ago may or may not work today.

However, I was pleasantly surprised by Module 19.

John covers most of the core concepts of on-page and off-page SEO.

However, I would like to see him go more in-depth into link building strategies since link juice is such a major ranking factor.

Another minor thing is that John recommends Moz for backlink research, which really isn’t the best tool for the job (Ahrefs is far better, or even Ubersuggest which is a free tool).


Module 20: Building a Content Factory

Traffic Secrets Module 20 Content Factory

Quality content is the cornerstone of ranking new pages.

It’s also the best way to offer real value to your audience.

In Module 20, John shows you how to create content that your audience will love and that Google will rank.

John also gives away tips for building a content-generating machine by outsourcing to a team of writers.

Once your content ranks, it can drive organic leads that cost up to 80% less than paid traffic.

Module 21: Content Curation Methods

Traffic Secrets Module 21 Content Curation

The last thing you want is to get stuck on the “content treadmill:” a never-ending cycle of content creation.

Luckily, there are (legal) ways to leverage other people’s content to send you leads.

In Module 21, you’ll learn how to…

  • Create round-up posts
  • Use somebody else’s infographic to generate shares and links
  • Use other people’s YouTube videos to drive traffic to your site

Module 22: YouTube Marketing

Traffic Secrets Module 22 YouTube

YouTube can be a powerful way to reach massive audiences, especially in certain niches.

In Module 22, John shows you the keys to conquering YouTube’s algorithms so that your content ranks at the top of results.

You’ll also learn how to target keywords and optimize your channel.

However, I wish this module covered more about how to create viral content.

The good news is that there are a couple of YouTube specialists that take part in Russell’s FREE Affiliate Bootcamp, and you can register for it here.

Module 23: Expansion and Scalability

Traffic Secrets Module 23 Expansion

John discusses the importance of expanding into other markets and other types of traffic sources over time.

At the beginning of your traffic generation, you’ll inevitably find a few strategies that work right out the gate, but it’s important to keep trying new things and always split test.

Pinterest, for example, can be a jackpot for certain niches, but it usually takes a while for most people to give it a try.

Module 24: The Master Plan

Traffic Secrets Module 24 Master plan

John lays out a master plan to help you stay organized while you implement the course and grow your traffic.

Part 5: Traffic Secrets Pricing

Unfortunately, getting ahold of the Traffics Secrets course isn’t as straightforward as you might hope… and pricing varies depending on which package you buy it with.

The book by Russell Brunson is due to come out later in 2019, so stay tuned for that.


Traffic Secrets pricing

But as usual, you’re going to wind up paying a lot less (approximately $297 most of the time).

As I said earlier in this evaluation, you can’t purchase Traffic Secrets straight but you can get it as part of a package or upsell.

ALTERNATIVE # 1: As part of the Funnel Builder Secrets plan, which starts at $1997 (and you’ll even get ClickFunnels for 6 months at that rate). It’s loaded with perks (but truthfully Funnel Builder Secrets is easily worth the price on its own).

OPTION # 2: You can likewise in some cases buy Traffic Secrets as a one-click-upsell (OTO) with the DotCom Secrets book or The One Funnel Away Challenge (the cost here is generally $297 for Traffic Secrets plus the cost of the other item).

Traffic Secrets pricing

Traffic Secrets Book Pricing

When it comes out, the Traffic Secrets book will most likely be complimentary + shipping, with the Traffic Secrets course, and possibly some other things as upsells.

Part 6: Traffic Secrets Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Here are a few of the significant frequently asked questions (FAQs) I see individuals ask about the Traffic Secrets book and course …

Q: How do I buy Traffic Secrets?

ALTERNATIVE # 1: As part of Funnel Builder Secrets.

OPTION # 2: as an upsell for The One Funnel Away Challenge.

ALTERNATIVE # 3: as an upsell for Russell’s books.

Q: How much is the Traffic Secrets course?

If you buy it as part of Funnel Builder Secrets, then you’ll have to spend a minimum of $1,997 for 6 months of ClickFunnels, Funnel Scripts, Funnel Hacks, and the other rewards (consisting of Traffic Secrets).

If you buy Traffic Secrets as part of an upsell for one of Russell’s books or The One Funnel Away Challenge, the expense will more than likely be $297 + $100 for The OFA Challenge or shipping and handling for the book.

Q: How much will the Traffic Secrets book expense?

It’ll most likely be totally free (you just spend for shipping and handling).

Q: Can you end up being a ClickFunnels affiliate with Traffic Secrets?

Yes, you can end up being a ClickFunnels affiliate by clicking here.

When someone purchases any ClickFunnels item you’ll get 40% commission.

I also extremely suggest the Affiliate Bootcamp if you’d like to end up being a ClickFunnels super affiliate, or merely make some money every month.

Q: How much money can I make as a ClickFunnels affiliate.

ClickFunnels has among the very best affiliate programs out there.

You get 40% commissions on whatever a consumer buys for life … all you need to do is get them into among Russell’s funnels.

Q: Can Traffic Secrets assist me to write a much better sales copy?

Yes and no …

In my opinion, Traffic Secrets’ copywriting module is quite thin, but it still has some terrific advice.

If you wish to really advance your copywriting I advise Funnel Scripts.

Q: Do Traffic Secrets dive into the technical elements of driving traffic?

Yes, Traffic Secrets is Russell’s a lot of extensive training on how to drive MASSIVE traffic to your funnel.

It explains Google Analytics, pixel tracking, keyword targeting, social network tags, and much more …

Q: When will the Traffic Secrets book come out?

Quickly! We just don’t understand exactly when … I’ve heard some rumors that say September 2019.

Q: Do Traffic Secrets feature training to assist me to get the most out of the course?

Nope, it’s simply you and the content with this one.

You’ll need to dig deep and discover, however luckily John did a great job of laying a strong structure and holding your hand through the technical elements.

Q: Are Traffic Secrets worth the cost?

It really depends on what your budget plan is and which bundle you get the course through.

If you buy it as part of Funnel Builder Secrets for a minimum of $1,997, then as long as you want Etison Suite, 6 months of ClickFunnels, Funnel Scripts, and the other bonus offers (including my own) then yes, it’s worth the price.

If you buy Traffic Secrets as part of an upsell for among Russell’s books, then you’ll most likely just have to pay $297 + shipping and handling (if you purchase Traffic Secrets as a part of The One Funnel Away Challenge, the expense will probably be $297 + $100 for The OFA Challenge.

However yea, I’d state it’s great value for cash in any case as John offered it for $1,000 prior to Russell purchased the company, and now you’d pay a fraction of the cost.


Part 7: Traffic Secrets Reviews & Testimonials

Here are just a few ClickFunnels and Traffic Secrets reviews and testimonials from real people who are raving about Russell and his products:

Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review testimonials
Traffic Secrets Review Testimonials

Part 8: My Epic Traffic Secrets Bonus Experience

Below you’ll find all the details about my bonus experience you’ll get when you join Traffic Secrets via my affiliate link.

My special Traffic Secrets book bonuses to be announced soon.

Note: These bonuses will be announced when Russell comes out with his Traffic Secrets Book. If you buy the Traffic Secrets course via an upsell, I do offer other bonuses for Funnel Builder Secrets, One Funnel Away Challenge, etc.

Part 9: Traffic Secrets Review Conclusion: Would I Buy The Book & Course Again?

Thanks for putting in the time to read this thorough Traffic Secrets course and book review.

I know it was a little long, however, you hung in there.

The reality is, there’s a lot going on inside of Traffic Secrets– it has a fascinating backstory and unique challenges when it pertains to buying it.

Overall, Traffic Secrets might be the most comprehensive course on traffic acquisition … ever.

Is it perfect?

No, however, it’s most likely the fastest way to get up to speed on all the different strategies and tools for driving traffic to your funnel.

In the end, Traffic Secrets can be enormously beneficial for almost any company owner or a business owner.

I’d say when the Traffic Secrets Book comes out quickly, there will be a lot more from Russell Brunson in there as well, and who understands, he might even update the course to 100% design the book structure.

I’m very excited about this to state the least and I will ensure to update this review when the book is out too.

So the only remaining concern is, “which of Russell’s & John’s strategies will you use to enhance your traffic?”


Russell Brunson’s brand-new Traffic Secrets book and the course is the fastest method to get up to speed on all the different techniques and tools for driving traffic to your funnel.

Plus if you get the book through my affiliate link when it comes out, you’ll get my impressive Traffic Secrets Bonus Experience in addition to whatever Russell provides, which makes it a total no-brainer.

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

>>>Ready To Build Your 7 figure Funnel…Let Us Do It For You & Launch Your Business In 10 Minutes Or less!

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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