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Three Biggest Mistakes When Building A Challenge Funnel


Three Biggest Mistakes When Building A Challenge Funnel


What’s going on everyone today. I wanna share with you the three biggest mistakes people make when building a challenge funnel, and how to avoid them.

C lunch funnels seem to be popping up everywhere. These days, a 15 day fitness challenge or a seven day productivity challenge, a five day mindset challenge, and a 10 day social media challenge. You can literally make up a challenge for just about anything. I have seen a lot of great challenges out there that are helping people out all while building trust and relationship with their clients, but also keep seeing the same mistakes made and other challenges. And I know they put a lot of work into building their funnel only to come up short. Don’t let this happen to you. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, and I wanna share them with you so that you can succeed in your business. This brings me to the number one mistake. See when building a challenge funnel. The biggest mistake that people make is that they don’t even start building a challenge.

Funnel. Trust me, you are missing out on a ton of leads in sales. You see most people think they need to be an expert in order to start coaching others. It’s simply not true. You don’t need a degree or a special training to set up a challenge funnel. You don’t have to put in 30 years in your field. Truth is that you can easily build a challenge with what you know today. Look back on the past couple years or months, or even this past week. What did you learn and overcome in your life that you could share with someone else? If you could teach others how to get threes results they need and save them from all the struggles that you had to overcome. Wouldn’t that be great? Now that we have things rolling, I can get to the second biggest mistake that I see when building a challenge funnel.

Most people miss a key element of the challenge. The challenge needs to solve a problem, to get people, to sign up for your challenge. It has to target a specific problem that your clients have ask yourself what struggles do my clients deal with most. Now, I want you to brainstorm a bunch of pain points that you hear over and over now, what can you help your clients with today that will get them the results they need. We’re gonna look at the third biggest mistake that people make is that they overcomplicate the process of building a challenge funnel. Sure. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle to get the whole challenge together. First, you need the challenge idea and the offer next you’ll want a sales funnel to grab their email and get them signed up. Plus you have to build out the email sequence and engage with your customers and deliver the challenge.

You would have to hire a funnel, builder, a copywriter, and a graphic designer, or you could learn how to do all of this on your own, but why would you do that? When we already have the hardware done for you? We have the sales funnel blueprint already built out for you. Plus we have an email sequence that you can use to deliver to your clients. We will even help you set this all up and make sure you have everything running smoothly. Sounds good, right? I’m sure you’re wondering in what I’m talking about. So now let’s dive into the challenge funnel right now here at the funnel shop, we have been working countless hours, building out some of the most successful funnels ever built. This is the 10 X challenge funnel that we have hacked and built out the exact blueprint for you to use. This is one of the best challenge funnels we could find.

Now you can have the framework and structured to follow along with, and all you have to do is put your own branding and message into the funnel it’s already built out and ready to import into your favorite funnel. Building software. Most of the hard work is done, and now you can get your very own challenge set up in no time. We know you’re busy running your in dealing with life in general. So we did everything we could to make this whole process as easy as possible for you. We built out a members area that shows you step by step, how to import the funnel, put in your own message and graphics and launch it to the world. Need help with writing that perfect headline. We have a tool for that at, or maybe you need some help with changing out the graphics. Well, we have a whole course to help you edit the funnel and get everything perfect.

You will even get an email sequence to use as your own to help engage with your audience. Plus, we are always adding more and more to the members’s area. So if you get stuck anywhere in the process to building out your, a challenge funnel, just reach out to us, either in the Facebook group and we will help you out. All right. So this is the actual 10 X funnel that I’m so excited to tell you about. This is inside a ClickFunnels account of the direct import. So if you have, if you’re using a, a different funnel software, we have links for all the other different funnel softwares, no matter what you’re using, we got you covered. So this is inside my account here. I’ll just show you the pages. We got your optin page OTO one, OTO two. So your one time offer pages you’ve got a down set page and then your thank you page at the end.

And then we’ve also got a live page here that’s where you do all your broadcasts for every day for your challenge. So we’ll just jump into the optin page and I’ll show you exactly what it looks like. So everything’s built out exactly like the funnel is. So of course you’re gonna want to come in here and just change your headline put in something that works for your branding, your message. If you need help with that, we have some software that will help you build out and put the, put a really awesome headline in there that grabs the people’s attention. Then you want to just change out a few graphics here and there. You’ve got some social proof down here and then a video. So I really recommend putting the video in there. It always converts best. Even if you just do a simple video on your phone, just you talking in front of the camera, I, that always works best.

And then so just change that out and then just follow exactly what they did in this funnel. And you’ll be off to the races. So changing out these headlines and this copy and stuff like that. So that’s that page very simple to go in there and edit it and you’ll be ready to put this out to the world. So I’ll show you one of the OTO pages. They’re both kind of the same. So this is once they opt into the challenge, you’re just gonna wanna show them like what else you have to offer and try to snag them on one of the offers that you have, so you can pretty much put anything in here. They’ve at like another training. So these are really great. Just to show more of what you have to offer and if they grab it fine, that’s awesome.

And if they don’t, they don’t. So so these are kind of the same OT 1 0 2 0 2 and then your down. So page this one’s got tons of information. I really like this page. So we’re doing a down, sell something even cheaper, and then this one has all these reviews in here. So it really gives you lots of room to talk about yourself. If you have the reviews and testimonials and then hear a big offer. So offers stack is always great to throw in there, and then here’s some more information you can change this out, however you want. But this page is just all about showing what you have to offer and all the value you can provide. So, so there’s tons of stuff in here. We can change out and make that work for your own branding, your own mess. So, so that page is really awesome.

I love that. So then of course, just a simple, thank you page. These are kind of the same. So again, just changing out your own graphics and putting this and just follow the guideline, the blueprint, basically go along with the steps. You can throw in your Facebook group there if you have one. So when they join, they jump in your favorite into your Facebook group. And then step two introduce yourselves, step three, set reminders. So we can help you set, add all this up and then step four is get ready to join in on the, on all the challenges. So of course, you’ll also be following up with emails along with this. So make sure that they show up every time you’re live and then here you have a live page. So this is where you put all the videos every day of your challenge.

You can either do it this way or you can you can go with just going through your Facebook group. So either, or you can have the videos posted right in here in the funnel, and that’s exactly where you go. So so it’ll look exactly like this. So you’ll have your, your videos here and your general chat and all that. So, so that is the whole funnel. And we’re so excited to offer this to you. And I can’t wait to get you guys in here and have this going now that we’ve gone over the three biggest mistakes I’ve seen building out a challenge funnel you’re probably ready to get started. So we’ve got the link down below. Plus if you’re interested in all the bonuses we have to offer, stay tuned for the next video, and I will show you exactly what we have spent hours and hours putting to together just for you. This is going to blow your mind. I can’t wait to see you guys on the inside. Have a great day.

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

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