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The Underdog Advantage By Dean Graziosi
I’m so excited that you’re at this site this week to get my brand new book, the underdog advantage, the hardcover for free. Yes, for free, plus some incredible instant bonuses to get you to take action so I can get this knowledge in your hand.
So at any time during this video, you could just fill out the information over here and we will ship you the hardcover if you just cover the shipping and handling. But while you’re here, let me ask you this really important question. Have you ever felt like an underdog?
Have people in your life told you you’re a dreamer or you should get realistic or stop being so crazy? Have you ever known you’re going to take your idea and turn it into a business or take your current business and scale it through the roof? Or you’re going to leapfrog your career right to the top?
Even though you don’t have the resources, you don’t have the money. Maybe you live in the wrong area or maybe you don’t have the right education. Your family and friends don’t support you and do think you’re crazy. But deep down you still know you’re going to do it.
Well, congratulations. That means you’re an underdog too. Hey, it’s Dean Graziosi and maybe you saw my book millionaire success habits over the past couple of years, one of the best selling books in the world, and I am a multiple New York Times bestselling author.
I’ve been blessed to start over 13 companies. I’ve been blessed to create success, abundance, and wealth in my life that I never even thought was possible, but, maybe like you at some point in your life, I am the quintessential underdog. I didn’t start with money. I had dyslexia. I didn’t go to college. My parents were married nine times between them.
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I moved 20 times. By the time I was 20 I did live in a trailer park and my guidance counselors and my friends and my family told me I was nuts, that it took money to make money. It took a better education to make money and guess what?
They were all wrong. In fact, being an underdog was the greatest gift that ever could have been given to me in my life by my maker, by God, whatever it is you believe in, and this is the book that shows you how to turn your disadvantages and make them your superpowers. I mean, think about this. If you’re looking to make more money, start your own business, scale your own business, take your career to the next level. There are a million things online telling you how to get rich overnight.
Do this and get the $30,000 check. Do this and drive the Lamborghini.
Do this and fly on private jets. How’s that working out for you? What I realized by being an entrepreneur, being self-employed for over 30 years, and starting with nothing, it’s never that the tool or the magical money machine, it’s going upstream and anchoring the foundation for success. That’s why millionaire success habits did so well, but this goes upstream even more. I mean, think about underdogs. What are your favorite movies? Could it be Rocky or Rudy or Seabiscuit or how about some of those Disney movies that I know I cry with my kids that are back here behind me in pictures. I cry for the underdog.
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Think about your favorite athletes. Maybe LeBron James or Michael Jordan. Massive underdogs. Think about the most successful people you hear about John Paul DeJoria broker than broke. No education. Living homeless start Paul Mitchell and patronized tequila or Richard Branson quitting eighth grade and having nothing and everybody including his tale is told him he’s nuts and he creates the Virgin companies, Virgin air, Virgin, everything.
One of the richest people in the world. Think of underdogs like mother Teresa or Martin Luther King. They had nothing, no advantages. They haven’t left anything. They took their disadvantages and made it their fuel and they went right past the people with privilege. And guess what would this book?
It’s time for your underdog story. Remember, they don’t make statues of critics. They make statues of the crazy ones, the dreamers, the rebels, and even if you feel you’re not a complete underdog, it’s time to get the underdog mindset. I mean, think about people with privilege. What do they say about most people who hit little, they go broke.
Think about most people who raised capital, lots of cash to start a company since it’s not their money. They have resources, but they’re not resourceful, and those companies go down.
Think of anyone you know with a trust fund, their struggle their whole life because they had the resources abundantly, but they didn’t have the strategies to turn what they thought was a disadvantage into the thing that allows them to go to the next level.
Listen, here’s what I believe. All of us have a Superman shirt underneath. We just need to know how to unlock it and that’s what this book, the underdog advantage does. Now here’s the cool part. You can leave this site and go to Amazon and pay 1995 and it’s worth it.
Or during this special promotion to launch this book to the world, I want to get this in the hands of over a million people as fast as possible. On this page, you can get the book absolutely free. Yes, free. I paid for the hardcover. They’re in my warehouse. All I ask you to do is cover the shipping and handling a small little fee. You fill out the information right over here and immediately you’ll get all the bonuses below. Yes, that’s the ethical bribe to get this information in your hands. Don’t miss it.
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Plus, I’m doing a 90-minute live training on what I believe to be is the number one way to profit and make an impact in today’s shifting culture, in today’s shifting economy to show you how to get paid for what you already know, how to enter an industry heading towards $1 billion a day.
I can’t wait for you to see that, but the most important part, the only way you get the invite, the only way you get all the bonuses below, and the only way you can get this incredible book to make your underdog story become a reality is by filling out the information on this page and getting this book for free. Listen.
If you’re looking to start your own business, to scale an idea or business that you have to leapfrog your career or just take your abundance to a whole nother level, imagine if for once in your life you realized that these so-called disadvantages actually happen for you, and when you learn the seven chapters in this book, you can shift that to rocket fuel to reach your full potential, your 2.0 version of you.
I’m so excited. Yes. Millionaire success habits sold over 700,000 copies. This book will go way beyond it because it applies to every single person watching. Don’t miss your chance.
This is the week to get this book. You get the free copy, all the bonuses, the special training. If you do one thing, fill out the info. Let me ship you this book and see why it’ll be the best book I’ve ever written in my life.
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What if everything that you thought was weakness was actually your superpower? What if
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