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Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review

spencer mecham


Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review

Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review: I think you’ll agree with me when I say that there is so much info on affiliate marketing out there, that it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.

And that’s why most people who get into the affiliate marketing game fail.

They try a strategy they read about in a blog post or in a Facebook group, and it doesn’t work for them.

So they give up.

That’s why I want to introduce you to an affiliate marketing course that personally took my own affiliate marketing business to the next level.

After years of frustration at trying to promote ClickFunnels, it’s the training that put me on the path toward and finally qualifying for the ClickFunnels Dream Car.

And that course is Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0.

I really love this course, and in this Affiliate Secrets review, I’m going to show you everything you will learn from it, and how it helped me level up my own business.

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Here’s what I’m going to be covering:

  • What is Affiliate Secrets 2.0?
  • Who is Affiliate Secrets Targeted to?
  • How Affiliate Secrets Helped Me Qualify for the ClickFunnels Dream Car
  • What are my Favorite Things about Affiliate Secrets 2.0?
  • What Could Be Better about Affiliate Secrets 2.0
  • A Look Inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0
  • Affiliate Secrets Pricing
  • Final Thoughts

And if you are just there to get my Affiliate Secrets Bonuses you can skip to the bottom to see what they are. Just click the link to grab my $18,273.95 in Affiliate Secrets Bonuses.


What Is Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is a complete end-to-end affiliate marketing video course by Spencer Mecham of Buildapreneur.

Like the original course, this fully revamped version includes Spencer’s complete blueprint on starting, validating, and growing an online affiliate business using his platform of choice, ClickFunnels.

Everything taught in this course is based on the same strategies that allowed him to build passive income and ultimately quit his 9-5 job.

Wait, Who Is Spencer Mecham?

So far you’re probably thinking: “Damn, this Spencer guy sounds like some kind of marketing deity.”

Well, he sort of is.  See he was the first person to hit one million dollars in ClickFunnels affiliate commissions and the first to join the 2 Comma Club as a ClickFunnels affiliate.

And he did it in a relatively short amount of time as well.

Still, it’s one thing to be a successful affiliate marketer.  But it’s another to be able to teach what you know to others.  And that’s what makes Spencer stand out to me.spencer mecham

Since he launched Affiliate Secrets, he’s been credited by at least 10 other ClickFunnels Dream Car winners for helping them qualify for the Dream Car.  And I can vouch for that as well since he helped me as well.

He also runs one of my favorite Facebook groups, Automation Nation which is where I actually learned about Affiliate Secrets in the first place.

Oh, and he’s also a really nice and humble guy as well as you can read from the interview I did with him.


Who is Affiliate Secrets Targeted To?

Affiliate Secrets is simply targeted to people who want to learn the best affiliate marketing strategies from the top ClickFunnels affiliate in the world.

The course is not cheap…and in fact, it gets more expensive over time.  If you want free stuff, then you should check out Spencer’s free courses (which are quite good) or his Youtube channel instead.

But if you want to learn actionable strategies that have worked well for Spencer and many others that he has taught then you will find that Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is well worth the investment.

Finally, Affiliate Secrets is for action-takers. Even with all the different strategies laid out from start to finish, you still need to put consistent effort into implementing the material, as well as the patience to see it through.

Who is Affiliate Secrets NOT for?

Well, Affiliate Secrets dives into some pretty technical aspects of digital marketing and technical implementation, so if you’re a technophobe, you may want to skip over this one.

More importantly, this isn’t a “get-rich-quick” scheme and there’s no promise of overnight success here. And rightly so. If you’re on a tight timeline, this isn’t for you either.

There’s a LOT of content covered inside Affiliate Secrets.  So you have to be willing to take the time to go through it all.

How Affiliate Secrets Helped Me Qualify for the ClickFunnels Dream Car

I’ve always been good at SEO and ranking my posts on Google.  But as a pure affiliate marketer, I used to be pretty dumb.  All I would do is write my content, slap on a few affiliate links, and call it a day.

For a lot of affiliate programs, that actually worked, and I was able to make a decent income and pretend I was a good affiliate marketer.


But ClickFunnels was a different beast.

First of all, it’s not cheap, starting at $97 a month. And there’s a definite learning curve to using it properly in your business.  But most of all, you’re competing against an army of other crazed ClickFunnels affiliates who are offering tons of value to get people to sign up under their link.

So my lazy man’s way of affiliate marketing had no chance.  And I struggled for a long time trying to make any ClickFunnels commissions at all, even with my targeted traffic.

But this changed when I purchased Spencer’s Affiliate Secrets.  I’ve bought a lot of courses over the years, but not many of them have impacted my business as it did.

While I learned a lot from all the modules in the course, the one on Value (module #4) was the one that really hit home for me.

After watching it, it made me realize that I needed to change my ways if I wanted to be successful in promoting ClickFunnels.  Instead of passively “hoping” that people would click on my affiliate links, I needed to give people a real reason to want to buy from me.

That meant thinking of high value, relevant bonuses I could add to my ClickFunnels offer.  Including putting myself out there and offering my referrals direct access to me via FB messenger.

It took me about five months to tweak, test, and finalize my amazing bonus package, but once I did, my ClickFunnels earnings exploded like this.

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And that was all inspired by Spencer and what he taught inside Affiliate Secrets.

What Are Some Of My Favorite Things About Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

Awesome thing #1: It’s PACKED with information

And not in an “ugh, this is overwhelming” kind of way, either. All the video content and resources are logically segmented out, meaning it’s only relevant when it needs to be relevant. (And some if might not be, depending on your approach.)

Despite the name, this isn’t just about affiliate marketing. It’s closer to being a full-stack marketing course.

It’s about understanding what makes a great niche, finding proven products, building a web presence, selling to an audience, leveraging automation, and virtually everything else that comes with being a better affiliate marketer.

In fact, the traffic module covers so many ways to drive traffic that it had to be broken out into its own mini-course. And make no mistake, this module alone could be sold as a standalone course.

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Do you need to master all these traffic strategies to make affiliate marketing work? No, of course not, but you at least have the option to grow past what’s required which can’t always be said for other courses.


Awesome thing #2: Spencer holds nothing back

When you’re buying a product from such a successful person like Spencer, it’s natural to wonder if it really is the full package.

I mean, you don’t get to become one of the highest-paid ClickFunnel affiliates without having a few aces up your sleeve, so you’ll be pleased to know Spencer spent an entire month dumping his brain into the course material.

I’m talking about everything from the big picture strategy to the nitty-gritty tactics he uses in his day to day work, it’s all here.

Spencer’s core strategies for promoting ClickFunnels are Youtube and Google Adwords.  And you’ll see that he shares all his amazing tactics on these two traffic channels inside the Traffic module.

I know the Google Adwords module alone has been responsible for many of the Dream Car winners that have vouched for Spencer’s course.

Awesome thing #3: It includes expert contributions

It’s unrealistic to expect a single person to have a grasp on every angle of the internet market. It’s just too big’ a beast.

So, Spencer called in some favors for his Affiliate Secrets 2.0 course, asking a number of field-specific experts to chime in on certain areas of his course — and particularly the traffic generation module.

As a member, you’ll get access to multiple-lesson contributions from the likes of Josh Ryan (Instagram expert), Jonny West (Facebook expert), Kara Ferwerda (Pinterest expert), and more.


What Could Be Better About Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

Bad Part #1: It’s Expensive

Fortunately, I got in early when Affiliate Secrets 1.0 first came out.  So I got in when it the course was only $399.  This now seems like an absolute steal since I was upgraded to Affiliate Secrets 2.0 for free and I’ll also get Affiliate Secrets 3.0 whenever that comes out.

At its current price (at the time of this review) of $897, it’s more than double the price now, which is a hefty investment for many people.

But as the saying goes, “you get what you paid for”.  Some people are worth investing in, and Spencer is one of those people.

And by keeping the course at a premium price point, it gives the course some exclusivity, which is great for the people who do invest in the course.

Bad Part #2: There are a few outdated parts

One problem with doing a video course that focuses on in-depth strategy as Spencer has is that things can change.  Services can stop working and rules can change.

For example, ClickFunnels recently changed its policies saying you can no longer bid on trademarked terms for paid advertising.

This directly affected a couple of Spencer’s lessons in the Adwords module, since he explicitly talked about direct linking with ClickFunnels.

But here’s the thing.  You need to be adaptable because change is inevitable in the affiliate marketing world.  Sure, you can’t copy Spencer’s exact strategy anymore from the video.

So if you can do a little bit of thinking and research you can still apply his same strategies with other affiliate programs, and make a killing that way.

A Look Inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is packed with dozens of video lessons, various lesson resources, and other bonuses across 8 core modules.

In this section, I’ll cover what’s included in each module and how it ties in with the rest of the course material, as well as my initial thoughts along the way.

Module #1: Overview

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This module is pretty much an extended introduction to the course, along with a few mindset shifts that are required to fully take advantage of what’s to come.

By the end of the module, you’ll have a good understanding of Spencer’s winning affiliate marketing strategy, which is largely based on what we’ve discussed above.  While there are no “groundbreaking” revelations here, you’ll certainly hear what you need to hear.

Lessons included in this module:

  • Introduction
  • How It Works
  • Search vs Sell
  • Long Game Empire

Module #2: Niche

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This module is all about niche selection, and it’s a lesson you’ll find in practically any online marketing course. Why? Because the niche you choose—and by extension, the audience—is perhaps the most important decision you’ll make when starting out.

Here, Spencer talks about why having a niche is beneficial (it may have something to do with algorithms, *wink wink*) and even gives you three broader niches that are proven to be profitable. Finally, he shows you some content angles for different niches so you can get a better idea of how this decision plays out.

Lessons included in this module:

  • How To Do It (Yep, just the one)

Module #3: Traffic Generation

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This module is all about driving traffic, and seeing how deep and varied traffic generation can be as a topic, Spencer decided to break this module out into its own mini-course. If you buy Affiliate Secrets 2.0, you’ll get access to this too.

Make no mistake, there’s a TON of value here. You’ll learn how to drive traffic from free channels such as YouTube, Facebook groups, Pinterest, Instagram, and Quora, as well as paid channels such as Adwords, Facebook, and even old-school solo ads (oh yeah, they can still work).

What’s more, Spencer recognizes that he may not be the best person to talk about a specific traffic strategy, so he brings in experts for certain lessons.

The only thing missing for me is lessons about ranking articles on Google, which most people just refer to as “SEO”. That being said, there are very expensive courses sold on this topic alone, and it’s by far the slowest traffic generation method… So I do understand why it’s not included.

Lessons (or mini-modules) included in this module:

  • YouTube
  • Adwords
  • Solo Ads
  • Instagram — taught by Josh Ryan
  • Quora — taught by Jelani Adbus-Salaam
  • Facebook Groups — taught by Jonny West
  • Facebook Ads — taught by Jarem Atkinson
  • Pinterest — taught by Kara Ferwerda

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This module covers your top of funnel offer, meaning the thing that entices people to take the desired action. This could be going for a direct affiliate click or having them sign-up to your email list.


Spencer puts a lot of emphasis on this section, claiming that most aspiring affiliate marketers overlook the value-driven aspect. Throughout the module, he talks about three fundamental principles, which are:

  1. Making your offer part of something bigger
  2. Giving people what they want when they want it
  3. Capturing leads in exchange for value

Lessons included in this module:

  • The Three Purposes for Value
  • Value Up Front to Get Them to Sign Up
  • Value to Capture an Email
  • Bonuses

Module #5: Funnel (ClickFunnels)

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This module is about building marketing funnels that are designed to nurture your leads by providing additional value, low-ticket offers (whether it’s your own products or affiliate offers), and ultimately the high-ticket offers.

Everything you learn here is a direct follow-on from the previous module. The whole reason for capturing leads is to run them through a strategic marketing funnel and maintain that channel of communication with them.

As the title of the module suggests, Spencer uses ClickFunnels for his own business and does so for this part of the course. Understandably, he recommends that his students use ClickFunnels too.

Lessons included in this module:

  • Sales Funnels & Bridge Pages
  • Preframe
  • Bridge Pages
  • Affiliate Funnels
  • Build an Example Funnel

Module #6: Products

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This module focuses on finding and promoting different affiliate products, as in products that are backed by an affiliate program. You’ll learn about where to look for high-paying and recurring offers, and how to diversify your arsenal.

Spencer also talks a lot about pairing the right products with the right people, and how to scale your efforts once you’ve identified which traffic sources are best suited to which affiliate offers. This is another huge shift in your approach that will massively increase your bottom line.


Lessons included in this module:

  • Connecting Products to the Right Traffic
  • Low-Quality Affiliate Places
  • My Recurring List
  • ClickFunnels
  • Core Programs

Module #7: Email Marketing   

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This is a larger module all about email automation or having a sequence of emails go out automatically. You’ll learn the right way to build campaigns that continue to sell for months and even years down the line.

Spencer goes over everything from choosing the right email marketing platform, setting up your sequences using proven copywriting techniques, and, most importantly, getting your email delivered and avoiding the infamous ban-hammer so many affiliate marketers face.

Lessons included in this module:

  • Choosing Your Software
  • Getting Started with Email Automation
  • Soap Opera Sequences
  • Seinfeld Sequences
  • Anatomy of Emails
  • For example, Start to Finish
  • Deliverability and Reports
  • Not Getting Shut Down
  • Additional Module Resources

Module #8: Outsourcing

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This module covers everything you need to know about outsourcing or delegating repetitive tasks to other people to free up your own time and focus on higher-value tasks. This is arguably one of the hardest challenges entrepreneurs face when it comes to growing and scaling an online business.

Spencer talks about which types of tasks should always be outsourced, the benefits of hiring freelancers as opposed to having employees, where to find reliable and affordable freelancers, and how to manage them effectively.

Lessons included in this module:

  • Overview
  • Upwork vs Freelancer vs Online Jobs
  • Hiring Process
  • VA Project Management


Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Pricing

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is currently selling for $897.  But the price of the course actually goes up to $100 for every 100 customers who purchase it.  So if you don’t act now, it could be even more expensive the next time you take a look at it.

But one of the perks of locking yourself in at the current price point is that you get updates of Affiliate Secrets for life.  I personally got in on Affiliate Secrets 1.0 (back when it was $397) and I’m so happy I did.

I also know Spencer is working on Affiliate Secrets 3.0, and he may be adding an SEO module to the next version which is very exciting.

Also, keep in mind that Affiliate Secrets also has a very nice affiliate program, and Spencer pays out 50% commissions.  So you can make up the cost of the course with just 2 referrals.

And if Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is really is out of your price range, make sure to subscribe to Spencer’s Youtube Channel and take all of his free courses instead.  They’re all worth watching as well.


Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for the best affiliate marketing training course, then look no farther than Affiliate Secrets 2.0.  Spencer has created the most comprehensive affiliate marketing training out there by far.  Not only was it one of the biggest influences for me to help me qualify for the Dream Car, but more than 10 other Dream Car winners have also vouched for the course as well.

Yes, it’s not a cheap course.  But it’s a worthwhile investment to learn from the #1 ClickFunnels affiliate in the world.

If you’re still on the fence, watch the free Affiliate Secrets webinar that Spencer uses to presell the course. Like everything Spencer does, it’s packed with value and you’re going to learn a lot from it.

Affiliate Secrets Bonuses ($18,273.95 Value)

Did my Affiliate Secrets 2.0 review get you interested in signing up for this incredible training?

Why not get some extra help to start your affiliate marketing journey with these exclusive Affiliate Secrets bonuses.


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Here is what you will get:

  • Bonus #1: Unlimited Email/FB Chat Support ($997 value)
  • Bonus #2: Tier5 Mega Software Bundle + Bonus Rights – Get personal access to 6 software plus the rights to use them as part of your own bonus offer.  ($15,984 value)
  • Bonus #3: CF Share Funnel Library White Label Rights – 46 share funnels you can directly import into your CF account. ($297 value)
  • Bonus #4: CF Follow Up Pro access – Automatically follow up with your ClickFunnels affiliates to boost your stick rate and commissions. ($297 value)
  • Bonus #5: Ultimate List of Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs White Label Rights ($297 value)
  • Bonus #6: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library White Label Rights – Get the exact Facebook ads that 40 of the top internet entrepreneurs are running right now. ($197 value)
  • Bonus #7: Group Convert account to automatically collect FB Group member leads. ($197 value)
  • Bonus #8: Free copy of DotCom Secrets or Experts Secrets book ($7.95 value)

By grabbing my bonuses, you will save yourself so much time and provide a ton of extra value with a minimal amount of effort on your part.  I guarantee they will help you achieve better success with promoting any affiliate product.


To get your bonuses, purchase Affiliate Secrets 2.0 through my link and I will reach out to you when your commissions post to my account.

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