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10 Social Media Video Marketing Ideas That WORK Right Now

Social Media Video Marketing


10 Social Media Video Marketing Ideas That WORK Right Now

Attention, everyone! The game has changed, and video content is now the reigning king. In fact, it has completely revolutionized the way we engage with content.

But here’s the catch: simply creating videos isn’t enough. You need to create amazing videos that can grab attention and hold it.

Not only that, you need to strike the right balance between staying top of mind and boosting sales. It can be a challenge, but we’re here to help.

Introducing our 10 Social Media Video Marketing ideas that will set you apart from your competitors, increase your exposure, and generate new leads and sales. Get ready to take off! 🚀

But before we dive into the ideas, let’s address some misconceptions about social media video marketing. Because it’s not just about viral videos and cute cat clips (although those can be fun too!).

The real focus here is reaching your ideal audience, capturing their attention, building trust, and nurturing them into loyal customers. It’s about creating the right videos for your audience’s needs and your business goals.

Once you grasp this concept, the potential benefits for your business are enormous. 💪

And guess what? Social media video marketing matters more than ever. According to a study by Google, 50% of Millennials and Gen Zs can’t live without video. It’s their go-to source for entertainment, education, and solving problems.

If you want to stay relevant, you can’t ignore the power of video on social media. It’s not just a want, it’s a necessity.

But don’t worry, incorporating video into your marketing strategy doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, our ten big ideas will show you how easy and simple it can be.

But before we dive into those, let’s lay a solid foundation for success.

Get Ready for Social Media Video Marketing Success!

Social media video marketing has the potential to be a game-changer for your business. But before you dive in, there are a few key steps you need to take to ensure your videos make an impact.

Step 1: Set Goals

Don’t start creating videos without a purpose. Take the time to define your goals. What does success look like for you? What do you want to achieve? And most importantly, what do you want your audience to do after watching your videos?

Step 2: Choose Platforms and Video Types

Decide which social media platforms are the best fit for your business and audience. Consider popular choices like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Then, think about the types of videos that will resonate with your viewers. Explainer videos, “how-to” videos, brand stories, testimonials – the options are endless. Get creative and make sure your videos stand out!

Social Media Marketing

Step 3: Have a Plan

Don’t forget about what happens after your videos are viewed. You need to have a plan for guiding your audience on a journey. Make sure your social media video marketing aligns with your overall marketing strategy and business goals. With our unique Video Funnel Capabilities, Voomly can help you lead your audience exactly where they need to go.

Get ready to skyrocket your social media video marketing with these 10 proven ideas that actually work! But before we dive in, here’s a pro tip: grab a pen and paper so you can take notes and start implementing what you learn. Remember, actions speak louder than words!

1: Establish your Expertise with Unique Explainer Videos

Stand out from the crowd and establish yourself as a thought leader with unique explainer videos. An animated ex-plainer video is the way to go because it’s different, affordable, and easy to scale. With tools like TOONLY, you can experiment without breaking the bank.

2: Build Trust and Connection through Compelling Brand Stories

Build trust and connect with your audience through immersive brand storytelling. Share your own stories and invite them to be a part of your journey. Check out this ClickFunnels brand story video as an example. It’s funny, reveals the product without being salesy, and shows the brand’s personality.

3: Harness the Power of Video Testimonials to Connect with Your Audience

Turn the spotlight on your customers by featuring video testimonials. Hearing about your product or service from someone relatable and genuine can have a huge impact. Just look at how ClickFunnels does it. It not only gives your existing customers a win but also entices potential customers to imagine themselves having the same experience.

4: Turn Your Events into Spectacular Experiences:

Take inspiration from successful book launches and other behind-the-scenes peeks that have captivated audiences. By capturing and sharing your events with your audience, you invite them to be part of your journey. This is the power of social media, and specifically, social media video marketing.

5: Provide Valuable Training to Your Audience:

Remember, your content should be about your audience and helping them solve their problems. In addition to your offers, provide content that adds value and moves them towards their goals. Social media video marketing allows you to teach, train, and share how-to tutorials in bite-sized chunks, which are perfect for our attention-starved world.

6: Host Regular Q&A Sessions with Your Community:

While short-form content is important, your audience also craves depth. Build trust and authority by hosting live sessions like Facebook Lives, webinars, and Q&A sessions. These deeper interactions with your audience will develop lasting loyalty and establish you as an expert in your field.

7: Invite Your Audience Behind the Scenes:

Social media gives you the perfect platform to share your business journey with your audience. By offering them a glimpse behind the scenes, you make them feel like they are part of the conversation. You don’t need fancy production value for this – even a short 60-second video can do the job. Document and share the everyday value you provide to your clients, and watch your social media video marketing efforts flourish.

8: Harness the Power of User-Generated Video Content

Creating consistent social media video content can be challenging and time-consuming. However, there’s a better way to achieve real success without creating all the content yourself. You can tap into the magic of User-Generated Content (UGC) to create engaging videos that your audience will love.

For example, GoPro has successfully produced incredible content by simply inviting their audience to share their relevant experiences. Now, it’s your turn to explore how you can collaborate with your audience to create entertaining content that also showcases your product or service.

One effective approach, as demonstrated by Calvin Klein, involves using hashtags to encourage your audience to share their experiences. By giving them a reason to share and capturing what they create, you can create a wealth of content without having to do it all yourself. Get creative and think outside the box, from individual videos to collaborations and compilations.

It’s time to connect with your audience and bring the fun back into content creation.

9: Re-purpose Your Existing Content

Creating a ton of content can feel overwhelming. But the good news is, you might not have to create everything from scratch. Chances are, you already have content in another format that can be repurposed for social media video marketing.

If you have a podcast, channel, blog, book, course, training material, SOPs, or email funnels, you’re sitting on a goldmine of potential video content. Many successful podcasters, like Andrew Huberman, are experts at repurposing their existing content.

While it’s important to create unique content occasionally, don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to.

10: Show, Don’t Just Tell

When it comes to social media video marketing, it’s crucial to show your audience what you do instead of just talking about it. Avoid getting caught up in listing features or trying to sell. Instead, let your audience see firsthand what you offer.

This is where tools like DOODLY shine. Whiteboard videos bring your work to life and keep your audience engaged until the end. These videos create action and drive your social media video marketing strategy.

Final Thoughts

With these 10 social media video marketing ideas, you’re well on your way to standing out and achieving success. From whiteboard animation to customer collaboration, video is the key to capturing attention and building lasting loyalty.

While there are countless possibilities, it’s important to start simple and focus on a few ideas at first. This will help you build momentum quickly. Once you’ve established a foundation, you can branch out and explore more options.

That’s why we created Voomly and offer amazing tools like Whiteboard and Animated Videos. These tools not only help you create outstanding videos but also provide the best ROI. And with our interactive features, including video funnels and immersive surveys, you can take your social media video marketing to the next level.

Visit our website for a complete list of tools and a free trial. Soon, you’ll become the go-to authority in your niche with compelling social media video marketing content.

Social Media Video Marketing

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