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Small Business Video Marketing: Beginner’s Guide

Small Business Video Marketing


Small Business Video Marketing: Beginner’s Guide

Picture this: transforming a two-person business into a $215,000 success story in just one week with a single video. It happened to Chris Funnell.

After spending a mere $380 to promote his small business video on Facebook, Chris landed three contracts worth a massive $75,000 each. Impressive, right?

But here’s the best part – Chris isn’t just a marketing expert who talks the talk. He’s also a teacher, sharing his strategies with other small businesses like yours in the ClickFunnels Facebook group.

In fact, he recently shared a simple strategy that helped one person land a retainer client in just one day, with only $30 in ad spend.

This game-changing strategy revolves around small business video marketing, and we’re about to dive into all the details in this blog post.

So, what exactly is video marketing?

Believe it or not, the history of video marketing dates back to July 1, 1941, when the first-ever TV commercial aired for just 10 seconds at a cost of $9.

Nowadays, a 30-second video can cost over $100,000 to produce and millions to air during the Super Bowl.

Thankfully, online video marketing has made it affordable for small businesses to reach millions of potential customers worldwide.

The benefits of video marketing for small businesses are undeniable.

Not only does it allow you to connect with your customers at the exact moment they’re ready to make a purchase, but consumers simply love video content.

In fact, on average, people spend one-third of their online time watching videos. And here’s the kicker – they can recall 65% of video ads they’ve seen in the past three days, compared to just 10% for written ads.

That’s why using videos to showcase the value of your products or services can yield impressive results. According to a report, video marketers generate up to 66% more qualified leads than those who don’t use video.

Curious why small businesses find video marketing so profitable?

Small Business Video Marketing

A study by UpCity uncovered that some small businesses consistently generate over $1 million each year through video marketing.

However, it’s not a guarantee for everyone. In fact, 45% of the surveyed SMBs earned less than $5,000 annually from video marketing.

The key to success? Two factors:

Many small businesses invest less than $5,000 in video marketing each year, and their revenue reflects that investment.

With the right video format and marketing messages, small businesses can see a return on their investment that exceeds expectations.

Ready to discover the nine most popular video formats used by small businesses like yours?

Keep reading to supercharge your video marketing strategy!

9 Video Ideas to Boost Revenue for Your Small Business

Remember the incredible Dollar Shave Club ad from 2012? It was a masterpiece in product explainer videos that cleverly mixed humor and a great offer to address a common consumer pain point: the high cost and hassle of buying razors. This video generated millions of views and thousands of new customers, leading to the brand being acquired by Unilever for a whopping $1 billion.

Now, let’s explore some video ideas that can drive revenue for your small business:

Webinar: A webinar video is a live or pre-recorded online presentation where experts discuss specific topics while allowing participants to interact through Q&A sessions or chat features. This is especially effective for businesses in education, technology, professional services, and B2B industries where thought leadership is valued. Check out Russell Brunson’s Perfect Webinar as a fantastic example!

FAQ Video: Address common questions in a video format to provide clarity, address customer concerns, and streamline information for viewers. This is perfect for businesses in industries such as e-commerce, software, professional services, and healthcare, where detailed explanations or instructions are necessary before making a purchase. Take a look at Blendtec’s “Will It Blend?” series for inspiration!

Brand Story Videos: Connect with your audience on an emotional level by sharing the origin and mission of your business. This helps to build trust and establish a relationship based on shared values. Brand story videos work wonders for businesses in competitive markets, like lifestyle brands, artisanal products, or companies with a unique culture or social impact. Always’ #LikeAGirl ad, which challenged gender stereotypes, is a prime example of a brand story video with a powerful social impact.

These are just a few video ideas to get your creative juices flowing. By leveraging the power of videos, you can engage your audience, drive sales, and take your small business to new heights.

Ready to learn new things? How-to videos are here to help!

These step-by-step tutorials cover a wide range of topics and are designed to educate and empower you. Whether you want to master DIY projects, cook up delicious meals, get fit, enhance your beauty routine, or dive into the world of technology, there’s a how-to video for you.

Take Woodworking for Mere Mortals, for example. Steve Ramsey started this one-man woodworking business by sharing his expertise on YouTube. His videos on building wooden chess boards, picture frames, jewelry boxes, and clocks have garnered millions of views and attracted 1.9 million subscribers. Steve even offers premium woodworking courses on his website.

Looking for real-life success stories? Check out case study videos!

These videos showcase businesses that have achieved impressive results or have satisfied clients. From technology and consulting to healthcare and B2B services, case studies offer valuable insights into strategies, challenges, and outcomes.

One notable case study is the Two Comma Club documentary. It follows the journeys of individuals who have generated over $1 million using ClickFunnels. The video serves as both a monetized resource and an inspiration for viewers to try the platform themselves.

Need a trust boost? Testimonial videos have got you covered!

Small Business Video Marketing

When satisfied customers share their positive experiences and endorse a product, service, or brand, it’s a powerful form of social proof. Whether you’re in e-commerce, hospitality, healthcare, or professional services, testimonial videos can help establish credibility and build trust with potential customers.

Take the Squatty Potty commercial, for instance. By featuring a unicorn on a toilet and reading out 5-star Amazon reviews, the video went viral and drove sales for the toilet stool. It’s a creative way to leverage testimonials and grab attention.

Looking for content created by real users? UGC videos are the way to go!

User-generated content, like images and videos, offers an authentic perspective on a product or service. Brands can pay for UGC at scale, and it’s particularly effective in industries such as travel, fashion, beauty, food, and technology.

Glossier, a successful beauty and skincare brand, embraces UGC on its Instagram channel. By reposting skincare tutorials from customers, Glossier gets genuine reviews, and the creators get potential exposure to Glossier’s extensive following.

Ready for real-time interaction? Live Q&A videos will give you that personal touch!

Whether it’s on Instagram Live, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live, businesses can engage directly with their audience in these sessions. Industries like consulting, coaching, education, and customer support greatly benefit from the live Q&A format, which helps build trust through personalized interaction.

Peloton, an exercise equipment and media company, frequently hosts live Q&A sessions to inspire and connect with their users. Their interactive approach has helped them become a leader in their industry.

So, whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, hear success stories, gather testimonials, see real users in action, or engage in real-time conversations, video content has you covered. Get ready to be educated, inspired, and entertained!

Are you wondering how to shoot a video for your small business? We understand that there are two main barriers: the costs involved and the complexity. It can be overwhelming for small businesses to create their own videos, and often the money spent on promoting the content leads to no meaningful leads or sales.

But here’s the thing: video marketing doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming! In fact, statistics show that 16% of marketers don’t use video because they don’t have the time, and another 17% believe it’s too expensive. But profitable video marketing is within reach.

We have an interesting discovery from expert video marketer, Barry Hott. He found that ‘ugly ads’ often perform better than professionally made video ads. Our brains have unconscious ad blockers, and we want to see content that is authentic and not like ads. So, even a simple video shot on your smartphone can be effective in driving sales.

Now, you might be scared to appear on camera. You worry about your voice, the quality of your recording equipment, and how your nervousness might affect your sales pitch. But here’s the question: what if appearing on camera has nothing to do with the effectiveness of your video marketing? There are successful video sales letters that generate over $1M without the author appearing or speaking in the video.

And the good news is, you can create professional videos for your small business at an affordable price with Voomly. You don’t need a videographer or video editor. With a Voomly Cloud subscription, you get access to tools like Voomly, Toonly, Talkia, and Doodly that will help you create engaging and high-quality videos.

If you’re ready to get started, we have a Small Business Video Marketing Checklist that will guide you through the process. Define the purpose of your video, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, getting leads, or driving sales. By aligning your content and format with your goals, you can achieve the desired outcome.

Step 1: Let’s define your purpose for maximum impact.

Here are a few possibilities:

  • Boost brand awareness
  • Gain more followers or subscribers
  • Show off new products or services
  • Generate leads with an opt-in page or lead magnet
  • Secure leads through a platform for booking discovery calls
  • Drive direct sales and revenue

By pinpointing your video’s purpose, we can shape the content and format to deliver exactly what you’re aiming for. Let’s get started!

Step 2: Decide on Your Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your call-to-action (CTA) is crucial for guiding your viewers to the next step.

Consider using these CTAs based on your video marketing goals:

  • Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates
  • Visit our website to learn more
  • Follow us on social media for behind-the-scenes access
  • Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive discounts
  • Contact us today to schedule a discovery call
  • Get a free consultation
  • Request a quote
  • Buy now

These CTAs prompt viewers to take actions that align with your business objectives.

Remember to consider the “what’s in it for me?” factor and describe the benefits they’ll receive by taking the desired action.

Step 3: Choose Your Video Format

Let’s recap the 9 video ideas mentioned earlier:

  • Product explainer
  • Webinar
  • FAQ video
  • Brand story videos
  • Educational videos/how-to
  • Case study videos
  • Testimonials
  • UGC (User-Generated Content)
  • Live Q&A videos

Each of these video ideas has its own structure. Watch examples of each to get inspiration for your own video.

Step 4: Choose Your Video Style

Now it’s time to consider the style of your video.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Should we talk directly to the camera?
  • Do we need video content from our customers?
  • Will professional videographers or actors be necessary?
  • Should we create an “ugly ad” that looks authentic?
  • Do we need specific props or products for filming?
  • Should we use animated or whiteboard style videos?
  • Will we require video editing support or software?

Step 5: Choose Your Video Length

The length of your video depends on one important question: How long do you need to convince your prospect to take action?

Consider the platform you’ll be using for your video. For example, educational or how-to videos on YouTube can be up to 20-30 minutes long to cover the topic in depth. Some webinars can even be 2 hours long.

On the other hand, UGC videos for social media may need to be 15-60 seconds long to have a chance of going viral. Look at successful videos that have a similar CTA to yours for guidance.

Step 6: Select Your Location

Before committing, decide where you’ll shoot your video.

Depending on the task, you may need to book a studio or an off-site location. This step is crucial for planning and coordination with multiple parties.

Step 7: Prepare Your Script

To make the most of your video recording time, use a script.

Once you’re clear on the CTA, video format, video style, and content, you can tackle the script. Even if you’re using user-generated content (UGC), a script might be necessary if you’re including extra text or subtitles to create a cohesive story.

Step 8: Gather the Equipment

Now it’s time to gather all the necessary equipment for filming.

Make sure you have cameras, lighting, and props ready for the big day.

Step 9: Check the Lighting

Lighting is essential for high-quality video production.

Good lighting can make the difference between publishing your video right away or needing to reshoot. Consider these important lighting considerations:

  • Utilize natural lighting whenever possible for a soft and flattering look.
  • Control indoor lighting to ensure consistency and avoid unnatural looks.
  • Focus the lighting on your subject by using techniques like three-point lighting.
  • Align the lighting with the desired tone and mood of your video.
  • Test and adjust the lighting setup before recording the final video.

Step 10: Get ready to hit record

Don’t worry about being perfect on your first take. Keep recording until you feel you’ve captured your message effectively.

Step 11: Eliminate background noise

Background noise can ruin the quality of your video. Always listen back to your recording to ensure it’s clear and noise-free.

Step 12: Edit like a pro

Editing doesn’t have to be time-consuming. With good lighting and a solid take, your video can be ready to publish with minimal editing. Enhance engagement by adding emojis, captions, and text for social media videos.

Step 13: Prepare for publication

Before publishing, consider video ratios, thumbnails, titles, keywords, and accompanying text. Set up campaigns if you’re advertising on platforms like Meta or YouTube.

Step 14: Publish and rejoice

You’re ready to share your masterpiece with the world!

Step 15: Monitor analytics for success

Keep an eye on the analytics of your video marketing campaigns. Make small tweaks to titles, descriptions, and campaign settings to optimize your viewers’ actions. Voomly offers advanced analytics to track viewer engagement and make necessary improvements.

With these steps, you’ll be creating and publishing impactful videos that grab attention and drive results. Start your video-making journey today!

Attention Small Business Owners: How to Promote Your Video and Get Results!

Did you know that YouTube is the go-to platform for video hosting? In fact, 26% of small businesses use YouTube for their video marketing. And it’s no wonder, considering that 42% of SMBs find they make the most profit from YouTube, according to UpCity.

But here’s the thing: YouTube might not be the only platform you should focus on. Depending on your market, you could get a greater return on investment by exploring other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, as well as video hosting platforms like Vimeo and Voomly.

To help you understand the power of video marketing for small businesses, we’ve gathered two compelling case studies:

Case Study #1: Elev8 Demolition Contractor in Jacksonville, Florida

This Florida-based demolition contractor generated an impressive 15,191 clicks and 306 leads in just six months thanks to video marketing! And guess where most of those leads came from? Facebook ads! By showcasing their successful demolition projects with a compelling call-to-action on the videos, Elev8 convinced viewers to take action. They even embedded YouTube videos on their website, boosting their credibility and capturing more prospects.

Want to see their videos and get inspired? Check out their homepage!

Case Study #2: Law Firm in Boston, Massachusetts

The Jacobs Law LLC, a law firm in Boston, invested in a professional video company to create a powerful brand story video. And the results were astounding. Within just 2-3 months of promoting the video with paid traffic, the law firm saw two-to-three times the number of phone calls they received before the video’s release. The campaign was so successful that they had to hire an answering service to handle all the incoming calls! Now, that’s a return on investment. And if you visit their page, you can watch the video and even fill out a contact form.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got 5 low-cost ways to promote your small business video:

Use Paid Social Advertising: Target your desired audience and get quick visibility with paid ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and more.

Create a YouTube Channel: Reach a massive audience for free by leveraging YouTube’s video SEO and engagement analytics.

Embed Videos On Your Homepage/Landing Page: Take control of the user experience and boost conversions by hosting videos on your website with targeted calls-to-action.

Share Your Videos On Social Media: Take advantage of organic reach and engage with your target audience on various social media platforms.

Send a Video To Your List/Customers: Nurture your existing subscribers and customers by sharing valuable video content directly to their inboxes.

Want to learn more? Try Voomly FREE today and start promoting your small business videos like a pro!

Remember, video marketing can be a game-changer for your small business. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to attract leads and boost sales. Get started now!

Want to elevate your small business with powerful video marketing?

Introducing Voomly, the ultimate solution for publishing and promoting amazing business videos. Join the ranks of digital marketers, content creators, and ecommerce stores who are already utilizing Voomly to engage their audience and generate leads and sales.

But it’s not just for them – Voomly is perfect for a wide range of small businesses, including educators, religious leaders, real estate agents, non-profits, students, coaches, and music teachers.

With a $49 Voomly Cloud subscription, you’ll gain access to a suite of incredible tools that will transform your video marketing game. Let’s take a closer look:

Voomly: Experience affordable video hosting without any interruptions or buffering. Plus, take advantage of features like email capture and interactive on-screen buttons for a complete video funnel.

Doodly: Create stunning whiteboard animations in minutes, regardless of your experience. It’s perfect for bringing your ideas to life and captivating your audience.

Toonly: Boost engagement and conversions with professional cartoon explainer videos. Choose from a vast library of characters, props, and backgrounds, and even record your own custom voiceover.

Pyks: Easily create eye-catching eCovers to showcase your products and services. It’s a must-have for online business owners, course creators, authors, and more.

People Builder: Customize your own characters and seamlessly integrate them into your Doodly videos. With millions of combinations, you can create relatable animated videos without the need for expensive equipment.

Talkia: Take your voiceovers to the next level with AI-powered Talkia. Transform your written script into realistic, human voices that will captivate your audience.

Ready to dive in? Start your free 14-day trial of Voomly Cloud today and see the game-changing impact it can have on your small business.

Small Business Video Marketing

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