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The True “Secrets of Success” By Russell Brunson


The True “Secrets of Success” By Russell Brunson

Today I wanted to share with you what I consider to be one of the most amazing newsletters I have ever come across… YES, I joined!

Below are all the details, go through it slowly…

I hope you see what I see 🙂

From: Russell Brunson
To: A Round Peg In A Square Hole (YOU)

Let me ask you a question…

How many times have you looked around at the people you love and realized, I’m different.”

You think “differently.”

You feel like your view of the world is different from the rest.

You have a constant (and consistent) appetite for MORE…

More Success
More Fulfillment… 
More Energy… 
More Mental Strength… 
More Deep Relationships
More Happiness

Remember when… in 1977,

Apple came out with a famous commercial that I feel best describes who ‘WE” are. It said:

“Here’s to the Crazy Ones.

        The misfits.

                    The rebels.

                              The troublemakers.

                                        The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

          And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.

Because they change things. They push the human race forward.

And while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

And that’s who this letter… and this special offer is for:

The Round Pegs

In The Square Holes.

As Alex Charfen once said: 

“We are that small percentage of the population that gets up every day, travels into the future, creates a new reality, and then comes back to the present, and demands that it becomes real…!” 

See, for a long time I felt like an outsider (maybe you can relate)… 

For example: Years ago, I noticed something about the posts I’d put on Facebook and Instagram.

Whenever I shared something super simple like, “You can do it! Follow your dreams,” it would get 18K likes and 500 shares.

But it’s just fluff, you know?

Basically “candy” in word form.

Makes you feel a short burst of “I’m awesome and doggone-it people love me”…

 But It Really Doesn’t Have Any Substance.

Then, whenever I posted a 30 minute video of me going deep on a book review, pulling out nuggets of valuable, life changing information along the way, expanding on ideas and so on…

It’d get maybe 8 views and zero shares.

It makes sense though when you think about it…

Most People Would Choose The Dopamine Hit Versus Discipline

Let’s be honest – it’s a million times easier and more enjoyable in the short run to eat candy …rather than cook a delicious and nutritious home-cooked meal.

Unfortunately, that’s the world of today – short bursts of “feel good” fluff with zero nutritional value.

However, when it comes to the actual implementation (aka “work”) to live more abundantly… to reset your beliefs and actually change the trajectory of your life…

Most People Are Fine With “Liking” Rather Than “Doing.” 

(But that’s not you, I can tell.)

So, for a while, I stopped posting the deeper philosophical “meat” stuff.

I kept it quiet and just shared the teachings I was obsessed about with members of my inner circle, the small % of “crazy ones” who were similar to me…

…and they LOVED them! 

They were freaking out on them like I did and wanted more.

They had enough of the “milk” and wanted the MEAT!

Eventually, we started this underground book club where we’d share stories and talks from these great thinkers.
Every month, we’d walk away with transformative advice we could implement into our personal and professional lives and experience incredible growth!

Well, As You Can Imagine… 

Soon the underground book club wasn’t so “underground”…

Word got out – and the insatiable desire for MORE… in life, wealth, happiness, love, and relationships… grew.

People were coming out of the woodwork, wanting what we were sharing in my small underground mastermind.

That’s when I knew I had to get this knowledge out to more people.

Even if the majority of the world weren’t as interested or obsessed with these teachings as I was…

I knew there were still WAY WAY more “crazy ones” that saw the world differently..

I felt it my responsibility to bring them into my fold of high-level entrepreneurs.

That’s why I created The Secrets of Success

Mastermind Community

It’s a special, elite group of high-level thinkers who are driven to achieving MORE in all areas of life…

…the ones who don’t just “like” a motivational quote on Facebook or Instagram, but instead, BECOME the change they want to see in the world.

That’s who this is for…

And if you’ve read all the way up to this point, then odds are, YOU are that person…

And I’d love to have you be part of The Secrets of Success Mastermind Community.

But don’t feel like you have to commit to anything right now. I’m not asking for any contracts or any of that.

All you have to do is say “maybe” and test-drive Secrets of Success for FREE for 30 days and see for yourself.



Just Say “Maybe”

and I’ll Ship You These 3 Gifts For FREE!

Think and
Grow Rich

New Forward By Russell Brunson!

“Best Selling Personal Development Book Of All Time!” 


Never Before Published!!!

This Book Was Sold For $50 In 1919 (Equavalant of $879.50 Today!)

Secrets Of Master Salesmanship

Never Before Published!!!

Unpublished Manuscript Teaching The Psychology Of Selling!

The Original 1925 ‘The Law of Success’ Manuscript
(Audio Presentation)

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…PLUS! As An Active Member Of ‘Secrets Of Success’ You’ll Also Get FREE Access To An Audio Presentation Of Me (Russell) Reading A Lost (Unpublished/Controversial) Napoleon Hill Book Set That Purchased For $1.5 MILLION Dollars!

Click or Tap The Button Below

To Test-Drive ‘Secrets Of Success’ For FREE!

Get A FREE 30 Day Trial Then It’s Just $97/mo. Cancel Anytime. 

Ultra Rare LIFE TRANSFORMING Advice Made Available To You Now

“How rare?” you may be asking yourself.

Get this – over the past three years, I’ve been treasure hunting what I believe to be more valuable than gold itself… ancient BOOKS.

But I’m Not Just Talkin’ About Any Old Books…

I’m talking about books with ideas so GREAT and so POWERFUL… that when adopted, they hold the potential of turning anyone into a legend.

Throughout time there have been many periods that have altered the course of human history.

We had the stoic time period where philosophers spoke about the importance of virtue and self-control as a way to achieve peace and resilience.

There was the Renaissance movement, focusing on the abundance of creativity, art, religion, and politics.

Flash forward in time, there was a small movement with so much growth potential, some found it too powerful and wanted it squelched for good…

That was the ‘New Thought Movement’, which revolved around the absurd idea that you can take control of your own future simply by tapping into your own mind and discovering your limitless potential

It’s not just “positive thinking” and all of the ‘woo woo’ stuff you may have heard… but “thinking” and then DOING.

Anyway, I’m OBSESSED with this movement because during this time some of the most groundbreaking works on how to achieve your greatest dreams were published.

These works would later go on to inspire some of the biggest tycoons like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Elsie Lincoln Benedict, Elbert Hubbard, and TONS more

However, so many works from the ‘New Thought’ philosophers were lost to time… until now.

My obsession is now YOUR gift. 

I did all of the heavy lifting, including flying all over the world and investing over $1.5MM of my own money just so I can give everyone access to some of the greatest thought leaders who have ever lived.

Some Of The Great ‘Success Philosophers’ And Thought Leaders You’ll Be Able To Learn From: 

Napoleon Hill 

Best known for his book “Think and Grow Rich” (1937), which is among the best-selling self-help books of all time. 

Orison Swett Marden

He was the catalyst for the ‘New Thought’ movement in America and was the founder of Success Magazine!

Charles F. Haanel

He was once called the Napoleon Hill of his time, and have inspired millions of people to make positive changes in their life.

Elsie Lincoln Benedict

Elsie Lincoln Benedict (1885–1970) was advertised as the best-known women’s speaker during the 1920s.

 Elizabeth Towne

She founded “The Nautilus,” a groundbreaking magazine focusing on metaphysical and self-help topics. 

Robert Collier

He is best known for works such as The Secret of the Ages and a series of pamphlets including The Secret of Gold.

P.T. Barnum

P.T. Barum is best known for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus, dubbed “The Greatest Show On Earth”. 

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale is the author of The Strangest Secret, which was termed “…one of the great motivational books of all time.

Maxwell Maltz


Through his teachings, Maltz ignited a movement that empowers individuals to reshape their self-perception and harness their minds for positive change.

…and TONS more!

Remember: it doesn’t matter if you’re an entrepreneur, an athlete, a musician, a coach, a creative, or an influencer…
If you are someone looking for MORE… in life, wealth, happiness, love, and relationships… then this mastermind community is for you!

Here’s What’s In-Store For You

When You Test-Drive Secrets Of Success Membership Today For FREE!

Member Benefit #1 

The Secrets of Success Masterclass

The Secrets of Success Masterclass will help you get up-to-speed and in the groove with everyone in the mastermind without feeling lost and wondering where to start.

During the challenge, I’ll give you the core teachings – the “diamond in the rough” lessons – that have helped me become the successful entrepreneur I am today.

In short: this challenge will help you establish YOUR success path, including getting a clear direction on YOUR definite purpose.

Member Benefit #2 

Secrets of Success Monthly

This is the “MEAT” of it all!

When you’re a Secrets of Success member, you’ll get to enjoy the endless supply of knowledge from the great thought leaders of the ‘New Thought Movement’ including rare and unpublished manuscripts worth MILLIONS of dollars.

You’ll get access to works from:

  • Napoleon Hill (including never-before-published works you won’t find anywhere else!)
  • ​Orison Swett Marden
  • ​Charles F. Haanel
  • ​Elsie Lincoln Benedict
  • ​Elizabeth Towne

Members will receive tokens each month, which they can then use to download the digital and audio versions of each book and have it with them for life as you remain a member.

Member Benefit #3

Nightingale Conant’s Greatest Hits

From the 1950s to the 2000s, ALL self-development work was published by one company: Nightingale Conant.

Literally anything self-development, growth mindset, or literature on “how to better one’s life” was published through Nightingale Conant, the publication started by Earl Nightingale and Vic Conant.

We now have licensing to ALL of the works from self-development authors including:

  • Earl Nightingale
  • Maxwell Maltz
  • Jim Rohn
  • Brian Tracy

But That’s Not All…

Here’s the coolest part:

Earl Nightingale Recorded 7,000 Tracks That Have NEVER BEEN RELEASED UNTIL NOW!

These recordings are like bite-sized “success snacks” that come from Nightingale’s radio program called, ‘Our Changing World’, which became the most syndicated radio program ever!

For the first time in history, we have access to ALL of the ‘Our Changing World’ recordings, including 7,000 never before released tracks FILLED with “gold” you can listen to right when you wake up and implement into your life right now!

Normally, to have access to this unending library of applied psychology would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars… but you’ll have unlimited access for FREE as long as you remain a member of Secrets of Success!

Member Benefit #4

Finding The “Diamond In The Rough” For You: 

Secrets Of Success Book Club 

Here’s the best part, and something I’m most excited about.

Each month, I (Russell) will be picking a book I want to go deep on. Then we’ll meet as a mastermind group and I’ll pick out the “diamond in the rough” pieces of knowledge and show you how it relates to today’s time, and how it can help you in life and business.

Having this type of high-level community where everyone lifts each other up is priceless. Like the saying goes: “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”…

…This community shows you how to transform the future you want into reality.

Member Benefit #5

Exclusive Referral Program:

What if you could inspire others to take control of their own lives and become the best version of themselves… while at the same time earning a commission?!
That’s the great part about being an active member of Secrets of Success – you will be able to participate in our closed-door affiliate program and have a chance to…

  • Inspire others to live their dreams, while strengthening you or your brand in the process
  • Earn a 40% recurring commission every month for EVERY member you refer
  • Earn 10% recurring commissions every month on your 2nd tier – and continue to receive these commissions on-going as long as the people you refer remain members!

(Keep in mind – if you refer just 3 people, your membership practically pays for itself!)

Just Say “Maybe” 

And Test-Drive Secrets Of Success Today For FREE!

Subscribe To Become A Member of ‘Secrets of Success’ Today and You’ll Get

THREE FREE gifts which include:

  • Think And Grow Rich
  • Applied Psychology
  • Secrets Of Master Salesmanship
  • EXTRA BONUS GIFT: Audio of Napoleon Hill’s unpublished/ controversial work that was purchased for $1.5MM!

The Secrets of Success Masterclass

Secrets Of Success Monthly 

Nightingale Conant’s Greatest Hits

Secrets of Success Monthly Book Club 

Total Value: 

Over $55,000 /Mo

(…and that’s just acquisition costs for the books.) 

But You Can Start Today for FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 s&h) 

What’s The Catch? 

No catch. I want you to have success. Success is 20% skills and 80% psychology…

…That means in order for you to succeed in anything in life, whether it’s business, relationships, passion projects, side-hustles, or taking home the “gold,” it is absolutely VITAL we spend time where it matters MOST: our mind.

If you want to succeed in all areas of life and have a new mindset, one of abundance in all things, then I promise you this – Secrets of Success is the key to unlock your full untapped potential, and in the process, become the authentic version of yourself you’ve always wanted, enjoying all of the benefits that comes with it.

Don’t Take My Word For It.

Test-Drive ‘Secrets Of Success’
For 30 Days Completely FREE!

Then after the 30 days, if you are blown away by the amount of high-minded value you’ll have access to, and you love the growth you’re already experiencing…

Then you’ll automatically be enrolled as an official Secrets of Success Member and it’s just $297/mo…

However, because you’re here on this page today – which tells me you are most certain this is the path for you to achieve incredible success – you can lock-in your Secrets of Success Membership for just $97/mo after the 30 day initial FREE trial with all of the free gifts!!

Time Is of The Essence!

We have a very limited number of FREE gifts to give away. Once they’re gone, this offer goes back to its original $297/mo value minus the free gifts…

So don’t wait! This special 30-day test run won’t be up for long…

100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If by the off chance, you don’t fall in love with the growth mindset you’ll soon be adopting thanks to becoming a Secrets of Success member, then you can cancel within the FREE 30 day trial and keep the free gifts on us 😉

That’s how confident I am about the success you can achieve once you start learning and applying the teachings from these great thought leaders, as well as from the members you’ll get to meet in the Secrets of Success mastermind community.

But if you’re not happy, then I’m not happy, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.

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Here’s What To Do Next

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From here, it’s just finalizing your subscription so we can mail out your FREE gifts!

To get started, go ahead and click the button below, pick which subscription you want to be on, and you’ll be able to dive in and start learning right away!

Sign up now and I promise your life won’t be the same.

Here’s to the success you deserve.

Russell Brunson

P.S. If you skipped to the bottom, then you must be looking for the “meat” of the offer (aka my people)!!

So here’s the deal – when you say “maybe” today and test-drive the Secrets of Success Mastermind Community, I’m going send you FOUR FREE gifts that can help you on your path to success in life, wealth, happiness, love, and relationships!

PLUS, I’m going to give you an extra bonus gift of me reading from a lost/controversial book from Napoleon Hill that I purchased for $1.5MM!!

This book is SO RARE, the owner I purchased it from used to charge people $10K just to spend 8 hours with ONE SINGLE PAGE from the book.

You get it ALL FOR FREE right now, when you sign up on this page today.

Imagine what your life could look like 30 days from now after reading and implementing life-transforming advice from the people who first discovered the principles of success and life fulfillment…

Imagine the anxiety you get from “sitting around” thumbing through Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook… disappear because you finally found the purpose that LIGHTS YOU UP!

It’s possible because it’s already within you.

The Secrets of Success Mastermind Community is the key to unlocking your full potential and live your life by design, not by default.

Discover How By Signing Up Today

and claiming your FREE gifts before they’re gone for good!

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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