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How To Create A High-Converting Sales Page Copy Template With Jasper

Sales Page Copy Template


How To Create A High-Converting Sales Page Copy Template With Jasper

Discover the secret to creating a sales page that brings in millions while captivating your audience. Say goodbye to empty docs and hello to a high-converting sales copy template that will revolutionize your marketing strategy.

In this post, we’ll dive into the elements of a successful sales page, explore the key components of persuasive sales copy, and showcase some stellar examples. Plus, we’ll show you how Jasper can help you write a sales page that converts like never before.

So, what does it take to craft a winning sales copy?

Forget fancy words and flashy designs. What truly matters is answering your readers’ questions, explaining your product thoroughly, and ensuring that every word counts. A great sales copy should be informative, avoid fluff, and guide your prospects toward making a decision.


Sales Page Copy Template


Don’t leave any question unanswered.

Your sales copy needs to address all your prospects’ concerns and provide them with the information they need to decide whether your product is right for them. The FAQs section is a goldmine for addressing common worries and showcasing your expertise. Through customer research and surveys, you can uncover the most pressing questions and provide valuable answers.


Sales Page Copy Template


Clearly communicate your offer.

Make it crystal clear what your product or service brings to the table. Highlight the features, benefits, and unique value it offers. Tell a compelling story that resonates with your readers, use testimonials to build trust, or create a video that showcases your product in action. Show your prospects why your product is the best choice for them.

Length doesn’t matter, clarity does.

Don’t worry about the length of your sales copy. Whether it’s short or long, what matters is providing all the necessary information. Tailor your copy to your audience’s preferences by making it scannable and conversational. Write as if you’re talking to a friend, keeping their needs and interests in mind.

Now, onto the key elements of a sales page that converts.

The hook is crucial.

Capture your readers’ attention with a strong hook that grabs them from the start. Avoid clickbait and focus on compelling action, emotion, or techniques that make your readers ask questions. Your hook can appear in your headline, subject line, or the opening of your sales page.

Make an irresistible offer.

Go beyond just selling a product or service. Offer your prospects a valuable and unforgettable experience that solves their problems and delivers results. Break down your offer in detail, ensuring clarity and understanding. Use engaging headlines and subheadings to showcase the benefits and main offer of your product.

Get ready to unleash the potential of high-converting sales copy with Jasper. Say goodbye to mediocre sales pages and hello to increased conversions and satisfied customers. Let’s revolutionize your marketing strategy together.

Make Your Sales Page Convert with These Key Elements

Find the Perfect Price:

Getting the right price for your product is crucial for a high conversion rate. Conduct audience research to determine what your customers are willing to pay.

Engaging Headlines:

Your headline is the first thing users see on your sales page. Create a compelling headline that clearly communicates the value and addresses their pain points.

Boost Credibility with Testimonials:

Including testimonials and social proof on your website shows potential customers that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

Irresistible Bonuses:

Everyone loves freebies! Offer bonuses that complement your main offer to entice customers and increase conversions.

Address Pain Points:

Understand your customers’ pain points and address them in your sales copy. Show how your product solves their problems.

FAQs for Clarity:



Include a FAQ section to answer any questions potential customers may have, and use it as an opportunity to summarize the benefits of your product.

Effective Call to Action:

Use a clear and attention-grabbing call to action (CTA) that prompts users to take action. Consider the placement, color, and size of your CTA button to maximize conversions.

Highlight Benefits:

Clearly communicate the benefits and value customers will receive from your product or service using bullet points or short summaries.

Looking for captivating hero images and videos?

One of the key elements that grabs the attention of potential customers are hero images and videos. By incorporating visuals into your sales page, you can keep users engaged, increase your conversion rate, and leave a lasting impression.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Avoid using low-quality and generic stock photos. Instead, opt for high-quality GIFs, screenshots, images, or videos.
Consider using a combination of videos and images to create a dynamic and compelling sales page.

Now, let’s dive into some examples of exceptional sales pages and what sets them apart.

Email Players

At first glance, you may find Ben Settle’s sales page outdated or unappealing. However, once you start reading the content, you’ll be hooked and won’t be able to stop until you’ve read the entire copy.

What makes this sales page stand out?

  • The copy is concise, to the point, and free of clickbaity gimmicks. Each sentence flows seamlessly into the next, creating a smooth reading experience.
  • There’s no fluff or unnecessary information, making it easy to digest and hard to put down.
  • Ben uses powerful hooks, angles, and headlines to draw readers in and keep them engaged.
  • Notice how the copy starts with something emotional, curious, or intriguing, and ends with something familiar and a clear call to action? This persuasive technique takes time and practice to master, but it’s incredibly effective.
  • Ben has truly mastered the art of writing clear and engaging copy. By putting in the work, practicing consistently, and staying persistent, you too can become a master at crafting impactful sales copy.

Inbox Hero


The Inbox Hero landing page is another great example to analyze. Here are some noteworthy features that make it an excellent sales page:

The copy is straightforward and concise, getting straight to the point and answering all the questions readers may have about the email copywriting course.

Testimonials are sprinkled throughout the page, showcasing the benefits of the product and revealing how much sales were generated after taking Laura’s course.

The page provides a breakdown of all the features, benefits, and even offers a sneak peek of the course, making it easy for readers to decide if it’s the right fit for them.

A clear and repeated “get on the waitlist” call-to-action eliminates any confusion.

There’s also a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to address potential concerns and provide further information.

Inbox Hero’s sales page demonstrates the importance of transparency. By keeping it simple and direct, you can earn the trust and attention of your readers.

Sales page by blk.

Lastly, let’s take a look at the sales page from blk, a water brand company. What sets this sales page apart and makes it unique?

The page is short and gets straight to the point. Above the fold, you’ll find a stunning image of a model showcasing the product alongside an enticing offer copy.
A clear and consistent “shop now” call-to-action guides readers on what to do next.
Below the fold, the page highlights the benefits of the product and includes testimonials, giving shoppers an overview of the product’s value.
This sales page proves that direct and concise copy can convert well. You don’t need to use lengthy sentences or complicated jargon to capture readers’ attention.

So, there you have it – examples of outstanding sales pages that excel at capturing attention and converting prospects. Incorporate these strategies into your own sales pages and watch your conversions soar.

Want to write a high-converting sales page? Look no further than Jasper. In just a few minutes, you can create compelling and converting sales pages that will captivate your audience. Let’s break it down:

Step 1: Create the perfect outline for your product

Every industry and niche is unique, so it’s important to tailor your sales page outline accordingly. With Jasper, you can easily research and build an outline that sets you up for success. If you’re struggling, don’t worry. Let Jasper write a sales page outline for you.

Step 2: Craft a captivating sales page

Now it’s time to fill in the details. Add some background information, such as your company’s title, content description, tone of voice, keywords, and preferred language. Then, with Jasper as your guide, work through the outline by using specific commands to prompt the writing process.

Here are some commands to help you out:

  • Want attention-grabbing headlines? Just ask Jasper to write a list for you.
  • Need to include a question? Jasper can do that too.
  • Want subheadings with explanations? Jasper will provide a list of common pain points.
  • Looking for clear and concise paragraphs? Jasper’s got you covered.
  • And don’t forget about those beneficial bullet points. Ask Jasper to create a list of features or use the persuasive bullet point template.

Step 3: Add credibility with testimonials

Showcase your product’s quality by adding testimonials. Simply paste them into your sales page, and let Jasper work its magic. Just ask Jasper to rewrite the paragraphs as engaging testimonials.

Step 4: Encourage action with a clear call to action

Don’t forget the most important part: the call to action. Use Jasper’s commands to generate a clear call to action for your product or company. Ask your readers to take a specific action, like booking a free demo.

Step 5: Edit, expand, and export

Once you’ve written the content, it’s time to polish it up. Use the Grammarly integration to edit your sales page. After that, if you want to add more details or expand on specific areas, simply use the compose button in the app. Just put three asterisks where you want Jasper to focus and click the compose button.

Finally, hand your copy off to your designer and watch the results roll in.

But wait, there’s more!

Jasper isn’t just for sales pages. You can also use it to create blog post outlines, paragraphs, headlines, bios, and more. With a variety of templates to choose from, Jasper is your go-to tool for all your writing needs. Give it a try and see the incredible results for yourself.

Sales Page Copy Template

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