Russell Brunson’s Simple 5-Step Plan To Turn An Affiliate “Hobby” Into A Full Time Career!
Russell Brunson’s Simple 5-Step Plan To Turn An Affiliate “Hobby” Into A Full-Time Career!
I am so excited to have you here and I cannot wait for you to start on this journey. Now, a couple of things before we get started. I want to make you guys kind of intro training video first, I’ll get your foundation set, do everything right before I introduce you to all of our super affiliates.
Now we have an amazing group of people who I’m giving you access to and but before I do, I want you to know that these guys are full-time affiliates. They are hardcore, they are doing this amazing level and so some of their plans are, are deep. There’s a lot that goes into it, but that’s okay because the reason why you are here is not that you’re wanting to be a dabbler and make a part-time income.
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The whole goal of this summit is to turn this hobby of being an affiliate into a full-time career. And to do that, you have to take it seriously. Okay? A lot of people would go to school for four years and eight years and 20 years to be able to come to a doctor or a chiropractor or a dentist or a teacher, whatever it is, and simple things like, I’m going to build a, become an affiliate, I’m going to spend, you know, a week reading a couple of eBooks and become rich. Like it doesn’t work that way.
This is something that if you treat it like a business can become a business for you. And so what you kind of go in it with that lens. The other thing is we’ve got a bunch of different plans you’re going to learn about, I think it was 15 or 16 different superfoods who are inside of this training.
And so obviously if you try to implement everybody’s plan, you’re going to struggle, right? So I want you to go through a bunch of them and see which one resonates the most with you, which really like, Ooh, that’s the plan I wanted to use. And then focus 100% on one plan, having six plans, 10 plans, 12 plans is not gonna make you successful.
Having one that you focus on is okay, but everyone’s different. The way that they approach this, like the way I do is different the way then than Steven Larson. Lulu is different. The waste dispenser Mika will do like and if you like what’s the right way like there.
All right, everyone’s making money that they’re just different shit to go with your skillset. So your talents, your hobbies, the things you’re most excited about. Where do you want to focus at? Which plan makes the most sense for you so it can overwhelm like Oh my gosh, there’s 20 plans do go through more quickly and like, Oh that’s the one that’s speaking to me.
That’s when it gets me pumped up. Hey, some of you guys are like Google paper click and your folks more than once and we have like Facebook, more sneakers. It’s like a podcasting list building. We gave you a whole bunch of different things so you have a pallet of different ideas you can look at and then pick the ones that are best for you and then after you you zone it on.
Like this is the one that I focus on. I highly, highly recommend you guys treat this as a full-time career. If you do that too, that’s like your college education. There’s something we’re giving you for free. If you treat it like your college education success you can have from this is huge. Okay? I don’t know many professions. You can make as much money as you can in affiliate marketing and you’re getting this training for free because we care about you.
Okay? So obviously we’re going to show you guys how to be successful affiliates and cited ClickFunnels because of my selfish desire to give you all this free training, literally, of course, we could sell for two or $3,000 or more. I’m giving you for free because then we’d become great affiliates for ClickFunnels obviously. But these skillsets you’re learning will be grateful. It’s for anything.
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If you want to be an affiliate for TripAdvisor or for Amazon or for whatever, as these concepts, these principles are the same for all of them. So hopefully you guys can use these skill sets forever. Philly business you want to be in. And my selfish desires that if you love it, that you become an affiliate for click funnels and it helps sell our books, our products, our courses. It’s not necessary, but, we’d be very grateful if you did without said.
I’m going to what I would do right now is I’m going to jump on the whiteboard now. I’m going to map out my affiliate plan again, you get why different plans and blueprints wide for people. I’m going to give you mine and mine is very simple. It’s very easy and maybe a good foundational start for all you guys. And then as you start you know, going to the other train, there can be more ones you want to layer in and maybe like, Hey, this is really cool from here. I’m gonna add this in from Spencer, this and from Steven, or this isn’t from so-and-so. And just make this your own. Okay? All right. With that said, I’m jumping the whiteboard and we’re gonna have some fun mapping out my plan to help you guys become successful. Superfoods. Okay. So I’m gonna show you guys if I was starting today as an affiliate, exactly what I would do.
Now, what’s interesting, if you look at when I launched ClickFunnels a few years ago you know, everyone in the world wasn’t talking about funnels and my mission is bent, like making as much noise as possible, everyone talking about it.
So there are more people talking about it now than there used to be. But back then, if you look at how it all started out, it was basically this beautiful blue ocean. You guys heard me talk about blue ocean strategy before, right? Whereas like I was the only one to here and there all these fish and it was amazing and I was fishing in this pond and I throw the thing in and we started growing really, really quickly, right? And it was amazing. And then QuickBooks is growing bigger and bigger and bigger. And then we started bringing in other affiliates. We start getting my dream cars.
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And like in the last couple of years we’ve given over $15 million of commissions. And guess what happened? This little blue ocean that I was w I was fishing in. Then we had another affiliate fishing in another one.
All of a sudden there started being more and more people and then the next, you know, another flute would jump in and help promote it. Then another one, and it was amazing. I’m very grateful for all the affiliates. But the problem is it turned this blue ocean into a red ocean.
You’re red, red ocean, blue ocean talks about there’s so much blood in the water and so many people all competing or the same thing that it became goes from, from being a blue to red. Yeah. And it talks about it in the book. Like you’d have to create your own blue ocean opportunity, but, and that’s true in most businesses, but how do you do that as an affiliate?
Okay. Cause if you jump in right now, you’re like, I’m going to be an affiliate. Just like every other affiliate out thing, short trying to compete. It gets really hard because there are homeless people also on the exact same thing. Okay. So for you, I want you to start thinking about business a little differently. If you want this affiliate business to go from being a hobby to a full-time career, you’re looking at it as an actual business. Say, okay, this is my business. I’m getting people into click funnels, but what do I have that’s different? That’s unique? Okay, how do I create my own blue ocean?
And so the best way to do this, I’ve seen tons of people doing lots of different markets, is you look at this red ocean. Now this is like funnels, right? The red ocean is funneled. So I’m sure that the word funnel CC funnels is the, is the red ocean, right?
Okay. So the blue ocean, that is funnels for who? Right? And so for example, one of our funnel hackers and one of my favorite people, Nessa Holmes, is a dentist and she was teaching dental Saturday, Facebook ads, things like that. And he sped about funnels. You said, what if I teach dentists how to use funnels? And she popped up right here, create her own little blue ocean, and started fishing, and boom, she makes tons of sales right now getting dentists into use funnels.
Okay, so for me, if I was you, I’d be thinking, okay, what’s a market that doesn’t [inaudible] isn’t completely like saturated in funnels. I could go into, okay, so maybe it’s funneled for network marketing funnels for dentists, funnels for chiropractors, funnels for restaurants, funnels for financial planners, funnels for like fill in the blank. There are a million different industries and businesses and for you to be successful, the best way to do that is to find a very specific market.
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Don’t try to just be in funnels for all businesses. Can you try to be all things to all people? You’re nothing to no one, okay? If you want to have success, it’s like you’re doing funnels for, for who? So funnels for who, okay, who is your market and that’s how you create your own blue ocean. Okay?
This is what’s going to differentiate you from everybody else and make it easy for you to win a dream car to make a bunch of money is when you start figuring out what’s the market you actually want to serve. Okay. By the way, that’s true in every business, but especially in the affiliate marketing business, okay? Because there are so many other people all competing for the same types of customers. As soon as you shift that and you become funnels for a certain segment of the market, then you’re the only one there. It’s a blue ocean for you. Nobody else can get access to, so that’s step number one is to go and pick your market. So pick
All right,
The market.
Okay, that’s the one. I remember two. Now you need to create something special for that market. Kay. Gone are the days of affiliate marketing. You can just like buy an ad and drive directly to the landing to the company’s landing page and hope for the best. Okay?
It’s got more and more difficult to do that. It’s like all the red ocean stuff. You really want to be successful in insurance to a full-time career. You’ve got to create something different. Can I create more value for the person? So I started thinking, okay, this is the market that I picked. What can I create for that market? What kind of funnel Chi create for them? Right?
So let’s say if I was a network marketer, I said, okay, what kind of funnel, Chi crate for the network marketer. Hey, what kind of phone could I create for dentists, for a financial planner, for a gym owner, for whatever it’ll fill in the blank. Every market is you pick and start thinking about that. And then I’m gonna create a very basic, very simple two-page funnel. Okay, this, my favorite Philly forms, I use this all the time. I’ve used it to make millions of dollars in affiliate commissions.
I use it to grow network marketing opportunities. I’ve used it over and over and over again. It’s the same type of funnel. You should be using it. So simple, okay, it’s two pages. Once again, page number one
And it pays number two. So I’m talking about page number two. First, because it’ll make pays more. Want to make more sense. So page number two, I remember a video here explaining and teaching and educating the person in this market, in the market. I picked how they can use a funnel. Okay, I call this a lot of times, I call it a bridge page. I’m gonna draw a little picture of a bridge here. Let’s make a green bridge cause it equals money. Okay? So you have a bridge.
A bridge page is basically what you’re doing is you’re taking this concept of funnels. You’re taking this con the market that you pick and you’re bridging the gap, right? So you’re saying you’re a network marketer. This is the market you’re in. This is how funnels work for network marketing. You bridge that gap and you explain it to them when they see that and it connects to Heather, right?
Oh my gosh, that’s how it works. My goal for this bridge page is to give them an ah-ha moment. Oh, that makes sense. Okay. So I give them a hard moment. So I’m going to make a video that say, okay you are again, pick a market. You want a restaurant,K, a lot of people, restaurant traffic.
How do I get more people in the restaurant and the key, she had to have a funnel. Let me show you a funnel. This is way my bubble, blah on my group on funnel or whatever you want to call it. This is my special phone. I used to get people into restaurants and explain how it works. You show them how the whole thing works and you map it out and they’re like, Oh my gosh, I need a funnel. If I have that funnel, I can get people in my restaurant.
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Boom. They had the aha moment, right? So I had the video explaining how it works, bridging the gap between the market that you chose and what a funnel is, and how it works together. And then I do is down below I say, okay, I’ve already built one of these funnels for you.
Okay. One of the greatest things we have for you as in filling inside ClickFunnels, which we call share funnels. So I can go build, I can build the funnel for a restaurant, can build the funnel for a chiropractor, for a dentist, for whatever. I build that funnel. I say, click down below and I’ll actually give you this funnel for free. Okay? It’s a share funnel. You click on the button, I’ll give you for free.
If you have a ClickFunnels account, it’ll push automatically into your, into your account. If you don’t have a ClickFunnels account, it’ll give you a free 14-day trial and then you’ll put in your cat, you can go, then you can start playing with it.
It’s really, really fun and really awesome. Okay, so that’s the video that I send them and there’s the share funnel. They click on that and takes me down here and now it takes them to the click funnels page. It gives them a free funnel.
And now I gave that person an amazing thing for free, right? This is how you get paid, okay? So that’s how the bridge page works. Okay, so now I’m gonna reverse engineer. Now I know that this video is going to talk about how a blank can use funnels.
Now I come back to the landing page. On this page I’m going to do is I’m going to say free video reveals the number one secret to how chiropractors can use funnels to grow their practice. How dentists can use PR funnels to grow, you know, whatever. How, how I use a funnel to get 200 leads into my practice in the last 22 days or whatever that might be, right?
A free video explaining what’s going to happen on the actual video. Okay, and says, give us a free video, give me your email address, and then submit. They click submit and puts them over here on the watch the video, they watch the video.
If you bridge the gap for them, you give them a free funnel, and boom, they got, you got a free click funnels member. That’s the game. Super easy, super basic. Does that make sense? So you don’t have to overcomplicate, but that’s, that’s the first part. Okay, so again, step number one, you pick the market stick. Number two is you are going to bridge the gap, bridge the gap, and use this very basic, I call it the bridge funnel. It’s very simple. Two pages. This page bridges the gap and then gives them the free thing to get them into funnels. Okay, now you’ve got them, now you, they’ve had this a hot moment.
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Now they need a funnel. They desire because you’ve told the story, you got them excited, now they need it, now they’re in. Okay, now I want to go back to the third phase now is they now need to get people into this thing, right? And I’m not going to spend a ton of time talking about ads and traffic. I’m inside of some of the other super affiliates, trains. They go deeper into the ads and stuff. So I’m not going to cover that during this training. I just want you to understand that the next phase is you get ads and there are freeways to get people in.
There are paid ways to get people in, but regardless, you know, typically you’re gonna spend some money. I want to actually frame this through the, through the thought that you’re spending money. Because if I can show you this, it shows you how to start thinking like a business owner, how to make your Phillip business actually super profitable.
We start thinking a little bit differently. Okay? So for example, let’s say I go to Facebook and I start buying ads on Facebook, right? So give Mark Zuckerberg some money and then I buy ads to my, to my first to my landing page here for my bridge funnel and drive people in, right? So I’m targeting, let’s say it’s network marketing funnels.
I’m targeting all the doTERRA reps saying, Hey, you probably can’t say too terribly like, Hey, are you in network marketing? You’re struggling. I got a funnel that helps get people to join your program. Not talking to friends of your family, right? Boom, there’s an ad, there’s another ad in a targeting. Different people are making those ads targeted for people.
Bring them into my landing page, give an email address, bridge, video, share funnel, boom, right? That’s the whole process. Now, the problem that people have is that they go and they do this thing or they, they, they spend money comes over here and then let’s say it’s about a dollar over here, but then over here, let’s say you come down here and on day number one, they come right here, says day number one, you spend a dollar and then you only make 10 cents, right?
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And you do that and you’re like, what in the world? I spent a dollar on Facebook ads. I made 10 cents, Russell Brunson, the skin, internet marketing, just scared. Funnels don’t work, blah. And you freak out. You walk away and like, ah, you three hands up, okay. And the reason why people do is they don’t, they’re not thinking like a business owner, okay?
They’re trying to make a quick buck. And that’s not how this game is played. You’ll start thinking like a business owner. That’s why this whole summit is about helping you look at like, look at this as your career. Okay? So start thinking about this differently. It’s like, okay, this is an investment I’m putting money into. How do I get a return on my investment? Okay? So spend a dollar, say spend a dollar in Facebook ads comes over here on the eight, 10 cents day number one, okay?
But what I got is something even more valuable than money, okay? What I got is that I’m in this little thing here. Somebody special popped out and this is my potential customer, okay? They came in and clicked on the ad, but the email I just sent and boom, they came down, and now they’re on this journey. They’re coming over here, right?
So they come over here and let’s say this is the first email I send out an email number one, I’m gonna sit down and say, Dana morning, my K you know, you opted in for the free video. Every chance to check the video, I send them a link back. I go check out the video showing you how you as a financial planner can use funnels. They go back there, they watched the video, hopefully, get some people to come back through, right? So that’s the first day and again, you look at it like, Oh, I didn’t make much money.
So then you come back, say, Hey, what’s day number two? Day number two. I need to follow up with them. Cause some people don’t buy things on the first time. So they [inaudible] another email. This email is like, Hey, by the way, did you have the chance to this video? I’m gonna be pulling it down really soon. If you haven’t watched yet, go back and watch it and this free following and you’re ignoring people charges like thousand dollars for the phone and give you for free when you sign up for click funnels. So go back to, now, here’s my link. They send it back to the page again. Boom. It’s more people come through. Maybe after that a Bay too. I’m at like $0 million and 15 cents. So I paid a dollar, I made 15 cents. I’m like, ah, I’m so mad Ken. But now we’re going to do, I want you to step back.
Because when you look at this, the market, you’re picking her, this customer here, what do they need? They need funnels, they need other things. They need the stuff to help them be successful, right? And so funnels are big pieces of it. You’re giving them a funnel to give them stuff. But nice about ClickFunnels. We have a whole training library, a whole bunch of products and services you can sell, right? So I started doing well actually I skipped a step here. Let me write it in step three.
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I follow up, follow up, get all right, seven or four. Then as I said, okay, what are the other things that people sell that I can, they can give to this customer to help them be more successful in this journey? Right? And so obviously inside of ClickFunnels, we have all sorts of really cool things, right?
Like we have the 30 days course we’ve got the one funnel away course. We’ve got the 10 X secrets, we’ve got the dotcom secrets book, we’ve got the expert secrets book, we’ve got a funnel, a hacking funnel hacks, a masterclass, the funnel hacks course we’ve got, there have always been products, right? And so you’ve got the whole pallet of products you can sell. Okay, so someone gave me, they didn’t buy ClickFunnels for some reason, cause they don’t have something they’re missing. Like there’s stuff, there’s something that they’re, they’re missing out on.
So maybe it’s they just don’t know what a funnel is. So there’s still a little confusion. So happens I was a K D number three like they didn’t buy, they didn’t buy or maybe they did, but a number three instead of me that might call up here said, okay, which one these products do I?
And then I’m going to flip 4k promote and say, Oh, the one funnel way challenge is cool because you’re Russell pays $100, everyone who signs up for the, for the one funnel way challenge, right? I know that’s off the screen there, but you guys can see it’s 100 bucks. Russell is $100 everyone joins the funnel for my challenge. So what if day number three, what if I said, Hey if you didn’t sign up yet, you’re not really sure what a funnel is. You actually sign up for one for my challenge.
And I pushed them into the OFE challenge and a percentage of them cited, not everybody has to, but percentage sign up, they pay $100 and then you as a figure that $100 commission, right? So, but my $100 comes into you, and all of a sudden you look out here. Now number three, you are at like six [inaudible] $0 million and 63 cents.
So you spent it. Are they one? You’re only 10 cents. They cheer up to 15 days three or 63 you’re not, you’re not profitable yet, but you’re getting closer. Hey dang, that one full away converted really good, right? Maybe I’ll send another email date.
Number two, maybe I’ll say, Hey, if you join one funnel away, I’m going to give you two other cool share funnels. I bet there’s something that you bride that you can make the bonus. You get something awesome, right? So another email, maybe again, this one’s going back to one funnel way again. You send it out and boom, this time you’ve taken all the average for every dollar you spent. Now you’re up to let’s say, you know, 85 cents, whatever it is, right? And then maybe, right. Okay, what’s the next one? That was awesome. Maybe they just need to see Russell’s presentation, the funnel, the funnel hacks presentation, the webinar.
So maybe that one or maybe it’s the lady boss. The lady boss movement one. Oh, Caitlin. Tell him how shoes fundamental. Use that one. So he plugs that in. This thing right here. Okay. Day number four. By the way, you were talking about funnels. If you are a Caitlyn story yet, so cool, you should go check it out. And then you send them to the lady boss movement, webinar, the arch, and talk about click funnels, how it works. And the end, she sold the $2,000 product, right?
What happens is that not everybody buys obviously, but a percentage of people buy, and now you’re up to a dollar 23 for every single person. Okay? Now this right here, this is your break-even point. This is, if you get this, this is how you turn the scene from a hobby to a career. Okay. I spent a dollar on ads.
They want to make 10 cents. They do them up to 15 there was a 63 and 85 and my Dave was at one to three a day. Five made a dollar 23 I spent a dollar filing that I got dollar 23 back and then guess what happens?
This little customer, all the customers you paid for up here, you paid Zuckerberg form initially. Now they’re on your email list, right? You email them here and here and here and here and this day you break even. Now you’re profitable, right? Guess what happens next? Next?
What happens is that every other email you ever sent out to them selling your products, my product, somebody else’s price. Whatever products you sell, every single, everything else you ever send that person that 0.4 is all pure profit, right? Cause I spend a dollar to acquire this customer. I made a dollar 23 and day five which means there’s a five right here.
Everything else after that goes right in my pocket. I don’t want to pay for that customer again. I paid Zuckerberg four or five days ago, they’re on my email list, keep emailing them, emailing, emailing, emailing, boom, we broke. Even now it’s pure profit. Okay.
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And moving forward, that point for it, everything else you sell to that person is pure profit. Okay? So when I call this, I was called this my golden sequence. And I was like, what are the messages I need to put in place to get to break even? And when is my break-even day?
And if I know it’s like your day five is where I break even on average, then I know can I can start spending more money? I could spend $10 a day on Facebook ads, $30 a day, $50 a day, $100 a day, right?
Cause I know that in five days I get a hundred dollars back and you’re able to can keep slowly ramping that up and slowly ramping up slow, ramping it up to the point where, you know, we have affiliates, you spend 10 2030 grand a day on ads because they know that five days later, or two days later, eight days later, or whatever it is, definitely break even.
Okay? And so this is how you play the game, you guys, it’s not hard. It’s not difficult. It’s very, very simple of understanding that. It’s like you’ve got to create value. You gotta pick a market first off again, you gotta pick a market, okay, don’t go on the red ocean can be there, but don’t pick a market that you’re going to unique in. That’s number one.
Number two, build a simple bridge funnel where you’re giving away value. You’re bridging the gap between here’s the funnel, here’s the industry. You’re in the bridge, the gap. I’m gonna give you a funnel to help you with that, right? Then you drive ads into the thing. You have a follow-up boom and you build up this golden sequence. What are the emails I need to do to make, to get, to break even as fast as possible, and then be profitable afterward?
And that’s kind of it. Okay. Let’s fund about this is you start doing this, your list starts getting bigger. You go from having 10 people on your list, 200 to a thousand to 10,000 to a hundred thousand to a million. Who knows how big you grow your list.
But if you’re here when we talk in the past and another training like the lists like this is, this is how your color to color this, this person, this list that you’re getting is the most valuable part of your entire business. Talk about the latter point.
A lot of different places, like the metric we always judge things by, is when you get one person, you should average $1 per month per name, per person, right? So that means like when, I remember when I was starting this business for my very first month, I started doing this process and I really didn’t have money to invest in so much traffic and I didn’t get 217 people to join my list.
And that month I made about $200. I was like, huh, I heard someone say that. That’s interesting. And start growing it. And a member of my, and my list got to be a thousand people.
pI made about a thousand dollars a month. When we got to 10,000 I made 10,000 when I got a hundred thousand 100 grand a month, a million a month in like it’s followed with me, most of my business. And these numbers are actually low.
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When you get better at this, the better you get the right emails, the better you get at offering value. All these things, it goes up. But that’s how it happens. You guys, you’re building, growing, you breaking even. And then over here you’re sending out promotion, you’re sending offers for, you know, we have a new product launch. You email your list, the new book Russell’s coming out with a new product.
Maybe you have your own product, maybe do a joint venture with somebody else and you created a really cool product that also serves this market.
Maybe it’s somebody else’s product. Maybe there’s some other, maybe you won’t, maybe you decide to go to the rental market like in this and you’re like, man, this is a really cool Facebook course.
Let me sell her Facebook courses as well. You sell other people’s products. You don’t just have some of my products, you’re selling your own products, other people’s products, whatever. But, you’re all sending emails.
You’re just doing your own live events. Like there’s, there are a million things you knew this list at this point cause they get after this break, even after day five or whatever your breaking point is, everything else is pure profit. And now this is where you send broadcast, you communicate them, you talk to them. And that’s what this whole $1 per month per name starts coming from. Okay.
This whole thing is the only reason I have this is to get customers and build a relationship with them and then hopefully after break-even point they jump into my list. Now I can start communicating with them all the time. Okay. That’s what step number five is, is basically you’re communicating with them.
Communicate, shown, or communication. My handwriting’s so good. I apologize. You know what that means. But this is where this whole thing starts coming in place. Okay. If you’ll get my business right. I’ve been doing this now for 15 years. My first mentor, Mark Joyner, drilled in my head like you have to build up to this, you have to build lists.
And I remember there were like a million sexier things to do at the time. Back then there were things like ad sense, people throw crappy sites and people click on it and you make money and all my friends start focusing on AdSense sites and I was going to do that. My mentors like no folks, I’m building a list and I was like, ah, I don’t want to build a list. Like, and I remember being angry, but finally like, fine, I trust you. I’m just going to do it.
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So I got back to her folks in building my list and building my list and I watched those other businesses went up and they crashed. And most of the guys still are like to this day have never recovered.
And for me, as I D me, I didn’t have problems. I know that there are days like when I wanted something really cool, I want to buy my wife a new car, I wanted to buy a new house. I can literally send emails out to my list and get the cash within a weekend to cover a new house, cover a car.
Because like I had this list of people, right? If at times my company was going through like near bankruptcy twice, twice, now I’ve almost got bankrupt and my list is bailed me out. I’ve created product or promotion offers so now to the list and it saves me.
Okay. And so long-term this list is your actual business. Okay? The affiliate side right here, this is how you, how you leverage the work that we do. You leverage the tools, the software, the products, the coaching also that I’m doing right now are killing myself. I have a whole thing people, the best is the best designers, the best programs, the best people to work, creating this stuff.
And you can use it to, to sell products, to break even some of your profit on your list acquisition. But your list is like, that’s your secret weapon. This is what will grow your companies that will save your company. So it’ll be like the ups, the downs. Like this is the, like the most valuable thing. You have all my assets in my business, the most valuable thing I had this day is literally my list. That’s it. Okay.
Like if I, if you’re like you have to give them everything, but one thing would it a Mike and here’s my list. You can take my software, you can take my books and everything.
Like the list is the key. That’s the lifeblood. So for you guys, what you get in that mindset like I’m creating these things to generate a list cause that is the business.
Okay. If you’re looking at it that way, it becomes really easy as you start going through always affiliate plan, so looking at it through that lens, right?
Most of our best affiliates, guests, they have huge lists can they’re doing this. They’re driving ads through some kind of pages, some kind of funnels too, to get the name and email address on the list and they just have a different way or everyone’s got way. Some people are buying ads on Facebook, some are Google, some are on Pinterest.
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Some are ever said a different way. Everyone’s a little funnel here that they’re using to acquire the customers a little bit different. That one’s got different strategies, different ways, everyone’s sequences a little differently, but, but as a whole, this is the concept, right? Picking a market number one, okay. Picking a market that you can be unique in. Okay, where’s your very own blue ocean? Number two, bridging the gaps were funneling are and your market.
You’re bridging that gap somehow, so you need to do it here, I’ve seen builders webinars and they build this through VSLs and different bunch of ways does it. This is the way that I do. It’s the most simple, easy one that I know of. Okay, Bruce’s got, then I’ve got a follow-up. I’m going to up this human being. If they didn’t buy initially, I want to make sure it pushed them back.
Sending an email like, Hey, you opted in and make sure you go watch the video and following up with them. Right. Okay. And I’ve fought, now I’m focusing on, okay, what’s my golden sequence? What are the offers logically they need and right order? Right. And I always think about this, the secret, I always think about like my mom, like my mom. If my mom was to come and put her name and email address in here, she knows nothing about funnels. So I’ll be like, Hey, what? What would I teach my mom? Like?
What would I explain? Like what would be the first email I’d send out? [inaudible] I would maybe send her to the free trial. Clickfunnels, have to watch my video here. Maybe the number two. I’m not going to sell it. He maybe didn’t have a video number two.
I’m gonna have my mom go watch a YouTube video, Russell on stage talking about something so she can understand a concept your mind, the need number three maybe that’s graders in one fell away challenge like, Hey, I’ve been talking about funnels for a couple of days now, but the fastest way to learn this is to go through this emergence, the 30-day thing and next what’s happening really quick, go stifle in front of a challenge.
Right. And then maybe I as I’m kind of walking through that sequencing in my head as I build this out, just like as if you’re taking a human because it is, this is the person, it’s getting this, the person that clicked on the ad that put their email address in this. Now on this little journey with you, you’re seeing them emails like just thinking about as a personality, what would like, what makes the most sense to me to, to tell them in what order they wanted the two to three to 45 to six and I build out this golden sequence, my golden signals.
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Those are typical, I don’t know, eight to 10 days long. I know some people will be about a year-long sequence. I’ve never been that patient to do that. You could do that if you want to, but I think you know, eight to 10 emails plugging in the core offer that you love, that you are passionate about, that you want to talk about plugging those in and the end of it.
Then it drops into what we call my broadcast list. I call it my Seinfeld list sometimes, whatever, but it’s the list that writes, not broadcast for, I’m doing this cool training. There’s a webinar, I’m doing a Facebook live kind of my group. I’m joined and listen to my podcast. Hey, check out this product here. Check out this product. I have this new problem created like this becomes where you have this audience. You can start selling things to and creating things and having fun with and so that’s, that’s it, you guys, the communications, the last step there, that’s, that’s the game in the process. I hope this helps really simplify the business for you. Like I said, as you go through all of our super affiliate plans, you’re going to get layers of complexity. Okay, and don’t get stressed by that and be okay with that.
I understand that this is something I’m learning. Some of you guys are making like we have guys making millions and millions of dollars doing this and I can teach you a deeper strategy if you’re like, I don’t understand that yet.
They don’t freak out to come back to this like, Hey, this is the basic process is very simple. It’s very easy and then just keep going through those like, okay, I understand what Spencer says. I can layer that in right here or I can layer that in here or Stevens, nothing over here. I can plug that in here. You start looking at your business model and slowly start plugging things in. Okay.
But as a whole, this is how I’ve run all my affiliate businesses, all my network marketing business, every business I use it on protein, other people’s products. This is, it’s the same. I pick a market that’s different, everybody else’s creating offers specifically for them.
And I bridge the gap between the two. I followup with them initially pretty gold sequences to break even and they communicate with themselves the products and services and build value and make them love me and all that kind of fun stuff. Yeah, and that is it. So I hope that helps you guys. Hope that is a good introduction to the Bootcamp. Without said, now I’m going to unleash you to all of our super affiliates to each give you there, their take, their strategy, their idea, their constant, how they do affiliate marketing and all of them are different.
All of them are right. You can look at each of them. I would focus on who’s the one you connect with the most and focus on that one. Go deep on that one. And then when did you do that? It’ll help you to really start mastering affiliate marketing.
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Okay. It’s not that difficult to go from this being a hobby. Maybe you made a couple of bucks here. They maybe have made anything yet just becoming a full-time career. But it takes you focusing, okay. Remember, think about most professions, right? If you want to be a doctor, you have to go to school for like what, eight years after graduation or whatever that is. You know, if you want to be a teacher, it’s you got regular school, you want to be a doctor, you want to be a secretary, everything’s at schooling. If for some reason we don’t complain, like I got to go to eight years of school to make a hundred grand a year, we’re here. We’re like, look, you’re gonna have to go and like study for a week or two to really master this and ask some questions that might take you a week or two, maybe a month, maybe two months to figure this whole thing out.
But an exchange of business can literally make you 10 times with other ones make you. So I want you to understand that like put the time and the put the energy and the effort into the treat this like a business and it’ll pay you to like in business, if you treat it like a hobby and you kind of dabble, you’re going to struggle.
If you treat me like a business and really get deep of like, how do I pick the market, how do I create value? How do I make a share funnel? You know, what’s the right sequence?
What emails can, can I, can I, can I write, how would I write if I’m writing an email to my mom, how do I communicate with her? Clearly, you know, if you do those things and think through them strategically and you’re going to have success with this and make a lot of money and hopefully you’ll be one of our super-affiliates, we’ll send you big checks in the mail.
Hopefully, they’ll start right paying for your dream car and a whole bunch more. But without that said, I hope you enjoy the Bootcamp. But thanks again so much for hanging out. And I will see you guys very soon. If I can, I’ll be hopefully sending a check we send out to you next to the commission in the very near future. Thanks again, and we’ll talk to you soon.
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