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How To Write A Killer Product Description

Product Description


How To Write A Killer Product Description

Your product descriptions can make or break your business. While product images can catch buyers’ attention, it’s the marketing copy that seals the deal.

Not all product descriptions are created equal. To increase your sales, you need to know how to write the perfect product description. We’ll guide you through the process and provide powerful examples of product marketing copy.

So, what exactly is a product description?

A product description is a kind of marketing copy that informs potential customers about the features, functions, and benefits of a product. It’s meant to educate and entice people to buy.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a product description, the best ones are usually detailed. They highlight how the product solves problems and benefits the user.

Now, let’s dive into our top 9 tips for writing product descriptions that sell:

1. Speak to your target audience:

Tailor your descriptions to each product’s target customer. Write in a way that feels like you’re speaking directly to them. Think about what features and benefits matter most to your customers and use that in your description.

2. Emphasize benefits, not just features:

Don’t just list the features of your product. Instead, focus on how it will help your customers. Paint a picture of how the item solves their pain points.

3. Skip overused adjectives:

Avoid using generic adjectives like “good” or “excellent.” Instead, use specific descriptors that appeal to your target audience. Show them what you mean by using words like durable, long-lasting, hand-made, etc.

4. Keep it readable:

Make it easy for people to read and understand your descriptions. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and headers. Highlight key words or phrases to catch attention. Keep it concise by including only the details and highlights that will sell the product.

5. Boost Your Visibility with Keyword-Rich Titles

Don’t just format your descriptions for readability—make them work for you! By including keywords in your title and product description, you can improve your visibility on search engines and help customers find exactly what they’re looking for on your website.

6. Stay One Step Ahead of Your Customers’ Questions

Know your audience and anticipate their needs. By incorporating answers to frequently asked questions right in your product descriptions, you can keep potential customers engaged and prevent them from losing interest and moving on to another listing. Be the source of information they need to make a confident purchase.

7. Stand Out with Research and Certifications

If your product has been tested or certified by industry authorities, don’t keep it a secret. Let potential customers know why they should care about your product and how it surpasses the competition. By highlighting research and certifications, you build trust and credibility with your audience.

8. Build Trust Through Social Proof

Showcase positive reviews, awards, and endorsements from influencers your audience respects. When others trust and endorse your product, it becomes easier for potential buyers to feel confident in their purchase decision. Let the opinions of others speak for the quality and value of your offering.

9. Make Your Descriptions and Images Work Together

Ensure that the images in your product description align with the accompanying text. When the copy surrounding your images directly relates to the features and benefits showcased, it provides clarity and helps potential customers understand why your product is the right choice for them. Don’t leave them guessing—give them the information they need to make an informed decision.

Discover 6 standout product description examples

Now that you’ve mastered the art of writing compelling product descriptions, get inspired by real-life examples. We’ve handpicked examples from popular platforms like Shopify, Amazon, and independent e-commerce websites to give you a wide range of inspiration.

1. Verve Coffee Roaster’s Shopify product description

Explore this description of Verve’s David Flores blend, expertly crafted to provide sensory details that bring the flavor to life. With a clear target audience in mind, this description helps potential buyers make an informed decision.

Plus, Verve Coffee Roasters goes the extra mile by including additional details to ensure all the necessary information is available for buyers.

2. Helm Boots’ Shopify product description

Product Description

Check out the concise and impactful description by Helm Boots. Using a testimonial specific to the product, this description captivates readers. It’s easy to read, with short paragraphs, bolded text, and a convenient list format that covers product specifications. Don’t miss the close-up screenshot that links the copy to the product image.

Product Description

3. LEVIBASIC’s Amazon product description

Amazon product descriptions have a unique format, and LEVIBASIC’s dog t-shirt listing showcases the essential elements. From a descriptive title with keywords to a bullet-pointed list of benefits and features, this description hits the mark. The vivid images complemented by points highlighting the value for both humans and pups make it even more compelling.

4. Arslo’s Amazon product description

Product Description

Discover the stainless steel water bottle from Arslo, perfectly described on Amazon. Similar to LEVIBASIC, this description highlights the top features and benefits right away. You’ll find answers to common questions and a creative use of product images to showcase the selling points. The frequent use of the word “you” makes this description feel personalized and engaging.

5. Brand Kits’ e-commerce site product description

For those not using Shopify or Amazon, crafting captivating product descriptions is still crucial. Explore this example from Brand Kits, a digital product provider. The bolded descriptions of customer benefits in the list of items included in the kit make this description highly effective. Additionally, they provide insight into the digital delivery process to clarify the buyer’s experience.

6. Introducing the Target Echelon Home Gym – Your Ultimate Workout Solution

Product Description

With the Target Echelon Home Gym, you’ll experience the best features and benefits right at your fingertips. Our gym is the perfect size for any space and offers an impressive collection of live and on-demand workouts.

But that’s not all. Our product description goes beyond the basics. We ditched the cliches to bring you informative descriptions like “studio-quality” and “instructor-led fitness classes.” We want to show you the true value of our gym.

Imagine having a touchscreen that not only enhances your workout but also adds a touch of elegance to your decor. And with the ability to choose instructors and classes that align with your mood and workout style, you’ll never get bored.

But the perks don’t stop there. When you purchase our main product, you’ll also receive a free 30-day trial of Echelon Premier. Get a taste of the incredible artists and classes that await you. We even provide clear instructions on how to access this amazing offer, ensuring you can add our gym to your cart with confidence.

Sell Products at Scale with Jasper – Your AI-Powered Marketing Content Generator

Have a ton of products to sell? Don’t worry, Jasper has you covered. Say goodbye to hiring a team of writers and say hello to quick and easy product descriptions at scale.

Simply choose a product description template and input the necessary details. Need multiple options? Jasper will provide you with a variety of choices based on your desired tone of voice.

Select the best one or mix and match from the options provided. Edit, personalize, and you’re ready to go with a product description that will captivate your audience and boost your sales in no time.

We’re even showcasing real examples of effective product descriptions from Ejiji Boutique. They used Jasper to create descriptions that not only highlight the features but also convey the style benefits. These descriptions truly bring the product to life, even without a visual image.

Product Description

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your products shine. Try Jasper today and revolutionize your product descriptions.

Product Description

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