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Liz Benny’s 30 Day High Ticket Coaching Blueprint

one funnel away


Liz Benny’s 30 Day High Ticket Coaching Blueprint

one funnel away

KAPOW Restart: Coming Back From The Ashes (One Funnel Away)

Hey, and a massive KAPOW! I truly hope this inspires you, to know about one funnel away that if you are ever in this type of situation, you are just a short time away from getting yourself out of whatever horrible situation you’re in…JUST a short time.

My friend and mentor Russell Brunson say, “You’re only one funnel away.” I know this having experienced it. HOWEVER, if you’re not there, you need to TRUST that you can have the success you desire. I promise!

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For the purposes of this chapter, from the OnlineGrowthReport I am going to put myself in chapter 2: hypothetical situation of being a version of Liz Benny who has nothing but bills piling up, a sick wife, kids who hate school, a mother-in-law with cancer, no clients, and no systems or products set up to create income to pay the bills, let alone feed the family.

This is an ironic story to write for you all about one funnel away because recently I quite literally lost more than seven years of business documents in a freak Apple encryption situation when I changed my computer password. I tried everything to get the information back. After a 47-minute conversation with Mr. Apple Support, the following happened:

“The next step, Elizabeth, is to wipe your hard drive,” he said. “Okay, I’ll just restore it from the backup,” I said, saddened because I knew my last backup had been four months prior and I would lose an entire unreleased webinar. Then Mr. Apple Support said something that created an ever-expanding empty pit in my stomach, which then filled slowly with the most extreme sense of guilt. “No, Elizabeth.

The backup won’t work. It’s encrypted, too. You have lost it all.” You have lost it all. Those words reverberated in my ears faster and faster as I mentally scrambled for another solution in my foggy brain.

But my mind was blank, and the harder I thought, the foggier things became. I’m not sure how long I sat there, silently moving my lips, hoping maybe THAT would conjure up the exact right words to say in order to remedy the situation. In my mind I know only a few seconds passed, but in the moment I would have sworn I sat there silently with Mr. Apple Support on the other end of the line for 15 minutes.

And yet, all I could say in reply was… “I don’t want to have this conversation anymore. Thank you. Goodbye.” I’m still unsure why I thanked him. Probably because I was in shock. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, because the point is this:

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I was literally, in that moment, FULL of guilt for having lost my wife’s and children’s photos and memories. They were gone. POOF! Just like that. 25 But at the same time, I was grateful in a way that I’d never expected. I realized that although I’d lost all original files—Photoshop files, logos, templates, checklists, webinars…everything I’d built my business on…

• I knew enough to rebuild.

• I knew I WOULD rebuild.

• I was confident in my ability to scale my business and produce income.

• I knew I had the knowledge, resources, and tenacity to create any business I wanted…

FROM SCRATCH. Because, in that moment, it’s what I had to do.

I gave myself a few weeks off from my business. No building. I wasn’t under pressure.

And that allowed me the space to work out that Mr. Apple had actually been wrong. My backup wasn’t encrypted…and I was able to reclaim ALL my files. (Well, nearly all of them.

No silver lining is completely perfect.) This is, however, a SUPER FUN exercise for me to do for you…knowing that it’s easy to create a business you love. Below, I’ll map out exactly what I’d do in the first 30 days to build my business from the ground up.

Day 1: Decision Day It’s decision day, first and foremost. No BS.

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Today is the day I’m working out exactly what I’m going to do to pull myself out of this one funnel away I need to know where I’m going, so Day 1 is all about gathering up my internal resources and then mapping out a plan. Time to roll… Looking After Myself It is of paramount importance that I’m making powerful decisions from Day 1.

There are people I owe money to who will likely come at me if I don’t communicate. Fair enough! With that said, I can make the money more easily if I’m in flow. So as a first priority, I need to call them really quickly to let them know I intend to pay them, that I’m in a squeeze Chapter 2:

Liz Benny 26 financially, and that I need a little grace period so I can pay them. Right, now that’s done, I also need to have an honest talk with myself and make sure that I’m solid internally (belief-wise) for the steps I’m about to take. I’ve seen so many fail already with half-hearted efforts, so

I’ll take myself into my KAPOW CAVE to create the time and space to emotionally get ready for this 30-day sprint. I turn on some inspirational music, close the curtains in my office, and turn on one light. Blocking out all distractions is important right now, more than ever before!

During this KAPOW CAVE time of solitude, I focus on “armoring up,” staying the course, focusing on where I expect to be at the end of the 30 days. While I don’t have a detailed plan yet, I know that if I’m not solid emotionally and ready for the journey, I’ll just end up burned out and drained of all my money and confidence like everyone else who tried and failed. Fortitude is key. Resilience is key.

I’m going to hear NO. I’m going to have naysayers. So armoring up allows me to shut them out so I can focus on the game at hand. A final stage of preparing myself internally for this rebuild is forming an accountability relationship with someone.

When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. The best way to ensure one funnel away, I stay focused is to tell someone I respect what I’m doing and then ask them to hold me accountable, especially for the next 30 days. After calling my friend and asking them to hold me accountable, I take a pen and paper and draw a 30-day calendar to secure my focus for the next 30 days.

Once I’ve buttressed my internal resources, I step into the external phase of the process. NOW I’m ready to shift to the specific steps of what I’m going to do to dig myself out of this. I have until the end of the day to get the external phase done. It’s time to…

Take Care Of Business Right! I’m SOLID, ready to go, and NOW it’s time to get clear on HOW I’m going to rebuild. There are many business models from which I can choose. I know the webinar game so well I could do it in my sleep. The same is true with the consulting/ coaching game…and funnels and social media and so on. There are a lot of right paths for one funnel away I could take, but I’m not interested in that.

I’m interested in pursuing the BEST path. I know from experience that starting with understanding WHY I want to build a business is going to serve everyone better in the long run. I don’t want to build a business for the sake of making money, but I know that I need to make money in the short term, too. So strategically, the first thing I need to focus on is how to create an income stream in the short term that I’ll want to build for the long term.

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Note: I’m ONLY giving myself to the end of the day to make the decision of what the business model is going to look like. Tomorrow is action day, and I’m not about playing around being indecisive. I am, however, going to be strategic and ensure about one funnel away that the business I’m creating is right for my customers, for me, and for the world.

Based on those criteria, I will have worked out the game plan based on my background and marketing knowledge, my drive to help others shine, and my tenacity and energy. Strategically, I want to find the fastest path to profits. In my case, it would be to start coaching heart-centered entrepreneurs who have a message they want to get out into the world. The plan is to get the results quickly and then sell a scalable online program to other heart-centered entrepreneurs, including recordings from the consulting I did with the initial clients.

BUT before I even start to go too far down the rabbit hole of what my offer is going to be, I simply MUST search online to find at least three people who are doing what it is that I’m looking to do for one funnel away. Why?

Well, I have a very short space of time…and I’m not about to mess around being innovative with my approach. I need to ensure that the market I’m entering is a HOT market, that there are BUYERS, and that the people who are doing what I’m wanting to do are SUCCESSFUL.

Also, as I have no name, no guru status, I need to ensure that I lean on my strengths—I have knowledge and belief. These are MUSTS to step forward with, or else imposter syndrome will significantly reduce my likelihood of success.

One final but incredibly important thing I must do before moving forward is to work out from where I’m going to attract my target market. What traffic source am I going to use to get eyeballs on my offer? I Chapter 2: Liz Benny 28 decides that, given my experience, the best thing to do is use Facebook Ads, Facebook Lives, organic posts, and an email series (after a free offer) to attract applicants to my consulting offer.

I’ll work the specifics out tomorrow…but I know that Facebook is the main area for me to use right now. What Movement Can I Take A Stand For? I get specific about what the vision is for the movement I’m about to start. Even though I’m beginning with consulting clients, I have to be clear that this is a movement. I’m more likely to be successful if I’m taking a stand for something I believe in, rather than just plodding along. My Origin Story I work out what my origin story is. I have to work out why I’m doing this and what makes me want to help my prospective clients/customers. What happened in my life that led me to believe I MUST help my specific customers?

Ask Campaign for one funnel away I create an Ask Campaign to share on social media to get direct feedback from the market about what their pain points are and what it would feel like if these pain points were alleviated. I post this in FB Groups on my personal page and send messages on FB to people who are in my target market, respectfully asking them to assist me in better understanding what I can do to help them. What’s My Offer?

I work out what the first offer is going to look like by first asking myself what my prospective clients need to do to get the success they desire.

The first offer is a one-on-one or group coaching or one funnel away offer (which will be sold as a high-end beta program). I’ll be able to serve these first clients at a very high level. This is important because for the first lot of clients through, I literally want to do anything and everything to ensure they get results, have an amazing experience, and are raving fans. My offer would include the following:

• Course curriculum

• Six weeks of group coaching calls

• One-on-one quick-start call

• Bonuses (templates, spreadsheets, etc.)

• All recorded content

• Access to future course content (I may reshoot footage later.)

What Are My Bonuses? I’ll also work out what bonuses I could offer the high-end clients.

These bonuses could also easily become part of a future course. The more I focus on ensuring the offer is solid AND there are buyers for it, the better success I will have.

With that said, I am also wanting to focus on what my competition offers. I’ll get an understanding of their price points, their pitch, their branding, and the specifics of their offers. I want to make sure that my offer is better and more solid and has a point of difference that will ensure that it’s a no-brainer to work with me. Why Wouldn’t Someone Buy My Offer?

Then I’ll move on to ask myself why people would say NO to my offer. Like, for real. Why would they say NO if my offer is so insanely amazing? What fears do they have? What internal objections do they have? I’m an unknown— will that be an objection? If so, how will I overcome it?

For each objection I can think of, I’ll create an honest reply. Ideally, I will have thought of all the reasons, so that I’m prepped and ready if objections arise during the sales calls! Stories That Will Sell My Offer Next one funnel away, I take a break. It’s been intense so far, and now it’s time to take a walk with my phone.

During this walk, I’m going to use Voxer to send myself voice messages of 10 stories I can tell that will help my target market believe in me—believe that I’m authentic, that I have what it takes to get the success, that I understand their pain, and that I get where they are wanting to go. For example, “I remember when I was a little kid down on the farm, and I knew that I was meant to make a difference in the world. I just knew it. I would daydream about being on stage. I would practice my speeches in the mirror and would have conversations.

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After this, it’s time to consider how I’m unique in the marketplace. Effectively, there are thousands of people who could do what I’m proposing to do for my target market, but I must work out what makes me different. If I’m like everyone else, I’ll fail. I don’t stop on this question until I work out exactly what my point of difference is.

To derive this, I’ll focus on my experience, my passion for being real and raw, my magnetic personality, and genuine solutions. Target Market Research Next, I move on to the intricacies of my target market. I want to understand, to a VERY DEEP degree, what their pains are, what they desire, and what male and female versions of my target market would look like. Social Proof/Testimonials

Finally, I want to make sure that I have evidence that I’m the person who can assist my target market in getting results. I start thinking about what outcomes I have created in order to help my target market feel that I can assist them with what they desire one funnel away.

Personal success stories are fine here, but my idea is to find the success stories that I’ve helped create for others. Right! This has been a FUN and intense day. This is always my most fun day of any business creation. And this has probably taken me about seven hours of solid, focused time for one funnel away.

Now it’s SUPER important to have a break and be with my family. I know tonight I’m not going to be able to sleep, because I’m riding on the energy of excitement now, so it’s important that I hang out with my family before they go to sleep. I’m also going to take this time to communicate with them about what I’m going to do over the next 29 days.

I know from experience that I can’t work as easily, as productively, or as ruthlessly (which is sometimes needed) if I don’t have the support of my family, specifically Kristi, my wife. More to the point, I know if

Kristi sees me working endless hours, shut off from her and the kids during these next 29 days and she’s not aware of the plan, purpose, or where the light at the end of the tunnel is, then there may be some undue turbulence in 31 the “home department” that makes the “business department” harder than it needs to be.

After dinner and hanging out, I spend the time from 9 pm till midnight working on creating a brand (name of business, logo, colors, and of course domain name). I use WorkFlowy to brainstorm ideas. After finding a domain I love, I quickly check if it’s available on Http:// GoDaddy.

This process will normally take around 20– 30 minutes, to find a domain that I love that represents a movement I can and will stand for and will make sense to my target market. When I find the domain that “sings” to me, I buy it straight away and move on.

I’m not here to mess around and take four weeks on this decision. It’s do or die, so I must DO. After the domain is purchased, I head over to Envato and search the logo section. I want to find a logo that is bold, that will speak to the hearts of my target market, and that is easy to use in horizontal and vertical form. I’m giving myself 30 minutes maximum to find the logo I’m going to use.

Once I find it, I buy it and then proceed to find a designer on Fiverr who can modify the logo to my requirements. I move quickly here, giving specific directions and clear instructions—including making sure that my logo is changed to colors that will attract my target market.

I want the logo back tomorrow so I can use one funnel away to start marketing. I know in my heart that most people would want to move more slowly than I have today, but I know that the power of momentum will drive me through this time to get my debts paid and have a solid business income coming in to support my family. So going slow is not an option, and furthermore, it’s harder to restart than to ride the momentum.

And after all the activity of Day 1 for one funnel away

I have a tremendous amount of momentum. Day 2: First Day Of Action Looking After Myself Quite honestly, I probably ended up staying up till 2–3am last night working on the project, so today it’s SUPER important to look after myself and rebalance my body/internals before jumping into action.

I go for a brisk walk with Kristi to connect with her. I ensure that I’ve had a ton of water, as I will continue to do each day, and I also ensure that I’ve watched a motivational video on YouTube before starting work. I do this because I know being in the right state of mind is going to enable me to be more productive.

Taking Care Of Business The list of things to do in my business today is mainly about ensuring that there’s nothing in my way that will stop me from being able to market my business from tomorrow onward. I do the following by lunchtime:

• Ask Kristi to be my photographer and take 10 photos of me— some with a blank, solid-color background—because I want to be able to “clear cut” myself out, so I can paste my photo into a variety of backgrounds to use in my marketing images.

• Open an account with Clipping Magic to remove the background from some of my photos, so when I create marketing material, I can put a cool background behind me.

• Open an account with Stencil so I can create email banners, Facebook Ads, and the like there.

• Map out my funnel on a piece of paper. I’m going to create a short FREE giveaway that my target market will want, so my first funnel will look like this:

– Step One: FREE OFFER upon opt-in – Step Two: Video thank-you and message about the opportunity to work with me personally.

This page will have a Book a Call section on it and will include real scarcity and urgency. The opt-in will trigger an email series where I’ll use story-based messages to inspire people to put in an application to work with me. – Step Three: Thank-you page with phone number to call

• Create a Facebook page for my business and brand it accordingly.

• Do a Facebook Live video (with 10/10 energy, excitement, and conviction) on my new Facebook page about my new venture and 33 the new opportunity to work with me. I share this video to my personal Facebook page. Behind the scenes, I ask my friends to share my message on their Facebook pages IF they have friends who fit the target market I’m looking to serve.

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• Create a Facebook Group for the clients I’m about to bring in and then create a first welcome video message for members of that group.

• Open an account with Zoom to deliver content. The afternoon is spent working on my FREE offer, building the funnel for it, and working on a content calendar for social media. I know it’s super important to get regular content out over the next month, so my customers know I’m serious about what I’m doing. I want to ensure that my content is relevant to my market and that I’m authentic, vulnerable, and real.

One Funnel Away: Committed Action Looking After Myself

Today is SUPER important to look after my spirit because I know I could start to get a little wobbly now. I drink water, I connect with Kristi, and I make sure that I’ve exercised and watched something inspirational before working on one funnel away.

Taking Care Of Business Today I continue my Facebook Lives and ensure that I’m sending people to my free offer funnel. In the background, I’m also going to start working on my coaching funnel, which could otherwise be called Getting Beta Clients For My Online Course Funnel.

In this one funnel away, I make certain that I’m 100% transparent about looking to personally mentor a small number of people to get incredible results and that I’ll be looking to leverage their results for future marketing purposes.

I use this as a sales approach because I want to show people that their results are what I’m hungry for. I also say, with integrity, that I’ll be offering my coaching services for $25,000 in the future; however, I’m looking to ask for their help in refining what my online program is like, so I’m looking to help 15 people at just $1,497 for a six-week coaching period.

The offer will be stacked so high that it’s a no-brainer but will look to repel non-ideal (headache/pain-in the-butt) clients. Oh, and I need to set up an order page that only I will see, because I’m going to mostly be doing phone sales for the first round of clients. I will, however, make sure that the post-purchase emails are all automated and ready to go, so I don’t have to tell 15 people the same message over and over.

The instructions on when the group coaching is going to start and particulars are all in that email. NOW more than ever, I need to bring the energy and conviction into my messaging so that I make sure the tone of every video I do is energetic, excited, and confident.

Without confidence—in myself and in my ability to get results for others—I’m not going to be successful.

Consistency Looking After Myself These days, I continue to ensure I’m looking after my mindset, my body, and my relationship. Without these pillars, the wheels will very likely come off. Taking Care Of Business During these days, I…

• Stay consistent with my Facebook Lives.

• Create a Facebook video ad campaign to give away my free offer.

• Create a retargeting ad campaign to my coaching funnel.

• Close calls with applicants who have applied.

• Send a FREE gift to all applicants who have paid already. Based on the information I’ve gathered from the Ask Campaign, client applications, and Facebook Likes and Comments, I prepare for the delivery of my group coaching to my clients. I’ve set the start date of the program at a week from now.

[I’ll create my slides in Keynote and ensure that they are branded and look professional. They also MUST be structured in a logical way so that the information is easily understood by my clients.

Rest And Regroup Looking After Myself Re-center, take time off, meditate, speak to my woo-woo friends to see if I’m in balance, and have time in nature. Nature always makes me feel at peace. Taking Care Of Business Tonight, I plan out my next week and see if there are any looming barriers that I need to be aware of.

My aim is to keep this process simple, so if I feel like things are too complicated, I’ll “cut the fat.” I will also spend some time putting together a one-page video funnel that is aimed at getting referrals for clients from my Facebook contacts.

I speak from my heart to my fans and to my friends about what I’m aiming to do. I ask humbly for help in tagging someone they know who needs my services.

I remind them that I’m raw and real (a key differentiator from my competition). I know that between my Facebook friends and their friends, there are people who need my help. Oh yeah, and I’ve also found that it helps to sweeten the deal by saying I will pay a referral fee for any successful referrals.

Marketing Strong Looking After Myself Each day, I’m working on my mindset. I know if I start to freak out or get worried or annoyed, then I’ll have a difficult time in the results department. Belief in myself is KEY, so I keep looking after myself and my mindset all week.

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One Funnel Away: Taking Care Of Business

This week is pretty much full of marketing my program like my life depended on it. My main areas of focus are to…

• Stay consistent with my Facebook Lives.

• Tweak my Facebook Ads to my free offer. • Share my free offer in Facebook Groups where my target market hangs out.

• Tweak retargeting ads to my coaching funnel.

• Close calls with applicants who have applied.

• Send a FREE gift to all applicants who have paid already.

And I also ensure that I’m building community spirit with my new clients in a Facebook Group. I don’t want anyone to feel left behind or unsupported during this time. It’s SUPER important to focus on the early adopters and ensure that they are communicated with and feeling like a part of where we are going. I have to be solid here, even if I’m feeling wobbly inside. I have to stay confident and on top of my game. This week, I’m also finalizing content and closing last-minute sales.

Taking Care Of Business It’s time to deliver content to my clients! I also want to make sure I keep my leads coming in. With that said, I’m going to be focusing this week on…

• Staying consistent with my Facebook Lives where I’m delivering VALUE.

• Staying consistent with my community development in my group.

• Tweaking my Facebook Ads to my free offer. • Sharing my free offer in Facebook Groups where my target mar- 37 ket hangs out.

• Tweaking retargeting ads to my coaching funnel. I’m keeping my Facebook Ads running during this time to pick up a few more clients. I only want ideal clients, though. Bad-egg clients will shatter this whole push. • Delivering course content in a structured manner.

• Delivering group coaching content in a mastermind manner.

• Uploading all content to a member’s area in ClickFunnels. Furthermore, I have to listen to my clients’ concerns, needs, and desires.

They will say things during this time that may change the marketing for the full launch of my course. At this point, I am most likely in a position to pay back some of the folks I owe money to, so I make sure that I do so. I make a solid point of thanking them for giving me some leeway with their payment terms.

Rest And Regroup Looking After Myself Re-center, take time off, meditate, speak to my woo-woo friends to see if I’m in balance, and have time in nature. (Are you noticing a pattern?

Make sure that you know what helps you stay centered and balanced, and then build that into your day as well.)

Taking Care Of Business Again, I will plan my next week and see if there are any looming barriers to success that I need to be aware of. My aim is to keep this process simple, so if I feel like things are too complicated, I’ll “cut the fat.”

Delivery And Webinar Looking After Myself Exercise is one thing that may have slipped during these last few weeks, so I make a concerted effort to work out (properly) at least five out of seven days this week. I tell my accountability partner this also.

As with the other weeks, I’m continuing to drink a TON of water and communicate with Kristi about where I’m at business-wise, and I also ensure I have special Lizzy Time Chapter 2: Liz Benny with the girls so they know that they’re more important than work.

Taking Care Of Business This week, I will continue delivering content to my clients and making sure leads are coming in.

I’ll gather testimonials about the process I’ve taken my clients through so far and any wins they’ve had as a result of last week’s training. I’m also going to start working on a webinar to sell the scalable course

I intend to make, because I have spent a ton of time working with my clients now, and I understand what they need and want. I’ve also refined my offer even more so it make sense to my target market. During this week, I’m laser-focused on overdelivering to my clients.

I want them to have success. I do, however, maintain a healthy boundary so I am able to “turn down the volume” of how hands-on I will be in the future.

Rest And Recover Looking After Myself Re-center, take time off, meditate, speak to my woo-woo friends to see if I’m in balance, and have time in nature.

And I make sure I have huge family time. Taking Care Of Business Again, just as I did last week, tonight I plan out my next week and see if there are any looming barriers to a successful week that I need to be aware of. My aim is to keep this process simple, so if I feel like things are too complicated, I’ll “cut the fat.”

This week is going to be big. As with the other weeks, I’m continuing to drink a TON of water and communicate with Kristi about where I’m at business-wise, and I also ensure I have special Lizzy Time with the girls so they know that they’re more important than work.

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Taking Care Of Business As well as servicing my clients as I have done so far, I am going to focus on finishing and launching my webinar live this week (one funnel away), with paid traffic.

It’s a tall ask, but it doesn’t have to be perfect…in fact, imperfect action always beats perfect inaction (and overthinking), so I’m going to go for it!

Final Thoughts of One funnel Away

If you sell digital products and coaching and ever find yourself in a similar position, I’m confident that the structure I’ve laid out in this 30-day plan will get you back on your feet and moving forward… building momentum as you go. And if you follow what I’ve laid out above, then you’ll avoid two of the biggest pitfalls of most business owners who are either launching a new business, scaling an existing one, or reviving a dead one. 1.

Lack of confidence, discipline, and inner peace 2. Lack of a clear plan and well-defined outcomes So wherever you are in your business, you can do it.

I’ve helped so many people from so many different backgrounds and life circumstances that I’m convinced anyone can be successful. You have EVERYTHING you need inside of yourself right now to make it happen.

Because when you control your mindset, discipline, and focus while channeling your energy and strengths, you’re able to create win-win solutions.

A win for you…and a win for the people you’re helping! In closing, I want nothing more than for you to be successful, so in one final attempt to ensure the following point sticks…

Please do not waste time trying to be perfect! Take massive action and… Go get it done. KAPOW!!! Liz

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