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Napoleon Hill’s Lost Letter From 1919


Napoleon Hill’s Lost Letter From 1919

Uncover history and gain a unique insight into the power of success with this incredible lost letter from one of America’s greatest authors, Napoleon Hill.

Uncover the man who paved the way for Napoleon Hill’s early success!
Feeling overwhelmed by all the mindset books you still have to tackle?

I may have just the solution for you.

I’ve been on a mission to track down original copies of Napoleon Hill’s most renowned works.

Why? Because I’m fascinated by uncovering the true origins of anything that profoundly impacts my life.

You see, a lot of the wisdom on personal development and success that’s out there all stems from a single source…

They’re just passing it on third or fourth-hand.

The ideas found in success literature all trace back to Napoleon Hill’s groundbreaking book, Think and Grow Rich… but do you know where it all began?

I can hardly believe it myself, but I’ve stumbled upon a forgotten letter written by Napoleon Hill.

And guess what? This letter finally reveals why I’ve been absorbing everything I can from a man named Charles F Haanel lately.

Dated April 21, 1919.

Mr. Charles F. Haanel,
St. Louis, Mo.

My dear Mr. Haanel:

You might already know […] that I started out as a coal miner twenty-two years ago, earning just a dollar a day.

Now, I’ve been recruited by a ten million dollar corporation with a salary of $105,200.00 per year […]

Credit should be given where it’s due, and I feel compelled to inform you that a large part of my current success is owed to the principles outlined in The Master-Key System.


I promise to work alongside you in getting your program into the hands of those who need your message the most.

Warmly and sincerely,
Napoleon Hill,
Editor, The Golden Rule
Chicago, Illinois

It took Napoleon Hill another six years before he struck gold with his first major success, The Laws of Success.

But as soon as I read The Master-Key System… I immediately understood how and why it left such a lasting impact on him.

So, if you’re curious about delving into the very source of inspiration for Napoleon Hill and countless others…

Lost Letter

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