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Mastermind: Inner Circle Secrets By Russell Brunson


Mastermind: Inner Circle Secrets By Russell Brunson


Inside Russell Brunson’s Mastermind

What does it look like? How’d you start it? How did you grow it? And so I’m going to take you guys behind the scenes is learn the secrets of how I run my inner circle mastermind group. So that said, you just want to go inside and see the room. I come on over again, only people that usually see this, people that are actually in the mastermind. So a welcome to my inner circle.

All right, this is the room. This was the dream. This is the vision for years actually ran my, uh, my inner circle out of hotels. And one day I was like, I wish I had my own, my own locations. I could control everything, control the environment, control the lights, the sound, the energy, the music, the noise, everything. I want to build put superheroes because I’m kind of into that. Like we got Spiderman, we’ve got faints, we all sort of all over the place. We’ve got lights, a camera and the way we structured and set up the rooms. Very, um, very choreographed on purpose.

The reason why we built the stage here. Um, a whole bunch of really important things I’m gonna walking us through, says you’re running and building your masterminds. You know what we’re doing, why we do it, why we use these microphones right here, how we create energy and a whole bunch other things you’re gonna learn inside of the secrets of my inner circle.

So before we get started, I want to kind of tell you guys some of my backstory about how I got into masterminds and the effect it had in my life. Cause then we’ll all, you guys who are watching this right now, you bought the, uh, the mastermind training from, from Tony and Dean and for me, and obviously everyone’s got different styles, but how they do things and why they do and a lot of it does base on like what we learned as we were growing up, what we experienced.

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We liked what we didn’t like. And so, um, I just want to kind of share with you guys my experience to how I run my inner circle, my mastermind groups. Cause it’s a little different than how Dean runs him, how Tony runs his and there’s no right or wrong. They’re all just, what things do you like the best? Uh, what are the parts of you like you want to do? In fact, um, it’s interesting. Um, one of the masterminds that, um, is really popular in my market as well as a yard.

Silver has his Mavericks mastermind and the Mavericks mastermind, they do all sorts of things. They go on trips around the world and they visit different crazy places and do all these amazing things. And, um, I’ve never joined that one because for me, like the last thing I want to do is go on another trip. Like when I would go on a trip, I’m with my wife and my kids, nobody else.

And so I never joined that one cause they didn’t connect with it. Whereas the first one I ever joined was bill Glazer’s mastermind group where they were, we were in a hotel in Baltimore, Maryland in the middle of nowhere, sitting in a room with a whole bunch of dudes talking about our businesses. And I loved it. It was like what the, what I wanted the most.

And so the way I’ve structured mind is very similar to how bill ran his back in the day. We’ve added some tweaks and some changes, but it’s just interesting. So I’m not, I don’t want you to think like what’s the right way in the wrong way to do it. There’s nothing right or wrong. It’s just kinda like w what kinda experience do you want to create for your audience? Do you want to have exotic trips? Do you want to go take them? You know, paintball shooting afterward, you want to go climb Mount Everest.

You wanted to sit in a room and talk and teach like it does. There’s no right or wrong, it’s just kind of what you like. And so I’m gonna walk you through, um, kind of the way that we run my masterminds.

And I think personally they’re the best in the world, but obviously I’m biased because, you know, I created the way I would want it. So it’s trying to come to some of the backgrounds, how I got into this. I remember when I first, um, got started just trying to learn internet marketing as a whole. I started going to a bunch of seminars and events and um, it was interesting cause I’d go to all these different events and every event, um, seemed like, and I don’t hear it nowadays, but back then every event I went to was people talking about the book think and grow rich. Like who’s you’re thinking?

Go rich and like, you know, and nobody, everyone had heard of it, but hardly in, I’ve never read it. And I heard it multiple times to finally one day I’m like, I’m going to buy this book. So I bought the book and kind of the funny stories that I didn’t read it for like a year. And then I kept hearing people talk about something about the audiobook and I listened to it and um, and I got a ton of value out of it.

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One of the things I remember learning in the book was about the concept of masterminds for somebody ever heard of it. And I’m in that constant mastermind, Napoleon Hill who wrote the book, uh, I think it was actually Andrew Carnegie told his story. He said, basically he said, a masterminds me, anytime you have two people, both people are smart.

You put them in a room together because they’re together. It says that what happens is the third mind, a mastermind is created the smarter than either of the two people individually. It says when you bring more than that people in the room, that, that, that second mastermind or that third mastermind grows exponentially.

So the more people we get in a room, the smarter they can get. I remember reading that. I was like, that’s so cool. And one of the stories, um, I believe like, I believe it’s actually a Henry Ford, I may be wrong quoting this, but he talks about he was on, he was on jury or something and people were asking those questions when the richest man in the world at the time, and uh, they’re asking all these questions and they’re trying to prove that the, he wasn’t that smart and they’re asking question after question. He didn’t know the answer, didn’t know the answer.

And, and finally the, you know, these people who are so smart thought they got him like, ah, see you’re not even that smart. And that he said something really powerful. He said, look, I may not know the answers to all of your questions, but in my mastermind group of people that I have the answer, all those questions, I can literally click a button and get the answer any questions you have from the top person, the world, who knows the best about that thing.

And we were always thinking, I’m like, that’s so cool. I don’t have to know everything. I just have to know who are the people who know everything and they become friends with them. I need to get around those people more often. I’ll a lot, when I was getting started, people, say that you are incomes, the average of your five closest friends. At the time I was looking at my friends, I was like, they’re all broke. Like I am in so much trouble.

Like I have to, I have to find more friends if that’s actually true. Like who are my rich friends I’m going to find and I, I live here in Boise, Idaho. I didn’t, didn’t know anybody. I couldn’t find anyone. I mean, how do, how do you find these people?

And so for me it was going to events, try to find, find these places to connect into people that were similar to me and uh, and I got had success, coordinate different events and learning. Um, but really, um, the first time I joined like a real mastermind group is the first time I really had these exponential growths, my business. And um, it was bill Glazer’s mastermind group. Some, you guys have heard me tell a story before, but I didn’t know who bill Glazer was. I thought I was doing Dan Kennedy’s mastermind group. Um, you know, I, I called him up.

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I was like, Hey, I want to be in the mastermind group. I actually listened to, um, there are all these CDs that they, they’d put out, it’s called the $250,000 platinum mastermind recordings or something like that. I bought these on eBay and we’re listening to them and it was basically a bunch of people in a room just like this is one of the Dan Hayes mastermind groups and each speaker like talk about their biggest takeaways, their biggest aha is, and he would give a topic and they all kind of riff on the topic and he recorded this whole thing and we were listening to it and I was just like, this is, this is amazing. All these things I was learning. I’m like, I have to be in that group.

They called up Dan Kennedy’s offices on my chem need to join. How does it work? I tried to join and they wouldn’t let me in. They said, there’s like a three-year waiting list. I was like, please let me in. And like, no. And I kept begging and then I knew some friends who knew them.

So I had them contacted and I was trying everything I could to get in the group. And finally, after I annoyed them long enough to plan, I said, fine, like what? You’re in the group, here’s the, here’s the side fee and the paperwork. I got it to me and it was like I can’t move $25,000 or something to join. And I was like, Oh my gosh.

That was more money than I had in the whole world. But I had Dukes, I talked to two big games. So I joined the thing. I get the paperwork and if I send them the money, I didn’t have that. I get this paperwork back in the mail. It’s like, Hey, your first meeting is in Baltimore, Maryland. It’s, it’s two days, three times a year.

The way he structured his, and I was like, I don’t even know where Baltimore, Maryland is. And I guess that’s where Dan Kennedy lives by the way. He doesn’t, he lives in, um, he lives in, uh, Ohio or, and it was something different. Right. But I didn’t know at that time. So I get on the plane and fly to Baltimore to tell my, I found their friends.

I’m going to go meet with Dan Kennedy. It’s gonna be amazing. And I get in this room and it’s a, it’s a hotel room. I remember walking in, it was, it was a really narrow room. Uh, the tables have kind of like this, but there were longer as there big, huge, like horseshoe shape, uh, a horsey sheet of the table and walked into awkward and there’s a bunch of people there kind of talking and stuff. And then, um, one guy bill took care of him, come sit down and bill side the very top of the horseshoe and everyone sat around in the seats kind of in this, this horseshoe shape. And I was so confused that I get, I didn’t know. I’m like, where’s Dan Kennedy? He’s not here.

Who’s that? Who’s that? That guy. That’s Bill Glazer. And I know what to expect and bill can, I talked for a few minutes and shared a couple of cool things about their business and they had everyone introduced themselves really quickly and they said, okay, you Europe. And he picked somebody, had the person come up in front and the way the bill ran has everyone had an hour for an hour. You get there and basically you’d say, this is my business and explain what your business was.

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And you tried to share a couple of good things from your business and then you’d basically open it up and get a Q and. A. And what was so cool about it is that the criteria to be in the room, and obviously I was the one who, who lied on my emissions form to get in there, but you supposed to make at least a million dollars a year to be in the room. So then when the first person is up there talking, um, the, uh, in our group, they’re 18 people, they had 18 millionaires, well, 17 millionaires in me. I’ll give you feedback. Like, Oh, I would do this, I would try this. And like it was so cool to see it.

Any problem that this person brought to the group, the mastermind was able to easily solve it and say, Oh well you need to call this guy. Here’s the connection, here’s the person that and like, and I’d watch person after person, after person as they’re sending here, get all of their problems, all their frustration, all their struggles, everything they were stuck with, just destroyed an hour. And they’d had, they’d done a sit down. They’re like, I know everything I need to do. And we just had chance to do that over the two days. Everyone had a chance to come up for an hour and share their business.

And um, it was just like the, the coolest, the coolest thing. And so, um, I was in that group for six years and um, I’d come three times a year to Baltimore, Maryland. And it was crazy cause I remember it wasn’t convenient at all. Like we fight a Baltimore and then like there’s a bunch of hotels in Baltimore, but then bill lived like an hour away.

So we drive our taxis pre Uber all the way to an hour further to get to the hotel right next to Bill’s house. We would have travel and we go to sing and it was like three times a year I was going and I became friends, all the people and everyone had different businesses. Like there’s one guy in the room who, um, had run a big call center. And I was like, this is awesome. Like I should run a call center. So then I went to start a call center. Someone else did events. I’m like, this is amazing.

I should do events. I did events like I, as I learned from all their businesses, I saw the pieces that they were doing that were unique. They were interesting. I start taking them and plugging them into my business. And then every single time I go back, I’m like, I show, here’s my stats, here’s my numbers I’m trying to do. And then here’s where I’m stuck. And I get feedback from everybody. And in Washington, my little, you know, maybe $50,000 a year business went from 50,000 to a hundred thousand to a million to 10 million. And beyond all from that mastermind group, there’s accountability, there’s feedback, there’s ideas, like all of these things that kept happening from it.

And so I was in that group for six years. And then, um, when it was done, uh, bill gazer sold the company. He left and I decided to leave and I said, I want to find a new group to plug into a new mastermind group. And I started joining a bunch of my join, pretty much all the ones that you may know in the, in the marketing world. And all of them were good, but none of them like them really did for me what I wanted it to do. And so I was like, I gotta, I gotta figure this out.

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I kept trying to find somebody that had, had a group that would serve me the way that I wanted to do it. And I just didn’t find any that, that really fit, you know, Yana X looked amazing. I didn’t want to travel, other peoples were more business, but they, it was just, it was different. And, um, and so finally I remember thinking, this is probably seven, six, seven years ago, I was like, I’m going to do this right. I need to create my own and I’m going to pick the things that I liked the most. And I’m like, just put together like my dream, mashed my, the way I would run it if it was actually mine, which is funny cause it was actually mine. And uh, and we started doing it.

And it was funny as the first things I was so scared wouldn’t sign up. So we start trying to sell it and got, I remember five or six people, three for the first one they came and we did it and it was really good. Um, and the next time we got 12 people and then 18 and then, and then 30 and then 35. And I still remember, I think I was, uh, I think we were at, we’re probably about 40, 40 to 45 people or so. And it was too big for us to do it in one meeting. So I decided to split it into two, two broken two groups of 20. Um, and it was still, it was good. And I, in my head I was like, we kept selling it. It was like a process we were selling. I remember thinking, I don’t want to sell this anymore.

So I told my list, I told the people that were, you know, they get my messages. I was like, we’re going to cap this to a hundred people. And then when it’s filled like we’re gonna keep it a hundred people.

What’s crazy is it took me like four years to get to 45 people after we kept it a hundred people. We’ve told it, told them like, the only a hundred spots are gone. They’re gone. We sold the next 65 and like three months, we completely maxed out. We had a hundred people and that caused a new problem. Like, well, how do we facilitate a mastermind group with a hundred people? And, uh, I was in someone’s group at a time who had a hundred people in the way they facilitate. I didn’t feel like it, I didn’t love the experience. I didn’t get a lot out of it. So I was like, I had to figure out how to facilitate this. And so based on all these things and the progress in you over six years of doing this and kind of tweaking and changing, um, we’ve developed the way that we do ours now, which I’m going to be showing you guys today, which I’m really excited for.

Um, and one thing I want to mention before I kind of go into this, I know that right now you guys are in my inner circle room. You’re seeing how I set everything up. Um, don’t think you have to have your own room to be able to do this. Um, I did this in hotel rooms until about two years ago, was the first time I actually was able to bring this in house. And so for a long time I did, you’ll have to and nicely by the hotel rooms is typical, it’s not a huge room, right? Well, smash my groups are 10 to 20 people max.

Um, and so you get a small narrow room. Um, this setup is very important though. Um, the way that we structured the tables, like when you go to a typical event, there’s usually a speaker on stage and then all the chairs are facing the speaker, right? Um, but in a mastermind is different because it’s not me speaking, teaching you the, the teaching interaction happens across the table. That’s the magic of the mastermind. And so, um, the, the layout is, is always a horseshoe. If you look at the the way to structure says big, huge horseshoe where everyone’s looking at seeing across and then someone comes to the front and actually be able to talk right here. When we designed this room, we did it very similar except for, instead of one horseshoe, it’s one, two, three, four, five.

There’s five horseshoes, but it keeps everybody looking in towards the middle and it gives everybody the ability to kind of share a cross as well. And so that’s just kind of the difference. Whereas an event, again, typical event, Evers fo facing towards you and you lose all that interpersonal connection, which is super important in a mastermind, the mastermind is not about one person teaching and speaking. It’s about the entire group, all the minds coming together to create something exponentially better than you could ever come up with yourself.

Okay. So next I want to talk about the whole onboarding process. Like we talked to them in other training videos about the funnel and how we bring somebody in and we get the applications that come on the phone and that whole process, right? So I want to pick up from that part of the story because that’s the next thing before you, somebody in here and you’re hanging out with them. Um, you want to filter them, make sure you get the right people. Um, the worst thing you can possibly do is have the wrong person to the mastermind group. In fact, this happened to us three years ago, somebody signed up. Normally we have a decade and day callers.

I’ll talk to you guys about that here in a second. First, we didn’t cause the tie, they signed up and the next thing it was happening, she showed up with her daughter and they sat in the room and within about, you know, 20 minutes we were all like, this person should not be here. I don’t know how they got here, how they got through the filters like, and I’m, I remember we let them sit there for the two days and then afterward we pulled them aside. So Hey, hope you enjoyed it. And like, yeah, like can we just give you all your money back and can we fly you home? And they said sure.

And it ended good. But it, it can be bad because you had the wrong person in the room and then wrote sometimes like, am I in the right spot? Said I actually am here. And it’s just weirdness. I’m on that side. So wanna make sure the right people, it’s a lot of that comes with the application process.

We’ll have to, some people think the application process is just like a sneaky sales tactic and it’s like, no, it’s actually to find out if they’re the right fit. Um, I promise you that, um, this happened to everybody at least once in your life where you will take money from somebody cause you want the money and then you will have the experience of working with them. It will be the most painful thing in the world and you will realize six months down the line, like, I should not have taken the money. I would do anything to give it back now just to end this relationship.

And so I’m kind of, I want you understand that now because I’m being okay with that. Be okay. Like someone like wanting to give you money and you say no, it’s a hard thing. It’s so hard to do. We had someone, um, we’ve, like we first launched the mastermind group members, the guy who had a ton of money, but he was like 90 years old. There’s nothing wrong with 90-year-olds. I love him. But the dude didn’t have a computer. I mean, how did you even find us? He’s like, I just need you to take my money and help me build the funnel. I’m like, we can’t. And I remember how he was so upset and then I was just like, I can’t believe we’re saying no to this guy who’s literally giving us money.

Um, but it’s very important because especially in a group, I mean it’s tough enough with client work if you get the wrong client, but if you have a group it can like implode the group, um, really, really quickly. So it’s important to look for those things and, and try to figure out what’s the culture of the people that actually want in the room. Um, you know, for us we have income standard. Like you can make at least X amount of dollars a year. And then like, we actually looked at people like, are they good people? Likely people would actually want to hang out with, you know, um, inner circle people.

I’m hanging out with multiple times a year. I go on cruises with them. We, you know, sometimes if people, those people that are house, like it’s the, the people that are like, we’re literally letting them into our family. And so whoever’s selling on the other side has to realize that and really look at it from that lens of just like, is this the right person? They can be a good fit if we bring them in.

Is it going to be bad for the group or does it raise the group together? Um, it’s been interesting as as um, especially over the last three years, um, in their circle. Um, uh, we actually an Institute something which is, which was probably the best thing we ever did for churn. We had, we had, um, a high churn.

People stayed for a year and they’ve dropped out after a year. And, uh, we had this concept, which we call the inner circle for life. And it was actually in this room, I think the very first meeting in the showroom. I said, look, everyone has an inner circle. When they leave, they, they’re like, Hey, I’m going to leave for a couple months. I’m coming back, I promise. And then they would never would or, or you know, I wouldn’t hear from him for two years or something.

And I was like, I hate that. Cause every year, every month we’re bringing in new people and it’s like you have to onboard new people and get them indoctrinating the group. It’s like I want a group where like we can grow together. And so Kim’s constant called inner circle for life. And he said, look, this is the way it works. If you’re an inner circle, you’re here as awesome, but if you leave, we’ll still be friends with you, but you’re never allowed back in. Like you’re either here or you’re not. And there’s no, there’s no coming back later. And um, and that’s why it’s called inner circle for life.

And we gave everyone the shirts and it’s become a thing where everyone, you know, all of our swags and inner circle for life, the cups, the mugs, the books that we have, the everywhere. Cause I want that constant thing of like an inner circle for life. It was cool about it. As we started doing that, um, we went from like, I don’t know, like a 30%, um, people would stick every single year. It’s like 85%, like shifted the whole metrics of the business. Then what was cool is that all the group together, it was interesting. Each meeting people come back and at first, Emory came back and they’re all making you know, 10 grand a month and come back next time. And like everyone had elevated together to like 30 grand a month and then like 50 grand a month and a hundred grand a month.

And then we had like Brandon and Cayden and came down the first million-dollar month and everyone’s like, Oh, we wanna do $1 million months and [inaudible] the entire group all rises together. Everyone starts, start growing together. When you keep it that way, when it’s a family, when there’s, when it’s not that way and there’s this discontent and stuff, then people resent each other. They’re alienated and it shifts the whole, the whole energy of the room. And so, um, that’s just kind of some of the important stuff to, to kind of think through as you’re doing it.

This, that’s why it’s so important. Bring the right people. And in fact, nowadays, the inner circle is, it’s so much. So like when someone applies, like we make sure that other people in your circle know them. Like, Hey, do you know this person? You like them, they’d be a good fit. We don’t just let people in just off the street. Um, we wanna make sure the culture is really good.

So that’s kinda the first thing. Next thing is after you somebody in like, um, you know, when we first started doing it, w um, I would have them come in and the way I structure my meetings a little bit different than Bill Glazer did. I do mine twice a year. I’m going to get because I have a hundred people, um, I didn’t want to do a group with a hundred people at time times. What we do is we break them into groups of three, three groups of 33.3, um, is basically how it breaks down. And, uh, and then they come for it for two days.

And so I’ll usually have like Monday, Tuesday, I’m gonna take a break on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and a break and the next Monday, Tuesday. So it takes six days by a week and a half for me to do all my meetings and do that twice a year. Right. And so it’s cool about that. People come, they experience it. A lot of times I’ll talk about this later, the aftermath and stuff, they usually hang out and they kind of bleed over the other groups. They can hang out with their friends from the other groups, but every single time it’s getting mixed up.

There’s new people sitting in the, in the chairs every second time. It kind of, it kind of changes around. But I do mine twice a year, so people basically have twice a year to come here and they come share their stuff. Um, they, they, uh, they get, um, the feedback, the accountability, stuff like that. But the problem is when we first that we would bring some a new and we plug them in the group and I would know who they were. That can be you’re presenting, I don’t think about our business.

It’s kind of like out of context. Nobody else knows who they are and you’re just kind of like every time we were out in new people and it was just really weird. And I was like, how do we shift this to make it, make it a better experience to onboard somebody better? And um, and so I remember we started doing these things. We call them a decade in a day calls and the cost of a deck in a day. I learned this actually from Tony Robbins. He talked about this with books.

He said, look, most amazing thing about a book is that somebody will go and spend a decade of their life learning and mastering a topic and then spend a year of their life writing into a book. And you can grab this book and you can read it in a day and in a day you can get a decade of their information.

Decades are their work effort, everything they put into it. You do the downloading and plugging into your brain. How did the matrix, you grabbed the card, plug it in and boom, now you’ve got all their information? And so he said that you’re reading the book or going to seminars like getting a decade of someone’s life in a day. Now you can shortcut and speed up your progress and everything.

And I thought that’s so cool. I thought, you know, I want to do something similar. Are people like when they first come in, I wanna try to give him a decade of my life as quick as possible? And so we’d started these decade day calls and the way that they work is basically someone comes in and this is my chance to one-on-one, like speak consulting with them. I said, Hey, tell me about your business.

So they tell me. So I get some framework of like what they’re doing, what they’re trying to, what their goals are. It asks like, where are you stuck? And they tell me that I spend, right now decking today calls you to be an hour long. We’ve short, we’ve shrunk them down to 30 minutes and I’ll talk about why that in a minute, but we shrunk cars down 30 minutes on 30 minutes. I’m just consulting like crazy as fast as I can. And what’s good about that? Then I understand their business, I see where they’re struggling. I know like, okay, you did, you should connect with this person in your circle and this person that like here’s the people you need to connect with.

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We also inside of my inner circle have a, a mindset coach. Uh, her name is Mandy and Mandy helps on the personal, she’s like kind of a personal development side. And so like we’ll both be on these calls together. I’m helping marketing, but she’s thinking, Oh man, I know they’re struggling because of this and this person. They need a friend here and this is the right person. And she’s connecting some of the, the social and the, the um, the personal element side of things and plugging them into them as well. Right? So that first call happens. Now I know who they are and really good context.

And so what I’ll do is like once a month, I have a decade and day call, we’re all have eight calls happening or 12 calls happening or 30 minutes back to back to back with each of these people that are coming on new, have a chance to get to know them and get to their, like spa consultant helps steer them in the right direction and they can start running. I think the worst thing that can happen is that of a coaching program. If someone comes in, they get excited and they start running and they’re running as fast, they can like six, eight months later you have a chance to talk to them.

Like, I’m doing everything you said Russell, but I was running in this direction and, and I should have been running this direction. So really for me, the deck in the day calls about finding it and like steering in the right direction. So as soon as they hear that, then they can run and make sure that as they’re running at full speed, they’re running in the right direction. Right. Um, so that’s kind of happens in the second day calls now. I used to do one at a time just with people individually and they were, everything was separate, separated.

Then I thought, man it, there’s so many cool things I’m saying in each of these calls I would love for everybody who’s, who’s, uh, who else, who’s having decade did they listen in to everybody else? Cause man there’s so many things I share here that like that can help the other person, the other person. So we start doing our decade and a calls for basically that whole day we’d open up. So if you were doing one, you can listen to everybody else’s calls as well. And people went crazy for that.

They would block out the entire day to listen to seven other calls and me consulting people and they get so many ideas for their own business and things they could do and, and a lot of became really good like lifetime friends cause they’re sitting there listening to that person. They call them afterwards like, Oh yours lost. I’m like, I would do this and that. It was really cool watching how that start happening. So the next two years, that’s what we did it.

And then over the last year, what’s interesting is that people in the inner circle who weren’t on those decade days calls kept saying, man, I wish I could like listen and I want to like, let’s call it. They’re so cool. Like I get so much value out of them. And so what we do now, which is really cool, is we have a private Facebook group just for my inner circle members and we do deck and day calls now I stream them into the Facebook group. And so it’s cool. It’s all a hundred people in your circle. I’ll take the entire day off every decade in a day. And they all sit there.

So when I started doing my consulting, I bring the person in, they introduced the, made it to know them really quick. They ask the questions that I’m consulting and then I have a hundred other people who were there at below in the comments say I would do this, try this, try this, boom, boom. And like consulting like crazy down in the comments.

Now they are all these people all helping them. It’s not just me. You know, they got friends, they got connections, they got all the things are happening right there. And then Courtney, Mandy, who’s our personal development coach as she’s listening in, she’s like, knows who, who then you connect with and she’s tagging the comments like, Hey Julie, come check this out. Hey Mike, check this out. I’m like bringing people in. And Alison, some, it comes into our world. They’ve got a, they’ve got friends, they’ve got a foundation.

Everyone knows who they are. Some they show up the meeting, there’s an instant connection. It’s not like, who’s, who’s that guy over there? Who she over there? It’s like, Oh, I saw your thing on a decade day. You all so happy to have you here. I’m the one that said this. I’m the one that did this and they’d come instantly into part of a family. So that’s the decade day. Um, calls are, and it’s how we aren’t more people now. It also becomes a really fun thing once a month for the entire group to participate in. So that’s kind of how those work now.

Next thing is, um, and I stopped doing this inside of our program, but, um, a lot of people, uh, in my inner circle who run inner circle programs now, their own masterminds to do this as well. So it’s kind of a really good strategy. Um, so what I used to do when I was in bill, um, every single year when, uh, when I would read joint, he gave me two like 30 minutes and he called nine one certificate.

So if I, if I was stressed out, like, you know, call a secretary and she set a 30-minute call, I could anytime want to jump on and do the 30 minutes, like nine one one call with him. And um, it was funny about it is I always got those and I had them and like I didn’t want to waste them. So I was holding him and look in the six years of having him. So six years times two years, I had 12. I think he’s one once ever. So I hardly ever use him. He’s, I, he told me they got hardly any, whatever he uses him.

And so I first started doing mine. I was like, Oh, I’m going to do that as well if I start giving people coaching calls. And I think I started an hour first and then what would happen is someone going to call and they had an hour with me so they want to talk to me for an hour. And so it was like they have a problem, I resolve it like 30 seconds. And then they just like talk for an hour. And then after a little bit I was like, okay, I’ve got to shorten this. So we shrunk it from an hour to 30 minutes and it was, it was better at the same time, like a hundred people times 30 minutes like that. And the being a lot of, a lot of time on the phone.

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I’m personally scared to death of phones. I don’t like them. And I was like, how in the world am I going to do this? Um, and it was just burning me out. I couldn’t focus on anything else. I’m doing calls all the time with people and uh, and essentially the same kind of thing is like usually, I could solve their problem really quickly, but then like I got 27 more minutes as Russell, I’m using all this time, I’m not going to waste it. And so, um, a couple of years later we found out about a really cool app called Voxer and Voxer is like a walkie talkie app. Um, so for your want to be live with the person the same time, I can message you and it sits in your phone and we listened to it.

You can listen back and you can go back and forth. And so I thought, what if we got rid of, if we got rid of the, um, the coaching calls and said to the Voxer calls, now you don’t have once a month to be able to talk to me. It’s like, you can talk to me whenever you want to in the morning when you’re stuck. Like you messaged me and like, let me know your, your concerns right away. And I’ll answer them as quick as I can. And um, and so we start doing that.

And the biggest problem at first was Vox and people were like, leave like eight-minute messages talking and talking and talking and talking. But the nice thing about Voxer is you can speed it up so you can do double speed, triple speed or Forex speeds. So I can listen to the eight-minute message in two minutes, which is really fast by train my brain now say listen really, really fast. But I had no same thing as that.

They would, they would ask a question and they would talk about the question for like eight zero seven minutes. And I was like, like they can get through this faster. So then I said, Roy, I was like, you sent me a message. The message can’t be longer than a minute. Okay, so that’s your, your thing. And I don’t want you asking me 20 questions. He asked me one question though.

When I respond back, you ask me the question that way. I’m not trying to like remember all the questions to answer. I’m like, just ask me your number one question right now. And so we shifted to that and what was cool was that people would message me like when they meet, when like when they’re stuck and I respond back like usually within, you know, 20 minutes to an hour worst-case within 24 hours, I respond back to them and it was cool cause they weren’t waiting, they weren’t waiting a month till their next coaching call.

They just like when they, when they needed it, I was there to respond back as quick as possible. The other cool thing is that normally, um, I, they asked me a middle long question and I could respond back in 2030 seconds, right? I’m like, yes, you should do this. Oh, meet so-and-so. Oh, you need connect to soand-so. Or like, yes, that’s a good idea. I wouldn’t do that with, try this.

Instead, I can respond back really, really fast. What happens is I had about a 10-minute commute at the time from my house to my office and in 10 minutes that we’re taking to get from my house to the office, I could respond to every single person who’d Vox me over the night.

And then throughout the day the boxes would be coming in. And then at night I’d jump home, I drive home at night, I could clear my OD as well. So going during my 20 minute commute to and from work, 10 minutes in the morning tenets tonight, I can keep up with all my coaching calls and it was like the greatest thing in the world. I’m up to the point where I had about a hundred people at a hundred people is when it got the port.

I couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Um, but for man, probably two or three years, that’s how I did it all. My, my one on one part of the coaching program though, a couple of things. First off, you don’t have to have one on one part of your coaching program. Um, people love it. It’s really powerful. It’s a huge benefit. Um, again, I ran, I had that in part of my inner circle for probably the first five or six years. Um, it’s just been the last year, so I kinda pulled it out cause I couldn’t keep up with it.

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Plus I’m running click funnels and a billion other things. And so, um, I just wasn’t able to keep up with it. Um, but what’s cool is that now we, we opened up our Facebook group and let people, when they have the same questions, they go and they comment on Facebook and they tag me. And so now when I am on Facebook, I log in. And what’s interesting is that the most part they, they ask a question, they tag me and I’ve seen 12 other people in the inner circle respond to it before I ever get there. I’m like, yep, they gave him the right answer.

And so it’s made, it’s made my life a lot easier, but it took a while to get the community to the point where they all are, are such good friends and Sherry you interact with, with each other all the time. So now we’re talking about how we actually run and facilitate the mastermind event, which is my favorite part. Um, so firstly when people show up, we always have click funnels. Um, excuse me, not ClickFunnels, inner circle swag, um, inner circle for life.

That is our motto, our tagline. So they all have tee shirts and sweatshirts and backpacks and cups and mugs and books. And every time, every single time they come there’s something new. Um, and so they always look forward to that and they’ve got a new thing to start wearing when they get back home and just keep kind of re emphasize the inner circle for life.

So I’m a big believer in, in swag for sure a minimum comes in and the layout of the room, I mentioned a room a little earlier, but it’s all horseshoe based. We’re trying to get people interacting. This is not me teaching and then listening. This is all of us interacting together. And sometimes it’s kind of hard in a bigger remind. It’s one of the secrets we have are these really cool throw mikes and this is the microphone and you talk into it. And then you can throw it to somebody. And so it’s fun as the, as communications or it’s happening. Um, just make sure everyone can hear it.

Everyone’s throwing the Everence, throwing the, the box around to talk. What happens if you don’t have anything like this? What happened is that there’ll be part of the room. If someone’s got question, they start talking and some of them just talking and then there’s whispering and then it distracts you and you’re trying to, like, it just kind of ruins everything.

Whereas if there’s like a central like location of where communication is happening, which is this, it helps a ton. And so usually the speaker up here will have it. And then if they have questions, I’ll throw it. The person instead of this, the common they throw back and forth. And that way everyone has a chance to say what they’re saying. There’s only one voice happening at a time, which is really, really essential to ’em to that happening. Um, to be able to have to hear what’s happening and you’d be able to get the breakthroughs. Um, okay. So then, um, can we lay out the room.

So it’s very easy to kind of communicate with that now. Um, if you look at the way that I kind of facilitate my, in my masterminds are two days long and we’re, I, my biggest goal is like when somebody comes in before we even start the mastermind process, I want them as soon as I’m done talking to be like, Oh my gosh, like I got everything.

Like I got all my value right now and have a chance to come up here yet. So I always lead off the day when mashing my starts, I get up here first and I go through like everything from the last six months since last time we met. What are the cool things that we figured out, right?

They’re coming to me because they want to learn funnels from me in traffic for me, the things I’m best at. Right? So I’m thinking like what are the big evolutions we figured out in the last six months since met together and stuff that I haven’t shared it anywhere.

I’m talking about on the podcast. I haven’t gotten Facebook live. I haven’t done spoken to live vet about this. I haven’t written a book about it. It’s like what’s the stuff that’s working right now? And so usually depending on the size of the group, I’ll spend between an hour and two hours up here on the board. What whiteboarding stuff in just sharing as much as I can because I want them again to have on them to get their um, their value of from before we even started the process.

It’s always my goal initially. And so, um, it’s kind of fun. All right. I actually mastered my starts Monday, so I’m preparing my talk right now. Like what am I talking about? What’s the cool things, what are the things that like that we’ll give them these big aha they’ve never thought about before. And so it’s kind of fun digging back into our company, looking at like the last year, kind of finding those things out.

So that’s how I start. And when that’s done, then usually I set the ground rules to explain how this whole process works. And so I’m going to explain to you the same way I explained to them. So the way it works is that everyone in here has going to have a chance to come up in front of here and beyond the stage and to be able to do two things.

Number one, the way you look at your own business, like what’s the best thing that you got over the last six months since we met the biggest takeaway they used to have the biggest thing and the biggest impact from you and want you to share that way, to give it to, to the group as a whole, just as a gift. Like here’s the, you know, uh, like, like I’m always, I always, you think like how can I serve this group? Right? So the first thing that does is share that usually about 10 to 15 minutes of them sharing like their biggest thing.

Then at they’ve shared their biggest thing. Then the second side of it isn’t to say, look, this is where I’m stuck. This is my question. You just, everyone comes with one or two questions of like, this is, I’m trying to figure out my business thing. I’m, I’m stuck on right now. And they share that. And then what happens is then the mic goes out into the room and some catch it and like, well I think this then that usually it turns into like, Oh, it gives me the throws over here. Like, well I would think this and back and forth and the throwing back and forth and back and forth.

And it’s amazing cause you start seeing the energy, excitement, everyone’s trying to one-up each other to give that person feedback and ideas and a usually spend the next 10, 15 minutes to pay how long they’ve left on the clock.

Doing that, going back and forth to all their, their questions or comments or concerns are done. Okay. And that’s kinda what happens in, in the typical structure, how we do it. And, uh, we do have, um, board, uh, monitors on the side. So we let them have laptops they want, they want to show slides and show examples or case studies of what they’re asking about. They can show those really easily as well. And that’s the first thing. Now, um, that’s kind of how that part runs. Now. A couple of things tied around them. Um, what’s interesting is as you facilitate or as you’re experiencing a mastermind group, um, people always think that like the most value and come when they’re on stage, like getting there, their direct questions answered. But I found from being in the mastermind for six years and then now facility them for over six years, is this rare that I get my biggest aha is when I’m on stage, usually at biggest, I’ll ask him, I’m sitting in the audience and somebody else has shared their business and they ask a question, somebody answers them. And also like the light bulb goes off.

And I dunno if it’s because of the stress of like standing on stage or I dunno if it’s, you know if it’s whatever. But I always get more from everybody else’s presentation than they ever do for my own. And so because of that we have everyone like, like focus. Like when you come in the room it’s like you’re not allowed to sit on your phone texting. Like everyone puts their phones out.

Aaron’s focusing and was listening and giving attention to the person who’s asking the questions and the person who’s sharing cause you make sure that that’s happening. Um, no. Uh, a couple of other things. Um, we also used to keep the, the inner circle meetings private.

Um, but we started doing about a year ago and people love it is we actually now stream the inner circle comedians into our Facebook group as well. So what’s cool as that now that they get the feedback from everybody happening here inside the room, we usually have the other 70, what does the 76 inner circle members who are home on their computers who are watching it streaming live and they’re dropping comments as well and they’re helping people out. And a lot of times what happens is like some of your initial questions will get resolved while you’re on stage.

But a lot of them happen after I get lunch and dinner throughout the next, you know, next couple of weeks while these other people who saw it are calling you and reminding you and giving you feedback and ideas and connecting you with people. And so it’s not just, it’s not just your 30 minutes up here, the 30 minutes like starts a conversation and then we carry on for the next six months to help you and to serve you and help make sure you’re able to kind of get through all the things you’re, you’re stuck with to get to the end. And that’s kind of how that works, Ken.

So, um, that’s, that’s how the presentation part works now. Um, then it’s funny when I was in bill Glazer’s bash my group, the person that had done the next person would come up and we’d do that for two days. And by the last day, like everyone was just dead tired like we were, it was just, it was a lot. Also, we, Bill ran his, everyone had an hour, which seemed like a lot of time for me.

So I remember I used to now where they cut down to 40 minutes and then down to 30 minutes in about 30 minutes as a sweet spot where I feel like it’s enough where we can get the best idea for the person we can help them the most. But the energy still hide.

And so we shrunk ours on 30 minutes and people moved through a lot faster and it works really good. But there’s still always like there are things that happen, right? Like someone’s done and then it’s like connects for it to get set up and they’re trying to plug their computer and it’s like quiet and awkward and was waiting and people are like in the bathroom every time. And it’s like every time we would do this we with the transitions were always really slow and like very inefficient. And um, it would always like lower the energy.

And so no matter how I did it, by the end of two days, everyone was just like tired. And my God, I’ve got to figure out, my job as a facilitator is I keep the energy high. Cause you know, when we’re at peak state energy, we can like to listen. And so we do a lot of things that we get people, there’s back in the back office here, there’s caffeine, there are ketones, there’s everything needed to keep energy. Like stimulants keep awake. But still, it’s like how do you keep them mentally awake and excited and engaged.

And it wasn’t until about two years ago, um, when we were, uh, maybe as long as probably like closer to three or four years ago, cause we weren’t in this room yet. It was one of the last masterminds. I didn’t a hotel room and a, I brought Garrett white as a, as a special guest.

And he came, and it was funny because he sat in the very first day and he saw the, the conundrum we had of like, you know, teaching and serving, did everything I can and then like people are plugging their computers and then they run to the bathroom and you tell he was getting frustrated. So the second day he came, he, he’s like, brother, can I give you a gift? And I was like, yeah, he’s like, you trust me. I’m like, I think so.

He’s like, I’m gonna do something that’s gonna written. It’s going to shake up your entire group and it’s going to change everything. And if you keep with it, it’ll change the whole everything you’re doing. And I was like, I don’t know what is. He’s like, do you trust me? I’m like, why do you always do that? He always does that to me. Like, am I fine? I trust you as like, Hey, I’m gonna, I’m gonna start this process out today. If you’re okay with that. I’m like, okay. So everyone came in and first thing he did, he grabbed a basket walk, tries to get your cell phones out.

They put ’em in here, put in the basket it everybody puts his cell phones in the basket. They hit the basket. It’s like, now you’re focusing on the speaker. He said, all of you guys here when you’re up here, you want them to serve you. But then when you’re sitting back there, you’re on your computer and texting people and you’re not serving them back. He said, if you want to serve them, you gotta or if you want to be served, you have to serve them as well. You all, we need your a hundred percent attention. You cannot be our computers, phones, laptops, cell phones, whatever you gotta be, we need your full attention. And secondly, he said, he said that the energy here is dead. So he’s like, well, we’re going to do, as soon as this is done, we’re gonna do what we call a walk and talk. We’re going to practice it right now. It has practical walking back, he said, what’s gonna happen is you’re sitting in the audience, you’re going to be listening with, uh, with your ears for a couple of things.

Number one, you mean, let’s say, how can I serve this person? That’s the first question you’d be asking. How can I serve them? How can I serve [inaudible]? And the second question you should be listening to is, what am I getting from this? If you’re listening with the right ears, you would get something from every single presentation up here for your own business. He says that I want you to, is listening and taking notes. Like what’s my biggest takeaway for me? Like what did God put into this person, into this presentation I’m supposed to take from this to be able to go back and serve my audience better?

Every single presentation. If you listen with the right ears, you will get something. If you’re listening, it says, I want you right now what your biggest takeaway is. And so what happens is as soon as we’re done, um, well we’re going to do, or as soon as we’re done, we’re going to stand up, we’re going to walk back me. Just stand up. And you have to find a new partner every single time. Y

ou can do the same partner every single time. It’ll ruin the whole process. You got to find a new partner who you’re not comfortable with you and grab that person and we’re going to walk and talk around the room and you’re going to walk. And during that time we’re gonna have some music playing to give you energy up and going. You’re going to walk to talk to music we play. And what your job during that walk and talk is number one, you’re gonna look at them and you’re saying, this is the biggest thing I got from that last presentation. And you’re sure the biggest takeaway you got after you, excuse me.

After you share that and you solidify it in another person. Say, this is the biggest takeaway I got from that and we’re gonna shift the other way that we both of you share the biggest ideas you got from that presentation for yourself as you’re walking, talking, and during that time the next speaker is going to come up and plug in if you have to go back to this and you run out and go pee.

But everybody else, we’re walking talking where to keep the energy, keeping the ideas flowing, keeping the energy happening while we’re doing that. And so Garrett brought that to us and we did it to that, to that mastermind. It was crazy. By the end of the second day, we had way more energy than a day one. As we brought it here into this room. We’ve continued to facilitate that and it’s been the best part of how we do the masterminds.

So we don’t take bathroom breaks, we don’t take water breaks, we don’t take anal sings. All we do is we do the walk and talk and it keeps the energy flowing and, and emotions happening. And people have a chance to go the bathroom. They need to, they have chance to plug in when it’s their turn and everything like that. A is that kind of how, how it flows. And so that’s the walk talk. So what happens again, someone comes into to do the 30-minute presentation. As soon as it’s done, I am sitting back here in my chair. I grabbed Mike said, okay, write down the numb.

The biggest takeaway you’ve got from so-and-so’s presentation, grab a new partner, several walk and talk. We’ll listen to a song as soon as, and for me, seven nations army is my song. So they all know that they’re walking, talking to a song. It’s usually a three to five minutes long. So the song is done, seven nation army. That song comes on, which cause everyone has saved me. As soon as you have a song, you sprint back to your chair, you sit down and as soon as we, everyone sat down and I grab the microphone and I announced it just like I would like a UFC fighter or MMA or whatever it is.

As everyone put our hands together for blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And everybody goes crazy as said and give it a shoot around it. You know a huge prize. Well, next person runs up on stage like they’re the most famous, most important person on planet earth. They get that energy was I coming up here and then boom, it person starts. They quickly tell our story. They give the best and they need to have an exchange that they say, look, now I have served you. This is how I need help.

They ask the questions, they get the feedback as soon as it’s done. And then I grabbed the microphone and said, I forgive so and so round of applause. All right, and the biggest takeaway you got and they were saying, we got three minutes, walk and talk, grab a new partner. Everyone go and walk and talk. But remember jumps up. They start walking, talking.

After about three to five minutes and songs done, seven nation army comes on, I’ve got the mic again and we put our heads together for boom and then it starts again. We have that process for two days. That keeps the energy motion happening, flowing the ideas. Um, and um, when you run it that way, it just, at least for us, it’s changed everything. Um, we’re able to extract so much more for ourselves cause we’re listening, we’re paying attention with the energy. We have the focus. Um, and we’re listening with different ears and not just listening. You know, that I see like you’re waiting for our turn. You’re listening. Like, how can I serve this person? How can I show this person? And what’s amazing is as you’re doing that, as you’re serving, that’s when the magic, that’s when the gold comes back to you. That’s kinda of works. So that’s how we facilitate the meetings. It’s very simple, very easy.

Only time we break us for lunch twice, uh, once each day. And that’s about it. Now at the very end, after everybody’s had a chance to go through, um, this is something that I added pilot two years ago. It’s one of my favorite parts. Um, I used to end be like, Hey guys, that was awesome.

Thanks for all the ideas I’m out. And, uh, and then somebody came or who told me why we did this. But, um, I remember I had this huge list of notes and ideas and so many ideas. Melissa just sitting in the group, like facilitating and listening to everybody. And, uh, I was thinking like, like, what’s the biggest thing I got from this? Like, there’s a million, I got 40 pages of notes, like, but what’s the biggest thing I got? You’re looking through me, like, uh, of everything. That alone was worth it the most to me. And so what we started doing is doing that.

The end of the mastermind, I come up and I said, okay, um, you know, my favorite part is I know what my big takeaways were, but I wonder what your takeaways were because, um, you know, all you guys paid a lot to be here. Like what’s w like, I want you to solidify this was the thing that made it worth it to me, right? Like, we don’t need a million ideas.

We need one idea that shifts things for us and that makes the entire experience worth it. So we’d go around and have every single person that I throw them the mic, they say, okay. For me, the biggest takeaway I got was this and it’s so crazy every single time I’m like,

Oh my gosh, I forgot about that. That is huge. And next person, the next person is, everyone goes through it really solidifies the core concepts of core points, the core most important things that were shared during that time. Um, in a really, really powerful way. Usually, that time gets really emotional.

People start crying, they start sharing things and it does a couple of things. Number one is it brings up the best ideas and brings them back to you. Number two is solidified belief in your group. People who spent, you know, 25 50 a hundred thousand dollars to be in the room or even they spent $100 doesn’t matter. It helps them to tie a value back to like, Oh my gosh, I really did get my money’s worth in a whole bunch more. Right?

It starts connecting people cause you’re like, Oh my gosh, when so-and-so said this, that was the biggest impact on me. As soon as you share it, all of a sudden that person like, Oh my gosh, I want to help that person even more.

You always see afterward, it’s like when they’re saying like, this person don’t mean that personally. Then those people grow closer together. The bond between the people inside of the community grows dramatically as well. And it’s a, it’s really, really powerful to see.

So that’s how we wrap it up every single time. And then usually at the end, after everything’s done, we share everything. Um, I always thank people for the opportunity that they give us to serve them. You know, I know that everybody spends a lot of money.

They’re spending their time, their money, their energy to be here. And I don’t take that lightly and I always let them know that and I thank them and I say, look, we’re going to be back at in six months and now you’ve got goals, you’ve got accountability, you’ve got friends, you got partners. Like you’re not in this alone. We’re all here for you.

And we’re going to go and we’ll be back in six months and we’ll do this whole party again. And that’s kind of how it ends now. A couple of the cool things have been added recently to our inner circle, which are fun is a every single time people would do this again, you get so many ideas typically. And so, uh, there’s a small group of people who would come and, uh, they would rent an Airbnb during them, the mastermind and then they started doing what they called an after mind.

They say instead of written the Airbnb just for two days, there for four days is the two days, come to inner circle, get all ideas go crazy. And then the next two days, this is hanging out on Airbnb and like, like slow this down and like figure it out and actually implement the things and build the things and create the things that we just learned. And so we started these after mine’s for two days later to sit and they would just build stuff out. And it was crazy as that these groups are in the afternoons, um, versus a two or three people in that became 10 people and then 12, and now in fact, this time this year we brought in somebody specifically to help run and facilitate the after mine, which is what’s the big parties happening after, after everything ends. Um, which is, which is kinda crazy and, and fun. Um, and so that’s a big part of as well because, um, again for me, the, my favorite part of, of any kind of mastermind is the sitting in the room and sharing ideas.

But there are some people, I’m like I said with, with Yonic and his group, they go and they go on these crazy trips. Some people ask what they want. And so for us, I try to, I try to bring more of those things into our mastermind so that it serves people on both sides. We want to just learn, but we’ll also want to have experienced. And so we’re starting to build experiences before the mastermind, after the mastermind, we always have the dates close together.

So someone wants to come for two days and hang out for two days, they’re going to bump into people from the other group and they can all hang out and get to know each other and do fun things and network together as well. Um, and uh, it’s fun cause Boise’s become kind of a cool place. We’ve had three or four people that who are the inner circle who now bought houses who were moved to Boise and there’s always parties, everyone’s houses.

And it’s just like how you have the party happen afterward. And um, you know, initially it just happened by default. I was planning it. Now we’re trying to help coordinate that and help it grow because it’s become such a huge, powerful part of, of the community and everything we’re doing. All right. So the last thing we kind of go over here inside this trading is, it’s kind of two things. Number one is like, why do I still do this? And number two is like, what are some of the other benefits I give our inner circle members? And so I’m, cause I get people ask me all the time, like, you have click funnels, you’re making insane amounts of money.

Why are you running mastermind groups? Like, why don’t you just stop? And it’s actually a really valid question. I think the biggest reason that if I look at it is, um, you know, me as the CEO of this company, right? Like I’m the one who going to be like driving and steering the ship and I’m looking at all this stuff. And it’s like, as of today, we had like 85,000 active customers, right?

And there’s so many people, like how do I get feedback from everybody? And like if I listen to everybody’s what they wanted, like I would drown, right? And so for me, like really this is my opportunity, like everyone in my inner circle from different industries, but are all using ClickFunnels and different ways. I

get a really unique chance to bet, hear from each one as they share. Like, this is what I do and why I do and what I do. And like, you can always just unique. Um, it’s really like how I have my pulse on the market is by having these, these meetings.

So I was telling people like, um, it’s for me it’s like the best market research I could ever have. Number two, like it’s really the best way that I learned right now. Like I kept trying to plug in different mastermind groups. I wanted more than I just, it was hard to plug into a group, like learn from.

Whereas this group has literally become like, this is like where I learned stuff from. Like everyone’s out there doing this stuff, they come back and return and report back all the best ideas they’ve got. And this is how I continue to in my own personal education is through the inner circle.

So those are some of the reasons why I, why I do it and why I love it so much. Now, some of the other benefits for people who are in the inner circle that we, that we do the first big benefit, um, you know, we run a big live event. Every single are called fun. Like your life.

People are like, how do you pick your speakers in front of like live? And for me, it’s like who are the people I hang out with multiple times a year? I have intimate knowledge of their businesses and I understand their speaking style.

I see what they look like on stage. They have stage presence and able to share good ideas. They something unique that nobody else has ever talked about before. And so for me, most of my speakers come from the inner circle just because this is where I’m, I’m watching them and learning from them. Um, I always tell people like the people, they’re speaking on stage with people.

I’m learning this stuff from last year we had Natasha Hayzlett who stepped on the stage and was like, Hey, so I made up this little thing called challenge funnel and she shares it with us. That challenge is going to get you to the two comma club-like faster than anything else. We then took that model, we build out our own challenge funnel because of it. And like, again, this is all I’m learning.

And I was like, man, Natasha, you got to teach this to every single person that found like Eli. And then boom, she’s on stage teaching to Everman funnel hacking live 48 hours before she had twins, which was crazy. But that’s the story for another day.

So that’s one of the first big benefits of my, my inner circle, this is why I’m finding my speakers and who are going to be presenting on stage. Um, number two is that we have different tiers of coaching programs, right? We have our, our two comma club X group or two comical platinum group. We have our inner circle and things like that.

And so what typically happens is that when someone’s at a level, we get access to all this stuff below it. So it cool by that is the inner circle. People have a chance to go to all two comma club X, uh, meetings to go to the crews, to, um, to the, there are those events as well. So they have all the access, all that kind of stuff as well, which was really, really powerful.

Um, the third thing is that, um, you know, if it’s, if it’s you, if all the information is being given to a group from you, it’s not a very good group, right? You’re in a group, people who are all giving and serving each other.

So one thing we do, every single mother, we have these things in called campfire chats and this is where all the members get to teach each other, like their area of expertise.

So every month we’ll pick someone or somebody, two people that come in and say, Hey, I’m amazing at Pinterest ads. Let me show what I’m doing, or I’m amazing at selling from the stage. I’m sure what I’m doing. And these are Facebook lives in the group.

They’re just for our group, with the members teaching their area of expertise that people who are some of the best finance guys in the entire world come in and show like how structure, finances people from, from taxes, from traffic, from like all the different parts. Um, and it’s uh, relationships, um, hiring, firing, you know, team dynamics.

Like, it’s really powerful to have all of the people who typically are teaching these things like publicly out in the world, but they’re amazing at them. And so they come in and teach us.

We have the group who kind of coteaches each other, uh, which is really, really cool. So that’s the third one. And then the fourth one is every single month we do what we call it, the inner circle of the month award. And we did that because had everyone hears giving and I wanted to encourage them to give you more, which sometimes is impossible.

Some of these guys just give till they bleed. Um, but wanted to create something cool. So every single month we have an inner circle of the month award where everyone in the circle votes like of all the hundred people in the group who’s been serving the most, and they vote. And it’s like the most amazing thing ever. Every single time when it comes out, like boom, here is, here’s the inner circle of the month.

So every single one would do that for 12 months. And then finally, I can live every single year. Every single year we do the inner circle of the year award and someone gets it, gets, um, gets nominated and gets the award for helping the most.

And it’s just, it’s cool because it’s created this culture where everyone here inside the inner circle is trying to serve and give and help each other at the highest level. And so it’s, um, something that’s become really magical. So for me, that’s kinda how I run my inner circle. Now obviously for all you guys who are watching this, you’re going to look at the way that I remind you of how Dean runs his, I’ve, Tony runs his and the ones you’ve experienced.

And now all we’re going to be different. This is as hard you mind and you don’t have to do the same way, but hopefully it gives you ideas of some of the best practices and the best things we figured out that helped make our groups fun, exciting, energetic. They’ve got people to stick year after year. They’ve gotten, people have tons of breakthroughs that have high energy, um, all those kinds of things.

So I hope that seeing kind of a glimpse inside of how actually reminder circle, uh, will help you as you’re running your mastermind groups as well. Um, the something we’d never really shared outside of just the people who have a chance to be in this room before. So I hope you enjoyed it. We’ll be at a 10 out of it. Thank you again for investing in the mastermind product. Now it’s time for you to launch your very own mastermind as well.

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