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Leadpages Free Trial | How To Get The Most Out Of Your Free Trial

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Leadpages Free Trial | How To Get The Most Out Of Your Free Trial

Leadpages free trial can help you decide if it’s the right platform for you. The global market relies heavily on online platforms, with emails forming an integral part of the comprehensive internet market. With email addresses being the core online contact, gathering this crucial bit of information makes a world of difference. Lead pages, therefore, play a critical role as the principal online tool facilitating the collection of email addresses from potential customers for a more effective marketing strategy.

Leadpages offers an impressive array of templates that are important in landing pages, webinars, and lead magnets. The Leadpages free trial avails the unique opportunity to capture and manage online traffic, especially with the aid of Facebook ads leading to a quality landing page. The Leadpages net free trial templates comprise of sales pages as well, forming a comprehensive online networking tool.

Top Related Article: What is Leadpages?

The principal role of lead pages is not to act as an email marketing tool, rather a priceless asset that bumps up the number of online followers. Despite being a proficient email address collection platform, Leadpages doesn’t allow the sending of messages to the generated list of online contacts. The loose pages option allows you added functionality, with the ability to generate captivating landing pages. This function also includes the added flexibility of enabling you to upgrade your content.

All coding is done by the software developers on the company side, presenting you with a polished end product that doesn’t require additional coding. Your vital hours are spent generating top-notch content aimed at cultivating better customer relationships. With a finalized platform, you have the freedom of focusing on customer needs and availing of the required product.

The 60-day trial avails all features of Leadpages, allowing you to assess the feasibility of this innovative online platform. To ascertain the suitability of an online business tool, trial periods are crucial. For a given time, you get to enjoy the full features of the software before you make the actual purchase. On Leadpages, you can easily create eye-catching landing pages. With a simple platform, this software is a popular choice for writers and bloggers for marketing online content.

leadpages free trial

Easy functionality

Leadpages possesses a drag-and-drop capability. This simple function is useful in:

    • The generation of excellent landing pages for use in your webinars, courses, and other online networking processes.
    • The creation of straightforward email sign up forms, providing an easy avenue for the rapid growth of the number of your email contacts
  • Offering smart incentives to new subscribers in a bid to convert them to customers

The simplicity of use is a big selling point for Leadpages, giving it a rapid rise in popularity. With an easy drag-and-drop function, creating landing pages has never been easier. The conventional approach takes hours to produce tangible results, but with Leadpages, this is a five-minute task. The best part is that the simplicity negates the need for an expert programmer in the landing page creation process.

Updates to the created pages are simple as well, giving you borderless flexibility. The dashboard is easy to maneuver, and you can take your pick of templates popular among writers and marketers.


The core elements of Leadpages

leadpages free trial

These are some of the identifying qualities of Leadpages:

  • No need for a skilled designer

With a simplified design platform armed with numerous templates, you don’t need to be an expert designer to create landing pages on Leadpages. The straightforward editor makes it possible to change typefaces. The colors and elements of the design editor are easy to use.

  • Design-templates

There is a wide variety of templates tailored to suit your unique needs. You can access release, upsell, webinar, and 404 pages. All full-version features are available on the 60-day trial.

Related Article: LeadPages Templates

  • Lead boxes

This features facilitates the generation of popups, set up to appear after a given duration to suit your individual preference. This programmable feature is a smart networking tool.

  • Leaddigits

This feature is useful in instances like conferences where lead generation is required.

  • Integration of a third party

With Leadpages, it is possible to merge the lead pages with an existing company site or blog. If you already have an existing WordPress platform, you can create shortcuts to access the Leadpages templates, lead boxes, among other features from the WordPress dashboard. This capability allows you to create lead pages on your existing site.

  • Checkout

Online platforms not only add visibility to your product or service but also act as a convenient medium for conducting cash transactions. Leadpages has a similar component, hence no need for additional cash transaction tools.

leadpages free trial

How to create a lead page

There are many templates available on Leadpages, with categories indicating the individual industries each is suitable for. Your choice of template is customizable. You can change the colors, fonts, and the overall look and feel of the page. With a simple drag-and-drop method, this takes five minutes at most.

Related Article: Clickfunnels vs. Leadpages

When you are done editing, click ‘Publish’, and you instantly have a URL for your page. Pages are suitable even for new books, and creating one is really simple. Facebook ads play a critical role in getting you some much-needed site traffic, so take advantage. Increased traffic is more than likely going to result in increased sales.

Uses of Leadpages

leadpages free trial

Leadpages incorporate videos, text documents, and audio recordings to capture the attention of prospective customers. This conviction results in more addresses on your mailing list. These pages are known as lead magnets, as they help in generating leads for potential business.

Harnessing platform capabilities to realize your writing dream

Here are the simple approaches:

    1. Use Google Analytics and determine the most suitable content for your site. It’s also possible to analyze the best site using content drill-down.
  1. Periodically upgrade your online giveaways for the best-performing posts on your platform. These upgrades may involve:
    • Brief audio recordings
    • Free reports
    • Listed resources
    • Checklists
  • High definition images
    1. Use the editor to upload giveaways
  1. Create a lead box in the editor

For site visitors to access the upgraded content, they must opt-in. After agreeing to receive select content, the subscriber receives it instantly. These connections form your mailing list for the ethical bribes for a better subscription turnover.

Ideas for the incentives/ethical bribes

These are some of the smart options you may explore:

    1. Book chapters
    1. Podcast transcripts
    1. Worksheets
    1. Templates
    1. Video recordings
    1. Audio recordings
  1. Video lessons for your book

Leadpages Analytics

Tracking site activity is crucial, and this tool helps you keep in touch with the happenings on your site. You’re in a unique position to assess the effectiveness of various elements of your online model. The gathered information is a powerful indicator of what to share next.

All crucial information from the landing pages, popups, and lead magnets remains accessible to you for analysis. Subscription patterns are visible via the lead magnets, enabling you to identify popular trends. This critical information aids the laying of groundwork for future activities on the platform.

Leadpages Analytics avails A-B testing software that enables the observation of just how effectively different parts of webpages are.

leadpages free trial

Why choose Leadpages 60-day trial?

These are the principal reasons for utilizing the 60-day trial:

    1. This effective online tool grows your email contacts and gives you an avenue for the conversion of site traffic to leads, and eventually to customers.
    1. The trial period helps you make an assessment of the suitability of using this software platform. The trial gives you all features present in the full version for better understanding.
    1. A two-month trial is basically a free tool for growing your business or writing ambition, enabling you to network much more effectively
  1. The platform is finalized, and the HTML platform is usable even by individuals with no coding experience. This online platform is the perfect fit for small businesses and bloggers.

How to promote your work using Leadpages

leadpages free trial

First, you have to get annexed to the networking platform via a webinar. You initiate this by texting the word ‘Leadpages’ to 38470. This avenue provides some crucial information on the best practices for the effective promotion of your work.

For instance, if you are promoting a book, the first step is to build your mailing list. This list should contain the target audience for your publication. Consider including both fictional as well as non-fictional lovers. Remember to check and create a balance of the genders, as well as the variations in age of your prospective subscribers. The potential gains for each group from reading your book remains a critical consideration.

Give a sample chapter from the book, and obtain the email addresses of each site visitor. With this approach, the collected contacts establish a communication platform. The creation of an audience is a confidence builder in itself. This first contact with potential subscribers is the first step of building your online following.

The use of sample chapters can spark interest from many people who join your mailing list. At this phase of your reach-out strategy, endeavor to maximize the use of Facebook ads to increase site traffic. These numbers increase your online presence considerably.


Handling feedback from your LeadPage Free Trial clients

With a comprehensive online networking platform, your recorded live speeches as well as podcast interviews are likely to get you a considerable number of subscribers. Facebook is an online titan, and many fans will come from the ad campaigns on the platform as well.

At this point, it is essential that you work smart in order to convert the lead magnet numbers to actual subscribers using the available smart tools. At this point, giveaways play a critical role in capturing the attention of the online masses.

Your customer base will come from all manner of classes, so endeavor to produce a product that effectively communicates to all manner of individuals.

How to get maximum results from the Leadpages Free Trial

A free trial is a unique opportunity to channels the capabilities of this software platform. Here are some inspired ways to make usage over the trial period a success:

Get your priorities right. This statement may seem mere rhetoric, but getting a proper order may considerably increase the level of returns. You need to understand what is urgent and crucial and establish a starting point, with processes that come into play much later scheduled for another time.

Find the courage to say no when the situation demands it. It pays to say no and continue sticking to tasks that lie within your scope of optimum performance. You have to understand that time and ability come with limitations, and your assignments need to be wisely picked. A bulk of your energy should go to core tasks of the subject matter.

Prepare and stick to a personal schedule. A lot of items may need your attention, but more importantly, all activity has to be realistically possible. For best results, prepare a personal schedule and limit the number of items on it. Additional requests have to be built around the set framework.

Dedicate your mornings to essential tasks. Energy and motivation are at their peak early in the day. For this reason, tasks that demand flawless performance should be done in the morning. With a fresh mind, the things that truly matter get that razor-sharp focus.

Keep disruptions to a minimum. Writers and bloggers consistently endeavor to stay up to date with current events. In delivering breaking news and interesting content, social media is now a leading tool. This tricky temptation may see you spending unreasonably long periods on social media as compared to the execution of essential tasks. Resourceful activities remain a priority.

Is Leadpages worth it?leadpages free trial

The scope of your reach remains dependent on a comprehensive online mailing list, with a proper lead page playing a vital role in nurturing your online visibility. A good lead page is one of the core components of a sound online network for writers and bloggers alike. The best part is that this principal tool may be up and running in a mere five minutes.

The platform utilizes an incredibly simple drag-and-drop functionality, ensuring that you don’t need lengthy tutorials to get up to speed. Those tedious calls to the company’s support staff become a thing of the past. The platform is swiftly set up, and your valuable time is invested in other resourceful work.


A critical look at Leadpages

Like every other comprehensive system, Leadpages has its merits and demerits.


  1. The availability of actionable analytics
  2. There is a considerably long 60-day free trial
  3. The platform is user friendly, enabling users to maximize their online contact list by incorporating Facebook ads in the contact-sourcing process
  4. Unrivaled flexibility. There is a myriad of colorful and innovative templates suitable for a wide range of disciplines
  5. The ability to create eye-catching landing pages


    1. It will cost you to upload custom templates
    1. A considerable subscription fee may prove a deterrent to some people
  1. Some potentially costly features that may prove crucial are notably absent


There are tons of online networking platforms that promise so much and deliver so little. Leadpages is a platform that truly lives up to its billing. Despite what may consider a sizeable financial input when the trial period ends, the ROI (Return on Investment) dispels all concerns. For once, you have a tool that has the capacity to perform to your desired levels and exceed those expectations.

Many creative minds fail to reap the benefits of landing pages due to the sheer complexity of the creation process. Coding is not everyone’s strong point. Leadpages is a ready-to-use option that allows you to get creative and swiftly create stunning landing pages. This ease of use may not sound like a huge deal, but if more people capitalized on this simplified work of art, the benefits would be simply amazing.

The flexibility that comes with Leadpages is out of this world. Consider the benefits of having numerous templates that come in a range of layouts and colors. Your mind is freed to create something that is tailored-to-suit and truly serves your unique needs. Generalized approaches can be very stifling, and certain aspects of your craft remain suppressed.

With a click funnel on the platform interface, you can easily manage subscriptions. It pays to have a system that not only brings in the numbers but also creates a basis for efficient communication with your online following. Leadpages help you get contacts and facilitates the establishment of a working connection with your subscribers.

Undoubtedly, Leadpages is your ideal online partner. The platform ensures that writers, bloggers, authors, and other persons in the creative field have an avenue for reaching out to the target market efficiently. Having captivating content is not good enough if you are not in a position to reach the target audience. This online tool ensures that the generation of a vast mailing list remains a possibility. The acquisition of a comprehensive email list, in turn, translates to a better reach in the online market, through a powerful tool that you can set up in five minutes.

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