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affiliate bootcamp



Julie Stoian is a digital marketing expert and coach specially affiliate bootcamp, currently making her mark on the internet as Executive Partner and VP of Marketing at ClickFunnels. She’s also the co-founder of the popular brands Create Your Laptop Life® and Funnel Gorgeous.

Julie has inspired and equipped thousands of up-and-coming business owners with the skills and strategies they need to create, build, and grow profitable online businesses.

Julie has been featured widely on podcasts and media outlets such as Anderson LIVE, BBC World Have Your Say, Rachael Ray, Content Academy, Boss Moms, GoDaddy Garage Blog, and Funnel Hacker Radio.

Now we at OnlineGrowthReport, will try to give you idea about supper affiliate bootcamp. Let’s read the review below:


Affiliate Bootcamp 1: Decide What Your Role as a ClickFunnels Affiliate Will Be

It might surprise you that you’re starting here by looking inward instead of “choosing a niche” first. (Don’t worry, you’ll get to that shortly.)

First, understand the three main roles that you can embody as a ClickFunnels affiliate, which will help you down the line when it comes to serving your audience. They are:

• The Service Provider

• The Advertiser

• The Thought Leader

The Service Provider is someone who does the work for others. A Service Provider could be a freelancer, or maybe they run an agency.

The main way they will sell ClickFunnels as an affiliate is to offer a service package that is centered around their client’s use of ClickFunnels. For example, a Service Provider could build a client’s website, but only if that client agrees to build their website on ClickFunnels. The Advertiser sells ClickFunnels by running ads to an offer of which ClickFunnels is a part.

What’s the nice thing about being an Advertiser for ClickFunnels? You have so much more than the 2-week free trial to pitch. It can be a lot easier to run ads to Russell Brunson’s other offers, like his books DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets.

Through the power of ClickFunnels’ “sticky cookie” feature, those individuals who grab the books using your affiliate link and end up using ClickFunnels down the line are still counted as a user under your affiliate ID!

The Thought Leader is an influencer who uses their platform to promote ClickFunnels as an affiliate. This can be done through blog posts, podcast interviews, YouTube videos, and more.

Congratulations! You’ve taken a huge step today in deciding that you want to pursue ClickFunnels Super Affiliate status. By doing so, you’re going to not only embark on a journey to establish a recurring revenue stream which will continue to serve you and your business month after month, but you’re also going to be performing tasks that will lay the foundation for a thriving business you can take far beyond affiliate marketing (if that’s what you want).

As they say, it’s all about the journey. The journey laid out in this introductory chapter will take about 100 days, but, if I’m being honest, that’s really only a guideline. You can do it in less if you dedicate yourself fully to it. Or, you can take it a bit slower if you’ve got other things on your plate.

One of the best things about affiliate marketing, in general, is that you can choose how much you want to engage in it. Is it the main meal? Or a side dish to your overall business? Either way, this plan is going to lay out some clear pathways for you to succeed. So let’s get started!

The Thought Leader’s goal is to grow their platform and then show their followers how using ClickFunnels is a necessary part of their business development.

So, which should you choose to become? While it’s true that many people may end up adopting a few of these roles simultaneously (i.e. a Thought Leader might also run ads), stick with one role before trying to take on others.

The best role you can pursue to start is that which you are already doing, if you have a business in some form. Maybe you’re already freelancing in some capacity and can add services to your list of offerings that include ClickFunnels-centered jobs.

Maybe you’re already developing a small following as a personal brand that you can lobby as a Thought Leader. If you’re completely starting from scratch, choose the route of Service Provider. As you’ll see in this chapter, offering services is one of the fastest ways to get started.

You don’t need a huge marketing budget for ads, and prospects are literally everywhere – especially if you pursue local businesses and are willing to put in the leg work of going “door to door.”


Affiliate Bootcamp 2: Understand Who Your Prospect Is

There are four groups of people you could go after as a ClickFunnels affiliate:

• People who have no idea what ClickFunnels is

• People who are using other page builders that they paid one time for (Thrive, Optimize Press) which integrate with their main website platform (usually WordPress)

• People who are using other page builders that they need to pay for monthly (LeadPages, Instapages)

• People who are ready to use ClickFunnels, but just haven’t bitten the bullet yet Now, understand that the title of this step is not “Decide Who Your Prospect Is.”

If that were the case, everyone reading this chapter would probably go after category #4 because they think that’s the low-hanging fruit. What you need to do is understand who your prospect is based on what role you decided to play in Step 1. Which role did you choose?

What types of prospects does that role serve? For instance, if you’re a Service Provider seeking to sell your website-building services to local businesses like florists, you have to recognize that many of those folks don’t have any clue what ClickFunnels is.

Those prospects would fall into category #1 above. Why is understanding your prospect so important?

When you know who your prospect is based on the role you play, you will understand how to talk to them, present your offer to them, write copy for them, and sell to them.

If your prospect is in category #1 and has no idea what ClickFunnels is, you aren’t going to convince them to sign up by talking about all of ClickFunnels’ advanced automation features.

You need to start back at the beginning and explain these concepts in this order:

• What a funnel is

• How having a funnel is more important than having a website

• ClickFunnels is the best software out there for building funnels If your prospect is in category #2 and is using a page builder that acts as an accessory to their WordPress website, you can highlight the features that ClickFunnels brings to the table that their current solution lacks:

• ClickFunnels is an all-in-one solution; everything is housed under one software, not piecemealed together.

• ClickFunnels’ tech team works around the clock to secure your websites and prevent hacking.

• ClickFunnels provides built-in solutions you’d usually need additional plugins for (e.g. membership areas, automated webinars, payment gateways, etc.).

• Native integrations make joining additional software that you’d like to use a breeze.

• ClickFunnels allows you to maintain multiple domains on the same platform. If your prospect is in category #3 and is paying a recurring monthly fee for their current page builder, you can highlight the differences like you would have done for a category #2 prospect, but you can also bring price into the equation and talk about how much more they’re going to get for just a slight increase in price.

If your prospect is in category #4 and is ready to begin using ClickFunnels, it largely comes down to the offer you’re putting together surrounding their purchase of ClickFunnels, which will be discussed in Steps 4 and 5.


Affiliate Bootcamp 3: Choose a Niche Where Your Prospects Are

This step goes a bit hand-in-hand with the previous step. Once you fully understand who your prospect is, you’re still left with a large potential pool of people to serve. You need to get more specific so you can craft a more applicable offer to that audience (Steps 4 and 5) and focus your marketing efforts to them (Step 7).

Here are some niches you might consider:

Restaurant/Bar Owners

• Real Estate Agents

• Dentists

• Chiropractors

• Salon/Spa Owners

• Gym Owners

• Accountants/FinancialPlanners

• Landscapers

• Plumbers, Electricians, Roofers

• Florists

• Online Entrepreneurs (e.g. authors, coaches, speakers, etc.)

• Owners of Private Clubs (e.g. horseback riding, soccer, etc.)

Choose only one of these niches to start. You can always come back and repeat the process laid out in this chapter with another niche once you’ve found success with one first.


Affiliate Bootcamp 4: Choose Between a Free or Paid Offer

Even if you are the most incredible copywriter in the world, it can still be difficult to “sell” people on a piece of software up front. Plus, even in the case of ClickFunnels, there are other affiliates out there trying to pitch exactly the same products as you.

How, then, can you differentiate yourself in the market and make it clear to your prospects that they should sign up for ClickFunnels under you and not anyone else, while also presenting to your prospect a deal so sweet they could never turn it down?

The answer is simple: craft an irresistible offer. Russell has already put together his offers for his affiliates to promote, and you can check out every single one of them in your ClickFunnels affiliate dashboard. There’s Expert Secrets, DotCom Secrets, Funnel Builder Secrets, the ClickFunnels software 2-week free trial, and more.

Instead of just offering these alone to your prospects, you can add on items to the package that are only available to those who sign up for ClickFunnels under you as an affiliate.

Here’s an example. If you’re a Service Provider trying to sell your website-building services to a dentist, you might usually charge $10,000 for a full package that includes a migration of their existing website content to their new fully branded website and some marketing services to help them garner traffic. However, if they sign up for ClickFunnels using your affiliate link (ClickFunnels is where you’re going to build their new website, after all), you’ll make the offer just $8,000.


This package positions all the materials together as one offer for one price. It’s not about getting ClickFunnels first then buying your services separately.

The prospect will receive the

• Restaurant/Bar Owners

• Real Estate Agents

• Dentists

• Chiropractors

• Salon/Spa Owners

• Gym Owners

• Accountants/FinancialPlanners

• Landscapers

• Plumbers, Electricians, Roofers

• Florists • Online Entrepreneurs (e.g. authors, coaches, speakers, etc.)

• Owners of Private Clubs (e.g. horseback riding, soccer, etc.) JULIE STOIAN 04 AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP 1 2 ClickFunnels item as part of the package they pay you.

This is a paid offer. Your paid offer needs to sell the results and benefits of both ClickFunnels and your services.

Now, it is possible that you could have presented the items in this package another way. You could offer the entire website-building service for free if they use your ClickFunnels affiliate link, then upsell them to your additional marketing services package.

This would be an example of leading with a free offer. The website-building offer gets them in the door and using ClickFunnels. Then, you earn money with your additional paid services. Your free offer sells them on your paid offer. For a Service Provider, neither way is necessarily wrong.

It all depends on what you have the time and resources to do, but due to the amount of work involved in fulfilling their offers, Service Providers often use, and are successful with, paid offers. Free offers are not required. Anyone who wants to run paid ads or any other type of traffic that isn’t “door to door,” however, is going to have to lead with a free offer.

You see, Service Providers going “door to door” already have their lists of leads. They’re easy to find through a Google search and other methods (see Step 7). Many of them are brick and mortar businesses with actual physical addresses.

Advertisers and Thought Leaders trying to capture prospects’ purchases online need to collect the information of their leads first. If you’re a Thought Leader trying to encourage your email subscribers to sign up for their 2-week free trial of ClickFunnels, you can offer a bonus training course all about how to use ClickFunnels plus a 30-minute onboarding call to make sure they get their account set up properly.

In the example above, the Thought Leader is making a free offer to their prospect. There is no additional charge to the individual signing up for ClickFunnels besides their cost for the software.

The training course and onboarding call are complimentary. An Advertiser must also lead with a free offer because it’s well-known that ads to cold audiences that lead straight to sales pages don’t convert.

Instead, by making a free offer first, you can entice the lead, collect their contact information (email address), make a paid offer, then follow up with them if they don’t buy-in.

An Advertiser might offer a free sales funnel report using a Facebook ad to their prospects before making a paid offer, which could be the ClickFunnels free trial.


Affiliate Bootcamp 5: Craft Your Free or Paid Offer

Once you know your role as an affiliate, understand your prospect, and have decided whether you want to lead with a paid or free offer, it’s time to put that offer together. The keys to assembling a good affiliate offer are listed below:

• Your offer needs to be specific to your prospect and their current comfort level with funnels and ClickFunnels.

• Your offer needs to satisfy your prospect’s objections to want to try ClickFunnels.

• Your offer needs to be high in value that it would be a poor choice for them not to try or buy from you. There are many things you can create as part of your offer, but they all fall within four basic categories: migrations, share funnels, free gifts, and consulting.


Migrations are a service that you can offer to those who are currently using other website or sales funnels solutions. Performing a migration means you are helping the prospect migrate all their content from one platform to ClickFunnels.

Migrations can be time-intensive, so remember to set a limit for the maximum number of pages you include in your migration offer. You don’t want someone who has been in business for 20 years taking advantage of your time by having you move 200+ funnels over to ClickFunnels for free!

Share Funnels. ClickFunnels has an incredible feature which can help their affiliates make more sales.

If you create a funnel in your own ClickFunnels account, you can give a free copy of it to someone else by sharing a special link for that funnel (a share funnel link) with them.

Those who already have a ClickFunnels account will have your funnel template copied into their account instantaneously, and those who aren’t ClickFunnels users yet will be prompted to start their free trial. The best part? You’ll automatically be given affiliate credit for their free trial because they signed up using your share funnel link! Share funnels are fantastic as offers for local businesses or anyone who needs to do lead gen (e.g. dentists, yoga studios, spas, chiropractors, etc.).

The more specific your funnel design is to a particular industry, the more likely the prospect is to want it. You’ll really be able to shine here if you know the ClickFunnels editor well. Free Gifts.

Anything you can offer for free to someone who signs up for their ClickFunnels free trial under your affiliate link is considered a free gift, technically, but you want to consider here what can really be most passive for you as the affiliate, such as free training courses or ebooks.

Just like with the migrations mentioned above, offering your time or services for free as part of your offer can be quite valuable, but also very consuming.

You may not be able to give hundreds of hours to every prospect, and you need to carefully consider that before committing to it as part of your offer. A good alternative might be live group masterclasses, “hot seats,” free Facebook groups, or other ways to serve multiple people at one time.

One of the best parts of offering free gifts away is that you don’t necessarily need to know much about ClickFunnels to do it. You can purchase or obtain the rights to white-label products. You can invite guest speakers to come teach your group masterclasses. You can interview experts for your training course.

Consulting. Finally, you can offer to consult as part of your offer.

While potentially more time-consuming, which should be considered, if you offer to consult strategically, you can leverage it as a way to upsell your prospect to your full coaching or consulting packages. If you are in a bit of a time crunch, the nice thing about consulting is that you don’t have to put in much, if any, up-front work (i.e. writing an ebook or recording a training class).

However, consulting usually does mean that you have to have the knowledge to perform, and you should also have in-depth knowledge of ClickFunnels, marketing, traffic, or sales funnels.


Affiliate Bootcamp 6: Build Your Funnel for Your Offer

Before you take your offer to your prospect, you need to set up a way to detail what your offer includes, establish a price (if a paid offer), capture leads, and follow-up with potential buyers.

You need a funnel. Service Providers. The funnel for Service Providers is the simplest, consisting of only two pages: a sales page and order page. On your sales page, place the details of your free or paid offer and include buttons that lead to the order form page where prospects can purchase.


An advertiser’s funnel can also be simple, but will look different from a Service Provider’s funnel. Advertisers are sending paid traffic from ads on platforms like Facebook to landing pages where the prospect or lead’s information will be captured first.

On this landing page, place the details of your front-end free offer. Only after the lead opts in will they be presented with a sales page detailing your paid offer (i.e. “Click the button below to sign up for your 2-week free trial of ClickFunnels and get these bonuses!”) Thought Leaders.

The Thought Leader’s funnel is similar to that of an Advertiser.

As a Thought Leader, though, you aren’t restricted to using paid traffic only to get eyeballs on your landing page for your free offer. You can also use your content platforms like your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel.

You can also use other Thought Leaders’ platforms by guest posting, doing podcast interviews, being on summits, and more.

Thought leaders can present their paid offer to leads who opt-in on their landing page like Advertisers do, or they can nurture their leads first through a series of follow-up email sequences before making a formal pitch.


Affiliate Bootcamp 7: Market Your Free or Paid Offer

Finally, once your funnel is built, it’s time to take your offer to your prospects.

Service Providers. As stated in Step 1, Service Providers will have the easiest time with Step 7 because they have the most avenues to reach their prospects outside of paid advertising.

Service Providers can go “door to door” (both literally and figuratively) to find business owners in need of their paid or free offers by using these methods:

• Search Groupon to see what companies are listing offers.

These are companies that are already paying for advertising (you have to pay Groupon to get your business featured there) and therefore have a budget to spend on things like web services, online marketing, ads, and more.

• See who is advertising in your local direct mailings and newspapers.

Just like Groupon, these companies have to pay to be in these magazines and mailings but are definitely not seeing the return on investment (ROI) from the amount they spent.

• Search Google maps, the white pages, and business directories looking for listings of prospects. • Attend business expos or local business events/meet-ups to discover companies.

Once you’ve gathered your list of prospects, there are numerous ways Service Providers can reach out to them:

• Visit their offices. Make cold calls. Send cold emails. Send direct mail.

• Send private messages to the business’ Facebook pages.

• Have business cards printed that you can share with prospects at any time? Don’t forget about helping companies find you, too, by setting up booths at farmers’ markets, flea markets, arts shows, and craft fairs.

You can also post flyers on bulletin boards at relevant places (e.g. local Chamber of Commerce, coffee shops, etc.) Remember that as a Service Provider, you only need a few leads to start.

Referrals and word of mouth can be very powerful. Remember to get testimonials from all your satisfied clients! While the ideal scenario is to reach out to the person at a company who has the ultimate decisionmaking power (i.e. Director of Marketing), the hardest part for a Service Provider is often getting past the “gatekeeper.


The gatekeeper is usually an executive assistant or anyone who screens calls and takes initial inquiries from sales people.

The key to doing this is with a really good script. If you need to sweeten the pot, though, go ahead and build a funnel and show it to them right in the email or private message.

Your job is to sell them on the power of lead generation via the web. If you can do that, ClickFunnels is a no brainer. Advertisers. Advertisers rely solely on the power of paid ads to drive traffic to their free offers.

The key for Advertisers is to have a clear understanding of their niche and information on their ideal prospect so they can focus their ad targeting and retarget specifically to them.

Thought Leaders

Thought leaders market their offers to their audiences through brand development. You need to have a platform that is capable of reaching people if you want those people to sign up for ClickFunnels.

That means you need to create a platform online where you can distribute content. Ideally, you’ll first create a central hub for your brand (i.e. a website) where your first content creation will begin through your blog.

Many people may not like writing, but having written content which is discoverable through search engines like Google is still one of the most powerful ways to be found as a Thought Leader.

Plus, it’s one of the quickest ways to begin producing content. Get your WordPress blog up and running. Create a content calendar to outline how often and when you will publish new posts.

Write your first blog post. Optimize every post with links that lead readers to your free offer. Once you have that set up, you can branch out and master other platforms you don’t own (like YouTube, for example) and other mediums like audio and video to reach more people and grow your audience and email list.


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