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A difficult decision today to set Jasper up for the future

Jasper Blog


A difficult decision today to set Jasper up for the future

Hey there,

I’ve got some news to share that wasn’t easy for us to make. The AI industry has been moving at lightning speed, with constant changes and new tools popping up left and right. Through it all, we’ve learned a lot about what makes Jasper shine.

After careful consideration, we’ve decided to refocus our team to better serve marketing teams at mid-sized and enterprise companies. This means we’re unfortunately discontinuing some roles at Jasper. It’s a tough call, but it will allow us to put all our energy into becoming the ultimate AI copilot for marketing teams.

Before we talk about the road ahead, I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible people who have contributed to our success. The ones leaving our team have been pioneers in the AI industry, building, marketing, and supporting products way before it became mainstream. They are an incredibly talented and innovative bunch. I’m committed to helping them find new opportunities, so if you’re hiring, reach out! I have plenty of recommendations.

This change might be tough, but it has a purpose. Marketing teams everywhere are embracing AI, and we want to be at the forefront. By sharpening our focus and allocating the right resources, we can meet their urgent and evolving needs. We want to be the catalyst that helps our customers market smarter, not just faster. I’ll share more details about our direction in the coming weeks and months.

For now, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the team members leaving us today. You’ve contributed so much to our journey and I’m truly grateful. I have no doubt that you will continue to make a remarkable impact in the AI field.



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