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Is Affiliate Triad The Next Level Holy Grail of Affiliate Marketing?



Is Affiliate Triad The Next Level Holy Grail of Affiliate Marketing?

Is Affiliate Triad The Next Level Holy Grail of Affiliate Marketing? Imagine if you had the chance to learn in the very best affiliate marketer on the planet?

Who’d make the very best converting funnel and supply you with epic bonuses you could utilize to create high-end affiliate commissions?

And he’d help you shut all of the prospects that you send and get a lot of these to purchase?

Seems like a no brainer, right?

Affiliate Triad is that opportunity.

It’s a really unique program that does exactly this.

It lets you leverage the marketing brainpower of Jason Fladlien and his partner Wilson Mattos to add big affiliate commissions into your pocket.

In this Affiliate Triad review, I’m going to show you exactly how this program works, my experiences as a member, and why I think you should join.

Here is what I’m going to cover.

  • What is the Affiliate Triad?
  • What do I like most about the Affiliate Triad?
  • Some things to think about before joining Affiliate Triad
  • My First Month with Affiliate Triad
  • Is Affiliate Triad Right For You?
  • Everything else you want to know about Affiliate Triad
  • Final Thoughts

In my opinion, I have the best Affiliate Triad bonuses out there. Feel free to skip to the bottom of the review to see what I’m offering if you decide to join through my affiliate link.

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What is the Affiliate Triad?

The main idea of Affiliate Triad is that you get to participate in a private, monthly promotion, selling a high ticket offer as an affiliate.

But what’s unique about Affiliate Triad is all the funnels, emails, and even bonuses for that offer are created for you.

All you need to do is send traffic.

And at the end of the launch period, hopefully, you will have made a bunch of money. 🙂

Affiliate Triad is run by Jason Fladlien and his partner Wilson Mattos. Their company RapidCrush is famous for being the #1 affiliate for the first 7 Amazing Selling Machine launches. They even did a jaw-dropping $10 million in sales for the ASM5 launch.

Jason is also known as the 100 million webinar man.

As an Affiliate Triad member, you’ll have the chance to watch many of his webinars, and you’ll see that his nickname is well deserved.

Yes, he taught a little man named Russell Brunson the way to do webinars.

While Jason is the face, Wilson is the technician guy and does a little of everything else.

For instance, he does most of the affiliate instruction for Affiliate Triad members.

You have to know that Affiliate Triad isn’t a static class. Instead, I would consider it more of a live training community that continues to evolve every month.

Despite the fact that you get access to a members area which has archives of all of the lessons, most of the action in Affiliate Triad happens within a personal Slack group.

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What do I like most about the Affiliate Triad?

Best thing #1: Done For You Funnels and Bonuses that Convert More Leads Into Sales

Most affiliates (myself included) usually direct links to affiliate offers we promote. It’s the simplest method, but there are two disadvantages to doing it this way.

1. You don’t collect the email addresses of any leads you get
2. It’s typically harder to get your paid ads approved when you direct link

The better way is to create a standalone bridge page that will capture the email address before sending people to the offer through your affiliate link.

This can be time-consuming to do, but as an Affiliate Triad member, you get to use the funnels that Jason and his team create.

For the Month 2 Crush it with Challenges promotion, Jason created an entire Challenge funnel to promote the offer. So he created the landing page below which led to a popup Facebook group where Jason did 7 days of Lives before promoting the offer via a webinar.

Then there are the bonuses. Bonuses are one of the best ways to increase conversions on your offer, but it’s also difficult for most people to put together relevant and valuable bonuses that are related to the product.

As an Affiliate Triad member, you get to leverage all the bonuses that Jason puts together to increase your conversions automatically. This is a HUGE deal because Jason is famous for putting together bonus packages that far outweigh the actual offer itself.

I’ve heard stories that people just bought his the Amazing Selling Machine course just to get his ASM bonuses. And $5k is NOT a cheap course!

Best thing #2: Live Training

I want to emphasize that Affiliate Triad is not your standard course with pre-made training. The monthly promotions are typically launches, so there’s typically a small window (1 to 2 weeks) to promote. Jason and Wilson build out the funnels for the offer in the couple weeks preceding the launch, and once they are ready, they do Live training on how to set everything up.

All the funnels are built-in Kartra, and you will get the full funnels imported into your account along with the email swipes. If you can’t attend any live training, a replay will be available the next day in your member’s area.

Essentially you are getting a live Masterclass where you get to learn from the very best, and then leverage what they have built yourself. How cool is that?

Since everything is done over Slack, you can ask questions and get help from the Rapid Crush team and the rest of the Affiliate Triad community. While there are additional Rapid Crush support people in the group, one of the things that have impressed me the most is how Wilson personally replies to almost every thread. The guy never sleeps!

Best thing #3: Exclusive member-only promotions & partnerships

For each monthly promotion, Jason puts together an exclusive deal with the product owner that is only available to promote by Affiliate Triad members. Month 2 was promoting Pedro Adao’s Crush it with Challenges offer which was closed at the time the Affiliate Triad promotion began.

Since the offer is not public, as Affiliate Triad members, we are allowed (and even encouraged) to bring on partners to help us promote the launch with us. This lets us leverage our partner’s existing audience in exchange for a share of any commissions they make.

Best thing #4: Lots of Unannounced extras

Affiliate Triad only promises this Done For You Monthly promotion which it completely over-delivers on. But there’s a bunch of other ways that the program goes above and beyond as well.

In month 1, the promotion was to promote The Wholesale Formula course. And all Affiliate Triad members got access to the $2500 course for free.

In month 2, we got access to the white label version of Jason Fladlien’s product Double Your Productivity. As long as we remain an Affiliate Triad member, we are able to sell this product as our own, keep 100% of the profits and build our email list with it.

In month 3, we got complete access to the product we were promoting (Product eClass) plus all the bonuses. This also includes 3 additional Jason Fladlien products we get resell rights to.

These are just a few examples of how Affiliate Triad keeps its members happy and it’s a real testament to their customer-first approach.

Best thing #5: Get your Kartra account paid for

Affiliate Triad uses Kartra for all their funnels so you may want to get an account to make the most out of the program. Normally, the cheapest plan is $99 a month.

But what’s really awesome is that Affiliate Triad will pay for your account!

I actually didn’t know this before I joined, but RapidCrush will reimburse you up to $99 for your Kartra account. The only caveat is that you are required to sign up for Kartra under their affiliate link. And you will need to request to get reimbursed every six months.

Really cool!

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Some things to think about before joining Affiliate Triad

Concern #1: Focuses on launches

In the past, I’ve never liked promoting launches. I’ve always preferred the more “passive” income of blogging and SEO. There are 3 main reasons why.

  1. I don’t like to promote stuff I’ve never used
  2. I never had the time to properly build out my funnels during the launch window (so I could collect emails and make sales)
  3. I was always reluctant to use my email list to promote them

Affiliate Triad addresses the first two issues directly. For every promotion they’ve done, members have gotten access to the products beforehand so they could look through the material and see if it’s worth it.  And they built out the entire affiliate funnels for us.

The third point was my own personal hang up. But I got over myself and actually did send out a couple of emails to promote the Month 2 launch. And I got some results, which gives me the confidence to do it again for future launches.

Update: The Month 3 promotion promoting Product eClass actually featured a hybrid launch/evergreen model. There was a 1 week launch period before it closed. And then it opened up again two weeks later with an evergreen funnel.

Concern #2: Need to have an existing audience

Affiliate Triad literally does everything for you….except sending traffic. This means you can really make a killing if you already have an existing audience to market to. Whether it’s a warm email list, Youtube channel, Facebook group, you can really crush it with these Affiliate Triad promotions.

However, if you are just starting out and don’t have an existing audience then you probably need to temper your expectations a bit. Your choices are to find some partners to help you promote, or start learning to build your email list.

Hey, a little motivation might be good for you!

If you need help with building an audience, check out my Six-Figure Affiliate Roadmap guide.

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My Couple Months with Affiliate Triad

I joined Affiliate Triad back in May. I heard about it from a couple of people and I was really intrigued by the idea of being able to leverage bonuses from the great Jason Fladlien. So when it opened its doors, I jumped on and was part of the 2nd class of Affiliate Triad members.

I’ve never really been part of a Slack community like this, so that’s a unique experience. If you haven’t used it before, it’s pretty simple to pick up. There are two main channels that you need to pay attention to. The most important being #triad-announcements. Anything that’s happening with the promotion, training, and events are all posted here first.

#triadchat is where you can interact with the community, ask, and answer questions.

Month 2 – Crush it with Challenges

The first promotion I participated in was promoting a product called Crush it with Challenges by Pedro Adao. Challenges are huge these days and as the name implies, the course teaches people how to create their own Challenges.

Pedro is a 3x Two Comma Club Award winner and he just finished his own $1 million public launches selling the product.

So it’s a known high converting offer and the product pays out $995 per sale in commissions.

But what Jason did to promote this product was pretty mind-blowing.

He created his own challenge from scratch called the Unite Challenge that people could join for free.

He hosted the challenge inside a popup Facebook group and he committed himself to do 7 days of lives where he gave a bunch of value for 100% free.

The results?  In grew this group to over 5,723 members in about a week’s time.

At the end of the 7 days, Jason did 2 different webinars to close sales.

But what really blew me away was what he called his QuadWin guarantee. You can read the details on the bonus page, but basically he was willing to put his valuable time to make sure every customer would get 4x their investment in the product.

That’s the ultimate belief that a product works, and I saw a lot of feedback that it was a prime motivator for people to buy.

I really didn’t know what to expect since this was my first real launch promotion, so I ended up sending a couple of emails to my list and made a couple of sales from it worth more than $2k.

I felt I could have done better, but doing 6x my initial investment was not a bad start!

Month 3 – Product eClass

The most recent Affiliate Triad promotion was to sell Jason’s own product called Product eClass. I don’t think it’s going to be typical to promote Jason’s own products, but the reason why they did it this month was to introduce an evergreen product that members can promote at any time.

Product eClass is a complete course on how to create simple info products in one sitting. It teaches the same model that Jason used to sell his first $4 ebook and shows how he leveraged that success to begin his 9-figure info product business. It’s a $499 course, where we get 70% commissions per sale.

The funnel for Product eClass was a standard webinar funnel which is Jason’s specialty. And it converted really well

I was able to recruit a bunch of partners for this launch, and we collectively earned $3,200+ in commissions which I was really happy with. And I expect to make a lot more once the evergreen funnel is ready and I can promote it using my typical organic traffic methods.

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Is Affiliate Triad Right For You?

If you already have an existing, warm audience then I see Affiliate Triad offering you some huge potential. I’m talking about an email list, chatbot list, Youtube channel, or Facebook group.

Being able to leverage Jason’s bonuses on top of your own bonus offer to sell a great, high ticket product is an amazing opportunity that you can’t find anywhere else.

If you are just starting out, without an existing audience, the decision to join might be a little harder.

Because no matter how great an offer is, if you don’t have the ability to send traffic to it, you will not be able to make money.

So it’s important to have the proper expectations and mindset before you join based on your current skill level.

Although I have to say, the education opportunity alone of Affiliate Triad makes it well worth it. I’ve gotten so much value just from getting a behind the scenes look at watching Jason and Wil build out each offer. It’s sort of like getting a chance to watch Michael Jordan practice in his prime.

Everything else you need to know about Affiliate Triad

How much does Affiliate Triad cost to join?

For the first two months of its existence, Affiliate Triad cost $297 per month to join. However, it is now currently $347 a month if you want to get in today.

Will I be able to promote Affiliate Triad as an affiliate?

Yes, Affiliate Triad has a members-only affiliate program where you can earn 40% recurring commissions for 12 months. At its current price point, that means you can potentially earn $1,665 per affiliate that you refer to Affiliate Triad which makes it one of the highest ticket affiliate programs out there.

Will promoting Affiliate Triad offers work with paid ads?

If you are already experienced with paid ads, then I think you can do well promoting the Affiliate Triad offers. There’s not much training on using paid ads inside at the moment, although there is a dedicated channel to it called #triad-paid-ads.

However, if you’re thinking of using solo ads to promote the Affiliate Triad offers, I don’t think you will find much success with them.

What are the best ways to promote Affiliate Triad offers?

I would say the best way to promote the offers would be video. Doing daily Facebook Lives in your group or going Live on your Youtube channel as the promotion goes along would be the best way to share the value that Jason puts into each offer.

The next best channel would be email marketing to a warm list. You get existing email swipes which you can use as-is, or you can modify them on your own.

The other option that holds a lot of potentials is partnering with other influencers that have audiences that fit the month’s offer. Offer them a bigger commission percentage to join up with you and sell them on the benefits of leveraging Jason’s funnel and bonuses. It’s actually not that hard a sell.

Do I really need to use Kartra to promote Affiliate Triad offers?

No, you do not. Affiliate Triad offers two ways to promote the month’s offer. There is what they call the Easy button way where you just grab your standard affiliate links and send traffic to the offer directly. This is the completely no-effort approach to Affiliate Triad.

But you also have to option to implement what Affiliate Triad calls the Optimizer method. You will be able to get the funnel for the month’s promotion loaded into your account, and you can follow the detailed training that Wilson does to set everything up correctly.

The upside with this method? You will be able to collect the email addresses yourself for every lead you send to the funnel, and market to these leads for future promotions.

What is the time required to get the most out of Affiliate Triad?

That really depends on you, and how much you want to get out of the program. It could be as few as a couple of hours a week if you use the Easy button route to promote the monthly offer. You just need to watch the initial offer training to see what it’s about and send traffic.

Or you could spend a couple of hours a day, and completely immersing yourself in the launch. For the Crush, it with Challenge promotion you could have fully participated in the 7-day challenge yourself, watched Jason’s lives every day and then created custom content to promote it each day.

The choice is yours.

Final Thoughts

I really love what Affiliate Triad is trying to do and I don’t think anyone online can replicate the experience that Jason and Wilson will provide you. Not only do you get to learn from the best, but you get to take advantage of their years of experience promoting affiliate products.

I’ve never seen two guys work harder for their members. They care that everyone succeeds and it shows in everything they put out.

If this sounds like something that can help your business, then you need to join Affiliate Triad.

Just keep in mind that they only open up for a few days each month. And the price will be increasing as time goes on.

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