How We Sell Our High Ticket Products To Our Customers
They Get To Leverage My Entire Company To Build Their Business…
Earning Commissions up to $3,890 As A Certified Partner of High Ticket Products
So what is the next plan after we acquire a customer? Who is interested in it and who we do want to apply to discuss joining us, we all want to filter, which is currently a two thousand dollar product/opportunity. I think we’re going to make it two and a half thousand dollars – I got the idea to raise it so that we can do more for the customer.
But anyway, so now we know what the next plan is. So we got the customer acquisition plan, we know how we are earning the highest revenue in sales, and now we know how to start sending them. So the goal is, what we’ve done now is mapped, well …
How Do We Generate Applications For High Ticket Products, And Sales For The Certification?
So, how do we get involved parties to come forward for that certificate? Now, the way we do things is, we’ve got a phone team – a phone department. I wish to make sure that if somebody certifies us and we are going to work with this person, we are working with someone we know is going to work. That’s the final thing. So we almost like “screen” people.
So, we have people apply for that program (high ticket products). They come on the phone, and they use, and that’s where we find out if it’s appropriate and if appropriate, then sales are possible. We go from acquiring a customer; How do we apply that customer and get on the phone? It is exactly what we are currently building. As I say…
We’ve Mapped Out Four Different Ways
… To create those applications for that opportunity. One of these is a four-part video series that takes people through a series of four videos, and they can apply at the end of that video series. So we are recording today. I planned four videos. I have it mapped separately.
A lot of videos we’re going to be with me in front of a whiteboard or exterior of a computer to educate, build trust, build authority. And then basically telling people about that opportunity if they’re interested. So today’s plan – to start filming that video series
Apart from yesterday, we got another campaign for high ticket products. We’ve done a lot. We filmed some other videos yesterday. I made a case study yesterday in one of our sales funnels that goes back to customer promotion – back end promotion.
We also begin mapping a webinar that will become an automated webinar presentation …
An Automated Web Class That Runs Probably Every Hour
… People who can register. It will build the application for the certificate again – so we have it.
A lot happened yesterday. In this back-end campaign, we finally get “All Systems.” Because once we have done that in a planned way next week. And what I want to do in about a week from now. I want to test the traffic driving in this funnel.
There is a lot of work to be done to get this position, and a lot has to be drawn. But I’m optimistic, and I’m driving myself and the whole team to do that happen. Because the sooner we can develop it, the sooner our existing Certified Partners can capture this funnel, and their business will benefit from it.
So yeah it’s approaching, you know, I’m not going to lie. But this is probably the essential part of working for us here – what to do with our customers once they get to them. There is an actual profit in the company. And it’s the similar for a lot of businesses, you know.
Money doesn’t always have to be earned by the customer, you know. Many companies are losing money to acquire the customer. So they…
Rely On The Back End Campaign To Generate The Profit
… It can’t be without a back end campaign. So we’re the same, you know. At the “gaining customer” level, we don’t make a profit. It is all done at the end.
So with that kind of help, it gives some insight into what we’re doing to get people to climb.
And give you some insight there; because you know, taking people on the first step of climbing – people join that certificate and spend half a thousand dollars with us. It is like the first step in the climbing ladder.
We got the products … which we got for 5,000 dollars; we have the $ 10,000 product. In the next several months, we will be launching a new program called Expansion, which is basically…
Teaching People To Build These Sales Funnels for High Ticket Products
… That people climb. It is a coaching program with a live workshop, come to the office for live training here. So it’s going to be a twelve-thousand-dollar program.
And at the end of this year/early next year, we launched our Mastermind, which is going to be a tiny limited group of people, which comes together twice a year, three times a year. They have direct access to my mobile phone, my mobile. So anytime they have a question or anything they want to ask, people at Mastermind will have access to it. So this is our highest level. I believe that twenty thousand dollars per year, one.
And frankly, the high-level program is mapped out, and we’ve done a whole lot of work for you like, but I think I’ll probably call it off. I’m putting it in the stack right now because it’s not a non-mover because I want to focus on scaling what we’re doing before doing it.
It is our plan. So I talked about how we are going to be climbing people – what are our plans to do this. And then basically we have, as I said, every other climb from there will have its application process. So once we climb into people with two thousand dollars, they start building their business, they are getting results, everything is going incredibly well. Then they will be interested in moving forward at that stage. So each of them will have their campaign.
It is for today’s drive. I’m in the office now. Let’s do it. So have a great day, let’s do this and talk to you about how I will deal with starting an online business soon.