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How to Write Faster: 8 Tips and 3 Tools to Become a Fast Writer

Write Faster


How to Write Faster: 8 Tips and 3 Tools to Become a Fast Writer

Want to write faster without sacrificing quality? We’ve got you covered with these 8 tips and 3 tools that will help you speed up your writing process.

Did you know that the average typing speed is 52 words per minute? But with the right approach, you can surpass that number and boost your productivity.

Whether you’re a blogger, artist, copywriter, marketer, or CMO, learning how to write faster is essential. It allows you to create content efficiently, save time, and deliver projects more quickly.

So, how do you become a speed writer? Here are 8 practical tips and useful tools to help you:

1. Start with a clear outline:

Organize your main points and fill in the gaps later using an outline. It also helps you stay focused and avoid distractions.

2. Learn your writing style:

Understand when you’re most productive and develop a writing routine that suits you best. This will lead to higher quality writing.

3. Make use of AI:

Jasper, a writing assistant tool, generates original content in different styles for various needs like Google ads, blog posts, landing pages, and more.

4. Use placeholders:

When you can’t find the right words or citations, use placeholders and come back to them later. This keeps your writing flow uninterrupted.

5. Write shorter sentences:

Clear and concise sentences not only make your writing easier to understand but also help you express your thoughts faster. You can always add complexity and flair later.

6. Tap into the power of templates:

Templates are a writer’s best friend when it comes to battling writer’s block. They provide a framework to work with and eliminate the pressure of coming up with something completely new. Whether it’s essays, blog posts, or even cold emails, templates can be used for any type of writing. Check out Jasper’s library of templates for quick and easy writing solutions.

7. Break your writing into manageable chunks:

Overwhelm can slow down your writing process. To combat this, try topic blocking. Dedicate specific blocks of time to focus on one piece of writing at a time. The Pomodoro technique can be especially helpful for longer pieces. By breaking down your writing into sections, headings, subheadings, or topics, you’ll increase your focus and productivity.

8. Practice with intention:

Writing faster requires deliberate and consistent practice. Find a method that works best for you, whether it’s typing out passages, writing full paragraphs, or essays. Make it a daily habit to focus on hitting your speed goals. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Now that you have some tips, let’s explore three tools that can further enhance your writing speed:


Jasper is a game-changer when it comes to writing speed. With its AI-powered copy generation, templates, and automatic rephrasing options, you can create high-quality content in no time. The built-in dashboard allows you to save and manage projects, start from scratch, or even use Boss Mode to dictate your copy. Boost your productivity with Jasper’s Chrome extension for on-the-go writing.


Write Faster


2. Typing Quest:

Increase your typing speed with the help of Typing Quest. This fun software offers exercises, typing tests, and courses to improve your word count per minute. Start for free and consider upgrading to their paid subscription for more advanced features.

3. Keybr:

If speed is your goal, Keybr is a great tool to enhance your typing skills. While it doesn’t generate content like Jasper, it helps optimize your typing speed by providing tips like proper keyboard hand placement. The best part? Keybr is free to use, with no account or payment required.

Hey there! Want to write faster? Say hello to Jasper!

We all know that writing is an art and it takes time to master. But guess what? Jasper is here to make your life easier. This handy tool uses AI technology to help you come up with amazing writing hooks, outlines, summaries, and even polished introductory paragraphs. All with just a click of a button!

If you’re ready to become a faster writer, Jasper is your new best friend. With a little practice, you’ll be speeding through your writing process and churning out top-notch content in no time. So why wait? Start using Jasper today and unleash your writing potential!

How to Write Faster

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