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How To Gather Leads With The 10X Challenge Funnel


How To Gather Leads With The 10X Challenge Funnel


Hey, what’s going on everybody today, I’m going to share with you three very powerful secrets that are going to help you build your audience, gather leads, and sell your services and products.

Hey, did you know that the free challenge offer is exploding all over social media everywhere you look, there’s a new 15 day fitness challenge or a 12 day level up challenge. Even a seven day clutter challenge, you can literally make up a challenge for any business or niche that you can think of. The main problem is that setting up a challenge offer from scratch can be a daunting task. I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about seven figure funnels and people hitting the two com club. And while that is important, I’m going to share three secrets with you today. That’s going to revolutionize the way you build your audience, gather leads and sell your services and products. I’m Neil Reese, and I’m the lead funnel builder at the funnel shop. And we’ve built over 207 figure funnels for the biggest names in internet marketing history.

So what is the secret to building and launching your very own seven figure challenge funnel without a graphic designer, expensive funnel builder and zero tech skills and 10 minutes less. It’s the 10 X challenge funnel. This simple process requires zero tech skills, design skills or marketing experience. You never overpay expensive funnel builders for untested unproven sales funnels. Again, we supply the funnel and show you how to upload it into your favorite funnel, building soft. Then we show you how to set up your branding, a message so that the challenge funnel speaks directly to your clients and customers. So I’m going to share with you three secrets about launching a successful challenge funnel and how you can bring in tons of leads into your business without any of the typical headaches. And I know what you’re probably thinking, how do I know it will work for me?

Truth is that anyone can easily set up a challenge offer no matter what industry you are in. But again, I’m going to show you a great way. You can set up your own challenge and launch a challenge funnel to gather those leads. So the first secret is challenge funnels are a great way to get eyes on what you to offer. The premise of a free challenge is to deliver information via email, which means that all of these challenges have one thing in common. They allow you the creator to show up in your audience’s email inbox every day for the duration of the challenge. This is so important because this is a non pushy way sell your services or products. The second secret is challenge funnels are a great way to build your authority and develop trust. This makes challenges an excellent way to engage with your audience and to give valuable information all while building a relationship.

This means when they complete the challenge, they will be left wanting more from you. The third secret is that providing value to your clients in the way of a challenge, motivates people to complete the task and get results. This is key because the group setting helps keep everyone accountable. And when they get the result they were looking for, you will have a lifelong customer. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. It’s that you don’t know how to create a challenge. Well, the tricky thing is that there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle to create a working challenge. And most people have no idea where to start. And so I’ve hack the 10 X challenge funnel that has helped millions of people build a relationship with their clients. All you have to do is follow the blueprint and set up your challenge. And so what this is going to do is allow you to easily launch a proven challenge sales funnel in minutes, and get leads directly into your email box.

And I, as a funnel builder, who’s countless hours learning how to build successful funnels. I am offering a done for you funnel that will build your client list and authority. So what I’ve done is I’ve hacked the 10 X challenge funnel. One of those most successful challenge sales funnels ever built, and we are offering it to you for a fraction of the cost. It took us to get it for you. If you click the link down below, you can get the down the link to import this funnel directly into your favorite funnel building program. I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll keep this challenge funnel offer going because we are practically giving away all the goodies. You need to convert your customers into buyers. So click the link to get it today while it’s still available. We’re always here to help. And I can’t tell you all the amazing results we’ve gotten for people just like you, who are struggling with building a proven successful multimillion dollar sales funnel.

We also have bonuses to help you get started with your email marketing, to gather the leads and how to drive traffic to your challenge. In fact, we have so many, any bonuses that it can’t possibly show them all to you in this video today. I just wanna show you inside the 10 X challenge funnel. And it’s amazing after you click the link in the description below, you will see this page. This is the order form for the 10 X challenge funnel. After you purchase the funnel, you are going to get an email sent to box that looks like this. Here, you have all the import links that will open up the challenge funnel directly in your favorite funnel, building software. Once you upload the funnel, it’s going to look exactly like the 10 X challenge funnel that is done so well, gathering leads. We even have the exact ads that you can use as a blueprint to make your own.

Plus, we threw in a successful email sequence template that you can rebrand for your message. When you purchase this funnel, you also get a bonus area that will show you how to change out the graphics and messaging for your own brand. Even if you don’t have graphics made, we have free videos to get you on your way. We even have a tool for writing the perfect headline or copy that converts like crazy. All you have to do is follow the blueprint of this funnel, and we will walk you through the whole process step by step to launch your funnel. You’re going to have leads and sales coming at you in no time. So this is what it looks like when you import the 10 X challenge funnel directly into ClickFunnels. So here we have the optin page. Your one time offer pages. You have one OT, oh one OT two your down. So page your thank you page and your live broadcast page. So, so I’m just gonna open up our O optin page here. We’ll just take a look.

So this is what it’s gonna look like when you open it up. We can go ahead and edit all this stuff. This funnel has all the popups as well built in, so you’re just gonna change this information to work for your branding, but basically you’ll go in, you’ll change out the headlines, the image. If you have a video to put in here, I really recommend that videos convert really well. So if you can make a video or have something put in there, that’d be great. Otherwise you can just replace it with an image and then as we scroll down obviously you’re gonna want to change out like the branding for the social proof here, but just kind of follow along like the structure and just change out images and copy to make it work for your branding, your message.

So it talks directly to your customers. So if you need help with changing out some of this we have a program that’s great for putting in headlines and copy that, and it’ll, it’ll help you so much. So, and again, at the bottom you’re gonna wanna put in your own privacy policy terms of use stuff like that, to make sure that you’re legal so we can help you with that as well. So that’s the optin we’ll look at the OTO and again, you’re just gonna want to change out the graphics. These are simple pages, but here you’re gonna wanna put in like your own onetime offer. So if you have a special training or something that you can throw in here to add value to the cart, and then once they’ve opted in, they’re gonna see this page and if they want to, they can upsell and buy services from you and get more value out of you.

So, so these are great. Just change out graphics, images, and, and putting your own offer in there. So OTO two is both the same. Just another page you can throw in another offer whatever you want. So that is about it. And we’ll go to the down, sell page. Now down sell is a little bit different. You’ve done two upsells. You might want to do a down, sell where you’re offering something with a slower price, but still lots of value to your customer. So this page is great. It, it’s got a lot of information on here. So you’re gonna change out all the graphics, the images the video of course, and everything so that it works for your clients. You want the messaging kind of follow the blueprint, but you’re gonna want to change it out.

So it talks directly to your clients and this one’s great cause got all these reviews and social proof in here. So if you have that, that’s great to throw in on, then it’s got your stack. So everything is included in your offer. You’re gonna wanna stack it to add huge value. And then your price is way below how much value you’re offering. So that’s the beauty of these, and there’s just more, a lot more information here that you can play off of and you can use it or you can get rid of it. It’s really up to you, but there’s, there’s a lot of value in here in this funnel. And that’s why this funnel has converted so well. There’s so much in here to use and again, here’s the popups that pop up. So if you’re about to exit the page, they’re gonna pop up there and show you the offer again.

So, and let’s go back to the thank you page. So thank you page is quite simple, but again, this has everything built out for you and it’s kind of got the steps that you should have in there to, to get you through the the process. So step one is usually like if you have a face group, you want to throw that in there and have them jump in and grab that. So they’ll head over your Facebook group. Step two is you wanna ask them to introduce yourself, that group and get some get some people in there and talking and some comments and then step three we’ll help you set this up too, as reminders. So you can set it up on your phone so that when they, when you go live, there’s a broadcast or it can be an email sent out, telling them where and to be, and then step four is just make sure you’re ready to get in there.

So, yeah, it’s a basic thank you page, but done very, very well. And last but not least is the live page. So this is your broadcast page. This is where you could put all your videos in here and them, all your clients will go into this page and you’ll have your live broadcast every day. You can do it this way, or you can just go straight through your Facebook group. It’s really up to you either or works great, but this one has the page here. So if you wanna put your broadcast directly in the funnel, then that’s all there for you. So that’s the page. If you want to go back to the optin, so we have a course that we’re gonna offer to you for free and the comments below. It’s a area. It shows you how to go through ClickFunnels and change out any of this.

And so if we were to edit the page I can show you the course will show you exactly how to go through all of this and edit this. And we have this amazing tool that we’re offering for you that will help you change the headlights out to headlines, to make them convert like crazy. And then you’re just gonna go through and plug and play and change all of this out. So, so everything’s already built in here the structure and format. So you’re just gonna wanna follow the blueprint step by step and along with our help, you’ll easily have of this converted and changed out for your branding, the message and you’re off to the races. So we’re so excited to offer this for you and we can’t wait to see you inside. If you’re interested in all the bonuses we have to offer, stay tuned for the next video. And I will show you exactly what we have spent hours and hours putting together just for you. This is going to blow your mind. I can’t wait to see on the inside, have a great day.

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

>>>Ready To Build Your 7 figure Funnel…Let Us Do It For You & Launch Your Business In 10 Minutes Or less!

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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