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How to Choose the Right Type of Video For the Best Results

Right Video Type


How to Choose the Right Type of Video For the Best Results

Videos are the ultimate tool for promoting your brand, but choosing the right type of video can be a challenge. Should you go for the captivating doodle videos or the witty animated explainer videos?

Let’s break it down. Doodle videos are undeniably cool. Watching a hand sketch on a whiteboard is mesmerizing, keeping you hooked on what’s being drawn next. It’s a powerful way to grab attention and keep your audience engaged.

On the other hand, animated explainer videos are clever and funny. They tell a story that keeps viewers glued till the very end. Plus, they add that personal touch that connects with your audience and makes your brand more relatable.

Both video types offer the same benefits – attention-grabbing, high-converting, cost-effective, engaging, and highly shareable. So, you might think you only need to choose one, right? Wrong.

Successful marketers know that your objectives should guide your video choice. Sometimes animated explainers work better, sometimes doodle videos do. To understand why, read on. In this guide, we’ll explore the advantages of each video type, when to use them, and why the best results come from using both together.

In a nutshell, it’s a one-two punch! Each video type is effective on its own, but together, they deliver double the impact. Doodle videos are perfect for educating your audience, while animated explainers humanize your brand and build trust.

So, whether you want to educate, entertain, or connect with your audience, don’t limit yourself to one video type. Use both doodle and animated explainers to achieve your marketing goals. It’s the winning formula for success.

Discover the 2 Essential Steps to Successfully Market Your Brand

As a marketer, your ultimate goal is to persuade others. Whether you’re selling a product, a service, or simply trying to promote an idea, persuasion is key.

Think about it… we rely on persuasion to gain social media followers, positive reviews, email subscribers, and most importantly, sales.

Even if you’re not creating marketing videos, you’ll still want to read this article because chances are, you’re using videos to persuade someone.

And the best way to be successful in persuasion is to:

Humanize Your Brand: When you think of persuasion, likeability may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But imagine how you would feel if someone you didn’t like tried to convince you of something. You would probably resist, right? The same goes for brands. If we don’t like or trust a brand, their marketing efforts will fall flat. That’s why it’s important to humanize your brand and build a connection with your audience. When people like your brand, they’re more likely to listen to what you have to say.

Educate Your Audience: It’s not enough to just be likeable, you also need to provide relevant information. As a marketer, you need to explain how your solution solves your audience’s problems. If you can’t clearly communicate the value of your product or service, you won’t be able to persuade people to buy. That’s why education is crucial in the persuasion process.

Right Video Type

By humanizing your brand and educating your audience, you can successfully persuade others. This is where animated explainer videos and doodle videos come into play. Each video type offers unique benefits, so combining them will give you the best results.

Let’s take a look at how this could work for a small business…

Boost Your Small Business’ Marketing Results: Right Type of Video

Imagine you own a small business that sells a weight loss supplement. To promote your product effectively using both video types:

Doodle Video: Start by addressing your audience’s struggles. Grab their attention by mentioning the common frustration of not being able to lose weight. Then, use the doodle video format to teach them about the benefits of your supplement. Explain how it works and why it’s different from other options they’ve tried. Use the whiteboard to visually engage your audience.

Animated Explainer Video: Tell a relatable story about someone who faced similar weight loss struggles and found success with your supplement. By creating an emotional connection with your audience through a clever and humorous story, you build trust and increase your brand’s likeability.

By addressing both the humanization factor and education, you create a more powerful marketing message. And, of course, a more powerful message leads to a better bottom line for your business.

Boost Your Non-Profit’s Fundraising with Powerful Videos!

When it comes to raising funds for your non-profit, there are two common challenges you face:

  1. Convincing people that their donations will be used wisely.
  2. Standing out among countless other worthy charities competing for donation dollars.

But don’t worry, we’ve got the perfect solution for you: whiteboard and animated explainer videos!

A captivating whiteboard video can visually demonstrate how every cent of each donation is spent. The engaging format not only helps people retain information but also holds their attention with a moving hand drawing.

However, it’s important to go beyond just showcasing your responsible financial management. You also need to establish an emotional connection with potential donors. After all, stirring emotions is key to getting them to open their wallets.

And this is where an animated explainer video shines!: Right Type of Video

Using animation, you can tell a heartfelt story about someone your non-profit has helped. The character moving across the screen will captivate your audience, just like in a captivating cartoon or movie.

By combining these two powerful videos, you’re tackling the biggest fundraising hurdles head-on: proving the wise use of donors’ dollars and showcasing the importance of your mission.

animate video

Don’t miss out on the incredible opportunity to use these highly effective video formats to supercharge your fundraising efforts!

Discover the Power of Doodle Videos: When and How to Use Them for Maximum Impact

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? I’ve got the answer: doodle videos. These engaging and informative videos are a game-changer for businesses across all industries. Whether you want to educate, explain, promote, teach, generate leads, or address problems, doodle videos are the way to go.

So, when should you use them? Here are some key situations:

When you need to cover a lot of information: Doodle videos are perfect for lengthy videos that require viewers’ attention. Whether it’s a tutorial, training, or a comprehensive product demonstration, doodle videos keep your audience engaged.

When you need to explain complex subjects: For software, IT, and digital marketing businesses, doodle videos are a fantastic tool for simplifying complicated concepts. But really, any industry can benefit from doodle videos when it comes to explaining intricate processes or showcasing product features.

When you want to increase retention: If it’s crucial that viewers remember your message, look no further than doodle videos. These videos are designed to enhance long-term memory retention, making them ideal for training, presentations, tutorials, and brand awareness campaigns.

When you want to promote a cause: Grab the attention of millennials and socially-conscious consumers by using doodle videos to showcase your commitment to positive social change. Whether it’s donating to a cause or implementing sustainable practices, doodle videos effectively communicate your mission and resonate with your audience.

When you want to teach something new: Have a digital product that’s hard to explain? Doodle videos are here to help. Create tutorials that demonstrate how your software or digital product works, making it easier for potential customers to understand the benefits and make a purchasing decision. Additionally, use how-to videos to reduce your customer support needs.

When you need to generate leads: Doodle videos are a lead magnet. By creating engaging videos that offer valuable tips, hacks, and solutions related to your product or service, you can attract more leads on platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Showcasing your product or service within these videos ensures that you’re not just informing, but also converting potential customers.

When you want to address problems: Grab your prospects’ attention by addressing their pain points head-on. Use doodle videos to showcase how your solution can solve their problems, positioning your brand as an industry authority.

Don’t miss out on the power of doodle videos. Whether you’re looking to educate, explain, promote, teach, generate leads, or address problems, these videos are your secret weapon for captivating your audience and driving results.

Why You Should Use Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are a must-have for your brand. They have that special something that makes people like your brand, and that’s a key part of persuasion. These videos evoke emotion and create a personal connection with your audience.

So, here’s why you should use animated explainer videos:

Generate Leads: Doodle videos are great, but they lack action and storytelling. Animated explainer videos, on the other hand, bring your characters to life and allow you to tell a captivating story. And storytelling is one of the most effective ways to get your brand message across and increase brand awareness and sales. Create a story about a typical customer and make your brand the hero with an animated explainer video.

Keep it Short: Animated explainers work best for videos under 2 minutes long. Experts recommend keeping them between 60-90 seconds. Their engaging and animated style keeps viewers hooked.

Advertise: If you want to draw attention to your brand, go for paid advertising. Create a 30-second animated ad that you can run on TV, YouTube, AdWords Display, or Facebook. Animated videos are likeable and engaging, making them perfect for building brand awareness and humanizing your brand.

Go Viral: Shorter videos are more likely to be shared, especially if they’re funny. So, if you want to generate brand awareness with a viral video, make a funny animated explainer video and share it on your social media channels.

Build Trust: Consumers are naturally cynical, but animated explainer videos can break through their defenses. These videos combine humor and nostalgia to appeal to their emotions, making them a powerful tool for building trust. And trust is crucial when consumers are choosing a solution for their problem.

Remember, using both types of videos works best in any industry. Use animated explainer videos for likeability and storytelling, and doodle videos for educating your prospects and establishing authority. And don’t forget to create doodle videos with tips and hacks for lead generation.

Right Video Type

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