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How To Build A Review Funnel in 3 Simple Steps


How To Build A Review Funnel in 3 Simple Steps

Did you know that 89% of global customers check online reviews before making a purchase?

This is not a surprise. You probably also check customer reviews online before buying stuff on Amazon, right?

However, it is easy to forget the importance of customer reviews when you are on the other side of the transaction and selling a product that you are proud of.

Yes, you know that your product is great, but your potential customers don’t. They see you as just another stranger on the internet who is trying to sell them something. And they expect you to tell them how great your product is. After all, you would benefit if they decided to buy it.

People want to know what other people think about what you are selling. That is why it is important to get customer reviews. The best way to do this is to have a review funnel. Do you want to learn how?

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Table of Contents:
  • What Is a Review Funnel?
  • How To Take Your Review Funnel to the Next Level
  • Want To Learn How To Grow Your Online Business With Sales Funnels?

What Is a Review Funnel?

A review funnel is a funnel designed to solicit reviews from your customers.

The funnel design varies depending on the company, the product, and the review platform.

You can create a system that will automatically reach out to customers and ask them to leave reviews. Then, after they have left the review, you can thank them for their time.

A well-designed review funnel can be a big help because it will increase the number of customer reviews you have.

Having more reviews will make people trust you more. People are more likely to buy from you if you have more reviews.

How To Build an Effective Review Funnel 

Here’s how you can create a review funnel in just three steps:

How To Build an Effective Review Funnel

Step #1: Determine the Best Time to Send a Review Request

You want to give the customer enough time to try out your product before you send them a review request.

Obviously, the exact timeframe depends on the product itself:

  • If it’s a physical product, you need to account for shipping time + the time it takes to experience the value of the product. You will need to use your common sense to determine the latter (e.g. an item of clothing can be reviewed a few days after receiving it but a book might take a while to read).
  • If it’s an info product, you need to account for the time it takes to consume the content (e.g. a short ebook can be reviewed sooner than a comprehensive online course).
  • If it’s a subscription, it’s best to ask for a review after the customer has renewed it since that indicates that they found it to be valuable.

As a general rule, it’s better to send the review request later rather than sooner, though of course, you shouldn’t wait too long either.

Step #2: Set Up An Automated Review Request Email

Here are some tips on how to create an effective review request email:

  • Make leaving a review as easy as possible. Obviously, if you are asking customers to leave reviews on a third-party platform, then you don’t have any control over the process.
    But if we are talking about reviews on your own website, you want to simplify it as much as possible.
  • Provide an estimate for the time it will take to leave a review. For example, you could mention that leaving a review takes less than 5 minutes.
  • Have a clear call to action. You need to be crystal clear about what you want the recipient to do next – your email should end with a call-to-action button that says “Leave a Review”.

Step #3: Set Up an Automated “Thank You For Your Review” Email

It’s important to thank the customers that leave reviews.

Not only is it a nice thing to do but it might also encourage them to leave more reviews in the future.

You can set up a simple automated thank you email for this.

Also, if someone left a terrible review, you might want to reach out to them to learn more about their experience and ask them for feedback.

Obviously, if you decide to do this, don’t get defensive. Take ownership of whatever went wrong, apologize to the customer, and figure out how to avoid situations like that going forward.

How To Take Your Review Funnel to the Next Level

Here are some ideas that might help you optimize your review funnel:

  • Identify the customers who love your product, then reach out to them for a review. Instead of asking everyone to leave a review, you might want to consider selecting happy customers. This is pretty straightforward to do for SaaS products because you can send an automated email when a specific condition has been met (e.g. the customer has hit a certain milestone).
  • Send a rating request email first, then send a review request email to customers who gave your product at least 3 stars.
    Rating a product on a scale from 1 to 5 takes less time than leaving a review. This means that getting ratings is likely to be easier.
    You can send customers a rating request email that features a way to rate the product without leaving their inboxes (e.g. a clickable five-star image that allows them to choose the rating).
    And then, if that rating is at least 3 stars, send them a review request email.
    Meanwhile, if the rating is less than 3 stars, reach out to them personally to learn more about the reasons behind it.
  • Respond to customer reviews! When someone takes time to leave a product review, the least you can do is respond to it.
    Your response doesn’t have to be elaborate – simply thanking happy customers and apologizing to disgruntled customers can go a long way.
    This will not only show the customers in question that you care but also reassure people that might be reading those reviews in order to make a buying decision.
    It might also help your brand image. Research has shown that 82% of UK consumers have a positive view of companies that respond to reviews. It’s probably safe to assume that customers from other European countries, North America, and Australia have a similar outlook.

Never EVER Censor Negative Customer Reviews!

It might be tempting to censor negative reviews to create the impression that everyone loves your product.

However, obvious ethical issues aside, that’s counterproductive to building trust via social proof.

According to Spiegel Research Center:

We found that purchase likelihood typically peaks at ratings in the 4.0 – 4.7 range, and then begins to decrease as ratings approach 5.0.
Put differently, products with an average star rating in the 4.7 – 5.0 range are less likely to be purchased than those in the 4.2 – 4.7 range.”
This suggests that shoppers see ratings at the far end of the spectrum as “too good to be true.”

This theory is supported by another study where over 50% of global consumers admitted that they believed less-than-perfect review scores to be more authentic.

If you think about it, this makes sense. We’re not as likely to trust a product that has a perfect 5-star rating on Amazon, because we know that these ratings can be manipulated.

That’s why it is important that you have negative reviews on your website. It makes all customer reviews seem more trustworthy. If you censor them, people will know and they will not trust your website.

In the study, 45% of global consumers said that they would prefer to buy a product or service with a lot of reviews and an average rating, rather than a product or service with a few reviews and high ratings.

So it’s important to get as many customer reviews as possible, even if they’re not always great. Quantity is more important than quality in this case.

Want To Learn How To Grow Your Online Business With Sales Funnels?

Russell Brunson has written a best-selling book series called “The Secrets Trilogy”.

The first book in this trilogy, “DotCom Secrets”, is all about growing your online business with sales funnels.

Want to know how to:

  • Build a profitable sales funnel?
  • Optimize an existing sales funnel?
  • Maximize your revenue via cross-sells, upsells, and down sells?

Russell discusses all that and more in “DotCom Secrets”- he shares the strategies and tactics that he used to take ClickFunnels from zero to $10M+ in annual revenue in just one year (it’s at $100M+ now!).

Click the link below if you’re ready for the next step — to build your high-converting sales funnel that will make the most of your marketing efforts!

>>>Launch Your First (Or Next) 7 Figure Funnel In 10 Minutes Or less!

>>>Join The One Funnel Away Challenge<<<


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