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Discover the secret to creating truly helpful how-to articles

How-to Articles


Discover the secret to creating truly helpful how-to articles

Learn how to write how-to articles that are not only helpful but also generate traffic! In this article, we’ll break down the process of creating a good explainer article.

How-to articles are incredibly popular because they satisfy the basic need of internet users: solving problems. You can find step-by-step guides on just about anything you want to learn, all packaged as how-to articles. As content marketers, we know this is a valuable content format to utilize.

The goal is to leave your readers feeling understood and well-guided, and ultimately provide them with a practical solution to their problem. Today, we’ll show you how to craft a standout how-to article in just 7 simple steps. Plus, we’ll share an AI marketing tool that can make the writing process faster and less exhausting.

Ready to create an actionable how-to article? Let’s dive in!

1. Choose a topic

To write a great how-to article, you need to be knowledgeable about your chosen topic. While you don’t have to be a certified expert, you should be able to conduct thorough research and offer your readers something new and helpful. So, choose your topic wisely. Make use of keyword research and audience analysis to determine if it’s a good fit for both you and your readers.

2. Step into the reader’s shoes

To provide relevant information, it’s essential to consider the search intent and needs of your target audience. Avoid unnecessary preamble and get straight to the point. For example, if you’re writing an article on changing a car tire, your audience would be someone who is stranded and in need of a clear, detailed, and easy-to-follow guide. No need to explain what a tire is or why they go flat. Be friendly, use short sentences, and focus on what they need.

3. Draft an outline

Outlines are crucial for how-to articles. Walk through the process mentally and jot down all the important steps in chronological order. If you’re writing an article on book writing, it makes sense to discuss research and writing before delving into publishing formats or book promotion. Avoid overwhelming your readers with disorganized guidance. Imagine yourself going through the process and provide information that prepares your readers, like a helpful tour guide.

4. Fill in the details

This is the meat of your article. Expand on the points from your outline by providing in-depth information about the subject matter. Use these tips to make your article stand out:

– Show multiple methods:

Share different ways to accomplish a task. For example, if you’re writing about removing oil stains from clothing, provide several methods as not everyone will have the same cleaning materials or experiences.

– List necessary supplies:

Help your readers by reminding them of the materials they’ll need before starting the project. No one wants to realize halfway through that they’re missing a crucial item.

– Use action verbs:

Be direct and instructive by using action words to describe each step. Instead of saying “You should try to run an internet speed test,” opt for “Run an internet speed test.” Make readers feel in control by telling them exactly what to do.

– Talk to the reader:

Engage your readers by addressing them directly throughout your article. Use “you” to establish a connection and understanding. This approach is far more effective than referring to your readers as “they” or “people.”

Discover the power of a writing assistant!

Feeling overwhelmed by all the articles you have to write? Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone. An AI writing assistant is the secret weapon you need to scale your content marketing business without compromising quality.

Meet Jasper, the top AI writer in town. With a wide range of writing templates for copywriting, social media marketing, and content marketing, Jasper is the perfect companion for your writing journey. Our favorite template, the Long-Form Assistant, will save you loads of time.

how-to articles

how-to articles

Let’s take a closer look at how it works. Imagine you want to write an article on making soy candles at home. With the Long-Form Assistant, you have two options for getting started.

1. Choose the blog post workflow and let Jarvis, the long-form assistant, guide you through the process.

2. After providing some information, Jasper generates headline options for your article.

3. It even helps you craft a captivating intro paragraph.

4. Along the way, you’ll need to add some content to keep the assistant on track. But don’t worry, it’s easy. Just a few words from you and Jasper takes care of the rest.

And here’s the best part: all of this takes just 5 minutes! In just 20 minutes, you can write the entire article and spend another 20 minutes on tweaking and formatting. Imagine what you could achieve if it only took you 40 minutes to an hour to write one article.

Don’t forget about visuals! Images play a crucial role in how-to articles, helping you explain concepts clearly. Whether it’s graphics, screenshots, or real pictures, make sure to include visuals that enhance your readers’ understanding.

But wait, there’s more! Spice up your article with blockquotes, bolded tips, and key callouts. These elements draw attention to important information you don’t want readers to miss, like expert recommendations or do’s and don’ts.

To wrap it all up, end your detailed article with a resounding conclusion. Summarize the main steps or key points, either in a bulleted list or a paragraph. This helps your readers remember the essential takeaways even after they’ve finished reading.

Once you’ve proofread your article, it’s time to come up with a compelling headline. Need inspiration? Here are a few go-to styles for how-to articles:

1. How to [Do a Certain Thing]
2. [Number] Easy Tips/Ways to [Do a Certain Thing]
3. The Best Way to [Do a Certain Thing]
4. Your Ultimate Guide to [Doing a Certain Thing]
5. Here’s What You Should Know About [Doing a Certain Thing]

And don’t forget to link to related articles! Keep your readers engaged by providing them with more quality content to explore.

If you want to see how other experts are acing their how-to articles, we’ve got four examples for you. Analyze what makes these articles great and learn from them.

Writing how-to articles doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Jasper’s Long-Form Assistant takes away the guesswork and frees up your time for other important aspects of your business. Ready to give it a try? Jasper also offers additional resources to make using the AI even easier.

Start using a writing assistant today and unleash your full writing potential!

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