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Clickfunnels SEO? How to Advertise on Google Search Network By Leveraging the Traffic You Control

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Clickfunnels SEO? How to Advertise on Google Search Network By Leveraging the Traffic You Control

Clickfunnels SEO? How to Advertise on Google Search Network By Leveraging the Traffic You Control

Are you thinking about ClickFunnels SEO? Okay, let’s jump into it.

Google is a terrific location for consumers to find your product and services. Nevertheless, Google Search Ads can be a bit harder to understand than other advertisement platforms like social media…

Online Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can be frightening, once you find out the fundamentals and a couple of professional suggestions, you’ll be ready to jump in!

Here at ClickFunnels SEO, we concentrate on guiding users through the sales funnel, which includes getting traffic to your funnel..

There are 3 types of traffic that are gone over in Russell Brunson’s DotCom Secrets…

The traffic you control: from paid ads or other sources where you manage how and where the user lands.
The traffic you don’t control: natural traffic or traffic from others’ blog sites where you can’t manage where the user will land.
The traffic you own your e-mail lists, consumers, and followers that you can send specific material or uses to.

DotCom Secrets book

Google Search Ads fall under traffic you manage since you decide where users wind up on your website.

It is vital to utilize the traffic you control from your Google Ads campaigns by getting visitors’ email addresses through a squeeze page and turning them into traffic you own..

In this post, we’ll give you a few of our best tips to successfully advertise on Google.

But let’s begin by covering some of the fundamentals.

Google Ads Basics.

There are a couple of things that are essential to comprehend Google Ads prior to you dive into the platform…


First of all, with SEM, you do not pay to show ads to specific demographics or groups. You bid on keywords, indicating that when somebody inputs a search question that matches your keyword your ad would appear.

Google Ads match types explained

When you bid on keywords, you choose which match type you want to bid on. The options are:

Exact Match: the keyword exactly as you typed it.

Broad Match: any search query that consists of any word in your keyword in any order
Broad-Modified Match: search questions that consist of each word in your keyword, however not always in the appropriate order and with words in between.

Expression Match: variations of the term with your keyword intact however with additional words before or after the keyword.

We’ll help you pick which keywords to bid on later on, however simply keep that in mind.


The campaign structure in Google Ads can be puzzling if you do not understand how they define the terms that they use.

Google Ads structure account campaign ad group keywords

The structure is separated into the following parts, starting from the highest level:

Advertisement Group

We already discussed Keywords. They’re the level you bid on. So, the more keywords you bid on, the more you would require to invest to appear every time they are browsed.

Ad Groups are groups of similar ads and keywords that you choose to integrate and share comparable targets.

When a user searches any of the keywords in the group, one of the advertisements in the group will appear at random.

Campaigns are groups of Ad Groups. Each Campaign will cover a more comprehensive subject, with the Advertisement Groups it consists of covering the subtopics.

The Account level is to distinguish each company or site, so if you only have one business, you will only have one Account. All of your campaigns for the website will remain in the Account.


The bids work like an auction, so whoever has the highest quote and the best quality advertisement gets the leading position.

Google Ads quality score components definition

Google defines the ad quality score as a mix of these 3 characteristics:

Significance to the keyword
Anticipated CTR
Landing page experience

These three elements are integrated with your quote to determine your Advertisement Rank..

Click-Through-Rate (CTR) on search ads decreases nearly exponentially from rank 1 to rank 2 and from 2 to 3, so it is very important to rank as high as you can.

In order to ensure you have top quality scores, make sure your advertisements utilize the keyword and other words pertinent to the subject. Interact value to the user so that they will wish to click your advertisement, and craft a landing page that is easy for users to understand.

ClickFunnels seo is an easy and reliable way to craft landing pages that will stroll the user through the sale, producing an excellent user experience.

Tips for Success with Google Ads.
Choosing the Right Keywords.

The idea of bidding on keywords may be foreign to the entrepreneur without experience with SEM, however, it is simple to catch on to with the ideal method.

The essential to choosing keywords is to put yourself in the user’s shoes. What would you be typing into Google if you need the product and services that you’re selling?

Think of keywords individuals utilize to browse about the problem that your services or product resolves and keywords they would use to look for the service…

Those are the types of keywords you ought to be bidding on…

If your company is brand-new, the odds are nobody will be searching for your brand, but you must think about bidding on it if you want to increase brand awareness or if your brand name is known to some people who might search for it..

You may also have rivals who bid on your brand. Because case, you’ll certainly want to reclaim that advertisement space…

Google Ads has a Keyword Planner tool that you can use to learn the number of searches monthly a keyword query has and how expensive it is to compete for the terms..

The tool can also help you find more keywords associated with your services or product.

Using the Right Landing Pages.

The landing page can make or break your Google Ads campaign.

The landing page can make or break your Google Ads campaign.

You may have terrific ads that lure users to click through, but if the page they land on is puzzling, they will bounce off the page, return to the search results page and probably click a competitor’s advertisement.

With Pay-per-Click marketing like Google Ads, you pay each time someone clicks, not each time somebody purchases..

So if individuals are clicking on your advertisements but then bouncing from your complicated landing page, that would be an awful waste of money..

This is the exact problem that ClickFunnels seo solves.

Building landing pages the standard way needs web development and style, which takes a lot of time, effort, and money..

That’s why plenty of small company owners without big budget plans end up with landing pages that puzzle users, causing them to bounce and in turn waste their marketing dollars.

ClickFunnels seo is a software that makes it easy for you to create your own landing pages that look fantastic and are simple for users to comprehend..

Producing a landing page with ClickFunnels seo doesn’t need any coding or style, so you can conserve time for once as a hectic entrepreneur!

ClickFunnels seo landing pages are made to simplify the process of getting leads and making sales..

Each landing page is crafted to make sure that users will not get puzzled about what to do or where to go to become a consumer…

Visitors will be directed through the sales process step-by-step so that you don’t lose customers along the way due to a confusing site.

Turning Traffic You Control into Traffic You Own.

As discussed in DotCom Secrets, “Traffic you own is the BEST kind of traffic.”

clickfunnels seo

Owned traffic is your e-mail lists, clients, fans, or anybody else who has provided you their contact details so you can now send them newsletters and provides particular to them.

The only way to get owned traffic is by turning the other 2 types of traffic into traffic you own..

The ideas above will assist you to get users onto your website, but that is only the first step…

ClickFunnels seo is a way to ensure that users are guided through the sales procedure, ending up being traffic that you own.

clickfunnels seo

For example, when a user clicks on your Google Ad, it can direct them to a squeeze page with a call-to-action that encourages them to enter their email address in exchange for the value you will provide them.

Then, even if they don’t make a purchase today, you can send them email newsletters and offers so that they will remember to come back and make a purchase in the future.

If you aren’t successfully turning traffic you control into traffic you own, you are losing a lot of potential sales over time.

If you’re ready to start leveraging the traffic you control, try ClickFunnels’ 14 day trial!

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