How Simon Made $112,469 With Dean Holland’s Internet Profits Partners
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How Simon Made $112,469 With Dean Holland’s Internet Profits Partners. Exciting stuff. So in true fashion what I’m here to do is basically ask Simon some questions get some awesome information out of Simon and share that all with you guys as well. So let’s jump straight in. So I guess the best way to start Simon if you want to just introduce yourself to tell people a little bit about you and we’ll go from that.
Sure. That’s what Dean is planning is actually a pleasure to be here with you. And yet I’m Simon Stanley I’m a digital entrepreneur and I’m a is self-improvement enthusiast. I love studying your information whether it’s through books seminars whatever it may be and applying it to my life. And I thought well you know if I can touch the online business and related to this niche that’ll be the dream for me. So that’s why I embarked on and yeah generated a decent business with that. And we’ll see then with Internet profits really help take things to the next level. So yeah.
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Very very exciting. So let’s take let’s go backward I guess a bit then so obviously you’re doing this full time now and I know that’s something that a lot of people watching this will be striving to do.
But obviously, it wasn’t always that way. So I’m sure everybody would love to hear like well how did you even get into this for example so take us back. What were you doing before?
I’m guessing you had a job at some stage right. So take his way back it came from here.
OK. So really I was kind of I know this is the cliche thing but really I was starting from scratch literally I had no idea what I was doing what direction I was going to go to. All I knew at the time was that I needed money. Okay I’ve just finished uni university I was at home and I thought okay I have to start working so I was working for three-pound seventy-five an hour.
And at the time that was minimum wage and I was bouncing around in all kinds of jobs now offices shops and now I was working in an office. So I was working full time and doing graphic design and it was cool but I knew there was something else and I wanted freedom.
That’s what it was for me I wanted the freedom to live life on my own terms. And I saw the Internet as a way to unlock that key so unlock the door to that freedom so to speak.
So yeah I was just kind of. I knew I’d no idea about this Internet thing. I was working a full-time job. And for me, it was the freedom to do what I wanted which at the time was to travel and do different things. So that’s essentially it my friend.
Yeah. No no that’s awesome. And I know a lot of people have quite a commonality. You know obviously, I speak with a lot of people and it was the same for me you know when I started out it all hell broke loose like it was. There was not a great beginning. So what about yourself. Are you one of those lucky few that did hit the ground running?
No no no no-no. I bought every product under the sun. I tried literally. I was like looking at systems like horse racing systems. OK yeah, maybe I could make money from this and make my money.
I was looking at absolutely everything. All did you do one of the roulette systems. They’re like Well if you go on red or black you don’t win on that one then you double down and they mention that you can’t lose. I did. Seriously I had to do one of those. I got to the point where I lost like eight times at a trot and I had to double down again. I was like Oh my God.
So that didn’t work. Yes. So I was looking everywhere literally.
Right. Right. And just out of interest and you know when you’re in that stage I think probably a lot of people that are watching this may still be there.
What do you think were the biggest challenges like when you were going through all of that.
Obviously, there was a point where things changed and we’ll get to that shortly but if you can think back to when you were stuck there and you were the guy buying and trying all that different stuff what do you think looking back knowing what you know now. Like what do you think was like the challenge.
Why. Why do you think you got stuck there and why do you think other people get so stuck that knowing what you now know I guess.
Well for me I think it was just me having been as we get to this at the moment as well but it’s having the right mentor in the right environment because I was just a guy on my own trying to make a way out of this thing and I got so overwhelmed.
I think that’s the key thing there is overwhelming you buy so many products and you’re reading it and you try it and you try something else and you know you just dig yourself further and further not only into the kind of maybe financial difficulty as I say I know you are and I was as well. It was more overwhelmed stacking more overwhelmed to the point where it seems hopeless.
So you end up giving up and you think well you know put it back on the shelf and we need I believe is the right mentor. So yourself and the right system and I think when you have those then you get the commitment to do it. Yeah. And you see people it’s kind of like social proof you see other people doing this stuff you think maybe this is possible all right.
Just out of interest I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this. You know when you were stuck and you were in that position did you ever doubt that you would ever actually do it. Always you like. Well, I’m gonna figure this out, did you?
I remember just the reason I ask that is there was a position with me after about four years. Well, I did start being like Is this me like. Am I not able to do this or you know and I speak to other people and they’re like no I never doubted it? I just went straight in. Well, where do you think you sat with that.
Oh, 100 percent. Because you know from my wages at the end of the month I have a little bit I had at the end pushing into things and I thought I’ve just wasted my months. Is this worth doing? I might. Yeah.
Is this really possible for me and by no stretch of the imagination at all did I have 100 percent confidence in this stuff? I was. Yeah, it was just failure after failure.
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This was amazing to bring this all this back. Now is a speech about it but it really was and you know it. Yeah. I felt like a failure until we really started getting the boo into the motion and rolling ahead and he’s just seeing that first bit of progress.
And I think you do that and even making a first sale that’s the big thing for me. I made my first sale. I still remember it. And that is when it reinforces that belief. Ok.
Maybe this is possible maybe everyone around me is the environment as well as I’m sure you know it’s an environment maybe well that people aren’t doing this stuff then they’re going to say be careful what are you doing. Come online. And if you hear that every single day they read that starts to affect you believe me anyway.
Yeah. No that’s also of interest to remember how much your first sale was for like real-world first sale online or is that going back to find out.
I think it was 22 bucks. It was an e-book. I know that for sure. And it was just a one time sale and I saw this thing flash up in the account. I was like Oh my God. Like usually it’s like 0 0 0 0 but it was like 20 something bucks a courtroom but the specific amount actually that it was.
It was the fact there was a number there right.
And yeah that was like the big moment for me and then I just wanted to keep going at it.
Yeah. No that’s awesome. So I have an interest then.
So you’re going through all that stuff you’re buying all these products you’re trying all these different things these systems obviously a point came where you made that first sale. So what were the things that you were doing that differently at that stage that started to see things turn around?
A hundred percent. It was like so for so long I still administer this. To this day everyone Ryan was saying build it it’s building let’s build a list build a relationship with the list. But it’s all about building a list. And I just sort of seems too much effort is like. Surely there must be an easier way to just get money thudding into my account without having to build lists or anything like that. And.
And eventually, it was the pain. Actually, it was the failure of failure by ignoring that advice. And I thought OK maybe I should try this thing. It seems like a long drawn out thing.
Maybe that’s what I need to do because I’ve tried everything else and is when I started doing that I thought OK this was it this was the key you know getting leads and then they’ll see that equals sales so yeah yeah you know what that’s crazy how much you and I are like in that sense I’ve recently been speaking about this on a webinar how you know when I started in 2004 very early on I would always hear the money’s in the list and I’m like Yeah can I get that but I want an easier way like it must be an easy way.
And this cycle I have read about it he’s got it easy. And the ironic thing is I didn’t make any money online for four years until 2008. And incidentally, when I started building a list I started making money so you know I always think you hear the same people saying the same thing over and over again.
Now stop ignoring them and do it. Exactly. That’s awesome. So obviously you know before you became a certified partner with as you do now have your own products and things that you want to share a little bit about that and share what you do.
Yeah. So I create products based around the personal development niche. So really it’s taking these concepts and ideas that I discover from my mentors such as yourself my you’re a big mentor to me in the Internet marketing space you know because as we get into I’m sure just a moment you know the idea of big-ticket sales to me was like OK like it seems like a lot of effort there as well.
But anyway we get to that in a second. But it’s taking these big concepts and ideas from people I study from applying into my life and sharing it with the world and I thought well if I can create make value in some way and sell my little idea and get people buying it and that to me was the dream.
So yeah I started creating products in that and selling access to them and then kind of building a culture around that. So yeah awesome.
Yeah. Fantastic. So all right then let’s now talk about what’s becoming a certified partner dead for your business. So you selling your own products at this stage.
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You know you’re doing amazing you’re adding all this value to the world. Yeah and all these customers and you actually found us through one of our seminars right.
I remember we had a seminar in Manchester England and I remember you were there at that event and if I recall rightly and you can perhaps tell this story more accurately than I can but there’s something in my mind that sticks out that says that when I introduce those concepts on stage that having these you know different levels of products I like the value increases and the price increase on those products right.
Am I right in thinking that you said something like well all my products stop at about ninety-seven dollars or something like that? So what am I doing? I realized I’ve been missing out on all this money is that right. Yeah.
If that was it wasn’t even ninety-seven dollars. It was like forty-seven and then whatever. It’s just not really going like not going for it you know. Right. And actually, I’ll tell you what the thing stuck in my mind was the Manchester and sit in that room and it was when you were saying on stage it was all a sudden you start this big-ticket thing and you know you’re speaking to one of your partners making the sales for you on the phone and it was boom boom. Oh, picture yourself.
I thought I want a boob.
Well, I had no boobs like kids did say that that for me was the paradigm shift and that it was like OK this there’s a paradigm shift going on there. OK. There are these booms that can happen when you start putting that kind of attention towards big big-ticket stuff. So that’s what it was to me.
Yeah. Awesome and just I just want to clear something for anyone watching this as I. OK hang on a minute was this big-ticket stuff. What does that even mean?
So when it comes down to the pricing of your products and the products that you sell you obviously have like lower price ones and we do we would refer to that as like low ticket items you know ten-dollar forty dollars fifty dollars seventy dollar things like that.
And you got to like your mid ticket items you know 300 dollars to a thousand dollars then you have like high ticket items or premium products so it’s like one thousand two thousand five thousand 10000 20000 and beyond. So what we’re talking about here is ultimately after years and years of running my business and doing like what Simon says was he was doing you know had these lowest-priced items that great products but nothing beyond that kind of price point. Now here’s the great thing, guys.
For those of you watching this if you had a product that you sold for 20 dollars and you sold 10 of them a day well you made 200 dollars a day.
But if you’ve got a two thousand dollar item and one of those people buy that the next day or the next week. Now you’ve made the two thousand dollars so you can see how much this makes a massive difference.
And people are buying these types of items all day every day. It’s just premium value and premium-priced so that’s exactly what we’re talking about here of course. So let’s move into then.
So I’m guessing based on what we say and that was one of the big attractive things that got you into becoming a certified partner right. Mike Mike correct. Yes, 100 percent. Yeah. All right. Awesome. So let’s talk about it then.
Obviously, we spoke about you’ve made what I’ve got to know here. I don’t I’m just shy of one hundred and ten thousand dollars I think in commissions as of today which is amazing.
Congratulations by the way. Thank you. Just to be clear here we’re on to everybody watching this. That wouldn’t be possible or at least not for a long long time or you need a lot of customers if you were just earning like 10 or 20 dollar commissions right.
So I think the bulk of yours has been earned from like 1000 to another thousand dollars plus commissions right. Yes. So talk to us or share with anyone watching them what that feels like. You know you just said something awesome a minute ago like I wanted the booms and the booms or the booms like oh it was a great boom.
You know it was fantastic.
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It just again like I said it was like a shift in mindset as well because I think no matter how far you go in business whatever it is it takes that mindset shift to see someone else doing something about where you are. So then you think OK maybe it’s time to move into that.
So it was that when you again it is no different whether it was the first 20 something got us out and seeing it first maybe two and a half thousand dollar commission in one side or you’re like nice. So yeah it was an amazing feeling.
Yeah definitely. And I always say to everyone you know you don’t need many of those a month to replace your day job or significantly change your lifestyle. I mean I think most people probably jobs full time they probably earning two to three thousand dollars a month.
The average person maybe even less. And like you just said one of those commissions pays you that which is amazing. So I think one of the things I just would love to cover with you I know some people will be watching this and they’ll think well you know Simon’s already selling his own products. He’s got all this experience. I don’t sell my own products. So maybe I can’t do this.
I know one of the things that I’ve always been very proud to hear you say which you know is amazing for me to hear is that you know one of the reasons you are a certified partner is because you fully stand behind what we do with the ability to help not just somebody like yourself with your own products but to help just the average like a newbie as people say like newcomers that don’t have their own products.
So what would you say in that sense now to someone that’s not got their own products like you? Is there still something that they can do.
A hundred percent. And also I think there’s a lot of people that want to stand behind a company and or people that want to help people. And I think that’s a big big thing. I think if you know you’re setting up it is possible. First of all to sell those low ticket products and actually have a team doing all the work for you. So you got leverage there.
But also having a team that actually cares about the people that you’re referring to in that you know I think is a big thing that people looking to get into this is that you know they want to recommend something handled hot. And I think if you’re able to do that and make great money potentially it’s a win-win. So I think yeah 100 percent is possible.
And again it’s a matter of immersing yourself in that environment again with people that want to help you which they do. As for me, the Facebook group is phenomenal for anybody that wants to support you know they don’t want to feel alone on this journey anymore.
It can be amongst like-minded people that are also on the same journey that they can ask a question and have people making six or seven figures chime in but you can’t get that hard any way you know. So. Yeah. And I’ve gone off on a tangent there. Yeah yeah.
No that’s absolutely awesome. And I know he said I’m just looking here. I know. Hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dollars in commissions so far but I’ve always got the same where I’m like well we’re just getting started. Yeah. So where do you see this?
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Then let’s look less like look to the future of your commissions and search by the partner. Do you have you set yourself goals and targets so like twelve months down the line if you were me, was having another conversation like this where do you want those commissions to be? What are you What are you aiming for?
Well, to be making six feet six-figure commissions a year I think would be phenomenal. You know as to scale up and take that to the next level I think would be fantastic. You know and again it’s just a matter of ramping up the current results and I think when you’ve got a proven something as proven you know it’s just a matter of keep going and up and up and up and up.
Again it’s that first step for anyone watching this to make that first step you know and make that commitment on themselves and that’s what I need to do as well to take things to the next level. So yeah like to make six figures in a year in terms of commissions with Internet profits I think is great.
And also the fact that anybody watching this I think also it’s great to understand how long it would take to create the sales funnels and the products that you get paid out on. If you can do this all on your own and it would be years and tons of investment.
But here you’ve got that all on a silver platter literally. You know it’s like they go there’s you selling machine now rock and roll and you like OK I just need to feed the machine you know that’s what I need to do as well to take things to the next level.
Yeah. That’s awesome and I guess to anyone watching this. Yes, we do all of that stuff. But I just always want to be very clear because you know I try and push away the wrong people these days.
You do have to work right Simon. Like there’s a lot of people in this industry that just need people some to ask and be like oh you can get rich without doing any work right.
You have got to put in a little work. But I think we’ve identified just in this conversation here today some of the things that are really advisable to do and that’s you know to drive traffic build a list and then send them to the done for you Follows by emailing them each day. Right.
Like follow up is you know is there anything there really that that you’re doing that I didn’t just cover like you’re driving traffic you’re getting people on your list and then you’re emailing them and sending them stuff that can help them. Right. Right. Am I missing anything or am I going crazy?
That is it literally. That is the formula right then and then I’m sure you do as well. But people that are coming in contact with my business if people are overwhelmed which I think a lot of people are right to say is that three-step process you send people the right eyeballs the right talk the traffic it’s the right offer and you’ve already done most of the work that if not all of it you know you do have to work to get that traffic obviously right.
But the great thing is with you know Internet profits you then have the high converting offer or the offer that’s going to do the work for them in terms of sending the traffic somewhere rather than never happened the crates themselves.
Yeah. No that’s awesome. So obviously guys if you’re watching this you probably got the opportunity some way some maybe around this video to click a button and fill an application I just have a chat with us about becoming a certified partner and if somebody is on a page right now Simon and they see that apply now to have a chat about this button.
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What would you say to them about it? Obviously, there was a time you know before you made over a hundred eight thousand dollars which is why you are looking at this, and you are thinking shall I do it or do I do you. What would you say? You’re obviously in that position one-day others might be watching this thinking exactly the same thing. What would your advice be to them?
Okay, so my advice would be to step out and take that first step. You know it’s extremely overwhelming I know because I was there and I know it was as well.
But when you’re in a place of confusion and overwhelmed your inbox has been flooded with e-mails from different people every single day.
You don’t know where to buy you don’t know where to go but if you take the first step was something that just feels right to you as in if you align with this message which I’m sure you have if you’re still watching this right you’re watching this right now.
Take the first step and when you take the first step and you continue the momentum you see your own eyes people doing this kind of stuff and you think it is possible for me. And I think when you do that you stagger yourself with what’s possible for you.
And then you just keep one take take take steps forward and yeah I know what it was like I was there but it took me taking that step because without it you’re not going to you know this is going to keep going the way things are right now and you don’t want that.
So I know I’m speaking passionately to you right now but that’s because I know how much this could potentially transform your quality of life. What he has done for me is unlock that freedom to me to take my business to the next level and that’s what I would say.
Yeah. It’s amazing. Wow, I didn’t expect much. Jamie, I appreciate it very much. That is awesome.
So guys like you know exactly as Simon’s just said nobody can make that decision for you no one can force you to take that next step but you have the opportunity here to do so. One of the reasons we don’t just say click there and buy now and spend thousands of dollars. Let’s just have a chat about it with you right. Fill in the application one of my team will have a chat with you.
We’ll just see if it’s a good match. I’m sure you’ve got questions. I’m sure you want to hear the options so let’s have a talk about it. If it’s viewed great we can get you started. If not then no. No, no love lost. Ultimately hopefully there’ll be a time in the future where the time is right for you to do this so.
SIMON Let me just say here now in the end and it’s been amazing speaking to you I’ve got to say it’s inspirational to see your results and one of the things I will say is I’m now going to hold you accountable because we recorded this.
From one of these bills, I want to see two hundred and something right. I know 300 awesome things.
It’s been a pleasure, my friend. Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing all these guys. Thanks for watching and look forward to hopefully seeing you as a certified partner and having you on one of these interviews talking about your successes soon so I’m helping d Holland and the man Simon Stanley.
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