Discover the Hidden Origins of The Secret’s $300 Million Success!
Discover the secrets behind The Secrets of success and how it achieved unprecedented success. Learn how to apply these strategies in your own life to unlock your true potential and create lasting success!
Guess what? The core idea behind The Secret was actually conceived almost 100 years before Rhonda Byrne! Let me spill the beans on this little-known secret.
We’re talking about the sensational self-help book that took the world by storm, raking in over $300 million in sales within its first three years.
But here’s the mind-blowing part: the two foundational concepts of The Secret were written about a century ago!
These concepts are:
1. The law of attraction
2. The power of visualization
Let’s dig deeper into Charles Haanel, who is intricately tied to The Secret’s key ideas.
In 1912, Haanel described the law of attraction as “the greatest and the most infallible law upon which the entire system of creation depends.” That’s quite a statement!
But he didn’t stop there. Haanel’s book, The Master Key System, published in 1912, provided twenty-four weekly exercises to help you master visualization.
What’s intriguing is that I discovered this profound influence of Haanel’s work while reading The Master Key System. It’s no wonder so many personal development gurus credit him with shaping their teachings!
I became so immersed in the material that I started hunting for original copies of those twenty-four exercises.
And guess what? Rhonda Byrne herself confirms that Charles Haanel’s works will empower you to become a master of visualization.
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And guess what? The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel is available in the library!
Here’s how you can get your hands on it:
Step 1: Log into
Step 2: Click on “Library”
Step 3: Select Charles F. Haanel
Step 4: Choose The Master Key System
Step 5: Click “Yes, Use 1 Credit”
Step 6: Get ready to unlock the secrets of success! It’s mind-blowing!