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How To Tell Compelling Stories Using The Hero’s Journey


How To Tell Compelling Stories Using The Hero’s Journey

Everyone loves a great story, and there’s no better way to captivate your audience than by weaving the hero’s journey into your writing. Whether you’re creating a fictional tale or a nonfiction narrative, this timeless narrative archetype will help you create a story that is both engaging and thought-provoking.

So, what exactly is the hero’s journey? It’s a concept first introduced by Joseph Campbell in his book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. This common pattern found in all stories involves a hero going on a journey, facing challenges, and ultimately emerging victorious.

While the hero’s journey is often associated with fictional stories, it can also be applied to real-life narratives like biographies and B2B case studies. By understanding this narrative structure, you can create compelling stories that resonate with your readers.

Let’s explore the three stages of the hero’s journey:

Stage 1: The Ordinary World

Every hero starts their journey in an ordinary world, where they feel comfortable and safe. This is the world they know before they’re called to adventure. It’s a place of routine and stability, where they feel a sense of belonging. But soon, they’ll have to leave this world behind to embark on their grand adventure.

Stage 2: The Special World

Once the hero steps into the special world, everything changes. They face new challenges, encounter friends and foes, and experience trials that test their abilities. This stage is often difficult, but it’s necessary for the hero to grow and evolve. They’ll face their fears, gain skills, and ultimately overcome obstacles. Before their journey home, they’ll face one final test of strength or wisdom.

Stage 3: The Return

After accomplishing their goal, the hero must return to the ordinary world. This can be the most challenging part of the journey, as they readjust to everyday life. However, this stage is crucial for the hero’s growth and understanding of themselves and the world. They bring back a reward or treasure from their adventure, enriching their life and the lives of those around them. Even though things may never be the same, the ordinary world now holds the potential for change and growth.

With these three stages in mind, you can shape your hero’s journey in a way that captivates your audience. Whether you’re writing a case study or an About Us page, the hero’s journey provides a framework to emphasize your story’s impact.

Discover the 7 Steps of the Hero’s Journey for Powerful B2B Writing

Are you looking to captivate your audience with your B2B content? Look no further than the 7 Steps of the Hero’s Journey! These steps can be used to bring your case studies and About Us pages to life.

Step 1: The Ordinary World


Hero's Journey


In this step, you introduce your hero and their everyday struggles. Just like the Muggle world in Harry Potter, it’s the world they’ve grown accustomed to.

Step 2: The Call to Adventure

This is the moment your hero realizes they must leave their ordinary world and embark on a special journey. It could be a challenge, threat, problem, or opportunity that propels them forward.

Step 3: Refusal of the Call

Even heroes have their doubts. Explore the insecurities or faults that hold your hero back from accepting the call to adventure. This will resonate with your readers who have experienced similar fears.

Step 4: Meeting the Mentor(s)

No hero can accomplish their journey alone. Introduce a mentor who has guided and inspired your hero. If you’re writing about your own company’s journey, reflect on the mentors and inspirations that helped you reach where you are today.

Step 5: Crossing the Threshold

The moment of decision arrives. Your hero is ready to face their call to adventure head-on. They may encounter a threshold guardian, a force that tests their worthiness to cross over. This is the point of no return.

Step 6: The Ordeal

The hero faces their greatest fear in a final battle, undergoing tremendous personal growth. Share the struggles and challenges that your hero encountered along the way. This shows readers that success isn’t always easy, making your story relatable.

Step 7: The Return

After achieving victory, the hero returns home transformed. They bring back a reward or “elixir” from their journey. This return might not be easy, as their ordinary world may have changed or they may face an entirely new world.

Implementing the Hero’s Journey Steps In Your Writing

You don’t need to be writing a novel to use the Hero’s Journey structure! Apply this three-act structure to turn your case studies into exciting tales of transformation. And with the help of Jasper, an AI writing tool, you’ll have everything you need to guide you through each step of the journey. Join our community of writers using Jasper’s recipes for different writing projects and elevate your storytelling today!

Hero's Journey

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