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Get the Inside Scoop on the EU AI Act!



Get the Inside Scoop on the EU AI Act!

Exciting news! The European Union has finally reached an agreement on the much-anticipated EU AI Act. This act will revolutionize the development and use of AI in the EU, but don’t worry, it won’t take full effect until 2025.

The EU AI Act

So, what does this mean for you, our cherished Jasper customers? Well, the Act takes a risk-based approach, meaning it assesses the risk level of different types of AI and creates rules accordingly. Facial recognition was labeled as high-risk, while large language models like the ones used by Jasper fall under the limited-risk category.

Under the new law, companies and organizations that produce large language models, like us, must adhere to transparency requirements. This includes providing technical documentation, complying with EU copyright law, and sharing detailed summaries about the content used for training.

Now, let’s talk about how this directly affects you. As a business user of Jasper, you’ll be happy to know that most of the EU AI Act focuses on high-risk systems, like facial recognition, which we don’t use. For us, as a limited-risk AI, we only need to follow smaller-scale regulations, such as transparency requirements and copyright law, before launching new foundational models.

But don’t just take our word for it. We want to make sure you have all the information you need. Here are the two important things you should know:

Firstly, you cannot use AI to create deep fakes or impersonate someone falsely. This is something that is already prohibited in Jasper’s terms of service, so it’s business as usual for you.

Secondly, if you’re using our API to power a chatbot or anything similar, starting in 2025, you’ll need to clearly disclose to users that they are engaging with a chatbot. This is just a small adjustment to provide a more transparent experience for your users.

Now, please keep in mind that these are just our preliminary readings of the new rule. The details will be further clarified in the coming year. Remember, this information is not legal advice, so it’s always a good idea to consult with your own legal team.

We’re excited about the EU AI Act and how it will shape the future of AI in the European Union. Rest assured, we’re committed to following all regulations and providing you with the best AI experience possible.


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