Funnel Builder Secrets Pricing And Review For 2019
Funnel Builder Secrets Pricing And Review For 2019. We’re so excited to have you guys all here. Um, and uh, I’m excited about this encore presentation. Um, we tried to do this last week and some of us knew the entire, um, the entire recording crashed. We had over 3,800 people who are live watching this through zoom and a, we couldn’t get everybody on. And so instead of just like trying to salvage replay, we thought we would do it live again.
And so that is what’s going to be happening here. Um, right now. So I’m excited. So basically kind of backstory behind this is Todd Dickerson. He can see his picture there, right there.
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He is one of the cofounders of click funnels. He was here in Boise last week and we started crunching through all the numbers we wanted to see like what is the difference between those who were having tons of success and those who are struggling.
Um, my biggest philosophy and mission here at click funnels is to help small business owners help entrepreneurs like us to be successful. And so I’m like, like, we have so much data, we have more data than anybody on earth. Like, what is it that’s working? What’s not working? So we can figure those things out and then we can show everybody what’s happening, what’s working.
So Todd went through and dug through tons of stuff. Over 2 million funnels. You see 2,039,000, 482 funnels that were in click funnels as of last week. That number has gone up dramatically since then, which is cool. Um, and they went through over 70,000 split tests to try to figure out like what are the commonalities, what’s working, what’s not working? And what’s interesting is when we first started doing this, um, at first it didn’t make sense.
We start pulling like all the top converting funnels in the highest one’s the highest opt in rates, the highest sales rates, highest conversions, what’s which funnels making the most, which combination of funnels we’re making the most?
And like all these things at first, like it was really fuzzy because it was hard to see like the commonalities between everything. Right? But what was interesting is that as we got more and more data, he started showing me all the reports off stuff and all of a sudden like these, these patterns started becoming clear. And also I was like, oh my gosh, this is, this is the pattern then how about you?
I’m a big believer of like if you can see a pattern, then you can take those things and you can amplify him. As soon as we started seeing the pattern, I started freaking out and a I said, Todd, let’s shows everybody. And he’s like, why? And I’m like, let’s do it tomorrow. And so I literally that night, the next 24, all right, how many 18 hours of my life I stayed up and built the first version of the PowerPoint slides.
Let me share the, yesterday we did live last week and then as you know, we had over 3,800 people who are live on watching and the replay crash. So this is take two. Um, I also spent probably another 15 or so hours of last three or four days, um, cleaning up the slides, adding in a bunch of new cool things.
I’m showing more tests, more data. And so that’s Kinda, that’s Kinda um, what’s happening. So, uh, that’s what we’d be doing. So I’m a dive in here now that we got while you guys on. Um, again, if you have any questions we want to interact with me, we have a Q and a box here in zoom.
Please message through there. There’s a chat box. We blocked it just because it’s really hard for me to keep up with those and the Q and a and everything.
So if you want to, if you wanted to, um, interact with me, it’s please do, makes it so much easier if you guys are interacting then posted there in Q and a box. In fact, um, just to kick this thing off, you guys all find, click on the Q and a box and let me know where you guys are calling in from. I know we’ve got entrepreneurs from all around the world and you can see here at the top of the slide like, uh, we have all sorts of types of entrepreneurs and business owners.
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I click funnels as well. We have entrepreneurs, they have a small business owner to have all my marketers and marketing agencies, tons of people. And um, and I’m just so excited to share with you guys. So, all right, we have people coming in from all around the world. We’ve got Chicago, we’ve got New York, we’ve got Hawaii, we’ve got Dubai, we’ve got, um, we’ve got people from gay.
You’re just come from everywhere. Again, it’s awesome. Some you guys, it’s probably two or three in the morning. So thank you for, for taking the time and effort. I promise you that this will be entertaining. It’s gonna be fun. It’d be well worth your time. Uh, one more thing for, I jumped in this. I don’t want him to just stress. If you have Skype open or Facebook messenger or your cell phone or anything, please turn them off.
I promise you that your focus, your attention for the next 90 minutes or so will be well worth your time. Um, I just need you to focus and I promise if you do that, I’m gonna give you some stuff that’ll change your business.
And probably if you listen to pay close attention, it’s probably gonna change your life as well. All right, so that’s some jump right into this. Um, again, one last time, um, after over 2 million funnels, over 70,000 split tests, this is what we have learned, I’m sure guys, three simple tweaks our top members use to instantly boost their sales by 540% without driving any traffic.
How many guys are excited about this? If you’re excited, go to the Qa box and be like, I’m excited and tell me how much you’re freaking out because I’m excited. I’m freaking out. You can probably tell us.
Well, I was like, I was here at the office till two 30 last night working on these, the new version, the slides and I’m just so excited to share with you. Okay. So I just want to stress really quick as we dive into this, this right now, what you guys are about to learn. This is the equivalent if you were to go to Google and uh, this guy right here, Larry Page was to say, hey guys, guess what?
I know no one really knows our algorithm. We’ve been talking about it. We can always change it, but I’m just gonna give it to a few people. How many guys want the algorithm? Like how many guys would freak out if Larry Page was like, here’s the algorithm. And you’re just like, oh, that’s all it is.
And you knew exactly what to do with absolute certainty to get page one, not just to, but number one, ranking in Google every single time for every single keyword you can ever dream of.
It’d be like cheating, right? But that’s what this is like. This is like Larry Page looking at the entire Internet. Everything through Google and the hail on you. This is what you need to do. This is the were first, second, third most important things.
That is literally what’s happening right now because there’s nobody else on planet earth. There’s more data about funnels than we do here at click funnels. We have over 50,000 active members. We got over 2 million funnels. And so there’s no one else that has this data besides us.
And I promise you, if you listen the same way you would listen if Larry Page was to come to you and give you a Google’s algorithm. That’s what’s gonna happen. This is literally the funnel algorithm. This will give you everything you need to know to be successful. And you’ve got to reverse engineer inside your company.
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Kept. Now, are you in the right place? I know we got a ton of people on wine, so I did a recent poll inside of our click funnels members group asking like, who are the people that are using clickfunnels? I know who all of you crazy people are. And uh, what was interesting is there’s a lot of different types of people. There’s entrepreneurs, they’re small business owners, there’s online marketers, there’s digital marketers and marketing agencies, there’s coaches, there’s business professionals as network marketers, marketing managers, website designers, authors.
There’s a couple of Russell and Russell Brunson groupies. It’s just funny I, there’s tech experts, there’s people reinventing their career. There’s marketing consultants, digital marketing experts and authors and we’re like, there’s tons of you guys that are here. So if any of these things resonate with you then you’re a good spot. Okay. It means you have found a home, you found your family.
We are all people just like you who are trying to change the world through the products and the services that we’re selling. Okay. And some of you guys working for yourself, so just work inside of a company. I don’t really care what it is. If you are someone who was here, it means you are in the right spot and you’re about to learn something is going to take whatever it is you’re doing and take it to the next level. Ted. So really quick, I’m going to get this part out of the way quick cause I don’t really care about. My name is Russell Brunson, folks who have no idea who I am, the one of the cofounders, the click funnels, I’ve had a chance to go to funnels from the top people in the world. I build out funnels for Tony Robbins, for Marcus limonus and the TV show the profit.
In fact, Marcus, like we did so much, he actually had me on the show. The profit, I mean he has a w I mean he has watched CNBC and you watch the show the profit.
Okay. If you watch the episode with flex watches, they had me come on and we build that entire funnel for flex watches. You see in the picture here how these guys are all going crazy when I revealed like this is the funnel we built for you. They going crazy. Um, and so we went on the prophet talking about funnels, talking about click funnels.
Like this is something that’s huge and something that I’m so passionate about. I love sharing with people like you. And so, um, but what I’m most excited is not about me cause I don’t really care that I was on TV. Like other stuff really matters to me and it shouldn’t matter to you.
Um, what I care the most about what our company, what our entire team’s excited is. We’re trying to get as many of our customers, many as our members into a thing that we call the two comma club now. So if you don’t know what the two Comma Club is, I was a little slow. Someone had explained it to me, but basically in $1 million, there’s two commas. So when somebody has a funnel that’s made at least a million dollars, we award them with this huge plaque.
It’s like a grammy award-winning gold record with their name on it in two columns and put on their wall just to show that like they’re having success. Okay. And so that’s my goal and that’s my goal is the presentation. If I can show you guys the algorithm and I can show you the blueprint, you’re a lot more likely to actually have a chance to go out there and succeed.
Just like all these people you see here on state. Now, the reason why I invented the two comma club, this is because when I was, um, when I was starting this business about 14 or 15 years ago, there was the guy who came out, his name is John Reese, and he did what nobody thought was possible. It was kind of like, um, the four minute mile. You guys remember the story about Roger Banister when he went out there and the whole world said it’s impossible to break the four minute mile.
And he was like, I think I’m going to do it. And he went out there and he shattered the four minute mile. Now for centuries before that, nobody had ever done it. Nobody believe it was impossible. But it was interesting. As soon as Roger did it afterwards, that real split, they could do it. And then the next like year or two years, three years, a handful of people all did it as well.
So when he broke the four minute mile, everyone else that they could do it as well. And John did that for me. So if you look at this story, this is a picture, this is um, on August 17th, 2004, um, John Reese who’s one of the pioneers of our industry, he did a product launch.
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His goal was to make $1 million in a day and you went out there and he did it took them 18 hours to make a million dollars online. And this is a picture here of the launch day within like doing their countdown. And I can just imagine like sitting in that room with him and experiencing that, seeing the sales coming through and marking it down and like the excitement and having a huge goal that nobody thought was possible. And in smashing through it in like 18 hours. And when I saw this, I was a young kid.
I was at the time making maybe a thousand dollars a month online selling some of the dorky things I was selling on Ebay and other things like that. And I saw him do that. I remember sitting there thinking, man, if John Reese can make $1 million in a day, I wonder if I can make $1 million in a year.
And I never even considered that as a possibility. I never thought about it. But when he did it, but he broke that four minute mile for me became possible. So I’m going there, I start launching businesses with a different mindset, a different intention because I knew that if John Reese can make $1 million in a day, I think I can make $1 million in a year and a short trying and start trying.
I was in college at the time and I tried thing after thing. And what was interesting is within a year of graduating from college, I’d made $1 million.
I ended up in, in a, in a day or even a year, but within a year I’d done $1 million. And then my next was like, Hey, I’m gonna do $1 million in a year. And it took me about one or two years to get and finally got, and I did $1 million in a year. And then I was like, Hey, I want to do it.
John did, how did I do $1 million in a month? And I worked with work and then she had $1 million month and that was like a hundred million dollar day. And now it’s been multiple times. I’ve done $1 million day. And I knew that it was possible. Not because like I’m great or anything and I knew it was possible because John had done it. And I know there’s so many other pioneers in our industry who saw John do it and then it became real for them too. And so I wanted this to become real for all of our members as well.
One of them to see that wasn’t just Russell making money with click funnels that was happening all around them. Um, in fact, this is me, this is my wife and I in our very first home after we got married, like that’s me. So I’m speaking to all the people like me who had a buzzed head glasses were so broke you to cut your credit cards because you didn’t even have the money to pay the monthly fees. Like that was the reality of my life when John broke the four-minute mile.
And that gave me so much faith and so much hope that I look back now in the last 15 years of my life and my career, it’s changed my life.
And so if I can do that for you, let John Reese did for me. Um, that’s what gets me fired up and excited. And so us as a community, so you guys know who you are part of now because you’re on this Webinar, you are part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs like you.
We call ourselves funnel hackers and we’re entrepreneurs who are just trying to sell stuff, make a quick buck, but were legitimately trying to change the world. How do we help people? How do we serve people? The highest level, like business is all about changing people’s lives.
That’s what we believe is funnel hackers. Okay? And so we always tell people like you as a funnel hacker, like you’re just one funnel away from getting into the two comma club in two columns. Clubs. Fun means it means you made $1 million in a funnel, but it’s more important.
It’s like what did that mean? Like what kind of impact did you have on the world? If you made $1 million, how many people’s lives were changed because of the products and the services that you sold? And I want you understand like you’re literally just one funnel away and a one funnel away from what f for every one of you guys is different.
Some of you guys, you’re one funnel away from financial freedom. Some of you guys, you have a message you want to share with the world and you’re literally one funnel away from sharing that message with more people. Some of you guys are one funnel away from actually providing for your family. To me, I just one funnel away for more time.
Freedom from changing the world, from serving more people, from quitting your job, from spending more time with your loved ones, whatever that means to you. And we understand that that freedom, that thing that you are on this webinar trying to discover it.
I think you became an entrepreneur to do like you’re literally one funnel away from that. And um, when you understand that it gets exciting and we can talk about that. The, in fact I’ve got about 15 or 16 click funnels members who are waiting in the queue to get on live and share with you their stories about click funnels and about their one funnel way.
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All these guys were struggling, struggling and Austin, they had a funnel, the hit and it changed everything for them so they can be sharing your story. So make sure you’re hanging out cause the end of the jumping on it, it’s going to be so much fun. All right, so what our funnels, so those sorts have, no, I don’t talking about funnels are the new opportunity funnels, how all selling online will be done in the future. Okay. The left hand side is the traditional website.
This is where most people are familiar with traditional websites or the equivalent of slamming a whole bunch of customers into a brick wall and no money comes out, okay, I don’t care what you think or believe it’s it’s, it’s they’re over. It’s done.
The new opportunity, the futures thinking would call sales phones were taking somebody through a process, and I’m going to show you guys funnels and explain these things to you and you don’t understand it more as we go throughout, but this is the new opportunities.
Sales funnels. Okay, so funnels, this is how entrepreneurs are literally changing the world. Now, recently I was hanging out with a, I was listening, one of my friends, Ryan Moran, and he gave a definition of what an entrepreneur was that that changed my perspective on everything he said. An entrepreneur is someone who took personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t their own.
Can we understand it? Again, an entrepreneur is someone who took personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t their own. You think about most of society, most people out there in the world, things happen. There’s problems, there’s issues. And what did they do? They complain about it. They blame other people, they blame the government, they blame the school system, they blame all sorts of things. And all they do is they blame. So what makes you an entrepreneur gave for some crazy reason you saw that problem that was not your own.
Instead of blaming this school or society or your family or your, whoever you looked at it and said that responsibility, that problem right there, that’s my problem.
I’m going to take that and I’m gonna go and I’m going to actually figure out a way to fix it. And that’s what makes you weird and that’s what makes you amazing. Okay, now I’m going to share it. The guys, a couple of examples of people who, who took personal responsibility for a problem wasn’t on.
These are click funnels members. They’ve done this. Okay. The first one. This is Pamela Wible and why you probably never heard of Pamela, but she’s a doctor who I showed me doctor when to went to, you know, as a kid you want to be doctor, went to medical school, everything. She got to medical school and then guess what happened? People in schools or people she loved, people she cared about had the same dream that she did were miserable and they started committing suicide.
And there were suicide after suicide when she was going through school, people who were, who were trying to come, doctors. And then she had, when she became a doctor, she ran out. They start practicing the same thing. All these people around her doctors that she loved, we’re committing suicide. Now. Most of us look at that problem be like, that’s like, that’s the medical, uh, you know, there’s the medical community’s problem. That’s government’s problem.
We’d be blaming someone, right? But instead Pamela looked at and said, this problem is my problem and I’m going to solve that. And Pamela has gone out there and she’s made it her mission to save Dr Down. Doctors, suicide rate is double the number two highest suicide rate. Okay. I didn’t know that before I met Pamela. In fact, she was at our office last week and she gave me this book, uh, one of her books and she signed, he said, Russell, thanks for creating the software that’s helped me to save countless lives.
K, Pamela is an entrepreneur because she looked at that problem and even though it wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t her problem, wasn’t his thinks she should do. She looked at and said, I’m going to take personal responsibility for that. And now she’s literally saving people’s lives every single day. She’s doing that through funnels. And that’s the magic we’re talking about. Here’s another one. This is Kaitlin. Uh, Kaitlin Poland’s. Some you guys know who I talked about her a lot in our trainings. Um, she, uh, was overweight when she was younger and she couldn’t lose the weight. She was struggling and, um, she has some things are life happen. Eventually she went, she lost a ton of weight. Um, and she went and Sarcopenia. She won a world record, uh, for, um, um, in, in a bodybuilding competition. And, uh, she went this whole process and it was same thing happen to her.
She was looking around and he saw all the other people that are struggling with weight loss and she could have easily been like, well, they eat less. They need to go talk to their doctors. Then you’d go to a gym or whatever. She said, look, this may not be my problem, but I experienced it. I remember the pain of that thing because I want to fix this.
So she took that personal responsibility onto her own and she came in and right now a lady boss weight loss in the last 18 months has helped over 100,000 women have come through their programs and lost weight, felt better about themselves, change their families. Like it is insane the impact that she’s had on the world because she took personal responsibility for problem that wasn’t her own. And then she use funnels to get that message out. Here’s another one.
This is Auntie grace. Now, Andy is one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Um, and he was a business professional. She was traveling a lot and she’s traveled, uh, should we go on these trips and stuff that she got? She would drink socially with these people and with different colleagues and things like that when she was out traveling and the more she was doing, the more she would drink and eventually got point. She’s like, well, I, it’s really hard to stop drinking. And she couldn’t imagine life without drinking. She thought, you know what, this is a problem. And so she spent the next year of her life trying to figure out how do I break the shackles of alcoholism? And it’s not an easy thing for anyone who’s gone through that, for that problem. And she went through and she figured out the way to do.
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She’s written books on that. And uh, and then she got the book out there and you’re helping other people. And it’s insanely cool. As I’ve watched now over the last year or so that I’ve known her, I’ve watched literally thousands of people that she’s helped to break the chains of alcohol addiction. She dumps. We were books and through a webinar funnels. And what’s interesting is, again, she could look at it, it’s not her fault. The other people are struggling with alcohol addiction.
But she looked at it and said, you know what? I struggled with that in my quality of life is better because I fixed it. I’m going to take personal responsibility for that problem and I’m gonna help other people as well. This is why I love entrepreneurs so much. Okay? Again, we’re kind of a weird breed, but we’re literally the people that are changing the world.
It’s not going to be governments. It’s not going to be school systems. It’s going to be people like you and me. We have crazy ideas who are trying to actually change the world. Okay, and one more share it. This is Garrett j white, the master coach and mentor. Garret was a man who was struggling in his marriage and his family and his life and his business and everything. And finally one day said, you know, like I have to change. And he had to change everything. And it was not an easy process. Right? But he did this thing and he completely transformed his life, his marriage, his business, his family, everything. And then you heard the voice and it said, this problem, this is a problem you can take care of. And he was like, oh, I like, why should I be doing, I struggle with my whole life.
Like, why is this my prom? But also entrepreneurs on how to turn that voice off. And so he said, okay, I’m gonna figure out a way to do it. And since then he’s gone on to help thousands and thousands of men to repair their relationships, to fix their body, to fix their businesses, to literally change their life and Garret’s another one of the examples is just one of our click funnels members that’s changing the world. And I wanna actually share with you a quick video of Garrett because he is using funnels to do this. And this is the video that, uh, that he gave me of him explaining the impact, that click funnels. And this whole process I’m sharing you yesterday is had on his life and on his business.
Hello, my name is Garrett j white. The master coach, mentor and founder of Wake Up Warrior Academy, and I will tell you this right now, we have tested with platforms. We have tested everything. I have attempted for the past six years to use every available software tool I could find that made it simpler for me to share my message and it started with wordpress and then it went plugins and then optimized press, and then we went to Kajabi and then we went to lead pages and these are all wonderful know the owners of these guys are fantastic. The software tools are amazing.
When clickfunnels came out, I was like, dude, I cannot handle another software tool. I don’t give a shit. We’re just going to manage our stuff between lead pages and Kajabi. And then my friend said, just test it. Just try it out. And I went to cook from funnels and no bullshit.
Every software increment over the last five years has been a not a quantum shift in what you can do with the tool to get your message out to the marketplace. They’ve been incremental, so there’s been a move from Kajabi to leadpages or from optimized press to Kajabi and they were these segmented steps that had slight improvements that made it easier.
Clickfunnels though came out of nowhere. They took the marketplace by storm just like apple did when they first launched the iPhone. It was, it was not a linear move anymore. It was a quantum move in improvement.
That’ll open up a gap to allow people just like you watching this, people just like you and me who are not technically savvy. We weren’t born in the matrix and we didn’t have a chip implanted in our heads. We’re not engineers or computer science majors and we don’t understand that stuff.
Inherently, clickfunnels gave you, you my friend, an opportunity to cut and decrease the time of stress and anxiety and suffering behind a keyboard. Trust me, the days you want to just pound, Bob can throw your Mac out the window because you can’t figure shit out.
Clickfunnels has brought it to a place that it is a quantum leap in opportunity, which allows you just like the iPhone to not only look smarter, but to feel smarter and ultimately to only deal with the stuff that matters, which is getting your message about your product and your program serves out to the marketplace all the time. It’s suicide watch and having to check yourself into a hospital and honestly trying to deal with everything else that’s come out before it. So I’m not only fully endorse clickfunnels, it’s the only software tool that we use when it comes to our funnels online, across all four of my businesses. We’re not going anywhere else. Love Russell. Love this event, this event, married up to that software tool. You are a dumb ass if you don’t come and that’s okay. There’s plenty of dumb ass on the planet. Just don’t let it be
all right. Every time I see that video I get so pumped up and excited about clickfunnels and the mission and the message and so excited to have a chance to show us with you guys.
So I just want you guys to understand before jumping in this, this is not something that’s happening to a few people over here and there and this is something that happens to people that are really good at business where people that are rich or Rick, this is literally happening to hundreds of other people who are just like you and our last funnel hacking live and we gave away 93 of these two comma club awards. 93 of them. Okay, nice.
When people are sitting the audience and all made over a million dollars inside of a funnel, Kevin One are our funnel. I collabs coming up in the very near future, we’re going to have over 200 people who are gonna be coming on stage.
People who are just a year prior Sydney. I just wondering like, man, that’s cool. How did they do that? Like I don’t even know how to like, I don’t even how to start a business, what to do and now a year later they’re in the club. So this is happening. People just like you, you can’t discount it. He doesn’t understand that, like this is something that’s happening. I want to help it to happen for you, okay? So again, I’m jumping this now. So after over 2 million funnels, 70,000 split tests, this is what we have learned. Now these are the three secrets I’m gonna share with you guys here, if you can see it on the board. Number one I’m gonna show you is how to instantly outspend your competitors and ethically steal all potential customers inside of your market. Okay? When we found after going through all these funnels, all these tests, there was similarities that let the people that were in certain markets take almost all of the customers, okay?
When you understand these basic principles, you can go into any market, any time, and just go get all of the customers and they become yours. Okay? How many guys want to learn about that one? Okay, if you want to know, let me know in the box because I didn’t know this. All right, cool.
They’re coming from, they’re coming in now. Okay? So that’s number one. Number two, I’m after processing over 477 million. $411,000 $717 in revenue. Yes, that’s almost half a billion dollars in revenue. We were shocked that 98.3% of all of that revenue came from just three simple funnels. Is that crazy? I would assume it was like 20 or 30 even types of funnels, because if you’ve been on my, you know, there’s all the people teaching all sorts of types of funnels and there’s a lot of mouth there, but almost all of the revenue came from just three.
Okay. So my question for you there are using these three in your business, what kind of phone you building right now? If it’s not one of these three, this is where you should be focusing because 98.3% of all revenue came from one of these three funnel types. I’m gonna show you is that right here at second? And then third thing, and this one’s really shocked me actually, this is the secret, almost backward traffic source that literally fuels all of the top 100 funnels.
Okay. I first saw that I was like, what? And at first it was kind of confusing to me and after I like I saw the stats and results, it also made perfect sense and perfect clarity. And so I’m gonna show you is all those three things you guys excited about that case. Let’s jump right in. So secret moves and how to instantly outspend your competitors and ethically steal all potential customers inside of your market.
That was making this slide. Uh, Todd and my business partner in cofounder click funnels saw that Tim Ferriss posted this on his Instagram, is that I drink the tears of my enemies.
So I literally just grabbed it off the Instagram posts to hear because that’s kind of what it’s going to be like when you take all of the customers in your market and your competitors in trouble. Okay? So here’s the first principle. You
have to understand, whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins can learn some Dan Kennedy. It was when my first mentors, so I’m gonna repeat it again. This is a very, very important, okay? First Time I heard it, it did not make sense to me. And I want to make sure I explain it. She goes, well, whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins.
So a business, the beats its competition by making the same prospect worth more to his business than to that of his competition. Ted. So when me walk through what that means. So let’s just say you are an author. I know some of us are authors, some years are, let’s just say you’re an author kid. So if you’re a traditional author and you’re selling your books on Amazon, like this book right here, these are my favorite business books.
This one sells for $15 95 cents. So how much money can I spend to acquire a customer, right? I can spend up to $15 95 cents and then we break even. Okay? So most authors struggle, cause that’s, that’s all they can spend to sell a book. Okay, I’m gonna show you how funnels help you sell a ton of bucks. And then like most authors, I’m literally able to sell between three to 5,000 books a week, every single week, week with absolute certainty. Tammy show. It works.
So here is the Magic, Aka the basic math that makes all of this thing work, okay? No, I’m not a super good student. I’m not super good at math or think there’s like three numbers I understand in all of business and these are them. If you understand these three numbers, you can be as good at marketing math as you need to be.
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Okay? So these are the numbers of CPA stands for cost per acquisition or how much does it cost to get a customer? Okay? And then over here is ACV. Average cart value is how much money you make on average for every single person who buys your product. Okay? So let me walk you through the numbers. Houseworks 71 we going by ads. So for right now for my book, we average about, it costs me about $23 to sell one copy of my books, my CPA, my cost per acquisition, my cost to acquire customer is $23 okay? Now if you look at the numbers right now, these guys selling on Amazon are already in trouble, okay? It cost me $23,000 just to get a customer and they only make 1595 on their books, okay? That’s why ladies guys don’t sell that many books, okay? Now step number two is I sell them a copy of my book.
Now, right now with the way I do my book funnel into someone pay $7 95 $57 95 cents shipping, handling a coffee, one of my books, and right now, 13% of people that is paid, they say yes. Okay? So we send him here. 13% say yes. So my average cart value so far is $7 95 cents, right? If someone bought a book, they’ve only spent 75 from average cart, but how much money I made so far is seven 95 okay? Now most people can stop there. So I spent $23 I made seven 95 that’s not a very good business. I’m going to be digging a hole pretty quick, right? But that’s where the magic of a funnel takes over. So let me take you now to step number three. Step number three after we call an order form bump. Okay, so order form bump is an upsell that’s right there on the order form.
So I have to put in the credit card before they click submit. There’s an upsell. It says, Hey, do you want this special thing? Can you right now, 20.8% of my book customers think a $37 order form bump. Okay? So not everybody, but went out of five. It’s click on this button here and pay me an extra $37. So if you take the math on that, so I’ve got seven 95 from the free book. Um, 20% of $37, uh, seven 76 I wanted to get, just don’t right now my average cart value is $15 and 65 cents. So I spent $23 to sell a book and so far made $15 and 63 cents. I’m still negative, but I’m getting closer, right? Okay. Now I go to step number four said before I offer a special one time offer, this is an upsell. Now, right now, my first upsell Oto stands for one time offer.
My first upsell is $97 and right now, 9.92% of my customers took the very first upsell for $97 right? So you do the math on that. Right now my average cart value for everyone buys my book on average. Now I’m making $25 and 27 cents okay, so I’m spending $23 and I’m making $25 I’m actually making a little bit of profit now, not a lot, but a little bit of profit. Okay, now move on to the next phase in the funnel. Step number five I offered them either a down-sell or oto number two. When I do that, 4.19% of people took my one time offer, which is the digital training course I sell for $297 okay, so you did the math on that. Now my average cart value is $37 and 71 cents so I spent $23 to acquire a customer, and on an average I make $37 71 cents for every single customer I acquire.
Does that making sense? You guys? You guys getting this so far? I know it’s kind of in math in the middle of the day, it might be hard, but these are the numbers, how it works. So this is how this game is played. The goal of your first funnel is to acquire a customer and rare whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins. So I spent $23 to acquire customer. My average cart value is $37 to make $37 for every single book that we sell. And then this is a secret, you guys, I made $14 and 71 cents. Okay? So I made a profit, which is awesome. Yay. But the more important thing is I got a customer, okay, that is the key. I got a customer, okay? Now, one thing about customers, if you treat them well, guess what customers will do, they’ll continue to buy from you.
Okay? So this entire thing, my goal is to acquire a customer. If I may $14 to get a customer, I’m having a celebration. If I broke even, they get a customer and have a celebration. But in this phone I’m making $14 and 71 cents for every customer I get. Okay? So the question is what do you do when you have a funnel? You can put a dollar in advertising in and get $2 back out. Would you guys think I put a dollar in ads in like $2 back out, which they do. Well for me, I want to put more dollars in and get more dollars back out, right? And that is the game we play pretty more dollars in and more getting more dollars back out. That’s how you grow and scale a business quickly. Okay? The other thing I want to understand is that the second sale that happens is 100% pure profit.
Okay? Um, because you spent money initially selling the book, but now you’re the customer. Now you just send an email to them or you follow up in through Facebook, wherever it is, and you take them to the next offer. You have to pay for ads.
Again, I don’t have to pay to acquire the customer already have them. So anything by after this is pure profit. And what I found is true is the buyers will continue to buy until you either offend them or we stopped selling them stuff. So something about my book.
Then after again I made $14 71 cents, they bought the book, now I have a customer. Now the next phase then is an up sell them to click funnels. My software program and everyone buys click phones is pure profit because they already acquired them as a customer and they bought the book can, you don’t have to go buy them.
I just spend money to acquire them again, they spied next thing and the same thing that I can send them up to coaching and so on and so forth. So everything after the initial funnel is pure profit. You get to keep that you guys is the big secret. That’s how funnels work. That’s why I get outspent, all my competitors. That makes sense. Okay, so again, this is the key. Whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins. Okay? All these books over at Amazon could spend 1516 bucks to acquire a customer. I can spend almost 40 and then we take them from there. Okay? That’s one we understand. But Russell isn’t fair. I don’t sell books. I’m not an author. This webinar, it doesn’t make any sense for me. Okay? So I understand that. I want you to look at these things. It’s okay.
I may not sell a book, but how can I use that process and that principle and what I’m selling? So I’m going to take just a random example, and then later on the presentation, I’m gonna go through all the different industries. You can see exactly how this can work for you. But I’m thinking example. Let’s just say that you are in traditional ecommerce. You’re selling stuff on Amazon or Shopify or Etsy came. Let’s say you’re selling flashlights. So here is a Amazon listing for a flashlight. The lowest cost one is for $18. Here is a Shopify store, uh, $20 for a flashlight. Now when I look at Amazon or Shopify stores, this is for me, is the equivalent of slamming people into a brick wall, right? They come this page, there’s a thousand options you’re hoping they’re going to buy, but the people come there, they get confused, they don’t what to do and then they leave.
So you’re literally slam people in the brick wall. Okay? I’m not seeing very many Amazon flashlight sellers or Shopify flashlights, soldiers who’ve really, really killed it, okay? But I’m ready to shoot a guy named Trey Lewellen. Now, Trey also sells flashlight, but he doesn’t do it in an online store. Okay? Trey does it through a thing called a funnel and right. That’s why Trey’s got one, two Comma Club award and he’s actually getting a couple more words. Our next event, he has been killing it because he understands the power of funnels versus a traditional store. Okay? So Trey was selling flashlights as well. Um, and he decided to put them into a funnel. Okay. Now this is a screenshot of his warehouse. He said, wasn’t for click funnels, this video, and I’ll be possible. Everything you see here is a business that clickfunnels has allowed us to build the checkout, this warehouse, all these boxes, tons.
He says right now they’re shifting between 40 and 50,000 units that have been shipped and packed just for this week. Just this week they sold 40 to 50,000 units that crazy. The presale him, they get him, they ship ’em out. And that’s the magic you guys, okay? They’re doing this through a funnel. So let me walk you through how this process works so you guys can understand the whole thing. Okay? Step number one is fine. As you got to sell something, that’s awesome.
So Aka, you gotta pick your best, most sexy product you have and you sell it on the front end. So for Trey, it was his luma tech, um, tactical flashlights. We made that put it on the hook. That was the front end offer. And that offer, he can advertise on Facebook and advertising through ads. All sorts of places we’ll talk about in a little bit.
But he has that first came. So he sells the ad set number two, he then upsells them with what we call an order form bump. Okay, we’ll get an order form bump is thinking about the checkout sound. The grocery store. This is the impulse purchase, right? So here’s the candy bar, the stick of gum, the enquirer magazine, like that’s what an order form bump is. So as they come here, they’re gonna buy it and he has an order form bump where he offers them. Um, uh, you offered them some extra g or whenever that is case. So there’s the order form bump September three, and he takes them, it makes it very special. Onetime offer case. It’s kind of like Mcdonald’s when you go there and they’re like, hey, you ordered a big Mac, you want fries and a coke. And people are like, yeah, I really do.
And they get fries and a coke. And what happens? That’s how Mcdonald’s became Mcdonald’s, right? They were, they were like a little hamburger stand. They add upsells and down sells and boom, they explode. Same thing happened for tray. So somebody buys the flashlight, the by the order form and they come here and say, Hey, do you want some more rechargeable batteries? And people like, yes, I would actually be nice. I do want some more rechargeable batteries and they do an upsell. Casey, I think what’s the next awesome thing you could offer your new customers? They will help them to get the results that they’re actually looking for. That becomes your, your one time offer, your upsell. Okay. That’s sending her for if they say no to that, that’s okay. Then you can offer them a down sell. You can offer a warranty plan, you can often shipping, you can offer a free or discounted shipping.
You can offer him a digital product like you down sell them on the next step. Okay. And that you guys is is how you do a funnel. Any commerce. Kay. So again, it’s the same if you’re an author, if you’re in commerce, if you’re in retail, if you’re network marketing like it works across the board. I’ll show you some examples here in a minute, but this is the key guy. So get your pad of paper. I have taken notes. This is the secret. After analyzing all of these things, over 2 million funnels, over 70,000 split tests, this was the secret to boosting sales by over 540% okay? Now I’m nervous to show this to you guys because some guys just seem like that makes total central. That’s too simple. It’s got to be more complicated. It’s not yet. Most of you are not doing this, okay? So it’s simple when you see it.
That’s why I’m nervous to share it with you, but I want you to understand the power of it came. So Lik check us out. So the first thing we found out is that by adding an order form bump for everyone, that clickfunnels is an order form bump. It increased their revenue on average by 147% case. I had that little tiny block that says, Hey, do you want the national enquirer? Do you want, you know, gum? Do you want the audio book? Whatever that is, 147% increase in revenue can. If you’re a doctor making 200 grand a year and you want 147% percent increase in revenue, when you gotta do you gotta clone yourself one and a half times, right? It’s not possible yet. This all usually had an order form bump. Think about all your funnels. Do you have order form bumps in all of them?
If not, now is the time to go back and do that 147% increase in revenue, make more money, he can spend more money, more money to acquire customer. Number two, adding an upsell, increased revenues on average by hundred and 30% very simple, but you need to have an upsale. Do you have enough set? If not 130% income is disappearing into the night is literally falling through the cracks and it’s gone. Okay? This to me was like, well Russell, I don’t care about revenue. I don’t, you know, you have these, these beliefs and it’s like, no, look the extra and 30% in revenue I could spend that adds, I get my product, my service, my message out to more people. Okay, so you need to have at least one upsell. Next one, adding a down sell or a second oto increased revenues on average by 133% okay?
So you need an upsell. And if they say no, you need a down sell or you need a separate offer, an upsell, 133% now this is the coolest thing you took. We took all of the users that had all three that an order form bump and upsell and down. So you do that. Like I crossed diagram there and took all those together. This is the big one. When they did all three of amount of funnel, increase their revenues on average by 540% five 40% is that crazy guy? How’d you get to five and a half x your money instantly? Right now death. We’re talking about having order form bump upselling down. So now I want a warning because I mean was like, that’s cool, Russ, if I can do it up until now, so I’m going to 22 of them. Okay. Well we found that people that have funnels have more than just an upsell and a downsell instantly.
Almost if you add in a third one, you will see your revenue start declining. You’ll make money up front. But people like the lifetime value of your customers drop dramatically. This is what the data and the stats show. Okay? So, um, I got a funnel back in the day. I had, it had like three or four different upsells and I made a lot of money in the funnel. But for some reason people didn’t buy in the next thing because I offended that it was like too much and they washed, trusted me, they didn’t buy from me. So if you have more than two up, like more than an upselling down solar, two upsells that you need to get rid of those because they are destroying the lifetime value of your customer. So there’s your warning stop after the second up sell no more. That’s it. All right.
Okay. So that is the secret to boosting your sales by 540% you guys, that’s pretty awesome. All right, so this is Dana derricks. And, uh, I showed him that stat when he was here. He is a goat farmer slash internet marketer. Slash. Copywriter. He’s in my office hanging out. And He, yes, brought me those amazing overalls. So I was wearing overalls with them. I shared the number and he said, wait, so instead of making $100 on a website by adding those three things, make $640 I said, yeah, and the math, that’s 540% increase in revenue for the same traffic. And then he started doing like a David Letterman top 10 list. And so he said, he said, well that’s kind of clean basketball, but instead of playing five on five, you’re playing one on five Mike. Yes, very similar actually. He said, well, it’s kind of drinking just 20% of an energy drink.
Why don’t you just drink the whole thing? It’s not that hard. It’s a good point. He said it’s like going shopping with $100 versus going shopping with $640 it’s like having six wives instead of one. Now that one, I don’t know if that is as awesome as the other ones, but we’ll keep going on. He says like when he’s $640,000 to the casino, but only cashing out $100,000 or driving a race car that goes 10 miles per an hour versus 64 miles an hour or getting into flight by herself versus having six buddies on your side or getting into a fight by yourself. Or it’s like ordering six chicken nuggets, but opening a box and only finding one. Oh. Or it’s like putting a request for six days of vacation but only be improved for one. And so all of those is what you’re basically doing.
If you don’t just add those things in your funnel that makes sense, you guys. It really is that simple. So that is a secret to boosting your sales by 540% okay. And after you’ve done that, you can instantly outspend your competitors and ethically still all potential customers in your market. Your competitors are not doing that. They’re selling on Amazon. There’s lemon to Shopify. If they do have funnels, are not doing a full funnel because of that you, if you do it the right way, you can literally go into any market and you can outspend them. You get all the customers, they’ll become yours and the other people can get a business and you will literally, literally have the chance to drink the tears of your enemies if that’s what you want to do. Alright, so that’s secret more one. Is that cool you guys? All right, let’s move on now to secret number two signature too.
After processing over $477 million in revenue, yes, that’s half, almost half a billion dollars. We were shocked that 98.3% came from the same three simple funnel types. So my question for you is, are you guys using these funnels? Do you know what they are? What do you think they are? Okay, so you, um, had a chance to see, we created a book called the funnel cookbook and you get a free coffee, you go to funnel There’s a download link. You can download the pdf or you pay shipping handling. And mailed out to you. But inside this book, we diagrammed out 22 types of funnels for every industry you can dream of. And then I had made a bunch of videos and me training them through Lego shirt, how I work. And so it’s really, really cool. There’s a lot of funds for a lot of different purposes and things you might want to use, right?
In fact, I had people, guests, what do you think the top three funnels words. Some people are like, it’s gotta be a product launch funnel, right? And I’m like, well, product launch funnels are awesome. That was not the top three. That’s funny. You could use this. It was a membership site funnel. I’m like, no, that’s an awesome funnel. But you can use, but it’s not a membership site funnel. This is a video sales letter funnel. No. Is it a cancellation funnel? And while these funnels are awesome, there are times and places in your business when you need to use them, like the cancellation funnel, right? If you have a membership site and people are canceling, adding in a cancellation funnel will drop your cancellations by 60% so yes, you do need these kinds of funnels. That’s why there are a lot of phones for different use cases and different purposes.
But for looking at like which ones generate the most revenue, there are three. You guys ready to see what these are? All right? And the winners are after processing, half a billion dollars in revenue are these, number one is what we call an application funnel, okay? Now this funnel generates application leads online and people call those leads off wine, sell them high ticket products and services, okay? So if you’re selling something expensive for anywhere from a thousand dollars up to $100,000 or more, an application funnel is the secret, okay? You have a really good phone. You show videos where a case study, whatever, they fill out a form, they apply. You didn’t take these applications to call them on the phone. He’s telling me are really, really expensive things. Okay? Um, I think one of the reasons why the revenue so highest we have people literally selling Hundred Thousand Dollars Plus coaching packages, consulting packages all off the back ends of the application funnels.
Okay. You can add these to the back of any, any, uh, business model and it will dramatically increase your revenue. Okay. This is the back end of one of my application funnels for my inner circle program. It’s no longer open. We close it down, but, um, when I had my $25,000 program open, this is what it looked like. It can be, we’ll come, they watch the case study video to then apply, and then we get the application and then we call them on the phone and we’d offer them our coaching program. Okay. And that’s it. There’s simple three pages, a very, very simple number two, the second Webinar, or excuse me a second, uh, highest grossing revenue. A funnel is the webinar funnel or an auto webinar funnel. Now, this funnel, what it does, it gets people to register for a webinar event just like you’re on today with me.
Okay. I use these all the time. That’s why you’re here. Okay. It gets them registered for Webinar event, and then on that Webinar, a product or service is sold. And that’s it. Okay. Now, it didn’t matter if they were a Webinar or an automated webinar or both of them worked really, really good. Okay. If you using webinars, basically you’re connecting with like a go to Webinar or something, some registers here and they get added to go to Webinar or zoom or whatever your webinar platform is. If you’re doing an auto webinar funnel, everything can happen inside of click funnels. Okay? And so both of those work, um, and I said that’s the number two. So this is an example of one of my webinar funnels. Um, again, you know, it’s as simple as for patients, like they’re very, very simple funnels. Yet the majority of the revenue is coming from these funnels.
Is that crazy? It’s almost, again, half these things like almost too simple. You’re like, well, Russell, where I want some Ninja invisible funnel? It’s like, no, it’s the fundamentals. Like we understand that. I remember, um, when I was wrestling, I started my wrestling and uh, there were, uh, um, I came in the first couple of days and they’re, all these guys were better than me and they’re out there doing throws and all these fancy things. I was like, oh, that looks like fun. I want to do that. And where my dad made me, took me aside and forced me to do like basic wrestling, like a single leg and a doubling all these boring fundamentals they didn’t want to do but maybe do over and over and over again. About two months into this, out of my very first wrestle off to one of my buddies who’s on the advanced team, there’s throwing people wouldn’t wrestle off.
And I beat him really, really good. And I was so confused by that. So the differences that he was doing the flashy throwing things and you were doing the fundamentals, okay. It’s true in football. It’s true in baseball is true in wrestling and it’s true in funnels. These are the fundamentals, mastered them. Tip number three, the trip wire funnel. A trip wire funnel is similar to like my book funnel I showed you guys before or trace flashlight funnel. It sells a lower ticket price product that gets them into the funnel and then upsells them through order form bumps, one time offers and upsells and down sells. And this is what that looks like. Um, again, these are simple. It’s like my book funnel, right? And so, uh, again, but they’re very simple to f four pages. That’s, that’s it. That’s the magic. It’s the fundamentals.
You guys, the fundamentals, Kent. Now this is the last thing I’m sharing this because this is really interesting me, the top 1%, uh, of all of our click funnels members and not just using one of these three funnels, they’re using all three strategically. Okay? That’s how they do it. They have a two step trip wire funnel. You have a free offer, some on the front end. Then from there they send people up into their webinar funnels and half the webinar phones, they send them up until their application funnels. They’re using all three of them. That’s the secret you guys, that’s the fundamentals. Okay. So question for you guys. It’s probably, this is like, well, this is gonna work for my business, Russell. I’m not like you. So we’ve broken down all of our customers into basically three, or excuse me, six different categories. We have authors, speakers, coaches, consultants.
We have ecommerce network or affiliate markers, professional services, brick and mortar, retail and BTB. So look at your business right now. Which one of these slots do you fit in? Right out? Are you in the author, speaker, coach, consultant, and an ecommerce? You network marketing. Where do you fit right now? Can you guys, I’ll have that if you have in your head and going to go through Mexican, show you how these funnels work for all of these. That cool. All right, so here we go. I’m starting over again. It’s a number one author speaks co, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants. Okay, this one’s easy. Um, so on your trip wire or something like a book, right? Or maybe you’re selling an MP, three player full of a bunch of information, or maybe you’re selling a special report you pronounce ship out. Okay. That’s what you do on your trip wire.
Then your webinars where you’re selling your home study course and then your application funnel is they come, they actually have a chance to work with you or be in a mastermind group where you have your hiring because coaching or consulting. Okay. Pretty simple. All right, number two, ecommerce. So you guys are conversation. We’ll refer. I sell my stuff on Amazon. I have my things in Shopify. Okay, you give me any Amazon store, any Shopify store, I will 10 x your revenue by putting into a funnel, I promise you that we’ve seen over and over and over and over again. The only reason why you’re consistently selling on these other platforms, just because you don’t like money. That’s the only reason I can think of that makes any logical sense to me. Okay, so let me give you some ideas to get the wheels in your head spinning.
So if I am an ecommerce or Sam selling, let’s say I’m in the emergency preparedness market, right? So I might lead with like a, I’m a water filter. Straw can be my two step trip wire funnel. And from there I’m gonna do a webinar selling them expensive, like food storage food, right? And that might have application for them to come who do survival training, things like that. Boom, that fast, that easy. Okay. Maybe you’re like, well Russell, this, I’m not selling survival stuff. What about me, Kate? Let me just pull them off top me. How about a scrapbooking? K? So maybe your two step trip wire is giving away a scrapbooking ideas book. Okay. Then your webinar funnel can sell trafficking kits and then your application funnel. He’s strapped working retreats. They come with you and actually scrapbook with you. Okay? Like I can do any business.
Any product just takes a little thinking and he plugged him in here and it works. Okay, so there’s your ecommerce stuff, network or affiliate marketers. How many network marketers? Affiliate marketers we have out there and we usually got a whole handful of them. Um, all right, let me show you. This works for you. Okay. What are you doing? Your truths of trip wire. Okay. Product sampling. Okay. You do this in person. So here’s what you do in person. You share the product, they like it and then they sign up, right? So give away a free trial. Do tripwire funnel. Who’s a for each sample where my products. Okay, number two, can you know the network marketing industry to do a lot of hotel meetings? Okay. Webinar funnels are same as hotel meeting. You bring these people in the room, you still on the product or the service and it works.
Okay? Next thing. Home parties, right? You get people to come to your house and you get him to sign up through you. Zach sent things, application phones running through application funnel, have them apply to work with you. Now you get higher quality people because there are gunning and fighting to try to work with you. Okay? That’s his phones working network and affiliate marketing he has getting this is almost too simple. These are looking at, Huh? You’re like, we’re also doing complicating the so much. It’s like, no, it’s, it’s the fundamentals. Coming back to the fundamentals. Alright. Retail, brick and mortar. I know you guys like going to stump me on the shake. Well, this doesn’t work for offline businesses, Russell. All right. Let me give me 30 seconds to think through this. Okay. Let’s just say you are a Tuxedo shop. Maybe your free plus shipping or cufflinks cause we don’t, we know about people that buy cufflinks, they usually have suits.
And then on my webinar it can be a webinar showing them our high end suit and selling them a soup and then our applications from having them apply to fly to us and we can actually do a bit and tire extreme makeover, do the before half all sorts of stuff like that. Okay. There is for a Tuxedo store it and like, well Russell Mantech seat. Okay, let me, uh, let’s do restaurants can say restaurant. So they have ladies night comedians, trip wire speed, get ladies to come in through a trip, wire funnel. Then let’s send your webinar funnel. You do a, you get a bunch of people in there and then from there you still like a discount club, kind of like Sam’s Club, right? So you get someone to pay you 100 bucks a month or 500 bucks a month to be able to buy more stuff from you.
Okay. You made me think that’s not possible in food and the answer is this true. I have a friend up in Canada who is at a pizza shop who charged people 100 bucks a month to have a card, just like a Sam’s club card to have the ability to come in and buy pizzas at a discount. It works. K, I did the Webinar. You have a bunch of people want to sell our clubs, our food club through there and the application funnel. Let’s just say I find the best Sushi chef on planet earth that bring into my restaurant and then I have people apply to come and roll Sushi with the Tufts sous chef in the world. They had apply, let me know why they want to do it. I call him on the phone and explain why so high and wise person is so expensive and then they pay a premium to come to learn Sushi making from the most amazing chef on planet earth.
Okay. It doesn’t take a long. Think about any business who have, just think through it and I guarantee you can get it to fit inside of these models. Kept number two, a number of whatever, five or six or on business to business. Okay. Same thing. Step, um, diversity, business to business and most other things is just how we name things, right? So this is white papers typically that we lead with in B. B through our tripwire funnels. We have webinars or show case studies of our, of our white papers and have applications where the result they want from the application, they, they, they apply and call him on the phone and we sell them the high end consulting equipment, services, et Cetera, et Cetera, et cetera. Okay. Can it works in every industry, guys? And last, nothing to share yours. Professional services. How will this work if you’re a chiropractor or a doctor or Dennis or like whatever?
Okay. So if I’m a dentist, uh, maybe I’ll do a free teeth whitening on the front end and my Webinar, it can be having to come in to get, uh, all their teeth whitened and aligned and maybe I haven’t applied to come and actually do full a dental cosmetic surgery to a, you know, do veneers on my teeth all straight and stuff like that day. Or let’s say you are a CPA or tax accounting person, you do a tax planning, a trip wire funnel, then you can do a webinar that helps from the state planning. It sells a higher end package, or we can have them apply to come work one on one and a do your financing that way he guys see how this all works and works in every business. The question is for you is, will this work in your business? Now what I always tell people is like, there’s only work in your business if you, if your business needs leads or customers.
So pretty much that’s every business on planet earth. So yes, it does. Alright. Okay. So notice anything interesting about these funnels? They’re all very simple. They’re not complex sequences like this. Everyone we’re talking about funnels and talking about these things on the right hand side, they’re so complex, so confusing, and you don’t need it. My phones are all very simple, very basic, and they make money. Okay? All right. So what are we doing now is basically for you guys, yet she’s one of these funnels to start with. Okay? I don’t want you to three. In fact, my inner circle members, I have a rule. I said, you are not allowed to create a funnel number two until your first phone was made at least a million dollars. So there’s your criteria. So you gotta pick, are you going to a trip wire funnel, a webinar funnel or a High Ticket coaching funnel?
I don’t care what it is, they all work you. They all can be on the front end. He’s at, pick which one you want, and then you’re gonna focus on that for the next year until, or I can tell you mean at least a million dollars through. Then you can make the second one sound fair. And I don’t want to means making throw away. Making one k. It’s with that said, what I’m doing, I’m gonna jump into click funnels really quick and I’m actually going to build one of these funnels with you guys. So you have simple how easy you guys want to say a quick and easy it is. All right, let me jump right into click funnels right now.
All right, here I am inside the click funnels dashboard and I’m so excited to show this to you guys. All right, so the first thing you notice here at the top, this is the click funnels game. And if you have not been playing the game, it’s time to start playing. It’s so much fun. We give away tee shirts and prizes and stickers and how much the fun stuff. Plus it teaches you how to actually use click funnels to build funnels, to drive traffic and to change the world. So, um, if you haven’t planned, it makes you log in, click on a resume playing the game board will come up. I’ll show you where you are in the process. This one right here with Batman, this is where you’re gonna create your hero funnel. You Click on this right here and it’ll sidebar will pop out.
And literally there’s videos of me walked me through how to do every single step. You’ve watched the videos, and if you get stuck on something, you’re like, I can’t figure out how to do this. You Click on this button right here and it just shows you the all the steps. So I’ve tried to make as simple as possible so there’s no way to fail. Um, you just gotta do it. So make sure you’re playing on click funnels game. But for right now, we’re going to build a brand new funnel. I’m gonna show you how it works. Click right here on the build new funnel button and it can take you over to our virtual cookbook. Now, I showed you guys earlier, I talked about the funnel hacker cookbook. If you want a copy of it, just click on this button right here and it’ll take you to page.
You’ll see this. There’s basically, there’s two options. One is you can get a free download. You Click right here and downloads a pdf. Uh, she’s right here to download the pdf right here. Or if you want me to ship you out, one, just pay shipping and handling, we’ll ship you out. There’s also like three hours of training on how to build funnels here, all for free just because we love you guys. So there’s a cookbook, but for right now I’m just going to shortcut this and show you exactly how it works. So down here, these are 22 different types of funnels you can create. Okay? So there’s cancellation funnels, there’s survey funnels, there’s like all these really cool funnels. Um, and a lot of you guys probably are wondering like, what should I, I don’t even know what kind of funnel I should use. So we had this really cool menu over here.
So you can say, look, I’m a retail business and I’m trying to generate leads. And it’ll show you like, okay, these are the best ones to generate leads. If you’re a retail business or I’m in a network marketing and I’m trying to sell a product, oh, these are the ones you should use. So it kind of, this little wizard here will help you to figure out which one is best for you. Um, but for right now, as you know, there’s three core funnels we’re talking about. So I’m going to just show you guys, um, I’m going to build out this one right here, the two step trip wire funnel, which is one of the three most important funnels. So I click here on select funnel and what going to do, it’s going to give me, um, some directions, instructions on how to use it. And I tried to make this so simple to nobody can mess it up.
So if you watch these videos, there’s these, if you mean he’s showing you literally how to build a funnel out of Legos. And so if you’re confused like what’s the strategy behind this? How should I use it? Watch these little videos I belayed down. So simple, so easy with Legos. Then you scroll down here and he’s got to pick which kind of template you want. So the top here, these are a bunch of free templates that we have designed for you that are all amazing. And then also a whole bunch of click funnels, click funnels as a whole bunch of amazing designers who also design funnels. And this is a marketplace where you can buy funnels from some of our designers. Um, these ones are premium. You gotta pay the designers, but because that we have all these amazing designers making cool funnels every single day. And so it’s really awesome.
But for right now, I’m just going to pick one of these free ones for you. And if you click on this, it’s kind of cool. You actually click on here and it’ll show you like, this is what the page looks like and seeing kind of see like, do I like that style or not? And if you don’t like it, you can click back. But if you do like it, then just click on it. So I’m going to do, actually for today’s demo, I’m gonna do the Jason, and this is one of my favorite ones. It’s really simple and clean. You see how cool looks. Um, so it’s really simple. And then I’m just gonna create that. So you click it here and getting new funnel or get funnel and it’s actually going to push that entire funnel inside your click clickfunnels account. So you can go when you can start editing it and start building your very first funnel.
Okay, so that quick, the entire two step trip wire funnel has been pushed into your account with the designs to go through all the pages. Now here on the left hand, these are all of the different pages inside of the funnel. So this is the, uh, the two step order form. This is oto number one. This is oto number two, or your down sell. And this is your thank you page. So it’s very simple here. You can click on each of them and see what the pages are going to look like. So for example, this is what the uh, Oto page will look like. But right now I’m gonna come back here. I’m going to edit a page. It’s just so you how simple and how easy it is. Now I want to preface this before we go too deep in this, I want you to remember that I am not a programmer.
I have zero technical skills whatsoever. And so anything that I’m doing, this something you can do as well. Okay, so here we are inside of the click funnels editor and basically you can see this is the website right here. Now, um, like a lot of website editors, it’s really simple and easy to edit. Or I click right here and I can take this headline. I can just Reese, I can just retype it. Someone right? Get your free copy of my best selling book called Expert Secrets Today. And if I want I can, uh, I can bold things and make them different colors and a bunch of cool stuff. Just make that look really, really awesome. Okay, so it can do that. I can also go on the site. This is the logo right here. I can click on this and I can change out with my logo from click on this little image thing here.
click on my logo right here and now my logo is right there. Okay. And so it’s very simple to edit things. Just like most website editors, what makes click funnels different than any other website editor entire world is check this out. Not only can I edit things, I can grab them and I can just drag and I can drop them. Look at that. In the past for me to do that, I would have had to call a programmer. They would have had to start messing with things that would be really super hard and painful, but literally I can just drag and I can drop things and just move them around and then all the kind of drag and drop things. It’s really simple to also add thinks. Let’s say I’m here on this page and I’m like, Hey, I want to add a countdown clock.
I click on flow button, says add new element. I click on that and it gives me a whole palette of different types of elements I can add on the page. So headlines, sub headlines, bullet lists, paragraphs, images, videos. I come down here and I can say, okay, I want to add in a countdown clock. I click a button right there and boom, that fast. There’s a countdown clock here. If I click on this little gear, it lets me edit the settings so I can figure out like when I want it to start and countdown to, I also things like can pick different designs of clocks based on which ones I like the most. We’ll say, I think this was awesome. Boom there, there’s the theme. And then again, if I don’t like this here, I can move it over here. I can drag it over here and like, no matter what I do, I can’t break. This is like the most simple thing in the entire world. Um, uh, right here, this is a video. So I click on this video right here and if I want I can go say I’m gonna embed a youtube video and this is actually the youtube video, um, uh, for my book funnels. So I’m just going to copy actually this right here. I’m actually just going to copy the youtube link right here.
They come right here. I’m going to paste it in, I’m going to tell it to auto play. And then if I save this page and I preview it, check this out.
Congratulations. You are the page. There’s playing my video. How cool is that? Like I’m not a programmer and to this page is functionally, it looks really, really good. Now for those you guys who um, who do like design it and do want to do more stuff, it’s really simple to keep developing these things and make it look even even more awesome. Let’s say when I have like a progress bar, I click right here, click on add new element, scroll through all the cool here til I find, uh, let’s see what else is in here. Oh, there’s a progress bar. I click progress bar and that fast there’s a progress bar here. Maybe I’m like, I actually went up above, I click on this and there’s different themes. So I’d say, okay, I want a little bit stripes that are moving. Oh that’s Kinda cool there.
I can click on that. What other options do I have? And Click around and be like, okay, we want to make this 50%, or I want to make it 90%, like it’s so simple and so easy, it’s ridiculous. Um, no programmers needed for anything. Um, and that’s kind of how this works. If I don’t like section, I can go and I can delete it. Um, I can, let’s say there’s section out here if I want, I can put other people’s pictures in here is click on that, find a different face, plug it in and that quick, it adds that person’s face in there. Um, or let’s say I don’t like this, block it all. I can highlight the whole thing and just delete it altogether. But that’s how simple it is. You guys to add these pages. Now remember I told you is about the order form bump.
Now in the past, if you want an order form bump, you have to hire a programmer. Paying thousands of dollars have hooked up some shopping cart. It’s really, really confusing and hard and frustrating. But because we designed click funnels to be able to do all of the most important marketing stuff built in. The one thing we made it so simple, all I do is I click on this little order form right here. Click on the button. It’s going to pop out all these different options here and if I click on step two, boom, it shows me this is the two step order form. Then come down here and I can just edit the copy in here. I can edit the text so I can say, yes, I want your audio book and then right here, one time offer, let’s say it’s $37 and say, click the box above to add my audio book to your order for just $37 okay, how long did that take me?
Maybe three seconds. Literally by adding that one thing in there, that increased my revenue for every single person who buys my book by 140% okay? To get 140% raise in the real world, I have to go back to college for five or six years ago. It would be insane. That took me less than a minute and I just gave myself 140% increase raise. Okay? That’s how simple this is the order form bumps. Okay, you guys getting this? Do you see why this is insane? Anybody on planet earth, you don’t have to be a programmer or a genius or a tech person. You just have to have a passion about something and you want to sell and you can do it here inside of click funnels, okay? Now there’s a whole bunch of things you can customize. Make it your own. Those who are dented designs if you can do it, but the reality is these templates are designed in a way that are already proven to convert.
You just got to cut and paste, put it in your copy, putting your videos, put in your products and that’s all it takes and I save the page if I want to look at the mobile version and make sure it’s going to look good on my phone. If not, you can edit the mobile version as well. Come back to desktop. I exit the page and that’s it. Page number one is finished. Now how much would time that take me? Maybe three or four minutes, maybe, maybe 10 to 20 if I wanted to go really complicated, add a bunch of stuff in, but reality, you guys as it was so simple and so fast, now I go through the exact same thing for the other pages. This is my a one time offer page. Same thing. I’m going to come into here. I’m going to edit the pages.
I’m gonna add countdown clocks and add my videos, whatever I want to do and customize that page and I can go through the whole thing. Now let’s say you’re looking at this, right? This is cool, Russell, but my phone was more complicated. I don’t want to just have these things or maybe maybe you’re like, I don’t like Oto number two sides wanting to delete it. You can kill that Oto and it’s gone. Or maybe you’re like, uh, you know, for my funnel I only have one product, or maybe I have three products. If you want to add something else, I click on add new step and it’s going to give me the things I’m going to call this whenever want, um, Oto down sell, right? I click on this create new funnel and then it’s going to go and actually create a new funnel step for me.
Here’s the funnel step and if I want I can drag it and just move around. So let’s say I want it right here. After the Oto, I drag it right there and that fastest put it into the funnel, into the correct order, sinked all the things together and then come here. I pick which page template I like. I’m like, okay, what’s page template? Or like I’m a loser opt in templates. Here’s a, there’s a down sell template. I pick that. Here’s all the down sell templates. I click a button and boom that fast, it puts it hold down, sell template in there. Then all I need to do now is log into the page, edit the information and that’s it you guys. That’s how fast and how simple it is to build an entire funnel inside of click funnels. Now I don’t have too much time to go into this.
It’s very simple to integrate any email auto responder onto these onto these pages or if you want, you click it here on automation and you could actually write the emails in here. That’ll go out to your customers. Pick a template, write the email and just like everything else, it’s so simple and it’s so easy. And one last thing I want to show you is let’s say you have this page right cause this the best page. Is there a higher converting one and what can I do? You Click here and just create variation and you can create a new page from a different template or you can just duplicate this one right here. You Click on the button and now it will make two versions of the page. Now I’m going to this page and maybe I’ll change the headline or maybe I’ll choose a different video and I can do very simple ab split test if I want to.
Now this is not required for those who aren’t super technical, don’t worry about it. For those who know like I want to test a bunch of stuff. Is that possible? Yes. You can also do that here inside of click funnels. Okay, so yes. See how simple, how easy that is. Are you starting to see the power behind click funnels? Not only can I do trip wire funnels, we can also do membership sites. We can do webinar funnels, we can do a high ticket funnels like any type of business. You can think of any type of funnel. You can do it here inside of click funnels. In fact, let me show you a couple of the funnels I created. A cyclotron was by myself with no techies, no programmers, just me. An entrepreneur with a passion to sell stuff. So for example, here’s the actual book funnels I did for the expert secrets book.
Notice there’s the headline element there. There’s a video, there’s the order form block like it’s so simple. There’s a headline. Bullet points, get headline here at an image. I had an image, an image. I had text like this entire thing was built inside click funnels. You guys in a matter of hours, like it was so simple and so easy. Okay? This is one of my webinar funnels. Same thing. This webinar funnels here. It’s awesome to click on the register button. Now, the registered for the Webinar and that simple, I’ve got an entire webinar funnel. This is my high ticket coaching funnel. Same thing. They come here, they watch the case study video, they apply for the coaching program that we didn’t call him on the phone and we sell the high ticket coaching. Okay? Now here I am inside the click funnels editor. Check this out. All it is literally as I can change the headlines, right?
It’s so simple. I can scroll down here. Um, I can come here, I can move pictures around. I can move the videos around if want, just drag and drop. But after understand how clickfunnels words, you can see how easy this is. Like it’s really not that complicated. It’s just clicking the buttons, adding elements, moving things around and get, if I wanted to, here’s a button here. If I could, I could add some urgency and scarcity of add a little countdown clock under here if I wanted to like I don’t know how we can make this more simple. It’s so simple and so easy that anybody, even me who’s got zero technical skills whatsoever is able to build these amazing pages in just minutes instead of days. Now the last thing show you guys. You can actually also use this for membership sites. While people don’t know, you can build entire membership sites inside of click funnels.
In fact, this is the funnel builder secrets membership area that a lot of you guys are going to be in here in a very near future and it’s not. Here is all the training for all of our stuff. Okay? You look at this, you’re like, wow, this is like pretty insane members area, but it’s so simple to be like, come here inside of click funnels. I scroll down here and I can go and I can add new lesson sections. So if you look at this, I just added a section here. We called it a welcome section, a funnel builder secrets section. Spy for profit section. So we created different sections here and then we go into Rehab. Add lessons inside of each of the sections. Okay, so up here, this is the first section right here is the welcome tab. I came right here and I do open the editor and just like pages this, edit a video.
I did a headline, I added a video here. I have some texts, I added a pdf or download the pdf like it’s so simple you guys, anybody can do it in the last cool thing you can do is if you want, you can also set a drip delay. She can say, hey, when someone comes in here, don’t unlock this lesson. I’ve been a member for seven days. Or if I’d been a member for 10 days, wherever it is, you can set up drip delay, so simple and so fast to build an amazing membership sites. Okay, she has getting this Jessie the power again. What we’re doing here inside of click funnels. Like it literally takes all of the techie stuff that confuses most of us are entrepreneurs and lets you take the power back where you have control of your business once and for all.
And that’s why I’m so excited about click funnels and now you guys see how simple is make all of the funnels you need inside of your business, especially the three we talked about earlier during this presentation. All right, so my question for you guys after seeing that, how many guys here? I think that clickfunnels is amazing. I know some he hasn’t been using click phones for a while and doesn’t me as this is your first time ever seeing it. I hope we got you excited to see like, oh my gosh. Like I could actually do that. Um, I remember the first time I started using I was like I cause I’ve always been like really bad and the techie stuff, when I was able to like grab a picture and move it, I was like, oh my gosh. Like it’s over. Like I have control of my business once again.
And it’s so awesome. So you guys that a secret mature, that is after we processed almost a half a billion dollars, we saw that all of the, almost all the cells came from those three simple funnel types. Now you can see how easily our edit inside of click funnels. Okay, so the last step here, secret number three, and this is one again, at first was kind of confusing to me, but now that I understand it, it’s so powerful. So this is the secret almost backward traffic source that literally fuels all of the top 100 funnels inside of clickfunnels right now. So if you are, you want traffic to your funnels, attention, perking up your ears and listening because this is the key. All right? So I learned this initially from my friend Trevor Chapman, and understanding this process is understanding is the key to understand what fueled all of the top 100 so there are two different types, traffic, there’s search traffic,
and then there is interruption traffic. So search is you go into Google, you’re searching for something, eruptions, you’re going to knock on someone’s door and interrupting their day to sell them something, right? So we had to walk you through this. So the first one, this is search, right? So if you go to Google, you search something. If you go to Amazon, search something. Now it’s nice because people would go into Google, they’re going to Amazon. But what’s the biggest problem with that? When someone’s going searching for something, they’re searching for the lowest price thing typically, right? So I go to home security systems, I type it in and help in a, in Google, I look around, I said, holy cow, there’s a $99 home security system and I’m going to go buy that. When I go to, I go to Amazon, type it in and check it out.
$59 get home security system, right? It is a constant comp. It’s a constant race to the bottom and sign and turned the pricing cause all your competitors there and they’re price shopping. Okay? And it pushes you down lower and lower and lower. At the point we make almost zero profit and write about you. But I like being in businesses where again, I can spend more money than anybody else and I can’t do that based on search traffic. You know the opposite of that is interruption traffic. Okay. The and the example that Trevor can I share with him, because he used to run teams of door to door sales. People said door to door sales is interruption traffic. You go and you knock on the door, they opened the door. They’re not planning on buying a home security system that day, but then you have a chance to sit down, you make a presentation actually sell based on the perceived value instead then competing and comparing you in versus everybody else can.
I don’t know if you’ve ever done door to door sales or Ben had some come to your door. Like literally someone comes in with a knock on the door and they will leave 30 minutes later with a contract for $100,000 over the next five years for an alarm system. Okay, so if you look at that, what’s the difference? Okay, search. Someone’s paying $59 versus interruption, they’re paying $100,000 because we’re able to actually sell on the perceived value. How many guys who were selling through search traffic I now like now my products were so much more but everyone else’s discounting their price. So I have to cut my price down lower as well. That’s a horrible way to be in business. Instead you interrupt them, you make a presentation and now you’re not fighting with competition. You’re fighting based on how much perceived value you can explain it from your product or your service.
Okay, so how do we interrupt people online? Cause they’re obviously not going door to door, at least not in this presentation. Right? Um, so first step in this is finding out where are your dream customers at. Okay. If I was going to door to door, I’m going to go find really expensive neighborhoods cause they’re more likely to buy something really expensive. Right? So for you where you’re getting customers out, okay, so they can be everywhere. That can be on Google and bing and Yahoo. They can be on youtube, Facebook, Instagram. I get a fine with that. Right? So I started going through like, like for me, a lot of my dream customers are falling. Gary Vaynerchuk, so go to Facebook right now, Gary’s got 2.2 million people following him. They are, they’re sitting on Facebook, hanging out, listening to Gary k. When you go to Tony Robbins, Tony got 3.2 million people following him.
Or maybe you’re not into like entrepreneur, uh, stuff maybe or something else like this is duck dynasty, right? Duck dynasty has almost 8 million people on their Facebook page hanging out. So if you’ve got a product that their followers with like almost 8 million customers sitting there on this fan page every single day, okay, maybe it’s Casey. Nice days that almost 9 million, or excuse me, 8 million followers, they’re on youtube. Okay. So for me, I’m thinking like, we’re like, who am I dream customers? Who would buy my product? And then where are they already hanging out? They’re already hanging on Gary Vaynerchuck’s page at Tony Robbins’ page, duck dynasty’s or wherever they might be for you. Okay. As literally thousands of examples in every single market. They’re already congregated together. You know, in a dream where I go to Tony Robbins is like, Hey Tony, can you just post my ad for me? But you’re just not gonna happen.
But the cool thing is that Google and youtube and Instagram and allowed us to do that. Okay, this is how it works. So I go to like, let’s say it’s Tony Robbins page. I know there’s 3 million people who love Tony Robbins who were there. Nobody was like creative video and any of the Facebook, youtube, Instagram, et cetera. We’ll actually let me pay to put my video in front of Tony Robbins’ audience can assume he has to understand this. Let me just don’t yet. And you having this Aha moment like holy cow, you mean everyone that’s fallen Tony Robbins, I can put an ad in front of them very, very easily. Yes. Okay. Facebook, Youtube. That’s how they make their money. They allow you to do that. Okay. So, um, the best case, you get an interview with him. So like writing my book. I had Tony actually interviewed me on his page.
Okay. Yeah. 3.2 million people to check it out. 3.1 saw this video. How many books do you think I sold from this? A lot. Okay. I did the same thing with grant Cardone page. Sometimes I created videos myself and then I put them in front of like I bought ads and 20 wasn’t it by by ads, Tony’s audience or to Gary Vaynerchuk to other places. But I’m interrupting those audiences. They’re there to learn about Tony Robins, see what’s happening in his day. But these companies, Facebook, youtube, Instagram will allow me to interrupt them with my message. It’s like a commercial break. Okay. And you can do it for so cheap. It is crazy. I’ll show that here in a second. So how do you interrupt him? You get your little phone out. How many guys have a phone right now? Okay. I’m guessing that everyone who hearing my voice right now has a phone.
So you get your phone out, you open up whatever platform you’re on. So Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, whatever it is, and you click on the go live button, you click go live and they start talking and you start talking. You start sharing your message, uh, inspire them, teach them something, whatever it is, and then offer them something that gets them into your funnel. Okay? So if you interrupt them boringly you’re like, hi, my name is Russell. Um, you should buy my stuff. You like Tony Robbins, you’re going to like me. They’re like, I don’t, I’m not going to like you. Tony Robins is exciting and you’re boring, right? I got to interrupt them. I got to be exciting. That’d be something they’re interested in listening to you, right? So I interrupted with my message and I lead them into my funnel. Okay, so what should you say? So this is a Anthony [inaudible].
He’s one of our click funnels members who grew his fan page from zero and 50,000 people with the strategy you make videos. And this is kind of the anatomy that we worked with through Anthony and don’t have a ton of time to go through this. But step one, you want to verified Facebook page and where simple headline, you want a simple branded URL and the videos are typically five minutes in length. Um, usually the very beginning we introduce the person, we do have a call to action, then we teach something. In the end we get another call to action. And then the goal of this to see how many, um, how many shares we can get. And uh, the metro looking for a share to view ratio. And that’s kind of, it works. So I follow this process right here. I do a Facebook live but follow it usually three to five minutes long.
I do it, I put it out there and then guess what happens? Sometimes nothing. Okay. Especially if you’re, if you’re starting with Anthony started, he had that, he created his book funnel. So he had that in place. And he started in Facebook lives, but guess what? He just first Facebook lives for fan page. Guess how many fans he had on his fan page? He had to. It was me and his mom and that was it. Okay, so nobody hears messaged, so we put it out there, he did the message, nobody heard and he did another message and kept putting out these messages and after a while you start to find messages that hit you. Feel curious, like video right there. That one’s got 2.9
million views. Okay? He didn’t have 2.9 million people on his fan page. We put it out there and then he found out who are the audiences that have my dream customers and then he paid Facebook to put that video in front of them and some of them people liked and they started sharing this or comments. This one right here that I don’t, if you see here, 34,000 shares because they liked this video, how to biohack detoxification to get flatter midsection. They see this video, they learn something from Anthony. He tells me to go get a free coffee. His book, push them to this funnel. And for that processing athletes sold like I can’t remember, said like nine or 10,000 copies of his book, okay? And launch this business, this brand around the world. So he goes live every single day. And again, the first goal is to find is, is to find your voice.
You got to keep doing it because you’re going to suck at first, but eventually you’ll get better and then your final people respond to and you do more of those things. You push them back into your funnels, okay? Now this is how it works. You do a Facebook live or youtube live or whatever platform you’re on. And if the CPA, the cost to acquire customer is greater than your average cart value, then you stopped buying ads. Okay? So I’m, I spend 10 15 $20 and if I haven’t made a book, so I’m going to stop ads on that thing. Okay? But if the cost of acquiring customers less than Madras Carditis we’ll find spending 23 and I’m making 37 then I just keep buying ads. That’s the game. I put a video out. It’s an ad. I interrupt. I find audience to interrupt. I put it out there.
I started paying Facebook or youtube to run that ad and I just watch like is the number, how much it costs me to get a customer? Is it more or is less than how much I make them that customer immediately. If it’s more I keep running it. If it’s less, I stop it and that’s it. It’s really that simple. You guys. Okay. All right. Now you literally, when he has understand that you can explode your company literally overnight, Aka you’re just one funnel away sent me had no drew cannoli from If Morgana fi like if you look at them, then the same process, right? Drew to if Facebook lives and interrupting different audiences, putting those message out. There’s Instagram, there’s youtube post those out there drives people into his funnel where sales is green drinks and that’s why people buy the green drinks that sells more green drinks.
Okay. Now that is interruption marketing. I want to compare that really quick too. I’m the opposite of what most people are doing is they’re going and listing their green drink on Amazon and everybody’s got green drink on Amazon. It drives the price down to $17 91 cents. Okay. How much can they spend a customer? Nothing. Right? Their PR, their costs of products, probably 10 I get, they can’t spend any money yet drew cause you did interruption marketing and using funnels. Okay. One bottle is $57 versus 17 and most people are buying three and most of buy the upsell so he can spend two or $300 to acquire a customer with this company right here. Might be able to spend too. That’s the power you guys and I’m sure if you’re a really quick video drew Cannoli, I actually went through the funnel building process with us so you understand how it works and why it works so well and what it did for him in his company. Do you want to give you kind of your experience about the funnel stuff that I went through with that with you guys?
Absolutely. So what was it about four months ago I bought the book 108 split tests and I was looking through this book and I’m like, this book is just loaded with goodness. I’m like in the back of my mind, being a visionary, you know, you have all these ideas as entrepreneurs, right? Everybody in the room has a thousand ideas. In my mind at the time I was like, what if Russell could come here and help the Fitlife TV team build our supplement funnel and the different things that we’re creating. Because at the time we were doing well, like Jamelle said, over a million dollars every year, but we wanted a 10 exit and take it to the next level. So Brunson came out, he spent the entire day with us. He just blew our minds of the content that he was delivering. We were in our conference room, we didn’t even have a whiteboard in the conference room.
He was poor guy was drawing on the windows in this place and he mapped out the entire strategy, the entire funnel for the product launch that we just put into play. And literally within two weeks. I mean it’s, we tend x we 10 extra business or more and we have preorders coming in now that’s essentially going to pay for all of our product for like the next year and a half. It’s ridiculous. So I believe in it. I think it’s absolutely amazing what he teaches, what he’s telling you guys to do. It completely can radically transform your business if you just listen and follow with it instead of trying to be creative and you know, putting your touch into it, follow the pros that have been doing it for over a decade and that’s exactly what we did. And um, now we’re not only making more money, but our mission and purpose here is to transform 10 million people this year. And we’re well on our way to do that with physical products outside of just digital. So you’re touching those lives through us, my man, and I want to appreciate you for that. So thanks.
You managed your shit. All right. She has getting how this process works. I hope you’re seeing how it can work is literally when you do it, it’s like bringing a gun to a knife fight. Like you can’t not win. All right? So that’s secret. That’s the secret, almost backward traffic source that fuels all of the top 100 funnels online. So that’s where you should be focusing your time and your energy and to get people into your funnels. Okay, so right now we’ve been going for a little over an hour now and we’ve covered a lot of cool stuff, hopefully has got some good ideas. So three things we covered is how to instantly outspend your competitors and it’s still all potential customers in your market. Number two, how after processing almost a half a billion dollars in revenue that were shocking. 98.3% of the of the sales came from three simple funnel types.
And number three was the secret, almost backward traffic source of fuels, all of the top 100 funnels. Let me quickly recap this. You can see exactly how this works in sequential order. So number one, pick out which of the three core funnels you want to use. You can do a trip wire funnel, a webinar funnel or application funnel. 90 83.3% of all revenue inside clickfunnels comes from these three. This is where you start. Pick one of them not to. You get to pick one, and after you made $1 million of that one, then you have my permission to do number two. Okay, second step. Now you’ve got to add in that bumps up sells and down sells case you had an order form, bumps, upsells, down sells, but ideally have all three. That’ll increase how much revenue you get by 540% and now you have a tool you left and you can actually spend money to acquire customers so you can stomp on your cousin, on your competitor’s kid.
Number three then is interruption marketing daily to get in front of your dream customers. So find where they’re at. Create amazing videos. I’m talking about your thing and pushing people into your funnels and every single day. And the first ones are gonna do that well. But if you do consistently, eventually you’ll find your voice, you’ll find the right message and you’ll see what people respond to. And that is the key. So therefore four, then you have a funnel where you’re paying $1 in the ads and you need $2 back out. And after you get it to a point where it’s doing that, then I’ll usually put more dollars in and get more dollars back out. And he started growing and scaling your company. Okay. And step number five is you build a really good relationship with these customers and then you make them other offers. Other amazing things that they would like.
If they’re like your first product, had a good experience, then they will want more from you and you can up sell them to your next thing and to your next thing. And you take them from the trip wire funnel to the webinar funnel to the high ticket application funnel. Okay? And then step number six, this is where you get a drink, the tears of your enemies. Just kidding. Well kind of you actually will be. Cause he will, they will have no idea what you’re doing and how you were doing it. I look at the companies that we’ve made competing with since we launched click funnels a few years ago and companies, they have had literally hundreds of millions dollars of venture capital if dumped into them. These three core funnels have destroyed literally over $100 in venture capital because we’re able to come in there and I’ll spend all of our competitors and now we’re at the point where drinking the tears.
What enemies. So there you go. All right, so let me ask you this question. How many guys have to listen to the last 90 minutes or so? Feel a little bit like this girl right here. Game. And that’s one of my favorite pictures. Uh, it’s funny, I was speaking to an event and I got off stage and this guy around to me and was like so excited [inaudible] I was so cool. He’s like, I feel I’ve got a fire hose in my mouth the entire time. And I told my team that and like the next day someone sent me a picture of this girl and I was like, I bet you have some people feel like when they hear me talk. So I understand you feel that way. So I have a question for you guys now that you’ve kind of seen all this stuff. I’m obviously you click farms, we’ve got software that does is we get teams help you implement.
I’m curious how many of you guys would like to have my help implementing these things into your company? If you’d like my help, please go over to the chat box and yet like yes, like yes Russell, please help me take me on this journey with you. Okay. All right. The yeses are coming in. Cool. Yeah, I would be honored to do that. Okay. We’ve done it for hundreds of other people and I want to do it for you as well and I’m excited to do that. So if I have your permission, you guys, okay. If I spend about five or 10 minutes going really quick and a special offer that we created for you guys so we can help implement these things inside of your company. All right, cool. Thank you. All right. I like some permission first and everyone assumed that, um, that I’ve earned that.
But thank you guys for letting me, let me share this with you. So what we did is we put together a really cool system for you guys. Call it funnel builder’s secrets. Now you can understand that the secrets of the highest grossing high most profitable funnel builders inside of click funnels. I want to take us through a thing to build, to be able to come one of those people, okay? So here’s what you’re going to get when you invest in the funnel builders secrets today. The first thing you’re gonna get six months of click funnels for free, okay? Cause how many guys would love to have clickfunnels for free for the next six months? Okay? And he’s no monthly payments, no nothing. You can use clickfunnels for free for six months, okay? Now, not only are you going to click funnels, there’s two of the tools we didn’t have a chance to talk about inside of clickfunnels.
Well, there’s one called backpack and there’s one called actionetics. Kay. So if you take action for the deadline and we’re gonna use click funnels, backpack and actionetics for free for the next six months, okay? Now what are you aiming to do is I click funnels. Uh, when you get your account, you’ll have that, you’ll have our are our highest level build crew up to 70 funnels have 20,000 contacts, 100,000 monthly visitors to your funnels and a whole bunch more. Okay? But you’re also going to be able to create optin funnels. You can build lists, sales funnel and sell your products, Webinar funnels, automated webinar funnels, product launch funnels, membership funnels, and a whole bunch more, but not only can be able to create all those amazing funnels, you’re also gonna be able to get rid of a lot of stuff, okay? You be able to get rid of your landing page software and you know, get your split testing software, your shopping cart, or if you have a shopping cart you like, we probably already integrate with it.
But if not, we have a shopping cart built in so you can get rid of all your shopping cart software. You can get rid of your email autoresponders, your text message autoresponders, your automated Webinar software, your affiliate software. You remember since I saw four you can get, you can delete Photoshop, you can get rid of wordpress, you can cancel your website hosting, fire your programmers, fire your designers, fire your web masters and a whole bunch more. Okay? Literally the average person uses click thrown and saves over a thousand dollars a month. The minute they start using it because they can get rid of all this other stuff. It’s literally like us handing you guys free money. Click funnels should not and will not ever actually cost you money. It will only make you money. Okay? It’ll save you money will make you money. Like that is our goal here inside of click funnels.
Okay. And so just to kind of put some respect, if you want to click funnels, accidents and backpack, you’d have to get all of these different tools to replace where you’re getting for free for the next six months. Okay. And in all honesty, our work better than all these as well. So you get a better product, simpler to use at a huge discount you get for free for the next six months. Okay. So when you have backpacks, really quick backpack, lied, run your affiliate programs to have other people drive traffic to you, give you simple stats in payments for your affiliates. And actionetics is, you know, they let you create smart eat smart lists. You can send out emails and text message and direct mail broadcast. You can smart followups and a whole bunch more. Okay. So those are the other tools you’re getting as well.
And yes, that means you can cancel the email autoresponder cause actionetics will do that for you. Okay. So you can get six months to clickfunnels for free and those who take action for Demo and get backpack and actionetics for free as well for the next six months. Okay. It wasn’t, so you guys are already messaging me saying, well Russell, what if I already have a click funnels account? I want it for free. What do I do? Hey, so they already have a clickfunnels account. Do not freak out when you invest in the funnel builders secrets program today. What? We’ll do a little VLC. You have a click funnels account and we’ll, we’ll do upgrade your account to the full suite for an entire six months. That means you have no more monthly payments, cyclic phones, next six months, and we’re going to unlock backpack and actionetics for you as well.
Does that sound more than fair? Alright, cool. Um, and some of you guys are saying, can I get more than six months prepaid right now? Okay. Um, we’ve never done in the past, but we just added this to order form. Um, actually last week. So for limited time, if he has, if you don’t want six months, 12 months or two years, it’s kind of a onetime only shot we can actually upgraded a huge substantial discount. You’ll see on the order form there, there’s a couple different options you could upgrade if you would like. Okay, so you’re gonna get, say you can get the six month clickfunnels account for free. That’s a $3,564 value and get, if you get started before the deadline, you also get backpack and actionetics for free as well. Number two things, the funnel builders secrets masterclass. This is a 10 week masterclass.
It’s going to help you to become a master funnel builder, okay? Inside the the mass, the funnel builders secrets masterclass you only, you’re going to match to the funnel hacker cookbook building inside the editor funnel strategy, creating offers, copywriting hacks, throttling design secrets, making funnels, mobile friendly funnel integrations, launching your funnel, intro to traffic secrets, and a whole bunch more. Okay? Now this is some people who have had a chance to go into my funnel training in the past. I want to share with you their stories can see how and why this will work for you. So the versus this, Liz Benny may seen her online. She’s having. She’s killing it right now in our business. This is a testimony just gave me almost two years. She said with our new funnel, which was a Webinar funnel this month, we got 35 new clients at $997 each.
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Now that we have the funnel perfected, we’re on track to get a hundred new clients this month. Is that crazy? Now I’m not that good at math, but a hundred clients, nine or $97 is a lot of money, right? The city. I was looking at this like, well, that’s awesome for Liz Russell. There’s no way that there’s no way I’m gonna do that my business. But I promise if you had asked Liz four months before she sent me this testimony, if the, if she thought it was possible for her and I’ll make sure to believed in either case you can’t discount. Are you guys this happening to people around you? All the time. Okay. Next one here. This is Mike Stanzyk. Now Mike, when I first met Mike, he was probably the Greenest Green Newbie I’ve ever met. I don’t think he, he did not know what a funnel was. I don’t think he knew what a website was, to be completely honest.
He jumped in the training. You said, look, I’ve never had an actual funnel before clickfunnels. I followed Russell’s instructions. I set up my cell phone. I bought my first ad on my very first try, sold eight people, my front end and two people bought my $197 upsell. Is that exciting? Now I’m sure some of you I was looking at saying, Russell, he made 400 bucks. Who Cares? Right? But I want to stress, you said on my first tribe, how many has been trying to make money online for more than a month? More than six months, more than a year. Somebody has. Even more than that would have been worth to you to be like Mike and be successful on your first try. That’s what happened. You follow the funnel builders secrets program? Good. This is a national show. Some Simon Cryer Simon who’s down in Australia. He said, I followed Russel’s system.
I found a funnel I liked. I modeled my very first test. We doubled over on her husband had $1 in, he got $2 back out. Isn’t that awesome? I shared this with me cause why people ask me what Russell, when my funnel’s live, how much money do I have to invest in Britain in advertising? And I smile. I said, okay, well let me ask you a question. If you had a funnel, you followed the funnel builders secret system.
You had a funnel that worked where you put a dollar in advertising in on Monday and get $2 back out on Tuesday. How much you think you should budget for advertising? And they go, well, if I put uh, a dollar in ads and on Monday at $2 back out on Tuesday, I want to put $1 million a day. I say exactly. When you have a funnel that works, you don’t have an advertising budget.
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You have an ATM machine, right? That’s the difference. Like I put money in, I get twice as much back out. I’m gonna put as much money as I can every single day. So when you have throw the work that you do not have an advertising budget, okay, that’s the key. You guys, they owe more, more my shirt, this is from Brandon came to Poland.
They were one of the first people to ever sign it for this funnel training. Um, a couple of years ago. And when they went through it, they were brand new and they didn’t tell you, tell you their story. But they have gone from really being, you know, again from a very, very beginning to going through this training alone. Same one you’re going to go through and dramatically blowing up their company and they’ve got to call him a couple of ward and they’re on track this month, or excuse me this year, do get one of our eight figure wards, which is crazy. Okay.
And on top of, they’ve helped him help over 100,000. One is I want you to hear in their own words, kind of their experience. They’re in a car, so it’s a little bit loud, but it’s so powerful when you see, and they’re gonna ask you to walk you through exactly how you should apply the funnel builder secrets to your program the way that they did it as well.
What’s up Russell? A guys, my name is Brandon. This is my wife Caitlin. And uh, we just want to share real quick, literally three years ago, we were like to the end of ourselves, we had no money, our bank accounts. She was like, am I gonna be able to buy groceries? And um, it was crazy. We were transitioning out of a, a past career and uh, we wanted to do something online.
We wanted to take our passion for health and fitness and how people online, but we didn’t know how to do it. And luckily I met a friend through a crazy connection, ended up connecting with click funnels and we bought this thing. He had this Webinar, we spent the last money in our bank account. Like legit. Yeah. The last money we had in our bank. And I didn’t even want to push the button because I was too scared to buy it.
Force them to do it. Yeah. And she did. So there’s the best, literally the best thing that we ever did. We’re literally sitting in the parking lot of heavy, you can see it well of wells Fargo right now about to, um, no, it’s so crazy.
We were like, lily about to buy are like dream vacation home at a lake and um, it’s just nuts. And so, so we’ve been able to help over 100,000 women with our program called lady boss. And, uh, and we’re just, we’re just so excited. So, so literally what we did is we got Russell’s thing and I literally made us sit down in the living, remember? Yeah.
And we had to stop the video like every 20 seconds. Every time wrestle would say, do something with positive video. We have these huge whiteboards and we’d map it all out and they take us like eight hours and then we’d come back.
We played the video 30 seconds, he’d say to do something else. You’d pause it, we’d map it all out, take another four hours. And we just did that until it was done. Yeah. So, so literally we knew nothing like the extent of my, uh, Internet marketing experience three years ago when we signed up with Russell was I think I could play video games and I could hook up a VCR, right? Like literally.
And so we went from that to like now helping over 100,000 people with our online business and using, using Russell and click funnels and, and just taking his training. He literally just maps it out for you. It’s like, it’s like you just pause it, do this. Okay, great. Next step. It’s like going to going to school except a way better. Um, so thank you as well. I think you click funnels, you’re amazing. Yeah, man, we appreciate it so much and just do it.
Do it.
You invented that Hashtag by the way. Hashtag see you guys.
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All right. She has getting this. This is how this process works and who does this work for it. It works for all types of business works. If you’re an author, speaker, coach, consultant works for Ecommerce, was for network and affiliate marketing, works for professional services for retail, brick and mortar, business to business, any kind of business you’re in, this process works.
I hope I’ve proven that to you guys throughout this thing. Um, the biggest question be like, will this work for my business? Like only if your business needs to generate leads or money like, and that is every business ever born on planet earth.
All right, this, you guys are saying Russell School, but I don’t have a product yet. You remember probably get, do not worry when the very first trains inside of the funnel builders secret system, we teach you how to build your entire product right out in a weekend.
So if you don’t have a probably get, don’t worry, they can no longer be an excuse for you forever. Like I’m sure that’s probably held you back in the past and it’ll continue to hold you back in the future. But as of today, it’s no longer a valid excuse because in the training I will show you how to create a product.
We also do how to, how to so other people’s probably like you do not have to have a product to be successful with this program. Okay. I have friends and now that do over a million dollars a year and they don’t have a product. They build front end funnels to generate lists and then they sell products and services, those lists. Okay. And we’ll show you guys how to do outside of the funnel Builder Secrets Training Program. Okay? So some of you guys are asking how is this similar funnel hacks, Russell?
So this is the funnel builders secrets program. This is funnel hacks. And yes, they all are similar. Let me show you the difference. Funnel hacks is the equivalent of Harry Potter. How many guest? So Harry Potter, the first one when he was still is still a cute little kid. Like it was really good, right? So funnel hacks is Harry Potter.
-Funnel builder secrets is like having the full Harry Potter box set. Okay? It’s the entire thing. It’s all these things. And so if you thought funnel hacks was awesome, this is like 18 times better cause it’s God giving you everything. Right? And then on top of that we’re going to add in the funnel hacking two oh one system, which is we call it spy for profit. And this is going to show you how to deal deep and how to ethically steal over $1 million with the funnel hacks from your competitors for under a hundred dollars.
This will show you behind the scenes of how to figure out the right copy to use the right landing pages, the right order forms like a, the right traffic sources like it is so intense and so in depth. It’s like having three or four college educations in one.
He has also get out for free here inside the training program. Does that sound more than fair? Alright cool. So uh, again this fall I can show one gear and get the advertising analysis and deconstruction marketplace like whole bunch of cool stuff. Okay. So is it okay if we over deliver?
I still make sure you guys are okay with that. Alright, everyone’s okay. Okay. There is an Napoleon dancing. So there you go. All right, so here’s what you get. You can get six month enterprise account to clickfunnels for free. You get the funnel builder secrets masterclass funnel Hacking Two oh one spy for profit at total value of $7,558 but we’re not gonna stop there.
What else she has to to be successful. I want to make sure that you have zero excuses from having success after you’ve gone through this training and gone through this program. Okay, well she has need. How about traffic? I told you this before. This is John Race when he does million dollar day.
He was selling a training program called traffic secrets. Now, in the 10 years since this happened, he’s updated course about, I don’t know, 15 times or so, and he recently did the entire program again from the ground up. He had over 125 different traffic sources he taught how to use through traffic secrets. Now he showed it to me before it went live to the public. I thought it was amazingly cool and I actually went back to John. I said, can I just buy this entire company for you because I want every one of our members to have access to this?
And after some negotiation, he finally agreed to say yes and we bought his company traffic secrets. And now when you guys in getting started today, I’m going to give you access to the entire traffic seekers training program for free. Okay? Is that awesome? Or what? I didn’t know there were 125 ways to get traffic online, so I went through just programming.
It is insanely good and you guys will get it for free when you invest today. Okay? And inside of the traffic training course against over 125 different online traffic sources from marketing, borrowing, traffic, shopping, it’s insanely cool. I’m not going to go into it, but I promise you every day if you watch one video and apply it, you have so much traffic on your phones, you will not know what to do. Okay? So here’s a recap. You can get the six month enterprise account to clickfunnels funnel builders secrets masterclass funnel hacking, two one one five profit traffic secrets training course. Totally.
I have $9,551 and next I want to give you guys is I want to give you another software tool we created to really make your job easy. The biggest frustration people have is they build a funnel. They have it in there and try to drive, but the funnels
don’t convert. And the reason I don’t convert as cause the sales letters, the scripts, the copy on your pages suck. So this tool we built with a partnering Jim Edwards, we build it and help. It’ll help you write all your sales letters, your scripts, your webinar slides, everything in under 10 minutes without having to hire an expensive copywriter. And you’re going to get a free account for the next 12 months.
9Here’s, we’ll see how it works. Can we give you a very, very quick demos? You see exactly how funnel scripts works. Okay. Again, less than a minute to demo FunnelScripts 40 but I wanna show you really quick exactly what it does and how it works.
So if you look here on the left hand column, here’s all the different types of scripts you can write inside of funnel scripts. You got, um, sales letters, headlines, webinar slides, emails, every single thing you possibly need, all the bullet points, everything needs side of your funnels.
Funnel scripts help you to write it on the screen. One real quick example, I’m gonna Click on the killer headline script. It takes you this page right here, this little quick training video. And then you come down here and use to fill in the blanks. It’s so easy. It asks you a question and you answered it, asks you a question, you answered it. You go through answer all the questions. Might take a minute, maybe two minutes Max, because on the build button you’ll go through an the book, hundreds and hundreds of high converting headlines that are proven to work. You scroll down here and check this out and we’ll show you, here are the top headlines. And if you don’t like those cyclical and build button, it gives you, here’s a whole bunch more. Oh, here’s a whole bunch more and use idea. After I did after I did.
If you want you to scroll, that also says, here’s like the top 100 different how to headlines You could years. Here’s the top, uh, Wacey what you want. Headlines and it goes on and on and on and on. Now that is just the headline script. You can the same thing for your sales letters, your slides, your webinars, you’re a video sales letters, your emails, like every single script, every single word, and every single page inside of your funnels, your upsells or downsells, like everything you can create here.
Very simple and very easy inside of funnel scripts and you’re going to get access for free for the next 12 months when you get started today. All right? How many guys? Again? Super excited. All right, that’s something I’m just saying, Russell, what if I have the scripts? I already bought it. What do I do now?
Okay, so don’t worry if you already bought funnel scripts, we still love you. We love you even more. So when we can do some really, really cool we’re going to do is we’re actually going to go in and what we’ll do is we will know when you sign up the your funnel scripts member and we will push your billing out for an entire year. So right now, um, if you’re a month in, if you’re three months in six months and we will add an additional year onto your subscription so you not pay for funnel comes from entire year. So is it okay if you will deliver again, we sort of keep on blowing your guys’ minds. I hope that’s okay. So if you already have funnel scripts, like I said, you’ll get an additional year access for free. If you don’t have r script yet, we don’t unlock it and have access to the entire thing for next 12 months.
Get Funnel Builder Secrets Here
Ken, here’s recap. Waiting at the six month enterprise account to clickfunnels plus backpack. Next x plus the fundability she could smash if that’s what’s funnel hacking tool, one plus traffic seekers plus funnel scripts. This is insane offer for all of the stuff you added up is $11,552 but as I’m sure you’re guessing, we’re not going to charge you $11,552 but I want to know if we were to charge you $11,550 and if all of this system and the software did was finally give you a funnel that was profitable, where you could put a dollar in advertising in and get $2 back out, would it be worth it? Heck yes it would. I spent way more than $11,550 to build a single funnel in the past and it’s made me millions of dollars K so it’s way worth that. So if all this did was hoping to share your message with more people, would it be worth $11,552 yes it would.
I spent over that. I spend more than that right now. A day on Facebook ads every single day. Okay? It’s worth way more than that. It goes getting all together in one spot. Okay? Now, if all of this students give you the ability to cancel all the monthly tools that you’re currently gluing together using to glue together your funnels, would it be worth it? Yeah. I told you before, the average person sees over a thousand dollars a month by switching to click funnels cause $12,000 over years.
So the $12,000 you save as well worth the $11,552. This package sells four k but obviously not gonna charge you that much. So when I was kind of putting this together, trying to get the pricing strategy, I had two options. The first option was this, go as cheap as possible and try to sell as many of these things as they could.
But the problem with that is it didn’t really incentivize me to stack on the value for you. Okay. Um, since click phones and launch, we probably had 30 or more different click funnels killers that have been launched in the market and try to undercut us in pricing. Guess what’s happened?
Every single one of them, they’re all out of business. Okay with us. And we spend over $250,000 a month just on programmers to make sure the software gets better every single day for you. Okay? We spend an hour, half $1 million a month on customer support just to support you. Okay? So if I were to sleep as possible eventually to bankrupt, we couldn’t actually serve you at all. So because that went with the second option, which it requires a little bit higher investment on your side. But the cool thing is that in exchange for that, I can devote more time and energy and resources to help guarantee your success.
Okay. So I want to ask you a, a real important question. What do you think one funnel would be worth to you if you had one funnel inside of Your Business that was successful? How much money per month you ain’t got think would make for you can make an extra $5,000 a month, $10,000 a month, or more? Like would one really good funnel do for Your Business? Okay. Then my next question, how much would you pay to get that one perfect funnel. Okay. And if you want to meet that, if you want to hire me to come and build a funnel for you because my phone was works so well right now, I started $250,000 to build a funnel for you. Plus Real. He’s not funnel for life, can’t remember a lot of really successful people. As you can see, okay, so you can see why this is a screaming deal.
Get everything talked about here for $11,552 but obviously not going to charge you that soon. It’s going to be 4,009 $97 for the general public, but because you are here today, because you are now officially a funnel hacker, you’re part of our community, you’re part of our culture, you’re part of our group of people.
We wanted to get you started on the right foot and get you started with an incredible good discount. I’m going to give you access to everything we talked about here for just one payment today of 1997 okay. Now to get that yet open up a new browser window and go to now on a person’s perspective for you, because let me that, that may seem like a lot of money may not for other people, but 1987 if you were to go right now to and try to sign up for the enterprise account you’re getting for free for the next six months, it literally is $297 a month, right?
We have over 11,000 people who are paying that every single month. So it’s not something I made up some value, like you are literally getting that account for free for the next six months. Okay? So right now you’ve got kind of two choices. Your first option is don’t do anything and not take this leap of faith, which is 100% risk free. But the problem with that is if you do nothing, then nothing is gonna change in your life. You came on this today because you wanted something to change, right? Everybody’s, you would have hung out here for the last two hours talking about funnels with me, okay? And so if you do nothing, nothing’s going to change.
So your second option is a little bit different, but way more powerful, okay? This option, you gotta pony up just a small investment today compared to all the value you’re gonna get in return and just give it a shot.
Just see if this will work for you and for Your Business Day. Now, one cool thing about this is that, um, we have a philosophy here, my company, that if we can’t make you money, then we don’t deserve yours. And I stand by that.
So what that means is you can get started today and just try it out. And if it doesn’t work, let me know and we’ll give your money back. I don’t want it, I don’t need it. Okay? I want this to work for you. I know to work for you, but I need you to take that leap of faith and just try it out. But you don’t have to make that decision today. Like that isn’t going to work for you or not. You just gotta decide do I think a well and it’s so go and do it because like I said, if we don’t make you money, then we don’t deserve yours and we’ll give your money back.
Okay. So here’s our 30 again guarantee you can sign up today and if you don’t like for any reason at all, and again, I don’t care if it’s 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes from right now, just let us know. We’ll give you all of your money back. But again, don’t make that decision today. I guess I did it today is do I think this might work? Russell got me all excited too. I think it’s the word worked for him. Were for Brandon. Caitlyn worked for Liz worked for sign where, and I can show you again, 200 people that hit the two comma club since uh, this time last year, it’s worked for other people. It’s happening around you. All you think is, do I think this might work for me is so I’ll eat. Do they just say maybe cause they may be, I’m gonna try it out and go in there, sign up and you’ve got 30 days and put me to the desk, put the software to put the test.
But the training is death. If it doesn’t work, like I said, we’ll give you your money back. But if it does, if this is going to change your life and that’s what I want for you. Okay. So the real question for you is this, is it worth gambling? Just a few minutes of your time to check this out, which even if it only does half of what I’ve claimed on today’s training, it will literally pay for itself as soon as your very first funnel is live. Okay.
Here’s one last recap we’re going to get. And you get six month enterprise account to clickfunnels plus Viagra with the deadline you get backpack and actionetics for free for like six months. You get this funnel builder secrets masterclass funnel hacking two a one a traffic secrets training course, funnel scripts for 12 months total to $11,552 plus like a fast action bonus.
So these are the ones that you are going to want to move fast off fast acts most number one, this is something that’s only good for the next 24 hours. So the clock is literally ticking. This is the unlimited account. How this works is I told you before that our, um, our enterprise member, uh, clickfunnels members inside their suite, they can have up to 70 funnels, 20,000 contacts, 100,000 monthly visitors and more for you. If you get started the next 24 hours, I’m going to give you the unlimited account.
That means you are not have, I’m not just going to double how many funnels in your account. We can give you unlimited funnels. You can build a million funnels. We’re not going to charge anything more can, you’re not going to get double the contact. You have to a hundred thousand month. The context, you can have unlimited traffic.
So you send a million people a day to our servers and we have people who do. Um, we’re not going to charge you any metered traffic bandwidth. Like, I will eat those costs for you cause you’ll have an unlimited account. My priority support guys will have your back. That means if it’s two in the morning and they’re like, and you can’t figure out how to do something and you submit a ticket to him, let him know. A lot of times they’ll log in your counters, do it for you or make you video showing you how it works. Okay, bye. Support guys headed back totally via. This is priceless. Okay? It’s because I can do that forever. But for next 24 hours we’re giving away that, that bonus. So there’s your first bonus kid. Next one. This one is for the first 20 people. So if you’re already sold and he was like, I just want everything Russell has them right now.
I would open up browser window asap, go to and start getting started right now. But for the first 20 people, what we’re going to do, the biggest thing that people that don’t have success with click funnels, cause they never like use click funnels.
They sign up, they never go into and use it. So what I’m doing is I’m have one of my onboarding specialists, they’re actually going to get on a call with you and they’re gonna jump on a call and they’re going to look at your account with you and set it up, get your integration set up, answer any questions, make sure it’s going to work for your business, and you will have an onboarding call with one of my ClickStart specialists. Okay. Um, this really, really cool. Um, this how it works. They’ll literally be sitting with you a over the shoulder helping you get your account set up.
We call this click start and we need to do one call with one of our click start coaches to make sure it works and what happened. Then seven days later we’ll have a followup call with one of our team members just to make sure it’s working for you. If not, let us know. We can help you get it fixed, but we sort of make sure you get into the software and start using it. If you do that, you will have success. And so this is my way just to hold your hand and force you to be successful. You’re okay if I forced you be successful. I hope so. Cause it literally will change your life. Alright, that’s the plants. That’s what click started is some guys are saying, Russell, what if I want more than one coaching call? Is that possible? So yes, we have a, our full ClickStart program, they get you get eight coaching calls and a bunch of other stuff.
Um, right now when you sign up on the order form, there’s a huge 50% discount. So if you want that, you get eight coaching calls it half off, you just click on the button right there and I said, then you got a call. So that’ll help you over the next two months making sure you have things set up and running and like just, it’ll help you launch your funnel and be really, really cool. So that’s an option on the order form if you want eight calls instead of just one. And, uh, so those are the fast action bonus number one, you get the unlimited account in the next 24 hours. And if you want someone to hold your hand, then you got to run as fast as humanly possible to go to if you do that, we will assign you an onboarding specialists to help you start using click phones that more than fair.
All right, so open up a new browser window, go to asap and get started cause those bonuses will be gone very, very fast. Now when you go to the first thing, it sees this page right here and say, create your clickfunnels account. So if you don’t have to click phones can’t, you’ve got to create an account. If you do have a click funnels account, click on the sign in here. First one, log into your account and then I’ll take you to page number two. Then you got a couple of options. Option. First option is what level account do you want? Do you want six months, 12 months, or two years? You pick what option you want. Number two, if you are an upgrade to coaching, yeah, there, if not, you don’t have to click on sign up and that’s it. As soon as you do that, we will unlock your account.
We’ll upgrade to the highest level of push out your billing for six full months and I get access to all the bonuses, all the trainings, all of everything. And that’s how it works you guys. So, um, as we’ve been going through here, my team’s been compiling the top questions. I’ve got 12 questions to go through really, really quick. And then we’re gonna open up. We’ve got a whole bunch of, got like 15 of our click funnels members who are dying to share their click funnels story with you and open up here in a few seconds. But I’m gonna go through these questions really, really quick for you. Here are the top 12 questions you haven’t been asking. Um, if you have other questions, we haven’t had a chance to answer. Just email we will answer them. We are not going anywhere. We are here to support you and serve you.
We’re not some fly by night company. We’ve been here for three years. They have over 50,000 customers. We are here to support you and make sure you are successful. Cake of course. Number one. What if I would have a click funnels account? If you already have a clickfunnels account, do not worry. Go to when you upgrade, will upgrade your account to the highest level. Will push out your billing for an entire six months. Walk on like all the bonuses, all the training. You still get quick start. Call everything, but you gotta go right now. Okay, so you already have a clickfunnels account. Don’t worry. That’s what’s going to happen. Number two, what other tools do I need to be successful? Um, you know what? I run my entire company primarily on clickfunnels. Clickfunnels is the web pages and the shopping cart backpacks. Your affiliate program actually acts as your emails, your text message, or any other followups.
You can literally run your entire company inside of click funnels. So you don’t really need anything else. You know, I would say you need something help you write copy. But we gave you FunnelScripts as well. I’d say new drive traffic, but we gave you all the traffic, like I’ve tried to make this offer so it gives you everything you need to be successful. Um, so that’s Kinda how it works. All right, cool. Next thing here. What if you already have FunnelScripts? Again, if you already have funnel scripts, when you go to and you sign up, will happen is if you, let’s say you’re three, three months into your year long, uh, account right now, we will push the billing out for an entire 12 months. Okay? So it just, it hasn’t 12 months of free access to funnel scripts for you if you already have an account.
Okay? So that’s pretty simple and easy. Um, do you have a payment plan? No, we do not have a payment plan. And the main reason why, literally, right now we have over 11,000 people who are paying $300 a month to get what you guys have access to through this program. So it’s not fair to them or to you for me to like give you a disk, a payment plan, that’s as much as they’re paying for it for an hour raise. That makes sense. So it doesn’t make, it’s not really fair to them. So we don’t have a payment plan. But the cool thing is that visa and mastercard will finance this for you. So you pay and visa and mastercard and then they have payment. Your minimum monthly payment is like 50 bucks a month. So that’s way better than any payment plan I would ever have.
Just put out a decent mastercard. They can finance this for you. Um, how do you, if you got one in one on one calls, you’ll know actually log into click funnels. You log in your account, you’ll see here on the, on the dashboard, this is, it’ll unlock this whole block right here. So there’s funnels. You Click there, log into funnel scripts. You Click there, log into traffic secrets, click here to log in, funnel builders secrets training, and then click start. If you’re one of the top 20, this will, this will be lit up here. And you click on that and then from inside of there you can go and you could schedule your card. We’ll call them our click start coaches. Again, these are on a first come first serve basis. So there’s only 20 of you guys will get this, but at the same time it’s like the first one is getting the first call.
We don’t have like 30 coaches doing this. We have to. And so they already have the coaching calls with the people that are doing the full click start the a coaching session. So these are very, very limited. There would be one or two a day for the next couple of weeks or so. It’s first come first served. So if you’re like, I want to get going now, like go in there and schedule your call asap. Just click on the click star thing and find the first opening time. Um, and there’s not like a fake urgency and scarcity. We literally have two people if full schedules. So, um, you know, if you, if you wait, you either you won’t get a call it all or Dui, you pushed out three or four weeks. So go now to get your account, get on your onboarding call and get you rock and roll as quick as possible.
Good questions. All right. Uh, can I get more calls of any more help? Yes. Again, on the order form here, there’s a, if you want eight additional calls, there’s a, there’s a button that you click upgrade for $3,000 and you ate more onboarding calls. And that way we can help get your funnel actually launched, which should be cool. People who have gone through this ClickStart program told us that on average they feel like it saves them at least, uh, at least 12 months of trial and error that gets wiped away by having a coach to walk them through the onboarding process. So it’s totally worth doing. What happens after the first six months? After six months, um, you will have a chance log in your clickfunnels account and choose what level you want to be a bill that, um, some people with smart state, the $297 a month level.
So if you want to drop down to the night’s seminar a month level, you can choose in six months, whatever it is you want, but don’t make that choice today because you have no idea what your business is going to be like in six months. You don’t need to make that decision today. Wait six months from now and then six months log in and say, okay, I want to be at this level. I need to upgrade to this level and you can pick it up point. Okay. Or if you want, you can log in, you can lock in 12 months or two years. Right now the huge discount, this is the only time you’re able to do that is right here on this form. Can I get more than six months? Yes, you can get it on this form at this is the one and only time you can get more than six months is is on that form right there.
Do I still need email autoresponder? No. Action X. We’ll give them all of your need for email auto responders. He have one you like and we can integrate with it. But for the most, most people just migrate everything over and start using it for you to start using us for everything. I can’t afford the nine 1987 and a half you can’t afford right now. What I’d recommend doing is, um, you’ll find somebody who am, you’ve seen this presentation. You know what it’s about. Um, if we do put a replay, I’ll go find some Sheldon than replants. They look, this is the deal. If you invest in this $2,000, I will work and build funnels for you for free for the next month. Or I will build your first funnel for free. I’ll go through the training, I’ll learn it and so find somebody to finance this for you.
I could probably point out 40 or 50 members who did that, who didn’t have the money, they found a business partner or a business owner, somebody and say, look, if you invest $2,000 this, I’ll work for free. I will build your first three funnels for free. And they get other people to help finance it. And then after that, now they have this tool that will pay them for the rest of their lives. Okay? Does that make sense? You guys? So use the software to finance the software. That’s the magic of like people are paying crazy night. We have people paying 15 to $20,000 or more for a single sales funnel right now. And he goes, how the ability to build unlimited here inside of your account. Like that’s the power. That’s the gift that we’re giving you here inside of click funnels. Okay? And then will this work for my business?
Um, it’ll only work for your business if your company needs to generate leads or make, create customers sell product. So yeah, it should work for all businesses. Okay. So that said, uh, one last recap where you get the six month enterprise account to clickfunnels for free funnel builders secrets masterclass funnel hacking two oh one traffic secrets course funnel scripts software. Next 12 months, total value, $11,552. You guys get everything today for just one single payment, 1990 $7 all you gotta do is open up another browser window. Go to you go through the order form. So it looks like right here on the page. It was sign up and unlock all the bonuses, all the traffic, all the training, everything we talked about. If you have any questions, you get stuck, ask him here in the chat, my teams here in her answer questions. Or if you don’t get your answer, your question answered, email a we’re not going anywhere.
We’re here to support you. Like I said, we have, we have over a hundred people full time just to, just to do customer support, to help serve you guys as an audience, okay? I always tell people, like if you’re an entrepreneur in your business, it’s not a matter of like, if you’re going to become a clickfunnels member, it’s a matter of when. And so you could do it, you know, and you can start to clickfunnels in a month from now, a year from now, three years from now. Um, but this package he has have right now, like this is only available now. Okay. So if you know you’re an entrepreneur, you know you want to like sell stuff, you know you need this. Like now is the time. Like don’t delay it later. This offer is only available right here, right now. And when it’s gone, it’s gone. Okay. All right. So with that said, you guys, I hope you guys are excited.
I see tons of sales coming in. So it’s like you guys are going now to what I want to do is I’m actually going to, um, I’m going to go and we have about 14 or 15 click funnels members who are passionate about the software and they want to come and tell you their stories. So I’m going to, I’m going to patch them. You’d here in a second, let me figure out how to just really quick, uh, and then I pull them in and then you have a chance to hear from their own words what they’re doing. It was cool about this is I got a whole bunch of people from a wide variety of people. We got financial planners, we have chiropractor, got dentists, we’ve had authors get speakers, but ecommerce people, we got biohackers, we’ve got um, like people in every market you can dream of who are on here, who want to share with you their stories.
So if you’re like, I don’t know if this doesn’t work for me, are you confused or whatever. Like these guys are, come on and they’re gonna share their click funnel story with you and it’s going to be the coolest thing in the world. While you were listening to their story. If you got questions you can ask and we’ll try to answer them in the chats, but do not delay. I go to and get started.
Fill out your form. I don’t really, I want you guys getting your onboarding cards. Call schedule is getting started in the program because this is something, and I’m totally serious about this, it’s not something that it’s just going to change your business. It will change your business, but I promise you it also change your life. And you’ll see that here from my 15 or 16 guests, you’ll see how it’s transformed their businesses and but more importantly, how it’s transformed their life. So give me a second here. I’ve got to figure out exactly how to patch these guys in here and hopefully we will be able to figure this out. All right, I’m patching these guys in.
Do you want to give us a louder voice? We’ll talk like this. Like Bob Parker. Oh, perfect. I can hear you. Oh, perfect. All right. What’s going on? Right? Can we tell this audience of yours? Well, I showed up both Trey and they, I should have both. You obviously use a click. Obviously you love it. I love to hear your story so far. Oh Man. She’s out. Like obviously get clickfunnels obviously get this package because you get click funnels for free. Like that’s just insane in the membrane right there. Um, it’s changed.
It’s changed my life. It’s changed my business. We’ve been using click funnels for four years now, I believe. And Todd Dickerson was nice enough to tell me like I was like one of the first 100 sign-ups of click funnels, which I thought was really cool.
And Dude, it’s, it’s literally took our business to quantum leaps of levels, uh, to say the least because we’ve had so many breakthroughs just I using clickfunnels, uh, like I just, yeah, it’s, it’s me. It’s amazing. Like it’s made us so much money to targeted. And one thing, I don’t know, and everybody knows this or not, but Trey currently has the record for the highest grossing funnel in Click funnels. I know everyone else wants panelists gunning for him. The right now it’s directly on my side. Is that great for you guys? [inaudible] you sound fantastic. All right, cool. Let’s keep going then.
Very cool. Um, so how many federal, cause Trey got started. One thing he told me, he’s like, uh, I’m going to try to launch a new funnel every single week until one of these things takes off. And you did. And then how many did it take you for? Like you have the one funnel that just like blew up for yourself. Hmm. I would say that was probably art 12th funnel or our 20th it’s probably in their 12th the 20th funnel was probably somewhere in that range. I don’t know.
I see some people are like, they try one funder like, oh I tried but nothing happened and they just like give up. It’s like, no, like try again and then try again. And like the first time you do it it’s going to suck. But if you keep doing it, eventually we’ll get a little bit better, a little bit better and then eventually we’ll actually be awesome. And it’s insane when you have one that hits how fast it can go and how can
just like change your life overnight. Cause that was, that was absolutely awesome. You took, you took, you know, we had a funnel and I was like telling you, I was like, man, we uh, we use it Facebook right now and we want to take a pass thing. And he starts, well this is what you do.
Here’s the conversion stuff and police you to make. And if we didn’t have click funnels, they would have take a developer. It would, it took somebody who knows who knows html code, which I definitely don’t know. And probably someone who just to monitor it and make sure the servers are up and running with click funnels. Like we’ve been able to push traffic and spike traffic and there’s been no delay.
There’s been no like, oh your site’s down. Like that’s what’s been so amazing with it is if you do have a scalable offer, uh, you know, when you create one through click funnels, like you don’t have to worry about traffic. Yeah. Mm. Bogging down the system because you guys on your end are making sure everything’s running efficiently and I just have to worry about it’s a good offer or not. Like, that’s what I love about clickfunnels.
Awesome. Thanks. Shaffer showed up. So Dana, what’s your, what’s a European, you’ve been using clickfunnels now for a long time as well. And uh, you were there that day. We figured out that every single funnel, uh, if you use all the things that increases your conversions so high, so curious your thoughts that everything.
So well first for those that don’t know me, I’m a goat farmer and if I can use click funnels, you can use click funnels. And uh, the thing that I guess like, I just want all of you who are on the fence to just think about is number one. Like Russell gives you six months figuring out. So like Trey, he, it took him like 10 funnels to do it. So you have six months to just figure this crap out and guess what, it’s not going to work like right away. Maybe like it didn’t portray but it was worth it, right? Oh Gosh. Absolutely.
That’s like, that’s number one. And then number two, like it has changed my life in so many ways because like Aye have gone from being like a no name, just to goat farmer for real to becoming like I float to work with Trey, I float to work with Russell. We found out that amazing statistic when I was out there. Okay. And I’m not connected to these amazing people. So even if it’s, it’s just not, it’s not software. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a group of amazing people that you’re doing really buying into. That’s what it really is.
So awesome. Well, very cool. Well thanks you guys for sharing your story. We got a lot of people, but I wouldn’t doctor. Thank you. So, and I wish we were all hanging
out again.
All right, thanks guys. So who’s up next? Was it?
Hello? It’s me. I’m up. What’s up Julie? Hey,
all right, Julie is up next and Julie’s been to Boise now like three times this year, hanging out, talking about click funnels and I’m excited to hear kind of your experience and your story.
With clickfunnels so far.
Yeah. So I was one of those people that was scared to death to start. I ha I built a funnel and I just sat on it for like three months cause I was like, this isn’t going to work, this isn’t going to work. And um, and I remember turning it on and I was making pretty good money.
I was a web designer service provider. I was making 10, $20,000 a month and I finally got the nerve to turn my funnel on and within three months I had hit a $90,000 a month and I, I couldn’t, I couldn’t believe you were right. I was like that. And um, and so since then I’ve, my whole life has click funnels.
I’m actually, uh, one of the few people that is making a full time living just as an affiliate or click funnels in addition to all the money that I’m making from my own products and services. So when Russell says that click funnels, you should never have to pay for click funnels. I can’t tell you every time I sink money into this company and into Russel, it comes back to me 10 times over. So I dunno what else to say except get off the fence.
That’s so awesome. And you felt the whole bunch of like stay at home moms and stuff. You use click phones, welding launch businesses and yeah.
Yeah. I mean I had a, I had a client, I helped to build her funnel. She teaches proofreading. Okay. So like, and not just regular proofreading, but like proofreading for court reporters and we built her funnel and she made $1 million in eight months.
That’s crazy.
Yeah, it’s crazy. And um, I just had another client, she’s a web designer. She’s like, Julie, I’m so full. I can’t take any more web clients. How do I create some passive income? I said, you know what, let’s just put together a couple of products, really low costs, 27 bucks for a brand course. And uh, she turned her funnel on four weeks ago and she’s like, I just cleared $10,000, you know, so she’s putting about $200 a day into her funnel and reaping about a thousand hours.
It’s like an ATM machine. Just, it’s, it’s ridiculous. Um, so anyone who’s thinking about like, should I get this? You’re not going to say, what would you tell them?
I would say get off the fence and go all in. Like put some skin in the game. May Be a little afraid and learn everything you possibly can because it’s not a matter of if it’ll work. It’s a matter of when it will work. And if you, if you commit to really understanding the kind of offers that people want, it will work. It’s just a matter of how long you’re willing to stick in the game. So I would just say go all in. Go all in.
That’s awesome. Thank you. So those are you ready to go all in? Go to uh, and that’s where you can get started right now. So thank you, Juliet has so much. Yeah,
thanks for having me. No worries. Okay.
All right. Who’s up next?
Rachel’s up next. How’s it going, Rachel?
So good. So I’m actually at an airport waiting to go home. I just had my first live event and it was crazy. We had 60 people. It was so fun that we were laughing. We were crying a lot. Imagine that with me. And we were laughing so hard that we were crying, but it was, oh, that’s so awesome.
Very cool. So how long have you been using click funnels now instead of your business?
So I actually just went into the click funnels group the other day. Can you guys hear me okay? Even though I’m in a noisy airport. Okay. So I just went into the click funnels group the other day and I searched for my name and I was like, okay, I want to see when I started cause I couldn’t remember. And if you are like okay, all these people are lying, they’ve been using this for years, blah blah blah.
They’ve always been successful. I challenge you to do this. So I typed in my name and I found my first time where I said it’s click funnels really better than lead pages in that group because I have, up until that point I had been using lead pages. I don’t know if I can say that for like copyright purposes. I think I can, but I just did. So I was using lead pages and I remember I was actually sitting right, I’m up late trying to figure out how I was going to launch this little membership site that I wanted.
And the reason that I switched to click funnels was really simple and it was just because they didn’t have a one click payment integration system for lead pages. But I remember like my heart was beating through my chest. I couldn’t afford $97 a month.
I was like, oh my gosh, I hope I get three people into my membership program because otherwise this isn’t worth it. I had had field course lunch just before that and now today we have I think 660 people in my membership program. But that was just in a thanks guys. It was in April of 2016 so I’ve been using it for just over a year, about a year and a half now.
Oh, that’s so cool. So for those who are sitting here watching this Webinar, and I do this, should I not do it? What would you tell them?
Uh, do it. Your heart might be beating through your chest, but even like a Julie said, get a couple of people and teach them how to use it and let click funnels paper itself. Okay. Secure clients. Make it work. You know, sell it just a couple of copies of your course, whatever it is that you have, you only need to sell a little bit to make it worth it. And now you just paid for the system that you can use to leverage yourself to millions of dollars like many of us on this Webinar have done.
Cool. Well thanks for hanging out this today. Travel home safely. Congrats on your bed. That’s so cool. So very guys who were looking for the URL again, go to click yeah, get started. Uh, because these bonuses and the cool t shirts and the unlimited accounts are not going to be the forever, but they are there right now. So it’s time to go.
Okay. All right. Who’s up next,
Alex or Mosey?
Oh, you’re muted. Everything on it. We’re good. What’s up? How’s it going, man?
I’m good at, but my inlaws house right now, so I’m sure. Oh, they get so much for jumping on. I super appreciate it. Don’t 100% now, what’s cool about this, I want you to share your story because I got a lot of people during the Webinar who are like, well, this isn’t gonna work for my business. I got this kind of thing. So when you started, you guys had gyms, how about that? And then also the progression from there. So I went from heaven, a website that didn’t do anything for me at my gym and I didn’t know how to work in every time I had this, like I’d like my tech guy and I hated calling him because he would always charge me like $250 three times. And then I would try and go in there and then the whole thing would break. And I was like, wow.
It was so frustrating. And so then, um, on one day I was like, I’m signing up for click funnels. Like I’m going all in because just like smart marketing dude, uh, in the fitness world was like, you should check out click funnels. So I was like, all right, I’ll take it out. And so I was like, I have to figure this out. So I sat down, I was like, all of Sunday, I’m not leaving this room, not going to the bathroom. Like I can’t drink, can’t eat until I figured out what a funnel is and how I can, I can make one. Um, and I ended up being able to, my first one went live four hours after I made my account. And so we were able to capture leads. So that’s the next day. So I mean, it wasn’t any like upsells that like it was nothing fancy, but we got alive within four hours and it was getting leads for us, um, within 24. That’s crazy. Now you had three of your own gyms, but then you’ve helped other gym owners through this process. How many guys have you launched since then? So we, uh, we had six gyms and then, um, we sold those. And uh, now since then we’ve launched over, was it 340 340. As of today. It’s insane. Yeah.
I was just gonna say it’s worked for us as like when we were gym owners that worked for us to get customers as a local business, brick and mortar. And it’s also helped us work as a coach for gym owners. And so it’s helped in both ways. Cause like funnels work like funnels or like, like air, like, like was it planes always fly. Marketing always works. So like funnels always work no matter where you’re at. It’s just like air. Like you just have to get the plane right.
But it will always fly if you have the right physics behind it. So phone was always worked hunting no matter where you’re at. A so cool. Um, ma’am, thank you so much for, for coming on sharing it a storage. It’s so much fun watching how much your business exploded.
Awesome. We appreciate you. Hey, for anyone who’s like sitting there like, should I do this? What are your thoughts for them? Um, we went from zero to just a lot of lot in a month. Within six months I switching everything over. Like absolutely do it. It’ll change your life.
This will be the day that you get to think back. Some people are like, oh, I always remember I was at nine 11. I know where I was in JFK got shot. Like you’ll be able to think back. I remember when I signed up for that Webinar, wasn’t sure, and I’m so glad I did because it’s like my life changed that day. Ah, so cool. I, when I use rape your
life to change get your account started asap. Thanks Alex. Days later for hanging out. I appreciate you guys. All right, up next is Alison Prince Allison,
can you hear me? Yeah. Awesome. Thanks for coming. Hanging out today. Thanks for letting me, this is awesome. These people are so inspiring. I think this is such an in click funnels and listening to their stories gets me re motivated. I love it. Love it. Love it.
So you understand about click funnels this year. It hasn’t even been that long. Right
now. In January is when I first found out who Russell Brunson was. I had no clue. And um, we can a half later sign up for click funnels. All in and within six weeks I had made more and one of my businesses off using click funnels and I did the entire year previously. It was amazing.
It’s like this magical thing. I had so many pieces the previous year and I wasn’t able to serve my clients and now that all the pieces are together, I’m not worried about broken technology. I’m not worried about this or that. Like I can truly focus on the people in my course now because everything’s running, everything’s automated and it is seriously like honestly, I know everybody keeps saying it changes your life. Like I promise you it’s changed my best. Best businesses does as I said, her best business decision I’ve ever done in my entire life. Absolutely. Cool.
I love it. For anyone who’s like, again, I don’t, people watched whatever and we still have, looks like we still have like 1800 people live, so it’s 800 people sitting there going like, ah, and they’re waiting for like that push. Like what push would you give them?
Thank me. Literally just do it. Do it. You won’t regret it. It’s amazing. It really is. Life changing.
That’s so awesome. Thanks for coming and sharing your story. For you guys who are ready, go to to get this special offer we talked about today.
It’s amazing.
All right, thanks Allison.
Okay, who’s next?
All right, Brian,
can you hear me all right, I can hear you. How’s it going man? What’s going on guys? All these are like my favorite people in the world here. So anyway, I’m just geeking out. It’s awesome. It’s actually crazy to beat me on this side cause it wasn’t that long ago. I was on the other side, like, uh, just like Rachel was saying like, ah, should I do it? And um, our, our story’s a little bit different. It was like out of pure necessity, like why we even got involved with the funnel. So I want to hear a story. Can you tell me, can I tell you, we, we, our primary business was actually selling on Amazon. Like we were selling like millions of dollars in product. Um, and I like literally, I still remember it like yesterday. I every, anybody who sells on Amazon has the APP on their phone and they check it and they check it every day.
The first thing they do when they wake up, they’re like, oh, let me see, I’ll sales are going. It was a Tuesday morning and it seemed like a little odd. Like I wasn’t quite, the numbers weren’t quite what I was used to. And uh, I was like, all right, that’s weird, you know, but whatever, it’s Tuesday, maybe, you know, it’s a slump in sales, but there’s like this immediate, like in the back of everyone who sells on Amazon, there’s this concern. Like, what if things get shut down? Right? Um, and sure enough, like I’m, my heart starts pounding. I go to the computer, I go on, like log into my account and our number one listing, which produced over half of our sales was blocked, like totally shut down. Then our account got shut down. It was all these problems. That’s when we realize like, we don’t have a real business.
Like we don’t have a way to communicate with our customers. Like, we think we’re building this empire on Amazon. But we weren’t. Um, so like I had just over 72,000 in product that was sitting there in a warehouse that needed to move. I had no money coming in. I had more product coming in from overseas. So like for me it was how do I just break even, like, how do I get my money back?
Like just sell this product and start getting some of my capital back to reinvest. Um, and that’s kinda where it started. So we were able to get that sorted out. And I mean, for us it was like I had, there was it, that was my job. I wasn’t doing anything else. So, um, I had quit my corporate job and all that, but, uh, then like it was weird because I’d never saw, I never thought I would like help people, like train them or do anything like that.
I just had my ecommerce business and I was happy. Um, but then I kind of started taking on a few like clients and coaching them through the process and teaching them about like the importance of building up their customer lists and all that. Uh, and, and, and bonding with their customers, building a community, not just having a commodity that you sell on a marketplace.
And yeah, like the, in that process, it was like one of the most painful things I had been through, but it was the biggest blessings I found. Like what I think is my true calling, which is like really helping people, uh, other sellers who are, we’re kind of in the same position I was in that don’t even realize it, to diversify and build their own sandbox. Um, and it’s all because of clickfunnels and clickfunnels is the, it’s like the centerpiece of all of it because it’s what allows us to, to start that relationship with the customer. Cause that’s what it’s about at the end of the day.
Like we are trying to make money or trying to sell products, but it’s the beginning of a relationship and a click funnels just allows us to do that. So,
so awesome. I love it. I kept to have any stories I know of like people that sold on Amazon or other places like that and it disappears overnight and it’s just nice to be able to have a place you can go that’s consistent, you’re not going to lose. And a super inspiring story. Man. Thanks so much for sharing.
Yeah, for sure. Thank you for everything you do man.
So, but anyway, again, of the 1800 people or so wade here, I want you to give them push. What would you, what would you do Brian? Will you tell them?
Uh, so I think everyone has said the same thing. It’s like you’re not sure. Like the biggest thing I keep, I keep seeing is people are like, well what about my business? But what about the APP business? Like please listen to me. Literally every single business can use click funnels. This is why, this is how I describe it to people. It’s the difference between just going to like a mass store where you could you, if you sell a service, if you sell anything, you have a product, there’s probably a mass place. Someone can buy it. And there’s like a curated personal shopper way of buying it, right. And it always is a better experience when you have like a personal shopper. So if you sell anything, um, it’s always better to sell it through a funnel. Like that’s all I can say and nothing makes it easier than click funnels. So I just, if you’re nervous about it, like Rachel said and like, and like Julia maybe mentioned as well, just do it. It’s literally risk-free. Like I think this offers just gotten better. Like I so just do it. It’s because we over deliver.
That’s awesome. Ben, thanks so much. Um, yeah, it’s funny. People I hear all the time that are like, well, we’ll funnels work for my business. And I always kind of joke, I’m like, well, it only works if your business needs customers or leads. So I think that’s every business.
It’s only, it only works if you’re trying to collect money. Like that’s the only way it works.
That’s awesome. Thanks Brian, man for sharing. I appreciate you and those who are ready started, go to the fast bonuses are going away. I already, people were like waving to me. How, yeah. So now’s the time to go guys. all right. Up next I think is Anissa ca I think you’re muted and we able to meet you. There you go.
Do an amazing, how have you been? Really, really awesome. To be honest. I’ve been phenomenal.
You had a new record setting a week of your funnels, right?
Yeah, absolutely. So last week we actually made like about $80,000 in one week, which is completely crazy. And I mean, you know, you’re talking about people that are in different industries. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. So I’m actually a dentist, right? So, um, you know, people are coming on sharing their stories and you know, for me, I found click funnels.
Actually I wrote a book and had a podcast and people started to ask me to teach them how I was getting patients from Facebook marketing. And so I was trying to figure out like how can, how can I find a platform to actually sell my course? Like to how’s my course? Right? And so I found out about click funnels. But it’s so funny because like that happened actually last year and when I was researching it, like I didn’t even know what the word follow men, like, like I didn’t even know what a funnel was.
It was so crazy. Um, but I actually taught myself, again, I am not, you know, I’m not, you know, an or was not, you know, an internet marketer or anything like that. It was a dentist, you know, and I figured out the software, which was really, really easy.
And actually my first course that I sold, the very first online course, I actually presold about $30,000. Um, and that was all for click funnels. We had an initial offer and we had an Oto. Um, so we’re able to sell our second product actually. And I mean, it was really phenomenal.
So cool for dentists, but all sorts of the coaching sites, you’re on both sides of that business now.
Yeah. So, so I’ll tell a story. I mean like, so now what I’m doing, so last week, why we have such great meat is I actually launched a funnel of course. Um, yeah, so it’s called funnel mastery and it’s teaching dentists how to use funnels, how to use click funnels to actually get new patients. And so I had a really cool case study of a dentist who actually no one knew her. She started doing Facebook lives and we actually built up an audience and she was able to actually use click funnels to build up the, I could guess. And so when she was ready to actually watch that, she was taking new patient appointments, she actually had several hundred leads and she had over 50 new patients booked for her practice before it even open. And again, when I was like, oh, this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to be a audience and then we’re going to create a funnel.
And she’s like, we’re going to do what you know. So now, like all of the dentists had been following her journey over the last four months and everybody’s, all the dentists were like, we want to know how to use funnels inside of our dental practices.
And so, I mean, it’s really, really huge. So again, you can use it as a coach, as a consultant, no matter what you’re selling as a service, you know, I’m using it for my, in my dental practice as well. I also practice as well to be able to get new patients in. I mean, it’s just so many different ways you can use click funnels is really cool.
Oh, awesome. Thanks for coming to share your story. Yeah. For everyone who’s still listening, we got tons of guys aren’t here, so you’re all Evers captive by here to restore it. And I love hearing him from all the different industries. So cool. So it makes this a for sharing and uh, those who are still on the fence, it’s time to go. Go to now was the time. Awesome. Okay, up next is Dan.
I’m doing freaking great house in the background. I’m glad you asked. Okay. Look at this crap. So big it won’t fit in the screen. Okay. I can’t fit it in the screen, but this is the, this is the view I wake up to every morning right here. Okay. And let me tell you this. Every single dollar that paid for this humongous house went through click funnels. Okay. Every single dollar. Okay. Not a dollar was made.
It was not through clickfunnels. That’s so awesome. It was fun about your story too is like, um, obviously you’ve been doing this for a while, but like I think you had kinda ups and downs and then like as soon as it hit for you, it was like I said, getting updates in the office here. Like every, every week. Like Dan has passed a hundred grand, 200 grand, 500 grand, we’ll, and it was like the window between starts like a million type. The two Comma Club was probably the fastest I’ve seen, at least publicly. It was a, it was seven. It took me seven years to become a millionaire overnight.
I have been in this game for a long time. I’ve tried every product out there. I’ve tried LP, I’ll just do the, the acronym. Uh, I tried everything. And when, when I got click funnels from the day, I literally started messing with click funnels to the day I hit $1 million, was about five months, if I’m remember correctly. Um, we’re coming up on I think my 13th month and I’m at two and a half million. Um, and it’s just, I, you know, I, and hold on. Not only that, but guys, I don’t mean to be materialistic, but I’ve always wanted a nice house. Okay.
MERCI. Taking us. I’m always wanted, I’ve always wanted one of these to, hold on. The light’s coming up, the lights coming up slowly. I have always wanted one of these. Can you see that Russell? Oh, yeah, we can see it. Okay. That’s a Lamborghini by the way. Um, but, uh, so I know a lot of people think I’m like materialistic or whatever, but I used to benchmark myself for success. I used to sit on Trulia and Zillow, right. And I would sit on Trulia and Zillow and I’d look at all these dream houses that I wanted. Okay. And every, every month, you know, the house I wanted would go away, it get sold or whatever, and every month and I would just, I’d be like, okay, I just need to make $2 million to get that house. So I just did it. And I would goal set for myself because I just wanted, I just, one of the things I’ve always wanted was a bay house and I got it.
And it was because a click funnels, okay. I sold the same product I had sold for about four months prior to that. But when I started selling it through click funnels and I started not only click funnels, but the knowledge and the training that goes with click funnels, it’s coupled with click funnels. That’s when it went nuts. And I mean, the stripe account is just like, it’s like, it’s like a never ending spinning wheel and the brake broke and it just keeps going and going and going. Like there’s a little mouse on it, you know? So it’s absolutely phenomenal. Oh, that’s so cool.
So both, we were wondering like, should I do this dance? I take the leap of faith and invest $2,000 and change in my life? What would you tell to him? Well, I don’t want any more competition. No, just kidding. I would say this, I challenge you to do something right now. I challenge you to go find in the past 24 months, all of the big, uh, from zero to millionaire verified success stories. Okay?
And you will find that the lion share of them, the vast majority of them are doing it through click funnels. So if that doesn’t answer your question, then you know what I hear? They’re taking applications down at the local Mcdonald’s. Okay? So that’s all I can say. All right? Somebody needs to serve me nuggets. You know what I’m saying?
But that’s what I was doing, honestly. Awesome, man. Whoever’s heard that and you’re ready to go. Go to Alright, up next is to Liz Benny. What’s up Liz? How you doing? Hello? Can you hear me? I can hear you good. You’re calling in from the entire other side of the world for me right now. What time is it for you is just known. It’s new now. It was like three in the morning or your click funnel story. I’d love to hear it. Okay, cool. So everyone that’s listening to this right now, you’ve heard some incredible stories. Uh, I’m sitting in my version of the dream house right now. I’m not going to walk you around because you were literally all plugged in. But a story that I can tell you is that Mr. Russell Brunson, at the big guru that you see there, that you might have up on a pedestal right now, the most amazing, you know, the guy that’s offering you this incredible opportunity right now.
He has been jumping out on my trampoline, just out my window just out there. And I took him to this home because he saw the crappy, crappy, crappy, we used to call it the GP, which stands for the not so wonderful as a green bungalow. It was this tiny, Moldy, disgusting house. And as what we used to live and it used to have a broken driveway, massive earthquakes here in Christchurch. Uh, and I used to be incredibly poor. I’m not going to just like, I’m just going to call it like it is. And that feeling of not being able to provide for my family and that feeling of not being able to be myself and a feeling of not being able to get my message out there into the world got me to the point, honestly off massive depression. I didn’t know where I was going.
I was like, this is, there was God to be an easier way. And there was this really annoying guy on Facebook and his name was Russell freaking Brunson and I saw him all the time and his name just kept coming up and he was like this 12 year old telling me that I can become like this overnight success story and I’m like, whatever, 12 year old, go away. So that was my experience. Then after a while of seeing this, obviously there were targeting on that. Ed was amazing, but I just, I actually just took the leap of faith and I actually think that I am probably member number 50. I’m like the grandma click funnels. I’m on the front page of click funnels for good reason. I think everyone’s like Liz Benny, just go away, right? Delis. And now the story. But here’s what I will say to you is that, um, I’m in a position right now in life where literally the world is my oyster. I made a situation where I can do whatever I want when I want. I have three operational funnels. Those are the ones that I, you know, or like regardless, honestly, if I say to myself, how much money do I want to make this month, it really is about how much traffic do I want to send to those funnels that particular month because the funnels work is just about how much traffic I’m going to send to them. Uh, it’s my, my business right now
is in a position where it’s just scale city. So, um, if you’re sitting there listening right now and going, okay, cool, Liz, it’s overwhelming. Good for you. You know, I want my dream home too, but you can do at an icon. I said to, you know, look at all these people here. We’re all different. We’re all, we will come and are different shapes and sizes and colors and backgrounds and everything. Uh, I’d say to you that you are very, very safe, uh, with click funnels. You’re very, very safe with Russell Brunson. There are not many people in this industry who can speak with such high levels of integrity because there are a lot of scam artists in this industry. So if you’re sitting there going, is this real? Can I actually trust Russell when number one, he’s made this a completely risk free offer. So you’d be in my mind honestly, like just do it. Uh, but you can trust them. That’s what I want to say to you.
That’s awesome. This has been so much fun watching your whole transformation and journey over the last couple of years and I’m just so grateful for you to jump on and share your story as well. Thank you man. Appreciate you big time. Awesome. Thanks Liz. All right, who’s up next? This is so fun. By the way. This is like my favorite day ever. All right, so the ride and bread.
What’s up guys? So, um,
I want to hear your guys’s clicks funnels story as well. It’s been fun watching your journey and excited for people here as well.
Okay. So Ryan and I are business partners, so that’s why we’re, we’re on here at the same time. And for those there’s gotta be at least some financial services professionals out there that had been watching the webinar are wondering, well, if I don’t sell a product online, if it’s not just a one time transaction thing like this, click funnels work for me. If I have to meet with somebody face to face and take them through a whole process, that’s where we were. We were pretty skeptical of that whole thing too, which is why it took us a little while to get into click funnels. But what we want you to get out of our story is this absolutely still works for you if you’re not actually selling a product, but you’re trying to create relationships and, and have clients work with you one on one and all do this.
I want to show you a couple of things and then I’ll, I’ll turn it over. So Ryan and I run a PR, a financial services practice. And uh, we had the big office downtown tried to go kind of a normal route of trying to look very professional to try and get clients in and that whole thing. And uh, we, we were the, the exact story that Russell talked about, which was we tried to hire developers and one spent like $10,000 doing that and tried to hire people to drive traffic and it was terrible. And we just, money was just going down into a black hole until we finally found click funnels. And, and now I would say this about how successful it’s been. We, it’s so successful we barely use it. Let me say that again. It’s so successful. We barely use it because every time we turn it on, we get swamped with more clients than we can meet with and we have to turn it off again and then we meet and fulfill and make a whole bunch of money and then we turn it back on and then a whole bunch more clients come in and we turn it off again.
This is a good problem to have. Yes. Awesome. And when we go to industry conferences and we’re talking to people that the number one thing, everybody’s like, Whoa, wait. You know, where do you get leads? You know, how many referrals do you get? And we’re like, you know, I keep having to turn it off because I have too many clients and they like, there’s not space in their brain to process that. But that’s not even the best part about it. Ryan and I now get to work out of our homes instead of driving 30 minutes and working downtown and doing all that. My kids just dropped off these little gifts for me and I get to meet with my clients in my bare feet because I can run my entire practice virtually because I don’t need everything that comes with the normal financial services firms. So for those that are wondering if this works to take get clients and move them offline and working with a one one on 100% absolutely. It’s been working for us for two years now. That’s so cool, righty. What I the that are you saying? Yep. That’s how it works for us now.
Yeah, man. And honesty, you know a lot of people on here have shared it to pay for your click funnels membership, teach people how to use click funnels. We’ve had so many financial advisors over the last 18 months ask us what we’re doing. That just about what, six maybe two months ago we decided to open up a course and teach people how to do what we do with click funnels. Financial advisers who are used to meeting with people over a kitchen table and it was amazing to see their results. I mean when we started sharing funnels with them that convert and drive traffic and give value to client, all we had to do is push a button and a converting funnel went to someone else’s, you know, someone else’s, that click funnels account and you ma, you have made it so easy Russell, to what to to do business online and that’s what click funnels has done for us. It’s allowed us to do what we love to do and remove the headache of all of the technology stress that comes with that. We send out emails, we drive funnels. If we have an idea, we host a perfect webinar and never once did we get online or on the phone and call our tech guy. We just
push a button.
I have a funnel, run a Webinar,
okay, make money
legs. I hope that everybody’s out there that does financial planning and business professionals who might not like it works. It works in all the businesses. So cool. Thanks. Awesome. Thanks guys. Here real quick. For the next guest comes up. A bunch of you will ask like what’s the offer again? So I’m going to go recap it real quick for you guys. If you see my screen back here, I’ll tell you why. So again, to get started, go to and a special offer is for just one payment of 1997 today. Here’s all the things you’re going to get during. Get the six month account to clickfunnels for free, but you get backpack and actionetics launch. Take action for the deadlines over you. Get the funnel builders secrets masterclass, the funnel hacking two oh one spy for profit, the traffic secrets course and a FunnelScripts software.
All of that is can change your life. And all you gotta do is go to and then it could be just like all these people who right now who at one time were struggling and now are just having absolute certainty in all their goals inside of their business. And it’s um, it’s amazing to watch. So very cool. All right, who’s up next? All right, Alex, you are up next. What’s up Brazil? How’s it going man? I’m doing good. My daughter just walked in here and she goes, hey, that’s Russell Brunson, other hi, I miss her. So Alex, real quick, you’re, you’re still responding because you’ve been working entrepreneurs for a long time and you see it on, there’s all sorts of stuff and you kind of just gotten into the click funnels role more recently. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on it.
You know, restaurant, I think the easiest way to explain click funnels is that most systems you have to learn how to use the system in order to make it effective. And Click funnels is a system that when you learn it and makes you effective because when you look at how it lays out and how it works, it actually teaches you how to sell. It teaches you how to bring people through a process. It’s, it’s a system that in and of itself, just having the system makes you better at marketing. And we’ve changed our approach, we changed how we put ourselves out there. We change how we attract people towards us. But I think the most important part for anybody who’s considering this is, you know, I don’t, I don’t like systems. I actually avoid most systems as much as I possibly can. But when you get into click funnels, it’s almost like a paint by number.
It’s not almost, it is a paint by numbers strategy in the system itself, which that’s, that’s unheard of. Most of the time you have to go get a ton of training, you have to get a ton of help, a ton of support. But the fact is click funnels, like when you guys change something or add something, I go look because you know, that’s where the marketing world is going next. That’s awesome. I think one of these figures as well, it’s fun watching you talk about momentum, how entrepreneurs like they need to be moving all the time. And so many times we have an idea or a vision or product and we start moving and then like the tech happens and then they stop and we lose momentum and we just stopped. And I think this one was hard things. I clicked on this. It gives you ability. Can we keep momentum going forward and not have to stop?
Well, and if you can use a word processor, you can set up sophisticated funnels that will move somebody through a buying process and have them coming towards you as easy as like using Microsoft word. It’s, it’s, uh, it blew me away when we first got into the system. Russ. Well, I thought I was gonna to be my click funnels guy. We just do it ourselves and that easy. I love it. But if people are like, well, who’s gonna run this? I’m like, you should just run this really that easy. It’s so cool. If I can run it, anyone listening can run it. Oh, awesome. Thanks Alex for coming to Sharon. What would you tell anybody who’s still on the fence? You want to push them over? I just saw the deal that Russell laid out. It’s much better than what I got when I bought quick funnels. You should buy it. Awesome. Thanks so much. Bad. Cool. Well, I appreciate you too.
All right, so go to if you’re ready to get started and be like, everybody here who’s talking up next is Dr Chad Woolner is going to be sharing his story. [inaudible] how you doing? Good man. How are you? A little tired but excited. Thanks for having me on man. I appreciate it. I’m honored to be like seriously, like I’m like, what am I doing with all these other awesome people here? Um, I’m a little out of my element as far as all these rock stars, but uh, yeah, man, super excited to, uh, to be here. Tell me what you want to know. Well, because again, I get people all the time that like, well, I salesforce for authors and coaches and blah blah, but you’re a chiropractor.
Yup. He’s clickfunnels. Every single they talk about what you do and why you guys do it.
So, yeah. So like, rewind back when I first started in practice, you know, it’s no mystery that they don’t teach chiropractors how to be entrepreneurs. They teach you how to be chiropractors. So starting my practice from scratch, I was very naive and ignorant and wide eyed and thought that, you know, maybe it was going to be a little difficult for a year, but then as soon as that year was done, I was going to be making six figures a year because I’m a doctor. Right. You know, I’ve got my doctor credentials and that’s what you do. Right? And, uh, three or four years later of struggle. Um, well, and that’s the thing is I don’t know if you want me to say this or not. I, I have the unique perspective. I’ve known Russell here for probably longer than anybody else. Um, met Russell. So Russell saw and was acutely aware of my struggle.
He saw how painful it was that entire time. And I think he made click funnels just for me maybe to safe my practice. I don’t know. But, uh, but anyways, he saw the struggle. And so obviously I was looking, I had, I had talked with all the industry gurus and I’d looked at all sorts of different software and all these different things and it was literally like right at my wit’s end where I was like ready to just like give up on chiropractic. I was like, I’m ready to just come work for Russell or do something. I Dunno know Russell’s like, we’ve got this new software program coming out, give it a try and see if you can’t use it and make it work for your practice. And so I was like, okay, cool. And so I jumped in and I was like, and maybe that’s where I can beat, I’m Trey Lewellen stat of being the highest.
I was like, what number? 10 or 20 or something like that. And um, so anyways, so started using clickfunnels and no joke. Like I feel like everything had led up to that moment. Um, we, I remember the first funnel that we implemented, I told you about it and I kind of was walking you through like the process of what we were thinking we were going to do. And you were, you were like, kind of nod your head. You’re like, I think that’s going to work. We implemented it with click funnels and it was a game changer for us. It was like, uh, I mean, within a matter of literally weeks, our practice transformed. I mean, it was like almost an overnight process and we didn’t look back from there. It just grew and grew and grew. And, uh, it was, it was unbelievable. In fact, and this is true, true story.
Literally, what’s funny about this is before you asked me to be on this, this, uh, Webinar here, ah, amber, my wife and I, we were driving through our neighborhood. We just bought a house about a year ago, brand new, beautiful home. Um, and I was telling her, I was like, you know, what’s funny is click funnels has changed our life. Like click funnels is what bought this house for us in click funnels. And she’s like, you know, you’re right. And I’m like, it’s kind of crazy that a software company has made such an impact on our family, like me personally on my practice and everything. And, and what’s, what’s incredible is, is that not only has it changed my practice, but I’ve since then, like you’re hearing kind of this same theme with brick and mortar business owners, is that they figure out how to use click funnels in their practice or their practice, their business.
It changes it. And then people are like wanting to know like, well, how are you doing this? How are you doing this? And that’s what I did. I created an online program teaching chiropractors how to use click funnels in their practices. And since then, uh, literally I think today, I think last was like 250 chiropractors have my PR 231, 231 chiropractors have my program all over the world and they’re using it using click funnels, um, how to, how to change their practices, how to bring in new patients. So yeah, it’s been awesome. So we still have like, we’ll have like 1500 people sitting watching. Like what would you tell those guys? Something very, yeah, something very simple hesitation will cost you far more than the investment. You’re going to lose a lot of money if you don’t pull the trigger on this. I work with people all the time and that’s the biggest thing that I tell chiropractors is anything you’re doing, if you hesitate, you’re going to lose a lot of money, so please don’t hesitate.
Pull the trigger. Um, and I, and I can again vouch for having known Russell probably longer than anybody else. I’ve had the privilege and honor and opportunity to calling him a friend of mine. I’ve had the opportunity to see kind of the intimate side of behind in his, his life and I can assure you he’s a solid, straight up guy. The software programs. Incredible. He really is truly everything he’s saying. He wants to help business owners. Um, so jump on board with him. You, you can’t go wrong, honestly. It’s amazing. Awesome. Thanks man. I appreciate it. You bet buddy. Very cool. Uh, civilians who are still wondering, where’s the league? How do I get started? It’s a click it’s time to start. Alright, up next we got Anthony Diclementi.
How’s it going? What’s going on? Hi, it’s going great. How are you doing?
I’m doing great. Thanks for jumping on.
This webinar has been fantastic. I’ve been loving it.
It’s been so much fun. So for you, you have passed and you have ideas. You’re like, you’re such a talented person and I think I’ve known you for awhile and you’ve kind of struggled while getting it out. I’d love to hear, assuming your click clickfunnels story of how you’re able to use it as a tool to get your message out to more people.
Yeah man. So, um, one of my favorite quotes is that money likes speed and I was really good at spending a lot of money fast and like in the wrong places. And I remember spending like $10,000 to build a website and like crossing my fingers hoping that would work and it didn’t at all. And it was like the last $10,000 I had. Um, and I ended up taking the plunge in 2014 with click funnels. But like, I still had so much of this old programming where like, you need to hire developers and have them do things for you. So I was like hiring developers and then asking them to do things for me in click funnels. And then I realized from the amazing community that you’ve built here that I could do a lot of this stuff myself. And um, and there’s so much more transparency now and the ability to make changes to your website is like instantaneous.
That’s completely changed our business. I mean, we’ve done over 20,000 copies now of the biohackers guide and it’s all funnels. And um, can you guys hear okay? And our goal is to hit, we’ve got some stuff in place to hit a hundred thousand plus before, uh, funnel hacking live 2018 and like, we’re going to make some moves there. I want to be on stage getting the two comma club and none of it would be possible without click funnels. I’d probably still be spending tens of thousands of dollars on websites and hope and they work. Um, I was actually creating split tests while watching your webinar and I was like, oh, that’s a great idea. Why aren’t we doing that in our funnel? And I’m in click funnels making those changes. So it’s a complete game changer. And uh, yeah, I think anyone that like believes in themselves and kind of has the mentality of I’m not going to quit until I get it. All you need is that determination and, and the right tools and the right tools being click funnels and if you like, are willing to bet on yourself and willing to do whatever it takes and you have click funnels in your corner then like the world is your oyster.
So cool. One thing I was talking about this two sides of clickfunnels, right? One side is like the arms through make some money, but the second side is like you entrepreneur as they’re making money, helping other people and changing their lives. And I know some of your work obviously what you do you share it just like the impact you’re now able to have on people’s lives and their bodies and like they’re able to do here on the surface.
Yeah. So, um, one of them that’s like fresh on her mind. Mark Lumia signed up at funnel hacking live 2017 and he was at our place. So like when I, when I first started using click funnels, I was sharing an apartment, a moldy apartment in Chicago. Like what Liz mentioned, I’m like, oh, that was me too. I forget for death. Where are you from? I was in a moldy apartment in Chicago with two other guys, uh, paying 400 bucks a month because that’s all I could do. And like everything else got dumped into bad online decisions, um, besides click funnels. And now we’re, like this morning I went for a walk on the beach with my dad and my girlfriend and wall of the house, five minutes from the ocean in Delray Beach, Florida entirely because of click funnels. And, um, it’s, it’s, it’s changed our lives in so many ways.
Well, Mark Lumia was here last weekend, just a few months after sign up for the program. He’s down like 85 pounds. And, uh, we were, I’m the row machine and like my man cave garage that we’ve converted into a gym. And, uh, when he first started in February, he was like, it took him like three minutes, throw 500 meters. And on Saturday, if you wrote it in like a minute and 38 seconds. And I looked and I’m like, and this guy’s like, you found 85 pounds. He’s almost crushing my best time. And now I’ve got to get on the row machine. And like, but like that’s one person, the, you know, the tens of thousands and millions that we’re reaching every month, you know, through our podcast and like everything from the podcast and the free book funnel to our membership site, to our biohacking week event, to our high ticket. It’s all through click funnels and it’s all because of you guys. A lot of people haven’t talked about the community here, but it’s amazing
if I’m looking to launch a webinar funnel, I know that there’s thousands of people that I could hit up and say, hey, what’s working well for you? And they’ll say, oh, just do this and this. This is converting way better than you know, these other ones. And they’ll tell you what to do and just condense that learning for down to like as short as it possibly can be. And money likes, speed impacts, likes speed. Um, and the more you know, the more people like this community and tools that you have on your side, the greater your chance of success.
Awesome story. I love what you’re doing. I love how people’s lives are changing is so fun.
Thank you. Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure.
No worries. And as we’re going for our next, I think might be our last guest. Um, I just want to stress to everyone who like thinking about this in waiting like, um, I don’t know about you as an entrepreneur. Like
I wanted to do big things. I wanted to sell stuff, I wanted to help people, I want to do a source stuff and it was always really, really, really hard. And like our entire, our entire um, mission with click funnels with our company, with our training, with our products are software. Everything is like they pulled the power back in the hands is entrepreneuring and give you the ability actually go out there and change the world and help people and serve people. And um, I don’t know any better way than this. So if you know that shoe and you hear this calling you and you’re like, that’s me. Like I’m an entrepreneur. Like I, I have gifts, I have talents, I have skills. I want to go out there and help other people. Like this is the path. It’s not something we made up. So that’s when we invented in the last, you know, 24 hours. Like this path has been, has been written by thousands, tens of thousands of entrepreneurs you guys said before. Uh, we have over 52 active members
as of today. So you’re not the first run. This is not our first Rodeo. Like we’ve done this over and over and over and the new live training is starting next week. So it’s time to jump back on, get into live trading, started using the software, going through the program together as a community. And, um, and so you can get results like these people I love in six months and had to be able to think like, I didn’t know if Russell’s talking about, it’s true and it’s like he’s 12 years old. He’s all crazy talking fast. But man, I did it. I took the plunge and like look at, look what happened. And if you go in and you take the plunge and it doesn’t work for you, like I said, we have risk free money back guarantee. Like we will literally give you every penny back.
Like, I don’t need your money. I’m fine. This is about you, not about me. Whether you take this investment and you invest your time and your energy, your money or not, it will not change the quality of my life whatsoever. Like this is about, it’s about you. It’s about changing the quality of your life. And the only way to do that right now is go to and get started. Like jumping in this process. Get more men and start moving forward. And let’s, uh, let’s get your message out there so you can change the world and, uh, it’s going to be fun. All right, so up next I will never sell this and I’m not going to lie. We’ve got Dave up next man. How you doing?
I’m actually a disgruntled customer. I stuck into this group. I want my, I want a refund on my free book. I didn’t read it, but I was supposed to make $1 million the next day. I’m great. Then can you imagine I just Trojan horse my self into the zoom call hours. All right. Serious. Tell people what you do for real so they understand what you’re doing in your world. Yeah, I mean listen, like don’t let these baby doll eyes fool you. I’ve been an ecommerce seller for 13 years. Guys, while I was listening to everybody talk about like the trajectory, I did a way back machine on one of my companies, so I own a few brands, get we still really cool kits on how to make Kombucha so people talk like, will it work for me? Like I sell hippie fungus, yeast kits to make hippie fungus, yeast t, which recreates itself to make more hippie fungus.
Like if you could sell fungus, you could sell anything with click funnels. Right? Um, also we sell hot false kits and fun DIY gift kits. I also know coach and do courses thanks to this fantastic man. And um, it’s, it’s incredible. So I went to the wayback machine and like in 2007 my eye, it just brought back so many memories of calling, um, you know, another country spending, whatever. Like, I mean, I know people get a click funnels for free for six months, which is insane. There’s part of me that’s like, well, why didn’t I sign up today? But then I’m like, well, I wonder who made all the millions of dollars the last two years then to, you know, or helped other people to make those millions if I signed up earlier. So it’s worth, you know, I don’t mind paying the six months, but, um, whatever the cost is.
Like, that was my cost per hour to get my font to be like Red Tahoma and all those old school internet marketers know, like to get your fonts, that Red Tahoma font, that was the cool thing. I had a Yahoo merchant solution account when clickfunnels came out. I knew instantly, um, low key pages. I, I when I saw loading pages and some other sites, I bought a yearly membership cause I was like, this is the thing. And like I love to make money but I hate to waste money. And the next day I didn’t even bother asking for a refund or you know, credited whatever. I went all in on to click funnels and I bought, um, a year, you know, whatever the year thing was or six months thing. And it was like, it’s, it’s completely changer and uh, whatever amount money, like I had already paid in those other softwares, I made it back like a week later.
Like it, it’s insane. I also want to say something else. This is the first time in history that the people that are making the technology, I call it like software 2.0 like, I mean wrestling. Would you say you are not a tech Geek Guy, would you agree? You’re not a tech guy, right? So Russell guys. So if you’re thinking like, okay, but how am I, what am I going to say? Well how am I going to sell it? This is like the best of bicycle list into world. Finally got to design the best bicycle, right? So it used to be the guy who used to make the bikes. He never rode a bike, he never wrote a bite before. Finally, Guy, who’s the best at this marketing, storytelling, understanding, giving value, building your tribe, building your community. Finally, I don’t know, got the keys to the castle.
Meet an incredible team, which by the way, all of us, we just got asked short notice. It’s like everybody’s in different parts of the world. We all have families, we all have other obligations and like that, we jumped on this call. If your friend tells you to go to a restaurant and you go to it. But think about this, right? Like the amount of people that this man has influenced that are, that are willing. And this is a short list, right? So like this is such a unique time in history that he’s attracted people to express his stuff. And that, that brings me to point number two. Let’s say you already have a business and you say, okay, I don’t want people by numbers. Click funnels gives you the, the other direction as well. You could express, you have an idea. That idea can be expressed and you could run, start running traffic. You could send a link out in hours, in hours, something’s that would take me months. And let’s be fair. I just never did it because I got so overwhelmed. So all these things up here can be expressed easily, quickly, and, and so that’s my joy. But if you’re just starting, feel good knowing that Russell’s thing, he’s the best bicyclist in the world. The finally got the chance to build the best bicycle and you’re getting both today.
That’s, uh, that’s a really issue way cause I’ve I tools here like who invented this? What were they thinking? And uh, it’s really cool that a, it’s created by marketers for marketers and um, yeah, it’s amazing. So end of the last things for everyone who’s still on here, we still have like 1200 plus people on. So what are you gonna tell these guys to push them over the edge once and for all? I mean this has got to be something that, that you want. And actually I’m going to call something out. If something took six months to do, if something took other things, you had a buy and, and, and learn and like then you have been excuse, then all of a sudden you put the responsibility on someone else. Right? There’s no excuses. I can’t believe I’m saying this right now because like I view people use, tell me this, I’m like God that, but you have to, you have to, at some point in your life you have to make an analog decision.
Either the light switch is on or the light switches off. And so let’s stop dimming around. And you just gotta make a decision. Um, and it really comes down to do you believe in yourself. That’s it. You don’t eat all the answers. There’s so many people that are going to help go to, I mean first by everything, but thank go to the Facebook page. Look, there’s an amazing loving community. Software is not fun. It’s software is not loving and, and and sure you go home, but this somehow made it because it’s a bigger purpose. The click funnels is great as it is. It’s just a bridge or a vehicle or a bice gold to get you where you are to where you need to go. And there’s passionate, incredible human beings that are doing it for so many different niches. Like people are doing this to sell overseas.
People are doing this to sell products in so many different itches. Brian and I, I mean I still, as much as I like, I’m using click funnels to do, you know, redemption funnels to do bridge pages to Amazon, to them boomerang them back to click funnels. Like there’s so many ways you could do it. But the cool thing is is like you don’t have to think about them because they’re all done for you. So I don’t know what else to tell you guys. You just got to either turn the light switch on or off right now. That’s awesome. Thanks man for jumping on here and your story. I’m going to go buy some a hippie fungus stuff now that I know there’s a funnel for.
That’s awesome. Cool. Thank you Dave. Thank you. Just to take you, oh, thanks Ben. All right, so thanks everyone who’s been hanging out. I appreciate it. Your Brown. I want to jump back on the slides and kind of close this out if that’s all right. Thanks everybody for hanging out and sharing your stories. I appreciate you guys. Obviously Jabara here. We’ve got a whole team here going crazy. We’re all so excited. We would kill ourselves to share. We’ll he has enjoyed the presentation today. One last recap. We’ll not push and hope he has built the heart, how much we love and care about our entrepreneurs and the people we’re serving and we want to serve you as well. So here’s a recap
of the offer one last time. If you can see here,
you can see that are not, there we go. So, um, once again, you’re going to get the six month account to clickfunnels for free bus. He actionetics and backpack as well. You can funnel builders secrets masterclass are lacking, one o one spy for profit. You can get the traffic secrets training course, funnel scripts, software, everything. There’s one payment today of 1997, 2000 bucks. Have a tool and a training system will pay you for the rest of your life. I don’t know about you, but that is the most insane offer ever. After you do this, you’re going to go right now to and walk you through the process. You’re going to go there, you’re scrolling the page and you’re gonna get signed up. Okay? Um, you’re going to click phones for free for the next six months. After you log in the account, you’re going to go and set up your click.
Start, call me, someone from our team, probably one of these beautiful people over here is going to be on the call with you and how it helped you to get your account set up. Case we’re not leaving you alone are not going to, as soon as you sign it for you, he disappeared. Like we’ll have somebody on the phone to help you get connected for your specific business will be your first domain purchase. Like we’ll do everything so that you’ve got it set up, okay? Then you’re going to log in and over the next 10 weeks I’m going to be taking you personally hand by hand and saying, Hey, here’s the first step. Just do this, nothing else. And you’re going to do that. And then the next week, you know, here’s the next step. And then you’re just going to do that. And then here’s the next step.
We’re gonna do that over 10 weeks. And by the time the 10 weeks is over, your funnel will literally be launched. Okay? I don’t care if you’re selling hippie fungus, if you’re selling coaching or selling dentistry, chiropractor, um, what else do we have? We had people from every industry, financial planning, if you have a ecommerce, um, whatever it is you’re selling, it doesn’t matter like this process works. This is how selling happens today and how it’s gonna continue happening in the future and we’re here because we love you. We care about you or support you and want to serve you and the only way to allow us to go and get started, you got to take that leap of faith. You’ll take that first step and just do it. And Scott step might be scary at first. He might be like, I dunno if I can, you can do it and it’s not that hard.
All you gotta do is go to and if you’re sitting in thing like, I don’t know if I can do that. Like, oh, like what if it doesn’t work? The cool thing is you got 30 day money back guarantee. So go in there, start, do your onboarding, call Jim on the trainings, you’ll be six weeks in the training or whatever. It’s four weeks in the training and that point of like, is this working for me? If it’s not, then just let us know. We’ll give you every penny back. I do not need your money. I will give it back to you and you’re completely fine. But if it does work, this could literally transform your life. Yes. That earlier, and I’ll say it again, not to be cocky and they don’t want you understand that this is not about me at all with you Saturday or not.
It’s not going to change my quality of life, even one iota. And like nothing will change for me, but everything can and will change for you. This is not about me. It’s not about my, it’s about you as an entrepreneur to build, to take your ideas, your products, your services, whatever it is that you sell, whatever it is you do, the way you serve humanity, this, the clickfunnels becomes the vehicle. We’ll help you get your message, your product, your service out to the world. Okay? And we’re here. We care about you. We are here to support you. And I promise you, if you go through this training, if you go all in, do a Brandon and Caitlin did watch the first training, do it and then pause and go and do the thing and watch the next part. Do it, pause it and then go to and do that process over the next 10 weeks.
And if you do that, I promise you the end of this process, you will have a business. You have a funnel, you will have everything up and running. You have traffic going to your funnels, like the process will be done. And that’s our gift to you guys. And that’s what to do today. So once again, now is the time to get started, to get off your seats, stop waiting, open up a new browser window in chrome, Firefox, and everybody’s go to that’s it. It take that leap of faith. And I promise you guys, if the leap of faith, it’s not really that scared cause the worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. And then you give your money back. Best case scenario, it changed your life, it changes your business. The more important it gives you the ability to change other people’s lives. And that’s what business is all about.
That’s why I’m in business. I’m sure that’s why you’re in business as well. So that’s the step you guys. But I can’t take the step for you. I can tell you I can make an irresistible offer. I can hit all my friends come on here who are using this and tell their stories. But you’ve got to do it. Like I can lead you to the water, but you’ve got to take the drink yourself. You’ve got to take that step. I can’t do it. I wish I could. If I could just like make you drink the water, I promise you would love it and you’d be like, that was amazing. But the last steps up to you, so you’ve got to do it. Now’s the time. Don’t wait. Don’t think about they just jump. Take a leap of faith. I promise we’re here to catch you and we will help support you and we will take you on your journey.
But now it’s time to get started. So once again, you guys are in the sound, hopefully 2,500 times. You got to go to get your account started. Let’s get you started this process and we’re showing this can happen over the next month, six months, 12 months, next year, two years, three years. I want you on our next event on stage telling your story, okay? Because that’s what we’re creating. We’re creating entrepreneur success stories and that is what I want from you. So thanks again so much you guys hangouts Webinar. I’ve been going for a couple hours now. It’s been a ton of fun. I hope you enjoyed it. We killed ourselves. We’re here until two 30 last night putting this together for you. Um, we were working all the way. I need if there’s all my slides and time, but I didn’t care. I just want to get this message out to you guys, show you as what’s happening, what’s working, and what you guys need to do now to get started. So with that said, thank you so much for hanging out today. Go to and I will talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody.
Funnel Builder Secrets Pricing:
First off, if you’re considering signing up to ClickFunnels, or already use ClickFunnels, then you NEED to see the Funnel Builder Secrets pricing from Russell Brunson.
Rather than paying the $297 for the ClickFunnels Etison Suite, it would make sense to sign up to Funnel Builder Secrets, because you get ClickFunnels PLUS a load of bonuses with what you would normally pay for ClickFunnels anyway! Traffic Secrets alone makes it worth it!
Let’s take a closer look at the price plans + bonuses you get with Funnel Builder Secrets.
The Funnel Builder Secrets Bonuses:
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Funnel Builder Secrets Review for 2019
If you’re here reading this, then you’re obviously interested in ClickFunnels, or you’re an existing user of ClickFunnels wanting to upgrade. I can honestly say that Funnel Builder Secrets is the best deal for your money when it comes to using ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels itself has transformed my business. Whether a small ‘one person band’ or a large company, I’ve witnessed HUGE growth for any company implementing the POWER of ClickFunnels.
The bonuses that come with Funnel Builder Secrets alone are totally worth it. Traffic Secrets & Funnel Scripts absolutely change the game. If you’re looking to learn how to drive traffic to your funnels, then Traffic Secrets alone makes the Funnel Builder Secrets deal totally worth it.
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Free Funnel Builder Secrets Training (watch this quick video to get it):
Get Free Funnel Builder Secrets Training Here
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