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Become an Inbox Hero: Master Email Subject Line Best Practices!

Email Subject Line Best Practices


Become an Inbox Hero: Master Email Subject Line Best Practices!

Struggling to boost your email open rates? Discover these powerful email subject line best practices that will captivate your subscribers and drive more click-throughs.

Your subject line holds the key to unlocking your email’s potential. If it falls flat, recipients won’t click through, rendering your email useless. Even if you’ve crafted an amazing email, a lackluster subject line will prevent it from being seen. Don’t let your email go unnoticed – make sure your subject lines grab attention and inspire action.

Step into the limelight: Standout subject line styles and examples

Email subject lines come in all shapes and sizes. The style you choose depends on the purpose of your email, your target audience, and your desired outcome.

Promoting a sale on your latest product line? Cut to the chase with a straightforward subject line that tells recipients exactly what to expect. Introducing your services to a potential client? Grab their attention with a concise and engaging subject line. So, what types of subject lines are out there?

1. FOMO, scarcity, and urgency

Example: “Last chance for 20% off”

Creating a sense of urgency in your subject lines compels readers to take action:

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): No one wants to be left out and they’ll act if they feel like they’re missing something.
Scarcity: Use your subject line to indicate limited availability of spaces or products.
Urgency: People are more likely to take action when they feel time is running out. Hint that there’s only a limited timeframe to grab a deal.

2. Personal

Example: “New lines in swine added to our Piggin’ Sale, Dave!”

Everyone loves to see their own name. Going beyond just using a recipient’s first name, you can include other personal information, like a recent event they attended or their last purchase. In fact, 80% of marketers surveyed in 2021 were already doing this to make their emails stand out and create personal connections with recipients.

3. Question

Example: “Are you ready for the weekend?”

Questions spark curiosity. The more relevant the question, the more likely recipients are to click through and find out the answer. Adding a question to your subject line not only provides a glimpse of what’s inside but also encourages dialogue.

4. Lists and numbers

Example: “15% Off Everything In Our Summer Sale”

Numbers stand out in a crowded inbox. Using percentages or lists in your subject line can entice readers to click through, especially if it gives them a clear idea of what they’ll get.

5. Action

Example: “Sign up for Dreamforce now. Your front-row seat awaits.”

Using powerful action words in your subject lines grabs readers’ attention. It leaves no doubt about what you want them to do and motivates them to take action.

6. Wit and humor

Example: “Shell, Yeah!”

If you can make someone smile with a clever play on words or a funny remark, you’ve captured their interest. And that interest translates into clicks. Don’t be afraid to let your sense of humor shine through.

7. Mystery

Example: “It’s all in your head”

Finding the perfect balance between mystery and vagueness is an art. A/B testing can help you gauge the effectiveness of two types of mysterious subject lines. One type relates to your usual subject matter and relies on brand recall to drive opens. The other type may be unrelated to your usual topic but sparks curiosity.

Boost Your Email Open Rates with These 20 Subject Line Examples

Are your email marketing campaigns falling flat? Do you struggle to grab the attention of your recipients? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 20 subject line examples that will help skyrocket your open rates.

For Introduction and Outreach Emails:

1. Show personal interest: “A quick hello (and congrats on the move!)”
2. Mention mutual connections: “Reaching out to you via Cora Browne”
3. Establish common ground: “Great to meet you at Dreamforce last week”
4. Show credibility immediately: “Published in Moz 3x. Want to write for Base2Digital”
5. Let them know you have an ask: “Question”
6. Point to future success: “Overcome what’s holding you back”
7. Ask a question: “Ever had this problem? Tell me about it.”

For Newsletters and Promoting New Content:

1. Leverage people’s love of lists: “βœ‹ 5 Horribly Under-Utilized B2B Channels”
2. Use emoji: “Your weekly Instagram posts sorted πŸ˜ƒ”
3. Use each person’s name: “Are you being funny, Dave?”
4. Be specific: “How I Got 26,778 Subscribers In 13 Months”
5. Share a compelling quote: “I could buy a car with this marketing gig”
6. Promise subscribers something: “Discover new opportunities with unique e-commerce keyword data in your pocket”
7. Promise to teach something: “How to build for the future of events”

For Product Promotion and Recommendations:

1. Speak to the reader: “πŸ– Staycations Are Calling Your Name!”
2. Create camaraderie: “Summer, we’re not done with you yet 🌞”
3. Hint at a personalized experience: “Ready for a few finds that are all about you?”
4. Create a vibe: “🌞 Our 15% Summer Sale Starts Today 🌞”
5. Remind readers to take action: “Don’t forget your 20% voucher! ☝”
6. Use all caps (but don’t go crazy): “IMPORTANT: Dave, get these deals on squeals in time for the Bank Holiday! πŸ–”

Revitalize your email campaigns and watch your open rates soar with these attention-grabbing subject lines. Try them out today and see the difference they can make!

9 Tips for Writing Attention-Grabbing Email Subject Lines

1. Grab Attention with Descriptive Subject Lines

Avoid confusion and disappointment by being specific about what readers will find inside your email.

2. Find the Perfect Length

Strike a balance between being short enough for mobile screens and long enough to convey your message effectively.

3. Use Emojis Sparingly

Emojis can be eye-catching, but don’t overdo it. Use them as a complement to your words, not a replacement.

4. Capitalize with Care

Avoid using excessive capitalization, which can come across as shouting. Follow proper sentence capitalization.

5. Explore Multiple Options

Don’t settle for your first subject line idea. Write at least 10 potential options to tap into your creativity and find the best one.

6. Understand Your Audience

Segment your email subscribers and speak their language. Tailor your subject lines to their preferences and expectations.

7. Make it Personal

Engage your readers by using second-person pronouns like “you” and “your,” making them feel like you’re talking directly to them.

8. Use Emotion-Triggering Words

Incorporate powerful words that evoke emotions, sparking curiosity and intrigue among recipients.

9. Get Assistance


Email Subject Line


Utilize tools like Jasper and its chrome extension for email subject line inspiration and AI-generated options to save time and increase effectiveness.

Swipe File: Ready-to-Use Email Subject Line Formulas

If you’re struggling with a blank page, try these ready-made formulas to craft compelling subject lines for different email purposes.

Master the Art of Subject Lines

Perfecting your subject lines takes time, but testing and optimizing will lead to higher open rates. Track your metrics and make adjustments until you find the winning formula.

Email Subject Line Best Practices

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