Meet the amazing Elsie Lincoln Benedict
She is my favorite female author. Today, I want to introduce you to my all-time favorite female author!
… who you’ve probably never heard of
But that’s only because she was pioneering personal development and psychology in the early 1900s – a time when women didn’t get the attention they deserved.
Her name was Elsie Lincoln Benedict.
Advertised as the most well-known women’s speaker in the 1920s, she spoke to over 3 million people during her lifetime!
After delivering lectures to over a hundred thousand class students nationwide, her impactful lectures led students to request a permanent form of them.
So she did!
“It has been printed at the request of these students who desired it in permanent form and is made into this small volume for carrying with you as inspiration in your daily life.”
However, they weren’t reprinted.
I bought her book – and its rights – and reprinted it for you!
It’s truly amazing.
In her own words…
“When you have read it again and again until it becomes a part of you. Then pass it on to those you love that it may help them as it has helped the many thousands who have already remade their lives by it.”
Tomorrow, I’ll give you a sneak peek at the book! It’s called Brainology… and it delves into understanding how you think… and learning how to think better 🙂
Stay tuned!
Talk soon,
Russell Brunson
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