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Discover the Secrets to Boosting Sales with Interactive Videos!

Interactive Videos


Discover the Secrets to Boosting Sales with Interactive Videos!

If you’re ready to take your online business to the next level, we have an incredibly effective strategy that 87% of people have seen incredible growth from.

Introducing interactive videos – the game-changer in online marketing.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the exact steps you need to start using interactive videos today and get ahead of your competition.

Even if you’re already using them but not seeing the results you expect, don’t worry! We’ll reveal the pro tips that will make all the difference.

But first…

Why Should You Jump on the Interactive Video Bandwagon?

If the fact that 87% of people who use interactive videos have experienced a boost in sales and revenue isn’t convincing enough, just check out these mind-blowing stats:

  • 87% of people reported better online sales with interactive videos compared to standard videos. These videos take engagement to a whole new level, transforming passive viewers into active participants.
  • 89.5% of people said their customers preferred interactive onboarding videos over text-based information. Show, don’t tell, to maximize the potential of your offer.
  • 68.2% of people noticed a decrease in unnecessary customer service calls after launching interactive videos. Visual information sticks better, especially when viewers can interact with it.
  • 64% of people preferred watching interactive videos to learn about a product instead of reading text. Videos allow you to showcase every aspect of your product without relying on your visitors to read.
  • 83% of people viewed a product more favorably after engaging with an interactive video. Videos help your audience take ownership of their decision to buy, boosting their confidence in the product.

For marketers, entrepreneurs, online business owners, coaches, consultants, salespeople, and client success managers, interactive videos:

  • Boost Engagement
  • Grab Attention
  • Drive Action & Accountability
  • Increase Conversions
  • Streamline the Buying Process
  • Set Your Brand Apart in Competitive Markets

Interactive videos can be used for:

Product Demos and Explainer Videos: Showcase your products and services, allowing viewers to take action after each feature and benefit you highlight.
Video Series and Video Sales Funnels: Guide viewers towards desired actions, making the customer journey smoother.
Customer Service and FAQs: Use interactive questions and surveys to direct viewers to more in-depth videos or alternative solutions.
Brand Stories or Brand Videos: Connect with your audience, build relationships, and foster long-term loyalty.
Product Ads: Make your ads interactive to engage potential customers and eliminate the feeling of being marketed to.

Discover how to create engaging and interactive videos with Voomly – it’s quick, easy, and won’t break the bank!

Step 1: The Power of the ‘Invisible’ Video Squeeze Player

Interactive Videos

Experience the strength of a squeeze page right within your videos using the Invisible Squeeze Player. With Voomly’s Turnstile feature, you can turn video viewers into valuable leads unlike any other video platform. Instead of relying on a small description or annotation, you can capture their attention, pique their curiosity, and collect their email directly inside the video.

Use it to:

  • Tease special offers and discounts
  • Provide exclusive access to hidden features and content
  • Invite viewers to take action by subscribing
  • Grant access to a lead magnet

See the magic in action on the Voomly homepage (click here) and learn how easy it is to get started in tutorial #10.

Step 2: Engage with Interactive & Immersive Surveys

Interactive Videos

Want to take surveys to the next level? Inject buttons into your videos to ask viewers quick questions and customize their user experience based on their responses. Voomly offers a variety of interactive options, such as buttons, text, annotations, and more, to help you connect with your audience and build a loyal following. Choose the best interaction based on each viewer’s stage in the customer journey.

Step 3: Captivate with Attention-Grabbing & Action-Enticing Annotations

Annotations are a powerful tool to guide attention and drive action. Whether you want to promote a lead magnet or showcase products, Voomly’s image annotations and dimming screen feature will make your annotations stand out and capture your audience’s interest. Say goodbye to basic click-driving options offered by other platforms – Voomly gives you a plethora of options to make your videos truly engaging.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Discover how Voomly can help you gain more leads, shares, and followers while increasing engagement with your audience. It’s time to convert attention into tangible results and see your business thrive!

Step 4: Get Viral with “Sharegate”

Unlock the power of Sharegate in Voomly to make your videos go viral effortlessly. By prompting viewers to share your content on social media before continuing to watch, you’ll reach a wider audience without any extra effort. But remember, to maximize the impact of Sharegate, make sure your introductions are captivating, teasing what’s to come. Your content after Sharegate should deliver what viewers crave.

Step 5: The Silent Salesman Video Funnel

Ready to turn leads into sales? The Silent Salesman Video Funnel is your secret weapon. Whether you’re a real estate agent or in any other industry, this feature allows you to guide users down the right path based on their responses and engagements. Tailor your videos to their specific needs and interests, nurturing the relationship you’re building.

Final Thoughts

Don’t miss out on the incredible growth potential of interactive videos and video funnels. Over 87% of businesses have reported increased online sales after implementing these strategies. Take advantage of the 5 tips in this guide to boost engagement, nurture relationships, and skyrocket your revenue. Start your free 14-day trial of Voomly today and experience the effectiveness, simplicity, and affordability for yourself. Get ready to achieve remarkable success!

Interactive Videos

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