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Have you ever wondered how to align your desires with success? According to Charles F. Haanel, the key is to do good and benefit others. But here’s the catch: can this be exploited for selfish gains?
I pondered over this question while reading The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. And guess what? He revealed a game-changing answer a few chapters later!
What sets Haanel apart from other self-help gurus is his unique perspective. He wasn’t just an author, but also the president of a major American conglomerate. He understood that true wealth comes from benefiting others.
Haanel referred to this as ‘over-delivering.’ In fact, I’ve even tried to spark a movement around it with the hashtag #overdelivering.
It was incredibly inspiring to see Haanel championing the same idea in the 1920s. He believed that selfish thoughts were the recipe for financial ruin. Instead, he advocated for focusing on benefiting others to achieve true success.
To illustrate this concept, Haanel provided five examples:
- Athletes must push their limits to become stronger.
- Financiers must invest their money to make more.
- Business owners must sell their goods to ensure financial stability.
- Corporations that don’t provide good service lose customers.
- Attorneys who don’t deliver results lose clients.
The message is clear: you have to give to receive.
When you adopt an ‘over-delivering’ mindset, success will come to you faster than ever. Haanel, who himself was extremely wealthy, understood that wealth means nothing without bringing value to others.
And here’s the best part: Haanel called this mindset ‘money consciousness’. How cool is that?
So many people today are solely focused on making money, even if it means resorting to unethical practices. But that path only leads to short-term gains. In contrast, Haanel believed that true wealth comes from helping others.
Ask yourself, do you find satisfaction in serving your customers? If not, consider combining your passion with a way to make money or create a mission that serves others.
By doing so, you’ll achieve success at an astonishing speed!
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